Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1962, p. 18

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ADVERTISE DURING NATIONAL WANTAD WEEK MARCH 1217 llIIIE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS WEDNESDAY MARCH II 1962 REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE ILRIUCKAt lbe Itaynl re tori Ilcspllal ilnrrie on meson lirrch I3 1962 to ur and Ills vllliam Derrick 72 Amelia Street flarrtc son brother tor Stephanie and Debra scullIMELAl the troyl toria ilospiul on Ilondny Marvtl li ilaz in air and Karil htmmrl its Pcnelani irect name daughter lndrtl WADGDAt the Itayni Victoria Hospital Dallie on vrdnzsdy IIIrch i962 In Mr Ind Ira Russell Ivaosr tuna Street mn1e mo tcnarlu Russel It hmlbrr Ior Kn MARRIAGES RI CH 1961 ll Lendrlllkwn oermany Margaret no Tiuscll daugnler Mn lrcida JIIXSUI land hr IEIK VIIIIEIHI ltusch Ilulngscn Germany and Canalr Jlmr MichPl Morley soil of IY and Mrs James Arthur Morley cl Dame Onlnrla MEMORIAM lr or In iminx memory at Elsie All Ichaddrn who pass allay Iareb II 1950 No Mule hands are resting loving hcart ts sllii little daughter we loud In autos For Ila Just over the hill rcnlcmbcicd by Mother ntlicr ststcl Linda Ind blalher Iioxlri COLUMNIn loving memory to husband and latiicr tillam Collman who passed March ll I959 ter remembered by ills He Irene and taml VLLL CARDS OF THANKS ISVc wish to exprm thanks to relalilev gt1rlilltlx and neighbors tar ltlclr many kind expreulons or sympa ltll tloalltllIII tinral tributes and acts at klndneai during our recent bcrcaicmcnt In tho tax our dear multlcr and alstcr snerlni lllnnk lo Iler Cecil iirenn In nIltlronii lrilau Ilowttnl and tile Jcllnrlt FIIllcral itome an ttic Into Mn iltnel Rcynol vlmlpnur henrlrclt thank and lpprtrlnlton to relatives lrlcnds and neighbors tor the many kind neisrv llnrnl tributes and cards rccclvcd during our recent and be rciomcril or luring tathcr all Ilcn Vcbb ot Similtt Also thanks AIo Drs Scymour and Illenknrn Arid the Rev Jacksnn tar his consoling Words The Mill Pam Il Annual Meeting Barrie Branch VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Communin House WED MARCH 14 pm OPEN MEETING RUMMAGE SALE St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall OWEN AND WORSLEY STS FRIDAY MARCH 16 pm Among other things LIlEleWilI be quantity of childrens good clean clothing Hfi BAKE SALE Friday March 16 130 pm MONARCH REFRIGERATION 118 DUNLOP ST EAST Auspices First Baptist WA RUMMAGE SALE Friday March 16 AM PM TRINITY PARISH HALL Auspices Trinity First Barrie Scout lllotllers FOR PICKUP PA 68114 SPECIAL St Patricks Euchre UTOPIA COMMUNITY HALL THURSDAY MARCH 15 830 PM Extra Prizes Admission 35c FASHIONd SHOW an DESSERT COFFEE PARTY Wednesday March 28 230 pm Burton Ave United Church Clothes and Models by EVANGELINE Hats by EVELYN TUCK TICKETS $100 Door Prizes 5T PATRICKS DANCE Friday March 16 pm STROUD COMMUNITY HALL Websters Orchestra ADMISSION $1 liiuilldcs Lunch and Lucky Draws Auspiccs OES Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re villUlisl Phone PA 82414 Vic Friday MING EVENTS Stouii Agencies Licl CENTRAL ON ARIOS LARGEST REALTORS IO COLLIER STREET PA 85901 FAMILY LIVING AT ITS REST just all Highway 11 at Paihswic Three bedroom red brick bungalow large kitchen and living om lot 75X200 gartlgc 14 Iriccd for quick sale at only 511500 IAml loo acres of clay loam in Sunnidaic Township with river running through property Good brick house barn and im plement shcd Priced at 512500 uitll low down payment We need 2bedroom oidcr typo bungalow in Alinndalc district alemncr ol the Home and District neal Eatalc ooam EV INGS CALL GOULD couLD Otto 251d Otto 25m HARRY un PA 5067 ORCA mm PA on LLOYD lloc ley PA than Dvlzltlrn LOUGIIE STAY Il mow HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors till BAYFIELD 51 FA G6l3 ANYTIME ORIGINAL UNIQUEI would but begin to describe our Iis ing near Codrington School The cntrllncc