Terrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaigbt General Manager WEDNESDAY MARCH £2 gPlll Consumers Police Offerings For Benefit The Consumers Association of Canada well organized womens group which keeps an eagle eye on consumer pro ducts is doing an excellent job in this field The latest campaign of the organiz ation is against packaged bacon which does not permit the purchaser to ascer tain whether the contents are lean or fat Earlier the aspociation was successful in having meat packers remove the de ceptive red stripes from bacon packages Now they want something different than the window package in which the bacon can be packed to present lean edges Another beef on the part of the women is too little beef in sausages the result Gambling Canadians recently have bean engag ed in renewal of the ancient debate about the legality and the morality of gambling It was sparked by fears that bigtime gamblers from the United States were taking over Canadian oper ations But the same sort of argument is going on in the United States South ern California for example is bothered about drawpoker cstnblishments State AttorneyGeneral Stanley Musk rays that legalized gambling is an ex ample of the moral cancer which can destroy this nation as quickly as foreign enemy His remarks were In conncctlon with proposal to set up drawpoker establishment under the low in suburb of Los Angeles Mean while the State of California not only permits but profits generously from gambling on horse races Canadians being decided shrinkage in the frying an Action along these lines could be taken by government bureaus but often the parties against whom the blasts are dlr ected take action on their own fully re alizing that the women are the shoppers and that the customer is always right The association was recently success ful in the creation of the Canadian stan dard size for clothing Childrens under clothing and sleep garments are at pres ent available in these approved sizes which do not confine children of the same ageto the same size The Consumers Association of Canada is policing consumer offerings for the benefit of all Canadians Pro And Cori if gambling is immoral why is it leg al the San Francisco Chronicle won ders wistfully And if legal inside race track why illegal across the street HASNT ANYBODY 5AIDLET THEM EAT CAKE OTTAWA REPORT Liberals Apologize To This Columnist By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA The National IJborai Federation of Canada bu just written complete and public apology for attempting to disparage this Ottawa Re port with untruths in sixteen years on Parliament Hill have never before known po Iitical party to be forced into thin situation This episode arose from the recent meeting here of the na tional council of the Liberal party plan its election strat egy reported that it was one of the most disappointing and disappointed political bald here since the war It was disappointing said because the chief Liberal speakers dwelt on comparative trivia but ignored the major problem threatening Canada just an the former Liberal gov ernment had failed to come to grips with those problems be Its Things Like This That Bring Out The Tumbrel In Boston Richard Cardinal Cushing Cyst Defined lIs Some Enclosed Sac said that gambling was not sin His comments were in connection with TV documentary Biography of Bookie Joint which suggested that Boston resi dents bet on horse races on premises not authorized by law Said the Chronicle We would not care to argue about sin with member of the Catholic heir archy We do think that laws should be enforced though we do not dispute the Cardinals estimate that lawenforce ment agency as numerous as the US army would hardly bring about complete compliance with antigambling laws Down Memory Lane 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner March 1937 Two hockey fans hurt on special train trip to Parry Sound On train Earl Lawson of Elmvale lost tip of left little finger when door was slammed At arena Bob Gosling of Barrie suffered broken leg when pushed off balcony during excitement and fell 20 feet to ice Dr Tyrer Barrie Hockey Club phys ician who was on the trip attended both injured men Sons of England hon ored Joseph Lang with 50year jewel of honor Two Barrie men arrested and charged with long series of cottage thefts at Minets Point Town Coun cil considered estimates but not yet in possession of the Board of Educations requisition Mayor Herbert Robert son said it was unlikely there would be tax cut with the mill rate remaining at 50 same as 193536 slmcoe Coun ty buys large number of properties in Vespra and Medonte for reforestlng subject to approval of Adamson superintendent at Midhurst Steve Vair suspended as referee for several games by Northern Ontario Hockey As sociation was subject of article by Mike Rodden in Toronto Globe Vair was considered by many to be greatest hockey player native of Barrie Played for championship Colts Juniors of 1907 at centre later in Senior OHA and National Hockey League then went into rcfereeing In his first game with Ren frew against Smiths Falls about 1909 Vair scored 18 goals LtCol Lee MC of Camp Borden appointed official referee for Georgian Bay had minton championships opening in Bar rie Armoury at the weekend with Maur ice Esten as scorer Ivy Maple Leafs beat Barrie Union Jacks 88 in first game of South Simcoe hockey playoffs at Thornton Inspector Crosble of Toronto Police Mounted Division ad dressed Barrle Lions Club on the train ing of horses for police work in the city Kindness is the only way to train an imals he Said Past President Frank Dobson installed two new Lions Ron ald Clarke General Motors and Smith of Prince of Wales School teach ing staff Magistrate Compton Jeffs sends souvenir postal folder to editor from Daytona Beach Florida showing gorgeous flowers Other Editors Views BAILING OUT THE UN Financial Post In the red because of Congo operat ions the United Nafions is offering bonds to the value of $200 million and Presid ent Kennedy asks Congress to authorize us purchase of half the issue The leg islators