Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1962, p. 6

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FULL time lob keep wlng doll house clean and looking after dozen baby dolls especially when the house has walltowall broad to Little girls today can hovel verything that mother has in or home including kitchen Tull of modern appliances in Iany color they desire Tlte Canlt Indian toy market offers host joi wonderful toys the answer olo every childs dream The doll market offers the idest selection With dolls that can walk talk and even cat rcalism is the order of thedoy Dolls comt complete with alittle kit containing sinilml pablum and bottle spoon and show the eating doll umvr tied by plug in its itttrl It was introduced this ye no 22nd allCanadian Toy the talking doll Another novelty doll new llu year has realisticnll lt up intants face and limle Lliut thrush about for several nun utcs when central kt wound Light For the more soplus girl there are sixpiece hipped character dolls ome of costumes ANN LANDERS Polite Wedding Guests Refrain From Guessing Dear Readers considered the matter of the chaste bride closed but the mail con tinues to pour in Obviously there are great number of individuals who can write but cannot read Here is an example This lit tlc gem came from Mrs of Detroit Dear Ann Lenders We are deeply disappointed in you You said lts nobodys business if the signs of preg nancy show beneath the white dress and veil How could you make such statement In my opinion girl who waited so long to get married does not deserve to have fancy wed ding If this happened to daughter of mine she would tve married as quickly and as quietly as possible Mrs placed quotes around wards which came straight out of her head The lines which she generously at tributed to me did not appear in my column Perhaps someone ought to sl down with Mrs and ex plain to her the difference be tween virginity and pregnancy My reply went like this bride does not owe her guests an affidavit of chastity Whether or not she is as pure as the soap that floats is not your business The letter which set of this 50 megaton explosion was writ ten by woman who felt that no bride save the purest of the pure should be allowed to wear traditional white took excep tion to this on the grounds that it is impossible to recognize vir tue on sight The unsullied the slightly sullied and the outaud out tramps look alike Since this is the case say we should assume the best and not sit around and second guess the bride It hardly seems worth say ing but think Ill say it any way and leave no nm for speculationa bride who must release the seams other white satin gown to make room for an heir who is half home makes fool of herself and richly deserves the criticism of those who are invited to Mt ness the mockery TIRED ANGEL Datu Ann Loaders My protr lem is Whopper Its indaws both of them My husbands parentsars semlinvnlldr 111w depend on Tiny Tots Mother New Eating Dolls the show that last year inrmlutrd ests the Mince You is spray rt them wearing striped twtstldtvst loom Above threeyearold Joanne Sharratt left and fouryearold Susan Buckland try the oldfashioned routine to comfort their dailies and similar doll but with strikingly different paint job was cast as Cleopatra and clad in goldtrimmed pontaloon out fit and sandals Along with washable waistlength hair she had heavy eye makeup painted toe nails and beauty spot on one check Other dolls on display included lifesized little girl dolls that walk These dolls have been on til but their popularity shows no Atrium Smelt tin nun my lir Ni ii ltaliy eto ntizt mic not neg ecml un quvu ll not chug xlmn Amm icnn mummy I2 temJtrl itli Are on truck mn the Show this than to be nrs that plastic rottots that can bc prtmicol war scv rd games and pWles ltccp the youngsters in the back seat oeeuztleti me for great deal do their marketing Prepare two meals day for them keep their home in order do their laundry and drive them to the doctor My husband can do nothing for them as he is travelling Sals man and is gone from Monday dirough Friday The folks are not very wel off financially and they cant afford outside help Their large home is hard for me to keep up and its quite distance from ourapnrtrnent Im exA ilausted just running back and forth There will soon be vacancy in our apartment building and it would be so much easier on me if they would sell their home and move in My mother tnlaw says she doesnt want to give up her home After 22 years she is attached to it emarket for several years nuurne Examiner suu Photo rock them to sleep Joanne is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Shnrratt of Castle Drive and Susan the dam ghter of Mr and Mrs Bucklnnd at Castle Dri BSP Sorority Honor Members Mrs Max Judd Rose Street was hostess at social evening for members of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority last evening Highlights of the evening in eluded surprise baby shower for Mrs Irene Grncoy and bon voyage cake was pressnted tn Misses Beryl Baldwin and Helen Keckses who are leaving the city for an extended holiday in the British Isles Among those present were Miss Beryl Baldwin Mrs Jean Battersby Mrs lean Fair Mrs Sandra Gillilnnd Miss tanet Miss Gerry Miss Kay Buckley iiss Jane Burnett Miss Elca nor Doiron Mrs Irene Gracey Miss Helen Mrs Elaine King Mrs Audrey Lov ell Mrs Dorothy Merritt Mrs Barbara Nichol Mrs Barbara Ponp Mrs Olga Rankin Miss Lorna Richards Mrs