hall Hit the place the builtins and other cxtras make it on of our most attrocliic homes to show The price is cxnctl ght at $14500 Mortgage at pcr ccnt You imlly scc it by cutting Doris Niiltycotnlic PA PGI53 ARE YOU TRANSFERRED7 AND HAVE HOME IN BAR RIE TO SELL We have clients ready to move to Bar IIe Willi llomcs to sell in Ot laila Lindsay Ciarkson 0r litl Agincourt and Richmond Iliil Call 66153 holy and dis cuss trade Member of Barrie and District Real Estan Board HENDERSON REALTOR l0 COLLIDll srnccr PHONE PA 82678 FOR SALE NHA lcsdle Central monthly Lou Priced to soil Ford GROORI BUNGALOW This line home has large kitch cn separate dining room and three large bedrooms attachcd garage and fencedin back yard Phone Percy Ford 155 BLAKE ST 512600 Three bcdroom home with carport overlooking bay Scmiiiuished recreation room Trced land scapcd lot Terms ii desired Cali Rita Scandrctt JONATHAN COURT Three bedroom ranch style Two years old IIas builtin garage porch patio and planter Very com plate and modern In lmmacu late condition Reduced for ur gont sale Low down payment and carries for $100 including taxes Call Emerson Swain EVENINGS CALL IIITA SCANDREII PA otsss DOROTHY wILcox PA essIa PERCY FORD PA rattan EMERSON SWAIN PA 547505 Member ol Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estato Borsde ROSE REAL ESTATE IIIIOKER 7o TIFFIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA $12900 asking price bed rooms tiled bath modern kite cllon lots wall space in liv ing room large recreation room with extra large windows home completely equipped with alu minum storms and screens Only about years old Car ries or $05 monthly including taxes One mortgage good buy Vacant immediate posses sioll NEWTON STREET $12500 full price down pay ment $1500 bedroom brick bungalow Large living room kitchen with dining area piece tiled bath recreation roomptor ced air oil boating Very good location to all schools Owner is translerrad to Toronto SHANNON ST Brick room bungalow equiplt pad with aluminum storms and screens Large recreation room paved drive garage 16 33 fully landscaped lot This is well kept home and well worth your inspection ALLANDALE $10500 full price storey home about 17 years old bedrooms and bath upstairs Living room dining room and kitchen down stairs Full basement new Iorced uir furnace large lot garage Only $74 interest rate Phone Percy close to stores and schools REAL ESTATE ROGERS PA 85568 MM MOOREPA 35131 ROGERSPA use PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL 0E DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrio Home SaltsForemost in Quality at Scrvic TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL rosnzllPA oszu coxxLLtrPA 39765 11Lth BARRIE or DISTRICT mm Lsrnn DOAIID CLIFF 32 HIGH STREI smith CnmpszPA Maw Perm zone ll Norman DUNLOP ST evening Joe Lobrtln PA Mm Everett Shrhwall Ora cm Itouard Nnrria CARSON It 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Mombcl ol illiric llllI Roll Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Illarsllnll PA 59917 toe Palmer PA 60853 Emory ltltilcr PA 60551 timber of tho Danie and Distrlnl Rcal mtalc board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 32410 93 Dunlop St IIIADIJ MARSHALLPA Goatar COREYPA IksIao lltUItInL JEFFERY soaos District Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 Is CLAPPEETDN ST BARRIE MOORE PA lluao IIIANK NELLES PA 56696 Member barrio rind Distxm Ilenl Estate Board NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW All excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 83186 roe bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your iNSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS ROWN REALTOR EARRIE PHONES PA soell PA suztl Member or UII Blllll Real Estate loud Jana LangPA sslsl charlie Ru man Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA ooool PA 68742 First Mortgage Fluids Available Interest 605 It Value