though far from unanimous seem likely to approve The uncertain question is whether and how the US would get its money back In Washington the theory is that interest and retirement of capital will be charged to the regular UN budget to which on pain of losing voting rights all UN mem bers must contribute It is devoutly to he hoped that it will work out this way but this does not seem absolutely certain The penalty of disfranchisement never yet imposed on any country is for non payment of ordinary UN assessments Congo houtiay has been classified as ex traordinary Suppose the nonsubscrib ers to Congo costs object to including The Barrie Examiner Authnrlred on second cllss null Post Olficu Department ottawn Ind for Daymcnt nl postnga In mu Dally Sundays and Statutory flfludlyl excepted KENNETH wanna Publisher BRIAN SLAIGBI Genera Manner IlicPHERSON Managing Editor CHARLES 3IVADGE Business Illlnllcr nanny WILSON Advlrtisln Mung 101m HOLDER circulntlou Muzallr subscription rate daily by canlai 35a weekly laao year Single copy By man in Ontario v00 your $400 six months $250 tum months 3100 month oulslilu Ontario $900 your Outside Cln Ida 52000 year Offices 425 University Avc Toronto am cutncart street Montreal 1125 West Guorzla Street Vlncnll var Member of the Canadian Bully Newlplper Pub tlihm Association The Canadian Pm and an Audit Bureau of circulations Tho Canadian Fun to exclusively entitled to tho tun for republication of all new dis atchctl in thin Dpei credited to it or Tho Assoc and Pres or outer and also the lacI nlwl BuhIilhId marlin bond redemption in the regular budget what them gt The awkward fact is that the nonpay ers are majority in UN In their ranks are not only such substantial powers as Russia and France but most of the smal ler fry Would they vote to disqualify themselves from voting The future of UN could depend on the answer but meanwhile two points seem clear The UN must be bailed out some how it cannot be allowed to perish from want of funds But its equally obvious that UN must not become an American agency financed by Washingtons gener osity This would probably be fatal to it as everyone in Washington well under stands CLEANSING OFFICERS Saskatoon StarPhoenix short dispatch from Coventry EngI land says garage collectors in that city by proclamation of council from now on will be known as cleansing officers This is nice clean move that should be emulated elsewhere HOSPITALS BIG BUSINESS Fort William TimesJournal newsletter issued from McKellarj General Hospital contains some facts about the operation of the hospital which may come as surprise to many Fort William residents Here are some Some 1800 meals are prepared in the hospital daily 160 quarts of milk and 75 loaves of bread are used every day The stOck of drugs carried in the hos pital is valued at $40000 The payroll at the hospital amounted to more than $2000000 last year on the staff are 612 permanent employees and approximately 100 nursing and technic inn students The fuel bill comes to $36000 That all spells big business The cyst that frequent source of pain and annoyance is not boil not carbuncle not an abccss In short it is not an infection uot to begin with cyst rather is by definition an enclosed sac containing some sort of material As an example one of the millions of small glands of the skin may become plugged thus forming cyst The material which the gland should secrete and excreteis trapped in side As another example take one of the common parasites the trichina which can lodge in muscle somewhere and be come cnoysted That is it be comes sorb of little capsule containing the dormant trichina inside cysti It is entirely possible indeed quite common for cyst or even group of cysts to form and cause no trouble except that they are small lumps under the skinor elsewhere Many cyst is best left alone if it is neither painful nor nuisance 0n the other hand if it hurts or because of its size or location is nuisance it is better re moved Some glands are very slow acting Others act vigorously secrete considerable amount of material in short time the gland can be engorged to such an extent that it isto borrow an old phrasesore as boil BRINGS RELIEF Over the generations we have become quite accustomed to having boil lanced and we know the swift relief that comes from the release of pressure inside But boil isnt cyst boil is an area perhaps pore of the skin which is being painfully stretched by the sav age multiplication of germs from an infection cyst isnt violent attack QUEENS rank of germs Ralhcrit is sac or closed pouch or cavity in which something else is con tained often some otherwise useful or at least natural mate rial True cyst may and some times does bccomc invaded by germs in which case you have not only the cyst but an infec tion Sometimes this happens often it does not boil or other infected area of the same sort may under the right circumstances be re lieved by fanning or puncturing after which it clears upolten with the aid of antibiotics But cystand this is impor tantwont clear up by being punctured If it is painful yes the lancing will relieve the pressure and bring swift relief The ornery fact is that cyst then usually tends to seal over the punctureand fill up again and soon have enough pressure to be painful again cystu unlike boil does not have coret Therefore and keep this in mind cyst needs more than to be lonced The whole lining of the sac should be removed Leave the sec or even part of it and you presently have new cyst So if your doctor wants to remove the whole cyst usually quite small anyway let him do 50 Dont be misled by the fact that lancing relieves it You want to be rid of it for good Dear Dr Molnar have al ways wanted my ears pierced but have been told it will cause lump or tumor and also leave mark or scar Is this true Not if done under careful antiseptic conditions MRS No theres noth ing impossible about curing trichornonas Ihe treatment is not always quick but it gener ally succeeds NPD Has Two Brains In Ontario House By DON OEEARN TORONTO There are two brains in the NDP group in the House here One is the leader