AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY TOTTENllliM By ETHEL WTCB Mr and Mrs Walter Hurl bert were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ciiiiord Mooney OI Egbert Recent visitors with Mr and Harvey Simpson were Mr Mrs George Simmn Mr Mis Bill Chamley of Est evan Sask and Mr and Mrs iIack Simpson of Oriiliu Mr and Mrs Waiter Spicket and am spent Sunday in Osh awa with their son and family Mr and Mrs Don Spiclter Mrs Wire accompan ied by Mr and Mrs Mervin Dalc and Debbie oi Schom berg visited Sunday with the farmers mother Mrs John Eeston at Ark Eden Nursing Home Stroud Mr and Mrs Bridgeman oi Weston spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs And QiSnii Mrs Taylor is pat Icnt in the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allislon at time of writing also Mrs McVeigh We hope to see them around soon alain John Veals manager at the Royal Bank here is in Tor onto this week attending managers training course Buwlby at Toronto lor lnerly of Bradford is the rev lieving manager Mr and Mrs Bob McGoey ape settledin the new home ioey have recently built here Many friends of Lloyd Leg gett are glad to learn he is home again alter six weeks in Alliston hospital Mrs James Drummond accompanied by Miss Georgia Barton of Benton lelt Monday by bus for holiday in Fort Lauderdale Florida with Mr and Mrs Earl Irwin The Womens World Day of Prayer was observed in Fras er Presbyterian church on Fri day March Mrs Lloyd Leg gctt was in charge assisted by Mrs Wilson Mrs Drury Mrs Henderson Mrs Laird gave an address in harmony with the theme and purpose oi the world day of prayer Special made was rendered by live girls at the church junior choir with Mrs Mnllion at the or gen HOLLOWS By MRS BOWDEN Hollows News was in Wonder Valley News last week Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden oi Midhurst Mrs Ray Smith and Mrs Bowden oi Hollows visited anden at Sunnybrook Hospital on Sun day He is doing as well as can be expected Mr and Mrs Dyke and Mrs MeLarmey oi Toronto were at Mr and Mrs Jim Smiths on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ernest Cook oi Weston were visitors on Satur day evening with Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Mr and Mrs in Bowie and baby of Bradford visited with Mr and Mrs Joseph Ver non and boys on Wednesday few indies net at the home at Mrs James Smith on Thursday and quilted quill or the Red Cross Mrs Roy Smith and Mrs Clarence Button were in Tor onto on Monday STEELES CORNERS BY MR5 ERNEST DALES Sorry to report Mr Harold Croaan is patient in York County Hospital Newmarhet where he underwent surgery Saturday His many friends wish him speedy recoveiy An old landmark at the corner at Highway 11 and con cession 14 is being demolished This site was owned years ago by Mr John Steele Mr and Mrs Paul Knce shaw were weekend guests at the lormers parents Mr and Mrs Everette Kneeshaw Mrs Ross Belt is still pat TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE THURSDAY MARCH 15 too Womens Show 41a Lets Look 445 Rona Around The Sun 500 Rnuin nmin 53 nick Traccy sao Nuw ncaaunu Curmanger i620 Farm Market Report 515 News Don Jaminlan Weather Sports has Pierre Berton 709 ran Flintstones Thu float McCoys Nature of Things My Three Sans ran Dolenaon Country Iunction One Stop ncyond oaorv Now The antherman Today in apnru Community News irnvia The Return FRIDAY MARCH 16 1045 Tell Pattern 11no Etompnr Room 1200 Poesy and Pals 1230 Nonndny Report News Weather Sport Farm Its an cumin ents Movie Always Goodbyo Open Hausa quintet verdict Is Your News Thu Womenl Show Trlond Giant Sins I1 Around 710 aoo aao soo 1000 1030 1oo 1115 30 Tim 230 aoo 130 355 40a 430 45 CFTO CHANNEL THURSDAY Marten 1s 40a Professors mdnnway 600 Man From Cochise an Sports Ma Weather if someone in in is mowing wanna will help them feel at home on our communitys traditional irit of hasgétulaty Tell Welcome ago the was and ad can of familiesyou know are aiming PA 66302 aoa 35a 50a ma us us 700 no and no 900 950 man 1100 1115 ami nun Yogi nixr Three Stooges Farm Market Rupert New Don Imiuan Weather Sport Plano nutton Father Knows Best Donna and Show Country Hosdown Clr 54 Tommy Ambrose Telephone Hour The putative rcnc TV News Tho Weatherman Today in oftI community owl Movie ninu or Noon SATURDAY MARCH 11 Test Patton News Walther hugger Shall Soil howlinl This Livlnl World tugs Bunny new 6W1 or 9° Jim Coleman Danni the Monlol Robin Hood Have Gun Will Travel Peter Gunn NHL Hockey Illiiettavm CBC TV New Weather Newl Movie The El Clock TORONTO By Pierre Barton ana Leave It To Eaavor Sing Along With Mitch The Real McCoys Shane use as man til 1030 Peter Gunn 00 No Weaihli SportI 1125 Better Late 1110 IM FRIDAY MARCH 15 1000 Douglas Fnirhlnkl The lmmilllnt in LSD Kin To 200 channel it Theatre qunrnnnl Walk Better El16911111 News Prolelson Hideaway Man mm Cochin sports Weather By Pican Barton News Donna Reed Show mi air Have Gun wm Raul coon Style Zane My Them News Weather Sports Better Late Friday Night Theatre Sweet Rule OGrndy Focus 1150 FPFNHFvayyFF assessassssss Sparta SATURDAY men 1100 Professors News Weather Sport ildnmtcouenl ven re MID Twin nui 11mm Gentle Annie wonky resume Arman Patrol at Time Tombstone Territory Sports Weather Nun Punch and Yohw rnu ntntatonu itillomnn Feature Thaltn Sitting nun Fight or the Wuk Johnny Esaw snow cm Cnmdern nine mg Time Wrestling Focltl assess rNPp Psenaam 88338 CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrl ved by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be THERE is NO CHARG ellvered To Your Home FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS icnt in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie We wish bar return