No Fees Chargcd wtllson PA Heal Norman Shclswcll FA 399 PA assist PROPERTY FOR SALE olvNLtlls lhren bedroom bunga low one year old small down payment Tcltpbunc PA eosss tor Iurihcr Intomlailon Itooll Stucco sale all conveniences Large lot with small orchard Lillltllrapcd Loclltcd In Creclndro Telephone I85 Crccnlore House tor INCOME Properly lollcrn rrIoItx on St vincrnl street Putty occu pied Icr scoo monthly One brdroonl tun 1bedroom ultil reasannble Iclcpllulu PA IlIlSlfI 97500 IIDlvn payment RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOODVTERRACE Sell Contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en lull basement Central loca tion 585 per month Tolcpbonu PA 59238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance at downtown 00m and two bedrooms onaiconics OBonlboo Drapes Stores and iridch Olhdividual thermostats Olncinerators oFrce oshing and drying facilities Ohlany other line appointments Childrcn welcome Sample suite may be soon by calling PA 83186 ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bcdroom apart ments complete with slow and refrigerator Use of wasth and dryer Redccoraicd annually PA clout The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining arch oil heat with air conditioning lull basement serviced landscnpcd grounds bamboo drapcs Still month PHONE PA 82740 mutt BEDROOM brick bungalow LIIIKIII room dinini room kitchen tmtslicd recreation raonl calago paled drive Inndltcnpcd Int In east end on bus route near school Terms in suit purchaser Icle phone IA 479 MORTGAGES lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties vITIl Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILOIIID Io Youll BUDGET iF YOU NEED MONEY ITO consolidate llcbis DPay on existing mortgage IOI mortgages coming one allows Improvement Any worthwhile calls PA oolllll Mortgage Funding OVCI SinlpsonsScars MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE iNSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 or $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 141 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGESlst and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commercial and rosidcrilJnl moneys loaned on existing mortgages nanla alert gage Broknrs PA oasis FINANCIAL $5000 47c FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE Z6DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 MONEY T0 LOAN ONLY IIIZIIRODM house or rent decorated $55 per month Apply I14 Sanlord st Barrio UNPuItleIICD apartment rel rcllt sellcontained Itcasnnable rent Ior turlllor Intormntlbll tclce phone ant2 Stroud SMALL ONI bedroom apartment tor rent llulurnisned slow and reirlgorulor ground Iloor cen tral Suitable tor and or two adults Telephone PA Mole FURNISHED heated two ground tloor apartment Private entrance Avallahil April lst Iletriucrntor and heavy duty stovc Telephone PA oalol THREE LAIIGP Rooms on nround tluor Private entrance and bath Itctriilcrator store and utilities supplied Use at bnscmonl and laundry tubs Close to lllulcaslor on Collier Telephone PA soosa FURNISHED thrcc room apart mcnt with bath llodern Inrntturc and appliances Near Barrio Post ottlce Clcnn solMontnlncd heat oil Avallahlc now Telephone PA Host for Iorther lntormatlon UNFURNISIIED SELICONTAINED lhrcc room apartment hot water heated slave reirigcrocor and garage available Io minutes walk from downtown Telephone PA sous IIIODEIIN newly decorated one and two bedroom apartments tor root Centrally located with water and beat supplied Telephone PA Mzsa or PA 3373 tor Iurlbcr In tornlotion AVAILABLE Now Two bedroom untumlsncd apartment Heat and water supplied SclIcolltulnod East cnd pcntlon on bus route 575 per morit Tclophane PA ooosa email your last month rcnt Irec Ono and two bcdroom apartments janitor service Roms tram sos per month reiepbana PA Izo7o or lurtllcr inlorrnatlon ONE AND TWO lledroom ApflILr meats unlurnislled heated sep aratc entrance