Donald MacDonald and the other Ken neth Bryden of TorontoWood bine the financial critic And the two men form an always fascinating study in contrasts Both are intellectuals But Mr MacDonald gives the impression that his principle lionnt of information is his car Iistcning to other people their opinions and their complaints While Mr Brydeu appears to be reader and an explorer for information Mr MacDonald is usually the most exciting to listen to He talks fire and brimstone BRYDEN INTERESTING But Mr Bryden can be the most interesting From time to time he has some fresh thought to contribute thought which shows an ability to look to more than one side of question which his lender apparently lacks The Woodbine members ad dressin the budget debate was recent demonstration of this The NDP financial critic Is not well liked in the House But nevertheless be had the respect of all following the speech The speech presented new ideas at least for here and some fresh thinking It took new approach for the NDP by advocating the use of taxation as an instrument to encourage economic ment The methods would be differ ent than those pro used by the old line parties bu neverthe less the general app ach is the oldline one and had the house sittingup in amazed attention NEW ATTENTION The speech in itself means that the NDP must merit new attention If it is going to start thinking and weighing things stop carp ing all the time and get away from its zealous blind crusade on behalf of the special inter ests of labor it may be that the party shall have to be taken seriously The writer wont be doing this overnight There must he lot more proof before this pudding is palatable But Mr Bryden atvleast has caused one to stop and think One significant point is that he was paying lot of attention to withheld pro fits and capital accumulation by corporations develop Will Demolish Old Observatory MONTREAL CPLThe Mc Gill Observatory the cltyl old est recorder of weather static tics is to be demolished soon to make way for new more modern building but observa Itions and research will continua uninterrupted during the transi tion period temporary observation lia tion already has been eatab lished on the campus and will fill in until the completion in 1950 of the $60000000 cxpanllon program which involves 29 rep arate projects The new observatory to be connected to the present Art Building is to contain an audi torium seating 600 lecture rooms headquarters for four departments and two under graduate rooms The new building is expected to be vast improvement over old observatory built in la In addition to research and observation the depart ment also has the duty of providing the exact time to transportation companies Add other organizations thc tween 1945 and 1557 As cxamA plea mentioned the replace ment of man by machines in industry our overvalued dol lar our loss of economic soror eignty our need for immi grants iu large numbers and increasingly disadvanta geous terms of world trade And outlined how the Coll scrvative government has mct these issues WRITE LETTER My comments precipitated an avalanche of anguished com plaintl into Liberal headquar fcll here This led to high level conference deploring this symptom of what one Liberal described as complete breakdown in the public rela tions of the Liberal party As result the Liberal bosses wrote to Thomson News papers letter which aimcd to ridicule Ottawa Report and to destroy my credibility among readers and possibly even to cause my dismissal That lat for which was published in several newspapers that had not even attended the meeting described that my comment was inaccurate and most unfair and categoric aliy asserted can assure you that at no time did Mr Nichul son appear at any of the pro ceedings of the Liberal meet in But that assurance was un true it is great tribute to the high assessment placed upon BIBLE THOUGHT lay of you lack wisdom lethlm ask of God James 15 World conditions call for sup ernatural wisdom but there is only one Source of such wis dom this feature in Thomson New papers that the Liberals thul sought to discredit me But the method of their misrepresenta lion echoed that old old Liberal arrogance which was so suc cinctly dclineafcd by the lan Howe in such famous say ings as Whos to stop us And if we have overstepped our powers make no apology for doing so USED COLUMNS One event at the Liberal meeting which made an espo clal point of attending was the set speech by lion Paul Martin lie unlike his party obviously considers my Ottawa Report to he oth accurate and most For when he was seek iiig the Liberal leadership at the loss convention he sup ported his candidacy with sev cral of my columns in which had described his achieve monts as minister of health and at the United Nations Thou columns he found so authorita tively culoglstlc that be utilized them in reprint incidentally without seeking my consent as the lead editorials in his free daily newspaper for convention delegates It is improper and deplorable that any political party should attempt to interfere with the freedom of the responsible prcss as happened in this case It is the more reprehensible if party is not careful to mine the truth before shoveliing out mud threat and fears But this has been one occa sion on which the attacked commentator has been able and unafraid to defend this freedom in the interests of all ioumol ists On my insistent demand the Liberal party of Canada has written to me and to Thomson Newspapers full retraction of its untrue attack and public apology for any injury to my reputation RETAIL FIELD More than 600000 Canadians are employed in retail busi 105505 SALLYS SIILLIES Joe All he acid was be still loves me for business for pleasure FLY TCA TORONTO to NEW YORK most frequent service up to flights daily $50 Economy return lee your Travel Agent or contact TCA all no Bloor St Went Toronto Ont musmm up ulvss am comm For Reservations CALL Now BARRIE TRA iOZ Dunlap St VEL SERVICE PA 66474 COMPLETE AIR RAIL SIEAMSHIP TOUR TRAVEL SERVICE KJOHNSON CO LTD 697 Bay Street Toronto 107 Dunlap so sinful EM 69488 PA 66525