Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1962, p. 3

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BARBIE DEFENDO GRADUATES CERTIFICATED Acting llayor Earle Wil liams strained and pulled to toss big Wes Willoughby at the YMCA last night while Bill Underwood and his slit dents looked on Mr 11 liams and Mrs ilutth Wallace in place at ailing director fiuss Darcy presented di plomas to Underwoods grad uating Barrie students at De icndo civilian the world iamous system Mr Underlt wood developed ior unarmed selldeience it can only he ttsed to defend yourself Bill pointed out and not to at tack iie has trained police forces and armed iorces all over the world including the Word War ii commandos and US Rangers Graduating last night were Douglas Lowry Joe Padiield Wes Willoughby Fred Patterson lion Schuch Bob Corbett and Edmond Thi bodeau Simcoe County Is Likely Site For 1937 Plowmens Match Simcoe County clerk Fred liuntcr said today he tell Sim coe County stood very good chance of landing the 1057 In tcritrtlinllal llowiug Match lie was commenting on re cent trip to Toronto when delegation oi county councillors and area municipal representa tives made the bid ior the matdt at the annual meeting of the Ontario Ptowmens Assoc intionl Air liunter said the county was hopeful oi securing the match for that year as part of the overall centennial rear cele bration Our reception in Toronto tllS extremely gratifying ltc said However no iirm answer can be expected or while since it is not the policy of tile group to announce sites more titan our years in advance Simcoe County Health Unit director Dix Scott ltas issued warning concerning the contamination of septic tanks and wells We have been wanted in the papers that ilooding may occur depending upon the amount oi rainfall and how fast the snow melts In many cases septic tanks and wells may be flooded Has Seizure Man Dies In Restaurant Frank Robert Simpson re tired school teacher from Mid land collapsed and died in the Normandy Grill last night Police and tire department were called to the restaurant but attempts to revive the man by artificial respiration failed The Midland man was pro nounced dead by the coroner Dr Frank Shannon Heart pills were found in suitcase and it is believed that he died of heart attack The dead man was identified by brother Gerard Simpson of Scarboro WEATHER Synopsis Expected to be mainly sunny during the next two days across most at north em and central Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Western Lake Ontario southern Georgian Bay regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Mainly cloudy with low snowilurries this morning Partly cloudy night and Friday Little charge in temperature Winds light Eastern Lake Ontario ilali hurton Northern Georgian Bav regions Mainly sunny today Partly cloudy Friday with not much wtange in temperature Winds light Algoma Tamagami White River Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Mainly sunny today and Friday not much change in tempera ture Winds light George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Darrin PA 53186 Mr Hunter said the county was certainly in the running or the event lie added titat to his knowledge only one oth er county had applied for the match during 1567 lie identi iied the county as Wellington The site selected is all im portant he said Tito agri cultural eommittec oi the coun eil and representatives oi the tour county plowmens associa tion will select thre or our po tential sites and these will be submitted to and inspected by representatives of the Ontario body The clerk listed the require ments oi the site and said they are demanding It must be level oi ade quate size and free from ston es he said in addition it must be able to provide room for an extensive tent city com by this heavy runoit resulting in contamination oi these wells Contamination may also occur when land drainage water from surrounding areas has entered the well Once this has occured said Dr Scott the only way to as sure that the water in the well is satisfactory is to have it cleaned out disinfected and tested for purity Dr Scott also issued instrucA tions for the construction of it well The crib should be con structed of cement and extend six to 12 inches above the land This crib should be watertight to depth at at least 10 ieet to prevent surface water irom gaining easy access to the well The well should be located at least 50 ieet and upgrade from any sewage system Make sure the top of the well is water tight Anyone wishing advice on construction or location of well may call their local health unit for additional instructions Water sample bottles are also provided by this office tree of charge These samples are sent to the provincial depart ment of health of the health la horatory in Drillia for testing People are cautioned not to bring samples oi water in ir regular containers FORECAST Low tonight High Kitchener St Catherine Toronto Peterboraugh Friday 25 35 40 an 40 25 40 PERMANENTS SPECIAL complete Open Tues Thurs Fri ru pan orennrons EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE at Esra Rm Aunttools For appointment call PA 68571 NO MONETroowu Payable Over Mihs For Our Budget Sev ing Food Plan EAT BETTER FOR LESSI Free Delivery Up Ti 100 Miles KLEERPAK FOODS PA 64150 pletc with hydro and water ser vice nearby One other requirement listed by Mr llunter was the avail ability oi adequate motel and hotel accommodation in the im mediate area Mr Hunter said