Reasonable Close to shopping plaza Apply 47 Ecelcs St or tclcphuno PA 66703 TWO comma House tor rout Deautllul location on Kcmoenlelt Day Prlvatn beach all furnace tull basement At town Ilmlts Contact Mrs cbrcslon PA 60532 FOUR noon upper duplcx self cuntalncd healed spacious and modern Rctrlgcrator and stove supplied Available April Queens Park area Telephone PA 51325 FURNISHED two room cottage Two piece bath Near West End snapping Plaza BuIan eup boards 40 per month Tclcphonc PA0 asoss days or PA 82718 alter ha MODERN two bedroom apart mcnt centrally located stove and rarrlgolalar Irce laundry and parking Iacilitios Decorated In tenants choice or colors Available March Telephone PA soooz room PA 61501 OR PA 64802 113 Dunlop St THREE BEDROOM House Three and onehalt years old NIIA molt gare In Oakley Park area Friend or quick sale Fully landscaped Telephone PA W754 BUS OPPORTUNITIES EXCLUSIVE Iahquus Fabrleote franchise to responsible monop crate IIIIJ or part time business Earn to woo weekly Learn to up holuier furniture and auto Inter lorl with this modern Industrial miracle Free brochure Box 94 Blink Examlrlor Bounce into new or increase PIT FOLDING From $3900 Plus FIRST AND Second exIsIIlu mort gages Iloucht tor cash Telephone PA 60931 RENTALS Low COST SPACE for ran Clean modeln buildings Suitable tor commercial or light industrial Tolspaaue PA 66575 NURSING HOMES Alert EDEN NURSING HOME Hull tor tilts work Send and private rooms kind nurslng care good road Iv rooms station wa gall tor outings Tclcphonn salts stroud TRAMPOLINES your prolits in an established business with better made Canadian Tlampolillcs PLATFORM Tax To $29800 Repairs to all makes RANSHEL ENTERPRISES PO Box112 Kingston0niario Phone Sydenllam 1R5 or Kingston LI 66095 FARMS WANTED with all cash List with Central Collier Street Barrie Member at tho unrrlo but mintn onnlld DEM FARMS WANTED DAIRY AND BEEF FARMS any acreage We have buyers some Ontarios IatgESLJOZtIIOIS 10 PA 85901 STOUTT AGENCIES LTD UNFUILNISIIED our room ripan merit Im rent Large living room kitchen two bedrooms bath HcaI cd Newly decorated throughout Avallnble now Telephone PA oozso or further lnlnzmatlon LAIIDE PnAIIE house centrally located rooms kitchen and bath upstairs rooms kitchen and two baths downstairs Oil heat newly decorated sllo month ly May be sublet Tclcphnna PA oaollz TWO BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good size kitchen private bath unturnlshcd heated private entrance central location Parking provldod cht s7o per month Immediate possession Tole Phone PA IIzsov or alter Pan PA 33605 LETITIA smear Bright spa cluus two bedroom apartment with balcony in quiet residential area Features garage laundry hot wa ter heating and an Individual thermostat Stove and rctrlgeratoi optional Adults PA IIasllo nttcc DJ GENERALLY lociltcd new madam apartments now ranting Lvshapcd living and dining area two bed rooms 10m Ila water heatlnn stove and retrlgcrator supplied also washer imd dryer One bed room apartment also available Immediate possession Caults $251 telephone PA 32455 or PA TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT 11an Morton apartment tor mat In new butldtnl usher dryer and trailer scnite inclined Avntlnble immediately Telephone PA 3235 tor lullncr Lnlcmlllon IIIREE BEDRnD House tor relll Modem ktlchcn nod bathroom Lo rated in AIIEIIS close to repeal Aullnbln limb Is Telapnana HE um THREE noon uptumlabed ground Iloor npmmenl lor real Near laclorlex lIeal more and water mppiird Perkin Aplrc Telephon PA 52111 or PA solos tor detaIIs IILNGALOIV tor rem lllc realm and bull Modern ronlenlenrer 365 per month Telephone Itotut strand or contact IIarrey Spring till Siroud NINE noon hour tor lent Prl vale drile garage otl heating Ilodero kilenen sioo ml month Appy 216 Dunlap st or lclr phone In aizoa rllo LAItctz unlllrnhticd moms uilb private bath ltetrlizernlor and stole supplied Pranels Stunt