gag ESL tutu Bradford Going To Dogs Dog Catcher Put On Payroll The town Bradford is fast going to th dogs or al least the dogs are fast tsklag over clown gt Im fed up with them there ere six of them round our way this morning said Alder man Franklin Gardner at yes tcrdays council meeting That all asked Alderman Ilcnry Belt had dolen running around my place We had town hall this morning de ciamd town clerk Miss Mar garct Davey In the depressed silence that followed the unhappy wall of some of Bradfords at large dogs sounded In the council chamber The imprisoned dogs were tied up in the basement Bradford council steeled itself and declared war on the towns dogs to the death They promptly approved the hiring of Aurora dag catcher Walter lowe who is resident of Bradford dog bylaw was given two readings It includes for dog tag payments fees for the dog cat cher and death penalty for uncollectcd dogs found at large third reading was delayed so Mr lawe who will receive monthly retainer of $20 and $5 for cacll impounded dog could approve It STnEET NUainEnlNG Council invited an Oakvillc company representative to at tend its next meeting to discuss the possibility of the company numbering all Bradford homes with street numbers and pro viding street number refer cnee map Cost would hc $1000 Council also gave unanimous approval to motion that town works employees be supplied with coveralls These wil be Mill Requirements Less In Boards 62 Request illc Barrie Public School Board last night presented Bar rie citirens with pleasant sur prise They brought In their budget estimates for the coming year and in effect they are demand ing totals approximately two mills less than lmt year on the residential assessment and one quartcr of mill less on the commercial assessment Dollar requirements from the city will amount to $62408502 The Board indicated that in ad dition to this amount there will be speciallgrant from the province ot $4392855 to be ap plied to residential assessment only other government grants amount to $23041557 There is bank balance of 5200230 and the balance of the 1961 levy due from the city amounts to 545 000 Total amount of money re quired for the year amounts to 94643204 Present at last nights meet ing representing City Council and local administration were Alderman Murray Mills and City Treasurer Jack Gable Both Mr Mills and MT Gable had words of praise and en couragement for the Board stab ing that such decrease in required funds was credit to DEATHS VAN BECKPeter At this name of lur Hall Burwuh ontprlo on Sunday March ll 1962 Peter Van Beek In his 23rd year 132 loved husband or Doreen Hall and dear father or Joann and Eileen con Mrs Adrianne and the late Mr Van Bcek dear brother of Adrianne Henry Mary Mrs Vlnk Susan Mn Kelstcns Nellie Mrs van Der Lam Joanne Mu Vrlcu Adrian Mrs Vervoro Ind Georg Restlnl at the Mother hlnoral Home stayner for funeral service on Tharday March is at pan interment stayner Cemetery yaer three around the BRADFORD rented and each man will re ceive three sets with one hclng laundered weekly Total to the town will be 85 cents man Do we recoup by selling ad vertising space on the hack the coveralls asked Alder Iman Dr Peter llcyland dont think 50 comment ed Reeve Bruce Stewart stulul ing in for vacationing Mayor Joseph Magani NEW PIPELINE Council contact Bradford Public Utilities Commissionto discuss the new water pipeline their administration of school affairs in the city Noel Stephenson board chair man asked Mr Mills when the Lions Club Community Pool could be made available to the board for school use It was mentioned that the club had borrowed money to pay off the outstanding debt and the city would not take over the enter prise until it was debt free Angus McKay Superintend ent of Barrie Public Schools informed the board that attend ance at local scllools during February amounted to an aver age of 105 over the same month of the year previous He point ed out that this was the equiv alent of almost live new class rooms Mr McKay added that Barrio requirements for teacher re placements and additions would amount to total of nine and that these posts will be filled by topnotch personnel in each case Rowe QC asked the boards permission to present framed illuminated copy of the Canadian Bill of Rigth to the Oakley Park School The board granted this permission and FIRST Baptist Church Clapperion alWorsIey Sunday Services at it St SAVE TODAY SAVE EVERYDAYI 15 CU FT CHEST FREEZERS coOP MARCH SPECIAL each 521988 Yes you will save substantially today when you purchase this 15 cubic foot COOP Chest Freezer at this special low DOG UNDER ARREST cost nounced that TIIE BAka EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH Id8 Allandale Will Become Barrie Under CN Station Transfer Plan Effective April 29 Allandale Our new location has this extra station is to be designated Bar rie railway station for Canadian National Bloomfield manager for CNs northern 0n tario area announced today Bcauchamp CN teles communications for the Ontario district also an CNT operations and personnel would be trans ierrcd lo the new location at ficld The new Bradford and Tiffin streets in early May when quarters and faci ies are ready All passenger personnel and operations are to be transferred from the present Barrle loca tion to the one at Bradford and Tiifin streets said Mr BloomA CN location Is only mile awayfrom the old one into the farm threesman deputation of Frank Marino John Zima and