several sites in Simcoe qualified all along the line The Toronto meeting was at tended by some 15 county coun eiliors and municipal represen tativcs irom Stayncr Penetang and Alliston Prairies Plan More Wheat Yet OTTAWA CPlPrairie wheat growers plan expanded produc tion this year despite drought iorebodings to cash in on world market opportunities bureau of statistics survey indicated Wednesday Showings oi hard and durum spring wheats are forecast tor 7A16it00 acres or four per cent more than last year and 12 per cent more than the average over the iiveyear period 195660 said the bureau More wheat will he sown less land leit in summer allow and aereages also will be up in oats barley rye and other crops hit hard by drought last summer il farmers carry through plans indicated But planned ilaxseed acreage will he curbed sharply20 per cent IE mm mm THURSDAY MARCH 15 um Tuberculin Testingv 0f Students Heads Activities Of Health Unit The tuberculin testing pro gram in secondary schools has been started with completion date scheduled tor the end of March All students in second nry schools are given the op portunity oi having this test Positive reactors will have chest Xrny at Iattr date All elementary school students except those in Barrie have been immunized in Grades iV and VIII and tubemtlin tater in Grade Barrie schools will be done in March Dr Anderson has gone to Peterborough as the new medi cal oiitcer ofhealth or the city total of Tit callswere made Two Area Rinks At Ir Farmets Spiel In Guelph No Junior Farmer curling rinks will be representing South Simcoc at the Junior Farmers bonsplel at Guelph on March 19 These rial will be skipped by Wayne Kneeshaw oi the Chilli Willi Junior Farmer Club and by Ronald Yorke of the Alliston Junior Former Club course in soils and soil management is presently under way for senior members at Nottnwnsaga Township +Hers Theiirst meeting was held in Stnyner Collegiate on March with the second meeting sched uled or the some place on March 20 This course consisting of tour meetings is under the leader ship of Ross Fraser 4H Club leader of Glencaim 1962 Will Be Best For North Veteran Says TORONTO CMAlex Berry of Whitehorse Yli says 1962 will be the best tor the north in the last 20 years ltir Berry whitehaired vet eran of 37 years in the north is one oi the delegates at the lrospectors and Developers Convention here The north used to be place where you made stoke then Iett as quickly possible he said But times drastically He said communities have spnmg up and there are paved streets buildings sewage sys tems and even television People are coming here to live their lives in the no Convention oiticiols said much at the new excitement centres on the area near the southeast Yu kon TerritoryNorthwest Terri tories boundary where gold sit ver lead and zinc strikes have been reported Gravel roads have been pushed along valley bottoms and along the slopes oithe rug ged mountains few itrms are spending millions of dollars on have changed mine uploration and develop ment Schools Must Adjust To The End Of White Supremacy Professor SUDBURY tCF Dr Mat cus Long professor of philoso phy at the University of Tor onto said Wednesday the CanaA dian educational system must adjust to the coming domina tion of the world by nonwhites Dr Long due to address the Sudbury branch of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Fed eration said in an interview CaA nadian children must be pre pared fer the end of white su premacy in world aiiairs The AfroAsian nations will soon be the ones to determine peace and war he satd He said elementary schools now are merely an instrument or propaganda not education because pupils are taught to be good Canadians or good ELllitP WHEN IT COMES To PLUMBING ANo HEATING WERE As BRISTOW or BARRIE 84 Dunlop StlW PA $6546 plans or some other national ity While the value of our society must be taught he said schools now must start to inter nationally by the sanitary inspectors oi the unit One hundred oom piaiots were investigated and 670 mutineinspections made Mrs Joan Gibson graduate irom the Hospital or Sick Gail drcn will join the Collingwood oiline in March She holds certificate in public health nurs ing from the University oi To ronto and has had experience in Bruce County and Haliburton and hiuskoka health units Tuberculin testing in thesee ondary schooh was started in February and will be completed early in March The adult members oi the students iam ilieswill be asked to have an Xray to be taken at the Na tional Sanitarium Association Xray van Student nurses at the Royal Victoria and Soldiers Memorial hospitals will complete their period at observation with the health unit shortly Barrie stu dents spcod three days and those irotn Oriltin two days learning about the nursing pro gram in addition senior staii members give talks to the var ious undergraduate classes dur ing their training period Prenatal and postnatal discus sion groups in Oriltia and Bar rie report considerably great er enrolment than tn the first series it is expected that gradual increase will occur as people become more lamiliar with these classes The total number oi families visited by unit representatives during lilfiz is 1522 its were made on behaii oi in fants under one year 393 pro school children 387 chool chil dren 367 prenatal 7i tuberv culosis 33 mental health 42 social wcliaro 19 orthopedic 66 others 242 ARTERIALHARRIS Barrie Man On Florists Executive Arthur Harris proprietor of Barrie Flowers Dunlop