Telephone soiso nttcr pm Two IIEDROII meat completely sellcontained Centrally located Available now clcfihone PA ozau tor turtber ea healed apart FOUR R00 Apartment for rent unlurnlxhcd heated Ground tloor Private entrance Sellcontained Available now Tclcphnnc PA 50101 tor turlher lhlormalion mutt BEDROOM on hand llama tor rent Downtown loratlou Col Ilcr St Possession llarcil lslh Reasonable rent Telephone PA 66867 tor turlllcr lntormallon THREE R00 tarnished apart mctlt tor rcllt Indbnl convenien vs Ilenl and lights supplied 55 per month Apply Crnlgburat Gen eral store or telephone PA 34575 soo IlnlilulN Hitdrool brick bungalow ulth zvar uarago Now vacant Immediate paucssinll Ap ply ltoprr lb lmllicll llealiars tellphone PA lisstlil lionEuN one and two bedroom apartments cast and llarrio Ilnm boa drapes Venetian Illimls Auto mntle laundry tnclllllm Parking Telephone PA ilzm tar Iuriilcr Intormation RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT Dunn two bedroom modern apartment available in smart apartment house Adultl pnlcmd NO obieettoa to baby monthly Telephone Shroud ILIlAnD ltilcootnlned apartment ground tloor nxrcc lalll room Nur school Partribx Private eat Enslfi so mootbly Izlepbcn PA nunmN Ayn Three room on furnished apartment to rent Oil bested but water Stove Ind re Irlgernlor Private hull Apply Centre st tor tunnel Ibiomadou Slx IIOOI Italian tol rem ulth sunreom and route on butlnl centrally located Available now 3100 per month Telephone PA 32931 or PA Man rilhlzl 00M unturnlshed hnte ed Iparxmcni nilltontnlned Ce lrnl localionottslreel parking Available now Telephone PA uooo TWO BEDROOM upslnln apart mcnl separate entrance heal Ind water supplied Nur wesl end snapping plan No children Avail nblo April Telephone PA oIial UNFUIINISIIED modern one bed room heated nparlmcnl Avallnbln March 515 per month Perkins warmly lacllitlu Telephone PA cllolct Apartment modern one bedroom unlurnlsbed tellcou tained healed Laundry Ind park trig taeilitles Near bus stop lm mediate posseislun Telephona PA In tor runner details NEW AND lllodcrn our Ind two bedroom apartments overlooking reenls Kempentclt thy Belt wh ler KFarklnr and Dollar service Inclu ed Alltomluc wnsblns ciiltlcs PA Maul rIIllcc 00 Bucmcnt Illart mcnt healed soilcontained pri vlto hath nctrlrerntor and stove Partially lurrillhcd Tolwhono PA Mont or PA 81an or Iurtber In formation xcll LAIIGI Aprrlments tor lent In new apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and re rigcraton laundry Incilllies suplt piled Queen Street area PA comI ROOM BOARD Pours n00 bath llnIuIntshcd tricarntor suppllcd catrd No children Available Illl medialc For lurthcr lntnrmn lion telephunn PA HIEll srtlclous Ilve mom unlllrnlshod apartment Slave and rotllgeratar optional Automatic laundry and Paritan tneilliles Telephone PA flood or PA Maol tor turlher doe ais ON 01100 iIIIllllI In ntml cm apartment halISL III vatcr rclrltzcratol stove rtarnce inun dry racllllles and parking East end No children Telephone PA 541G aIIabIc April Plvc ltnO Upper Dllple Vell Indian and Dnyiicld Street nasc merit rear yard and parking Irllu Ilegcs so monthly Adults or ierred Telephone days PA ll570 ovcnln merit and tart vestibule Apartment tile Stovc and le Centrally to three room apar Ilall healed plus 1an ulnpdrull Sullcun talned Ground ilonr Available Illny 65 Allandalc Ilnrdware Iclcphollc 22 UNPUIINISII three roam hoat cd apartment sellcontained with prlvnte bath Pollutant Strccl close in starts schools and bus stop Ar Ialllt Immediately Tole phone PA GRI your CL tit apartment tor rent In new building Stove and rclrlgcraldr supplied Laundry tnclllllcs Avail able March Telephone PA Mano tor tunnel particulars Tlircc room ALL tlllnlsiled apartment lilo dern kitchen bedsitting room bath niccly dcorrltctl Private cn trancc Ullllilcs Included Ilradtolrt Strcct suit quiet collide 555 more tbly Telephone PA 83690 Dy ALICE fitoolrs STEERING