Michael Skencar told council they were prepared to have the pipeline go through their pm pertics free of charge instead of along Slmcoe Road and Simcoe Street at greater cost to the tax payers We cannot dictate policy to file PUC id Reeve Stewart Bill cerllllnly think we should discuss the matter with them in view of this It was agrccd council and tho PUC would meet as soon as possible town from DoanesI also contracted to buy similar copies for all of the other schools in the city The Barrie Kinsmen Club asked the board for permission to present leather binders to the top academic boy and girl grad uating from city public sohools into Grade This permission was given and the board can gratuintcd the club on their ges ture and commended them for their efforts in this respect The East Barrie Presbyterian Church role the board thank ing them for thchlse oi the Johnson St Sdlool which all owed the formation of the con gregalion in the dust and area cool QUEEN LENNOXVILLE Que CF Bishops University stu dents voted Sydney Brown 19 thirdyear science student from the Montreal suburb of Pointe Claire queen of their winter carnival Working day realities dictat ed that it would be necessary for CN to consolidate its oper ations and at the same time maintain room for expansion superintendent space Our express and freight ia cilities were moved there last fall and the current move com pletes our consolidation plans Mr Bloomfield said He also announced that the Johnson At Co Ltd trays e1 agency in downtown Barrie at ltfl Dunlop Street East had been appointed as CN ticket agency for the convenience of the public Tickets will be sold as usual at the new location The Allnndale designation will be dropped from timetables af ter more than 100 years of rail way hlstory when lines were pushed north from Toronto in the early 18305 At one time Allandale and Barrie were rival communities Barrie residents felt neglected when the Northern Railway predecessor line of CN pushed through to Allandale but Barrie was linked up in 1859 The rivalry died in 1597 when Barrie annexed Allandale LOCAL IIND GENERAL SIIIING REUNION Spring Reunion ol Barrie Lodge of Perfection Scottish Rite will be held in the Ma sonic Temple on March 2723 with the newly elected TPGM James Poppleton presiding The ballot on petitions for mem bership willbe taken on Wed nesdoy March DRILLIA SPEAKER Speaker at the Agriculture Night dinner oi Orillia Kiwanis Club in the YMCA was Stewart Page of Barrio agricultural representative for North SimA one VETERANS CLUB Thomas lierr was president of Barrie Veterans Club at the annual meeting at Community House March Lloyd Partridge is viceprcsi dent Elliott Coles succeeds George Longstaffo as secretary treasurer Directors for this year are Al Gerow Frank Ilersey Charles Wilson and Walter Gigg RevA Gardiner Skelly gave an address on Irish humor MESS DINNER Officers active and retired held Mess Dinner at Barrie Armoury on March Captain Howard officer command ing Squadron Grey and Simeoe Foresters presided Toast to the Queen was propos ed by Lt George Gamble Toast to the Regiment was proposed by Capt Harris Steele mass president with respons by Support The Navy Cadets will be elected Capt Howard Head guests included Judge MacLaren former cc of the Barrie company and Campbell Raikes former training ofllcer for the regiment Following the dinner prepared by Sgt Her man Poll social evening of reminiscence was enjoyed CRIPPLED CHILDREN Speaker at Barrie Kiwanis Clubs next dinner meeting March 19 will be John But ler coordinator of the district council organization for the On tario Society for Crippled Chil dron Mr Butler who is at tached to headquarters ronto will speak on the so cietys services throughout 0n torio table Macharen Is Asked To Bé Chairman Barrie Public School Board last night acknowledged let1 ter from Collingwood relating to zone conference to be held there of the Ontario School Trustees Association Jack MacLaren of the Barrie board will attend and chair the session In other business Angus Mac Kay superintendent of Barrie public schools announced that part It primary methods sum mer course will be held in Bar rie this year He mentioned that this Is first as far as these courses are concerned League of Canada BUY CAR FIRST AID ltlr FOR ONLY $100 calling on you Thurs March I5 between pm and pm WELCOME THEM At the First Sign of Cold or Grippe Before You Do Anything Else Take TWo Aspirin Tablets Wllcn you feel you are coming down with cold or grippe and fch headachy with muscles that ache sore throat and fever til flnt thing jamsmull is take two ASPIRIN tablets You should do this before you do anything else because Asrllzlu goes to work in stantlytoreduoeyourfcverrclieve that dull headachy feeling and case your muscular aches and pains so you 1ch bcttcr fast Used as gargle AsPuuN also brings quick soothing relief from sore throat Just dissolve three to fch ASle tabléu in oncIIlird glass of water and gargle thor oughly Repeat garglc every two hours if necusary Buy Asslluu today so youll be sure to havc it on hand when you feel cold or the grippc coming Man SPEC BUY NOW AND SAVE REFRIGERATORS COOP MARCH SPECIAL Big in value low in price tion s239so These smartly designcd Refrifgerators bring you all the advanced refrigera mm on For your children get an voured Childrens Size Ascinm Its the IVsgrain dosage recom mended for chil drenwithailavour children like Be sure you get genuine Asplxm Look for the pack age with