Street East was elected vieepresident oi the United Florists oi Can ada this morning at the as sociations annual meeting in Toronto More than 350 delegates from the US and Canada are in To ronto at the Seaway Motel for the twoday meeting Elected president oi the as sociation which is the florist industrys national trade as sociatinn was Jean Peonick of Hamilton It is the first time woman has ever held this post ESTD 1858 25 oz Entrance To Vimy Of interest to the nutty serv lng and armor members at the Royal Canadian Corps of Sig nals living in the Barrie ms is an announcement oi new memorial to be constructed in Kingston Ont The proposed memorial honlt oring hundreds of members oi theCorix who gave their lives in two world wars and more recently in UN action abroad will be constructed at the cot rance to Vimy Barracks which has been the home of the Corps or the past 25 years litesized bronze statue of Mereury rleng above large pylon oi Queenstoa limestone will be the central figure situ ated on grassy island at the main entrance to Vinty Enr racks from No Highway it will be flanked on either side by low curred stone walls the whole being set at by selected trees bushes flowers and ap propriate lighting Bronze let ters in English and French on the stone walls will identity Vimy Barracks to passing tmv cllers bronze plaque on the taco oi the centre pylon will bear this simple legend sur rounded by the Corps badge To those in the Royal Can adian Corps oi Signals who gave their lives for their Country The bronze figure will be an exact replica oi Giovanni at Bob ognns famed statue of Mercury in the Museo Notionale Flor ence It will be cost by Flor entine craitsmen especially or the Royal Canadian Signals and shipped to Canada in early sum mer This same iigurc of Mer cury more iamitiarly known as Jimmy isa traditional feat CONCEPTION OF or at the cap badges and but tons oi signal corps throughout the British Commonwealth COMMITTEE EFFORT The start at construction this spring will be the result oi the concerted eiiorts oi Corps Memorial Committee totmed in 1960 Simultaneously with the con struction oi the memorial by members iormer members oi Signals the Department of Na tional Defence plans to proceed with certain other complemen tary Improvements to camp on trancel The interest being displayed Construct Signals Memorial Barracks NEW MEMORIAL by serving and tumor member oi the Corps indicates wide spread desire to assLst in iloanc ing the Corps Memorial it is estimated that the cost at the purely memorial aspects of the entrance to be raised by the Corps ltsett by May 1962 will be approximately $20000 The Royal Canadian Signals War Memorial Trust has been estab lished to receive and administer contributions ceremonial unveiling and dedication is to take place alter all the work has been complet ed possibly in conjunction wich Signats iorthcoming Diamond Jubilee Dr Rynard Opposes Tolls Says Not Answer For Trent By FARMER TISSINGTON Examiner Ottawa Bureau Dr Rynard member of parliament ior East Simone said here today that he is per sonnlly opposed to any sugges tion that tolls be imposed on the Trent waterway system Referring to recent report that there might be some thought of using tolls as means oi helping to pay tor the extensive renovation work planned for the Dent Dr Ry nard said he did not feel tolls were the answer The East Slrncoe MP pointed out that the government was removing tolls irom bridges in Quebec and there was strong indication that it would remove tolls from the Wetland canal In View of this he felt it would not be air to consider impos ing tolls on the Trent However Dr Rynerd sug gests that some thought might be given to establishing regis tration fee for boats entering the watenvay He poian out that the Department of Trans port as well as number of municipalities have been spend ing money to provide better and more services to boat owners CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lin PA 66555 Now the government was plan ning to spend some $12 million to further improve the facili ties ior hoot travel it occurs to me that we might be justified in making reasonable charge ior boats en tcring the system when they register Dr Rynard said This could be $3 $5 510 or $20 perhaps based on the size and draught oi the boat We charge forvthe use of our prov ineial and national parks so why mould we not make some charge for use of our water way Such charge would cover lull season and permit passage in other inland water ways Dr Rynard suggests that when boat owners register as they enter the Trent they could provided with literature which would explain the Trent and list the accommodation and service available He ieels that this plus reasonable registra tion fee might encourage more of the boats to travel through the entire length oi the water way We are giving the boating public good service and facili ties and dont think any of them would object to paying small amount for the privilege of helping to pay for the main tenance and operation of thof locks and bridgesI Dr Rynord said For The Best Selection of Paper Back POCKET BOOKS TRY Weaymoutlts BOOK STORE so Dunlap PA 84055 as GIRLS DRIP DRY COTTON AND TERYLENE BLOUSES ALL FIRST QUALITY CHOlCE or SHORT on sLEeves LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LARGECOLOUR SELECTION VALUES TO snononotntsV Daily one can to 5J0 pm is non to or WALKE Rs STYLES L98 Ken bosom BARRIE Sovntlniop st

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