Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1962, p. 9

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30 Years Of Failure What Is The Future By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Stall Iriter As the ministers of i7 coun tries gather in Gcneialur talks on disarmament opening ed nesday the prevailing mood seems set in low key 30 ycztr record of frustration has conditioned the West to expect little from disarmament confer ences The feeling appear P0215 read that the area age approaching the point oi no return in the armaments race and that there is little prospect of halting their headloagcourse in the few weeks remaining be fore the United States resumes nuclear tests Conspiracy Trial Will Be Heard mnouro ice Deicnce counsel were unsuccessful Mon day in their attempt for swtft acquittal ot three men charged with conspiring to plant infor malion from policeman Mr Justice Donneliy ruled that the trial of Joseph Itichrmott Vincent Feelcy and Robert Wright must proceed Pleas of autretois acquit meaning that thcir clients had been acquitted previously were entered by lawycrs All three were acquitted last summer in Jury trial on charge of conspiring to obtain information from police ofti cer with theintcntiun of inter fering with the administration of justice They were arraigned Monday on charge of conspiring to ob tain from police oliiccr lntor motion it was his duty not to give Fcelcy and McDermott face charge or operating common gaming house and Wright faces three charges it ofterln bribes totalling $1000 to an un ercover policeman TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TUESDAY MAlICll Womens Show Adventures of hunky Flowerpot Men Rania Dllea Mllru Mercury News Headlines IIImIu Museum Farm Market Report News non larnlhlan Weather Sport Ben Casfty Gary Moors Show lied Skullon Front Page Challeng inquiry World Hockey Canada Vs Sweden 1266 mchV News VEDNESDAY MARCH 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1100 Popeye and his 1230 Nonnda Report News Vcslher Sports Farm Report Program Preview hfovio Female unrio Mlle as Paris Marlo omit Verdict Is Yours News The Womens Show Friendly Giant Maggia Muggln Rarzte I5111le Huckleberry aouno Nations Business rim Market nepart News Dan Jamleson Weather sport Pierre Barton The Law and irr Joan Bachelor rntnu Plnydoto asses 228 CFTO CHANNEL IORONTO irussnnY niAttctr is The ratrztined approach to the Geneva ooaIererice re ftected in recent quotation lram the Earl of Home British foreign secretary The postwar world is lit tered with failed disarmament conferences but that is no es cuse for not trying and goingon trying Pessirnis rings up the cur tain at Geneva says The Daily Telegraph and the lack at great expectations can be explained by reference partly to apparent differences in the AngloAmer icna approach to disarmament and partly by indications of an unhridgable gap in East West thinking STUMELING BLOCK The big stumbling block so far between Russia on one side and the Westcni powers on the other has been the question of international inSpcction or In the present jargon of disarma ment experts verification The West considers some kind of Inspection essential ussla is obsessively suspicious of any intrusion on her territory that international control posts might involve 0n the Western sldc the United States in its approach to any ban on nuclear testing is concerned by the problem of dr tecting secret preparations for resumption of tests British ministers less worried never theless understand the US po silica in view of Russias recent massive resumption of tests breaking threeyear morator luITI Despite the gloom nobody underestimates the importance ot the Geneva talks United Nations report by it econo mists issued during the week nd shows that the world now spends some £43000000000 year on arms sum equivalen to at least twothirds of the int come of all the underdeveloped countries v00 Perry Como 1000 News iiigarla ioao Ex lurltlnns 1100 Cit Tv News 1115 The Weatherman Today in arts Community