the Bayer CTDSL 1735de color SPECIAL lOW PRICE EXACTA MODEL 800E SUMP PUMP coor MARCH SPECIAL each 10w cost model g3 has steel column screen iron volute and impeller 1A hp 115 motor is actuated by im rovcd solidweight con tro mechanism which eliv minutes hollow floats in To mnintaining the Bradford Man Is Honored With Prized Rclre Citatio Bradford resident was awarded national award in Tomato last night for outstandt lag work to Christian education At special banquet Deputy Reeve Fred Cook was award ed the National Citation for Dis tn Mrs Cook herself active in church Work for many years life member at the Diocesan Womens Auxiliary Mrs Cook wa organist at Trinity Church Bradford for 25 years tinguisbed Service to Glrislian reeve has become president of Education by Canadian This highly prized award is only made when the Canadian Council of Churches feel the award is justified and for the past two years it has not been awarded ta anyone Deputy Reeve Cooks winning oi the Citation culminated in years of devoted work in the field of Christian education Sunday School teacher for the past two generations he has been superintendent of in ity Anglican Sunday School In Bradford for the past 40 years He has been lay reader in the Anglican church for over 25 years and is past president of West Gwlllimbury Township Religious Education Council lie Is also past president of the Ontario Council of Christian Education For many years successfulr insurance man well known in Bradford and district the depu ty reele retired from active business three years ago at the ago of 58 Youd never tllink he had retired ho is so busy in his religious education work saidl Teeumseth West leillimhury Religlous Education Council member of the Executive Com miller of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Ile has been chairman of the Executive of the Ontario Counlt cd of Christian Education and secretary of the South Simeoe Religious Education Committee for several years Apart from his activities in the field of religious education he has found time to become deputy rceve of Bradford and member or the Simcoe County Juvenile and Family Court Com millee This bllsily retired man is alsoenthused about the new Simeoe County Museum on which committee he is an aclv in member Ilctir9d7 said Mrs Cook He spends his life driving to and from Toronto But being awarded this citation is won deriul reward for the years of work he has put in lifelong resident of Brad lord and Simeoe County the depuly recve knows the county like the back of my hand Borden Men Top Attraction Ill Torontos Sportsmans Show top team of gymnasts from the Canadian Army Physical Training Centre Camp Borden is demonstrating the various methods of improving and fitness of to days soliders at the Canadian National Sportsmcns Show be ing held this week in the Col iscum The sevenman team lt one of floor in charge and six seniur NCO instructors give 15i minllte display every hour from noon until closing time De monstrations include horse vaulting tumbling work on the parallel bars chair tricks box lng fencing and weight lifting The public is invited to try out the balancing bongo board Members of the team are Lt II Mayne Barrie and Fred erlcton NB SSgt Savage Toronto Sgt Oram Win snice he retired the depule FRED COOK like Bradford and every one should learn more of tho county he said Deputy Reeve Fred Cook had to leave yesterdays Bradford Council meeting before it called to reach Toronto in time to re ceive his award One councillor summed it up If ever man deserved an award especially national one that man does Im proud to know him nipeg Sgt Bradley Ba Sgt Partridge Ilallfa Sgt Richardson Mel ville anrlWatrous Sask and Sgt Voiler Allislon Metro Toronto Chairman Wil liam Allen on behalf of the Amateur Athletic Union of Can ada presented Sgt Weller 25 with the Norton Crowe Mem oriol Award for 1961 during ceremonies in Toronto on Feb 28 Weilern citation read in part Wilhelm Weller has made an outstanding contribution to gymnastics and to Canadian amateur sport generally during the past year now is the time to start your Canada Life Opportunity Fund So you can have that dream vacation50 you can feel as if are contributing to the partnership when you get marriedso you can have afnest eggl for an emergency or your own private monthly income In ready money for special trip or special training ter onso yolfran have There are so many caving sensible reasons why you should start your Canada Life0pportunity Fund Policy now So go aheadask your Canada Life price But what is even more wonderful you will save representative for the de¢e11= everyday through the purchase of seasonal bargains Its perfect for home grown fruits and vegetables Youll havo Supermarket in your own home CHECK THESE FEATURES 526 lbs frozen food eupuelty 58 lbs quick freeze cnpnelty Lid lightlock and keyDivider and sliding basket Exterior adjustable eald control length 57 width 27 height 36 SIMCOE DISTRICT coolsanATlva 259 INNISFII ST BARRIE natures at punt youll like screen is easily Hanan for cleaning Bum is 36 high has inmate base discharge FEATURES INClUDE Low price High quollty It Year Guarantee agalnnt corrosion FEW OF THE FEATURES ARE Automatic defrost True Zero freezer 50 lbs frozen food capacity Automatic Interior light Full range temperature control 2full width shelves Porcelain Crispers Height 58 Width 30 slMcols BRANCH HarriogCrLfl Warren Wilgar CL3U GeorgeiChap PA 66531 18 Owen Street Barrie