it home and health in the our luturc We are sorry to hear Mu Edwin Kneeshaw is under the doctors care and hope she will soon be up and around again Saturday visitors with Mr and Mrs Erntzt Dales were Mrs William Hunter and Rob in Mount Dennis Mr and Mrs Lance Butler and Linda Weston Mr and Mrs Jack Bumble and lamin were guests Sutur day at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Palmer Maple STROUD MRS pwienr unison The 35th womens World Day at prayer was held in St Pauls Anglican Church with the three local churches ioinlag in the service at prayer which is held in its countries Mrs Green Mrs Hanna Mrs Cow an and Mrs Goodlcliow wcro the leaders for the written ord er of service Mr Trant spoke on Gods love for the whale world duct by Mrs Tiliin and Mrs Holdcrolt acoompan led on the organ by Mrs Oak ley was very much enjoyed Mrs Campbell was hostess on March to the members of the Presbyterian WMS The president Mrs Cowan gave the call to ship Mrs Campbell assist ed by Mrs Gibbins Mrs Campbell Mrs Cowan and Mrs Reid used the question and answer method to bring out many points of interest on the topic the church down town Mra Nelson read paper on The ministry of fectlon which pointed out that often through lithealth povar tyI and weakness person learns obedience wisdom and feels the need of God Mrs Campbell and assistants served tasty lunch More than 14 tables of webs iiea were present in the hall on Monday evening to partler pate in this fascinating past ime High scores were held by Martin McGoaegal Nthon undead Mn Gibblns and Clary An enjoyable lunch was served by the ladies at the eastern and of the village CATTLE BREED MEET On Wednesday March counw meeting was held In Stroud Hall at the Central Ont ario Cattle Breeding sociation with over 60 ment hera present for the noon lun cheon served by the the women Victor Small was allot ed local director Reports were given on the years business The ï¬nancial statement indicated very suc cessful ym question period brought forth several interesting disma olonsuA Denalitore guest speaker gave very fine d1 course on Seed Crops We wish to compliment the Barrie Examiner on its enlarged and improved paper The new fea tures by Ann Landerl and Dr ltloiner have added much to the readers enjoyment The district and local new never was so well covered County and world news cov erage are superior to other dailies The increased use or photos tinds lavor with the sub scrlbera This paper which has serv ed Simcoo County since 18 almost hundred years II planning other new natures that they anticipate will tlnd favor and provide more oi the reading matter their patrons want and enjoy each day At BDCI on March Harris on additional honar was exper ieaced by the students at the Honor Society when they were taken by bus to the 0AC Guelph for days outing To be elegibie or this soci ety student must have over 75 per cent for two years Those from our district who enjoyed freedom from studies as well as fun fellowship and the interesting events featured at the College Royal allow were Roger Rix Dun John ston Cralgie and Doreen Hunt or Cathie Fox Marie Goodyear Carol Cumming Margaret Cow an Jean Black and Anne Marla Steenholdt CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH $110852 QQQIOS VJSB 9K2 JG mhtddtng Easel South as RaRue 532 Pan Pass Dials Past Pan We This deal occurred in the l957 masters pair championship It is noteworthy not only be cause it features an interesting point in defense but also be cause the band cost the East Wast pair the championship when they failed to detend pro aerly South got to three natrump largely on his own steam Hav ing doubled club with the barest kind of minimum he should have passed the jump response of two diamonds Tito chances of making game were rather poor in view of Norths pass originally and game in notrump was even more reI considering that South did not have club stopper But the proof of the pudding W89 Dbl at is In the eating they any and since South wound up making three aotrum perhaps its not fair to critic ze his bidding too severely West led the two of clubs in contormity with the custom at leading low from three cards to an honor East won the king and continued with the LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES ETTA KEIT ace So far an East was con corned West might have led low from three to the lack queen or from any our clubs and East could not aliord to undcriead the ace it the latter was the case Eastrthen returned the nine of clubs selecting this card in particular to drew that his en try card was in spades highAcard return would sha interest in the lowranking suit West took the nine oi clubs with the queen but apparently unaware of the significance the nine play led back heart Declarer played low from dumr my and now had no trouble winning nine tricks to score the game spade return from West would have deieated the contract two trinks The hand illustrates the im portance of the suitdlrectiag convention Without the conven tion West would have been up against altough guess as to whether to return spade or heart but with it iIIWes had remembered the spade re turn should have been automat On Mondny Another Famous Hand is presented by Mr Bccl kar DAILY CROSSWORD Em Block inane moat Inanianiiin alllléillll IDb grun uaaE person imam Single flIIII DONALD DUCK BU SAWYER Muses AND sKEEIER mu GOIN ANDASK Wi GOING To WIN OUR PV EOKIT GLOWAR MI EM Tums ms nu LOOSEJ new comments DATE HIM DONTVOUz Whit no WI 56F Ilairï¬ifflflgém Hopes ï¬z FALLIN LOVE WITH HIM SOON wonr as Ante To 5TAND HIMiMUCH LONGER lFlDONT PIPN BUT ILEE THE TwangA usr SATINST TWO HOWE BACK OF YOU TERRIBLE THERE WERETDD wuooniuunmattakm mean IN rr PROMISEW10 BE in TIIE WAY AND