ow 1110 Highway Patrol THURSDAY MARC 15 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1200 Popeye and his ma Noondsy Report News Walther Spartl Farm Rc art Camlnl Events Mavis Triple Threat open House School Telecast Verdch Is Your News Womens Show Lots Look Ropu Around Tbs Bun ruzzia Drui Dick Tracey News Headlines Cliffhanger Farm Marltat Report News Don Jamlelon Weather sports Ptorro aortas Tho Flintstoan The Rest McCoys Natum of Things My Three Soul The Derendsrs Country Junction Ono Step Beyond Cecav Nows Tho Westhsmn Tad In Spam Commnnlty Nun Movie The Return 38 so0 aao 355 400 30 Loo 530 500 ss Gum SSEESSJ 333 ugcnmdd Sornenspercentotthsarms outlay is concentrated among seven countries big spenders are Russia Red China the United States Britain France Canada and West Ger many BEETON Mr and Mrs Maurice Hall of Newmarket visited with Mr and Mrs Roy Devsll on Sun day Mr and Mrs Cecil Perrier and Mrs IilChurchiII Visited with Mr and Mrs George Walsh of Mount Albert on Sun day Mr and Mrs Dean and orally at Hamilton spent Sat urday with Mr and Mrs MIL ton Reynolds Visitors at the horns of Mr and Mrs Cecil Farrier Friday were Mr and Mrs Elvin Peare son and Mr and Mrs Elmer Hunter of Thornton Mr and Mrs Oscar Ellison of Mitchell visited with relatlt iveds in town during the week en Mr and Mrs Ran McComh at Stratford visited Mr and Mrs McQuay during the weekend Mr and Mrs Dennys of Ten onto were in town for the past week number of people from town attended the funeral of Ellison ot Tottenhsm Mrs Cecil Reynolds and Mrs Butt were in Barrie on Tuesday night attending meeting Mr and Mrs Jack Gray Pat sy and Earl and Mrs Armstrong and Audrey spent Thursday in Barrie Mr and Mrs Letts spent the weekend in Barrie with the lotters parents Mr and Mrs Bakerhwho marked their 50th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Cuppago of Coldwnter visited Mrs Hooper during the weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Shepherd of Alliston visited with Mrs Wiggins on fluesday Mrs Gordon Hawton spent the past weekend with Mr and Mrs Paul Hawton of Ot town PC Party Sued For $200000 EDMOIWON CP Ronald Simmons so Edmonton law yer has tiled statement of dlirn for 3200000 against tho Progressive Conservative party and the Progressive Conserva lle Association oi Alberta The statement says the Pro gressivs Conservatives failed to keep promise that Mr Sim mons would be suitably re warded for his efforts on behalf of the party prior to the 1957 federal election The statement says Mr Sim mons provided political theory and formula which would bring about change of public sentiment and make the Pro gressive Conservative party suc ccssfui in its bid to win the election The party won hi rstura Mr Simmons claims he was promised that the party would find perman ant solution to unemployment take steps to separate church and state and pmvlda pro gram of birth control to prevent overpopulation The statement says the party failed to Implement these under takings As result Mr Simmons claims he is on the verge of losing the greatest gift of his life namely the right to live in country which enjoys self govemmentnnd ha has suffered damages Mr Simmons 58 was an an successful mayornlity candidate in Edmonton in 1961 Years Years For Execution TORONTO CF Two men described by the judge as hav ing executed third and street here were sentenced Monday on manslaughter charges Chief Justice McRuer of the Ontario High Court imposed seven years on Reno Taylor 20 of Toronto and two years de terminate and two years inde terminate on John Hellman 21 of Hanover for the death of Charles Nicholls 38 Nicholls railway woriter died last Aug 28 from beating auIIered June 17 He was executed without even the opportunity of defend ing himself Chief Justice Mc Ruer said CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER West dealer NorthvSouLh vulnerable Room pieres vans out 41m IIAEI 34 104 you KQJIOII qua usss scum xonoa one so 41074 The bidding West North East South Dhle run Pam is Opening lead king of dia