Tillo Unusual modern designsee how dramatically the star stall d5 out against lacy mesh ground STAR doily trioquick cosy crochet sparkling accents or party luncheon Pattern 7183 directions for doilics 18 Inches 12 and in string cents tcuinsl for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrio Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front Si West Toronto Ont Print plaiutv NAME ADDRESS PATTER NUMBER Ontario residents add ll sales tax NEVERBEFORE VALUE 2110 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew woavo cmbrtiidcl quilt in our new 1002 Nccdiocralt Cate logroudy now See Beautiful Buikios in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys alghans Slipcovers plus frce patterns Send 25 R00 AND Itolilo or Kiri In new home block trom hospital Private room with home privllcgcx Phone PA osozo tor Ialorruntlon ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED bedroom for not Laundry taeIlIlIes Drcnktut and lunch packed It desired Telephonn days PA 60014 or evenings PA 64027 or Iurtber Intomntlon DIIIGIII tarnished housekeeping room tor rent stove and retrlrer ator suoollcd Palking racllltles West end location Tolcphone PA soaol FURNISHED IIOOII tor rent Also completer lurnlshcd room und kitchen with ralrigerntor and store separate entrance Downe taun location Tclcpllom PA Sam ARTICLES For SALE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 BUSINESS ARTICLES For SAIII Barrie SECONDIIAND STORE Hos all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cosL We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA $2427 NEED NEW STOVE OR ERIDGE7 Buy em with lowcost tileinsurcd SCOTLA PLAN LOAN The Bank or Nova Scotia Do you haveany of these items in your basement or attic which are no longer In use ISportilig equipment Radius car or portable ORccord players etc lUscd Iurnilurc or any kind proves to be fast seller OGOOD used clothing OII you would to exchange your unwanted items for cash call Ciassiticd Advertising between 830 am and pm daily PA 82414 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner it you would like to have rc prints at nny news pictures taken by our stat photogra pbcrs plcaso caf at our Busi ncss Ollice Wt are sorry cannot occcpt yhooc orders Glossy Prints $100 x10 $125 plus tx FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV pictule tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN Appliance PENETANG ST COIWCTOK We carry complete stock of coin catalogues and coin Ioiders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlop St West Barrie ICE SCOOT with us horsepower Lacumblng motor In good condi tlon Apply evonltigs to Frcd Harrison stroud cornerot 2th aldcroad nnd Concession Ii Try An Examiner Want Ad SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask Abbot Low Rates By Month or Year TIephone PA 82414 ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE For intermation re this service contact ploviocial representat ive VIC WILDMAN PA 83623 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61 142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingliiig porches récrcatioo rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Aline Street PA 2900 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp hits terminal oLinoicum and Vinyl tile Shcct goods oCeramic tile Cllardwood flooring ICaipets Barrie PHONE PA 85HEZ ENINCS PA IIosz Ch rles Lawson Propr Examiner Want Ad IONE PA 82414 Try DRIVING SCHOOL LEARNING HOW TO DRIVE CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Information HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 HANDYMAN Trees Trimmed Cut Basements Cleaned Odd Jobs PA 8761 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA 84562 WELL Dieelite WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALI ED av LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupidnd Drilling rm BARRIE PA 87646

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