menus The prime purpose at pre emptive bid is to make things tough for the opponents Thus 400 Proressors theswny 600 ninn From Conhlso 630 640 Sport Weather News Bachelor Father Route 55 Naked City Chuckmlu 1030 showdown 1100 News Wenthfl 1125 Bettcr Late 1210 Focus Floris Berton Flight ml 1030 News Pm and Easy News Kin To Win thermud Altair New WEDNESDAY MARCH is 1000 Douglas Fairbanks he and Easy Cont Channel Theatr Wiitn you more When new batty arrives flr when you brateavaryapeimlfm sly occasion Your WeIoonio Wa on Hostess will call wi haulrot of gifts and trier greetings irons our re gious civic and basilisk leaders When the occasion trim phone PA 66302 ooonuohouuosu CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Professors Eldele Man From Cochin Sports westhsr By Pierre Berton News are NHL Hockey Jim Calamari The Detectives News Spam Walther Batter Lab Focus Tnurtsoar Manor is man Newsv Frza and Easy tea an 1y con Kin To sun Channel Nine Them Kid For Two PathInga News Prolossnrs Hideaway Man From Cochin Sports weather ay Pietro Berton News Leave it To aevsr sing Along With Mitch The Real McCoys Channel Theatre tttose or Washington Square Pater Gutin News Weather Sports Better Late Focus 99fl99999r 888353338 easecasssss anyhow when West opens with three diamonds he has little hope that his side can make game but he makes the bid with the expectation that the opponents probably have the better hands and that the preempt will eat up valuable bidding space for NorthSouth These nuisance bids are often successful in preventing the op ponents from reaching their best contract The opponents may react in too conservative manner or else they may be stimulated by the challenge to reach beyond their depth For example take this hand where South wound up In six spades It is hard to blame South for jumping to four spadesin response to Norths takeout double three spade bid being forced would scarce ly have shown the values he bad And it is equally hard to blame North for going to six spades with his enormous hand after South had jumped to four However South played the hand well and ended by mak lag the slam even though he had what appeared to be two inescapable diamond losers So everything came out all right after all West led the king of diam onds Declarer won it with the ace and saw that the only real chance of making the hand lay in executing an elimination play Accordingly after drawing two rounds of trumps he cash ed the AK of clubs crossed to his band with the king of hearts and ruffed the ten of clubs Then after cashing the ace of hearts he led the nine of hearts from dummy East played the jack but in stead of rafting it South dis carded one of hislosing dia monds East had to return heart or club having no other suits left to play When he chose the club rev turn South got rid of his other diamond loser as he ruffed the club in dummy So South made the slam as result of the forced ruff and discard Tomorrow The logic of defence DAILY CROSSWORD amass Openal1 courtyard llo sternerI from ugh ll Diracuohal Bin 12 Drum nanny 13 Malaya 1s Silly blunders 38mm Criergod shin flavor pain 850th Leaving sinuous Venture 42 Vestibqu DOWN Cushions 23881011 bathrooms muses AND sxssrsrt LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES ETTA KETT DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER THE BARRIE EXAMINER lUEEDAY MARCH 1982 BLIZZARPs JEEPE WEN MD MRIEPU MDMY LEGS WURDADWAS ALWAYS SORTOFAN IDOLIOMB RESORT HEANDMIB You WERE BABYSITTING TONIGIII STU films COVERED NOT WITH THAT LITTLE MONSTER HES TOO Toueu roe ME HE locus ITOLD ILL PHONE AND SFE IF HE NEEDS LaoK iM ABUSYMAN WHO 619 mu WISH To SPEAK TD mannerismsMFR THE CG M119 6N Wain WWW new WE W9 IIAVE THANRUNMRISK WILLYOLI PLEPSE $IOPAN ASK BILLYS MGM TGIVE ME IJFI TDTHCLUK MEETING wussoiiisnisrs ntém DIFFICIILTIES mamas WRE WIIIJNB IUlDfl no waumrrsav so sures M9241 WW EDIEIWUEOF SINCE ONEO TtI BOYSBROKE WHEELOFF MY 863ml LAST on netweii new assoomaogrm oomtcr BIG SHDTS

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