Marion Stephens Mrs Ruth Williams Miss Fay Wolfe and Miss Irene Watson THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA If youre planning to travel or to entertain avoid extravagance now Check costs carefully in advance They prove higher than you anticipate FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are now in period which should prove excellent in business and financial way Make the most of all opportu nities to advance in this connec tion between now and October since your next chance to add to your bankroll wont appear before late December Job matters may move slowly this year but dont be discour aged You can use this some what restrictive period for building purposesplanning for the future making constructive plans and improving your knowledge and skills good opportunity in October could heighten your zeal along these lines Personal relationships es pecially in sentimental matters will be under fine influences for most of the year and early July and August will be excel lent for travel Avoid specula tion risks of any kind during November and also be careful during that month notto force issues with either family or can see her point Since your husband can do nothing for themhe can certainly do something for you He can in slot that his parents give up their large home and move into an apartment near you You sound like an angel to me daughterinlaw who so wrllmgly doubles as chauf feur cook maid and laundress should be given some consider atton business associates PERMANENTS SPECIAL 550 PEOPLE AND PLACES Mr and Mrs Moron of Maple Avenue were recent guests at me home of their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Jock Moran of London And were in London for the arrival of their twin grand daughters Catherine Mary and Nancy Ellen Misses Susan and Linda Moran returned to the city with their grandparents and will be visiting here until the weekend when they will re turn to London HERITABE DE FRANCE Mrs Helen Snow of Adel tide Street nndMrs Hazel Barker of Worslcy Street visited the Heritage de France exhibit at the Tomato Art Gallery at the weekend They also visited the Jack Pollock show at the Pot lock Gallery on Elizabeth Street INFORMAL AFTERNOON Prior to the Community Cor certs drive to be held in April Mrs Robert Lceper gen eral chairman entertained at her Amelia Street residence Sunday afternoon Among the guests were Community Con cert President Mrs Frank Craig Mrs Del Jackson co chairman Mrs Ross Stephens secretory and team captains Miss Mary Agnes Moore Mrs George Davies Arthur Pickles Mr and Mrs Ron Coxall Bruce Owen Mrs William Brown Mrs John Ramsay AIR CADETS WA The womans Auxiliary of 102 Air Cadets will meet at the home at Mrs Mildred Baker Toronto Street Vedner day evening for the regular meeting The members are sponsoring bake sale to be held March 16 from 75 pm at the YM YWCA Owen Street Pickup of baked goods can be arranged by phoning PA 85232 or PA 83063 SOUTHERN VACATIONS Mr and Mrs Sinclair Blake Street have returned to Mrs Mason was hostess at the Guthrie United Church Wo mens March meeting at which vicepresident Mrs Sander son presided After an opening prayer The Functions of United Church Wo men were read in unison Roll call was answered by word containing churches Reports were given on quilts ready for overseas relief and plans were made for completing more Reference was made to the Easter Thankoifering sup per meeting ta be heldApril with Mrs anins of Cannington as guest speaker It was decided to take advan tage of the opportunity to sell refreshments at Hastings sale RIDING IN NWT Woman Seeks YELLOWKNIFE CWA woman is seeking the Liberal nomination in Canadas most widespread constituency in the next federal general election Mrs Eleanor Hurdle slight 40yearold native of Winnipeg is candidate for the Liberal nomination in Mackenzie Tho riding in the Northwest Territo ries established in 1953 was represented by her husband Mervyn Hordie at the time of his death last October He had been elected in 1953 and re elected in 1957 and 1958 Largest fe or al riding in Canada with an area of 540000 square miles Mackenzie has scattered population of fewer complete Opln Tues rout rri on pm orsnarons EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE It Essa rtd Alluran For appointment no PA $8571 RepresentedlBy Hosband Pbons Eileen Dixon or Audrey Colman PA 66531 the city after spending month at Miami Beach Florida While in Florida Mr and Mrs Sinclair visited with Mr Sinclairs brother and sis tcrintlaw Mr and Mrs Jock Sinclair Mr and Mrs Rosscr have returned to their Shanty Bay residence following an is land hopping tour by air in the Caribbean which took them as far south as Trinidad STORK SHOWER ntork shower was held at the homeot Mrs Max Judd Hose Slreet in honor of Mrs Wes Adam Among the guests were Mrs John Hender son and Mrs Ron Paul of Barrio Miss Ann Middleton Miss Eleanor Maynard Mrs Lloyd Raymond Mrs Allen Patterson Mrs Fred Patterson Miss ldo Mcllveen Miss Marv ion Sutton and Mrs Don La mont all of Orillia 5T PATRICKS TEA The Evening Circle Womens Auxiliary of St Andrews Pres byterian Church are sponsoring at St Patricks Ten to be held tomorrow afternoon from 230 to 500 pm in the church rooms Mrs Paul Heger and Mrs Iim Morley are converters of the event Bake table eon vencr is Mrs Cotton Mrs Marshall is convener of the delicatessen table Tickets may be obtained from any member of the WA or purchased at time of the ten Cowboys Indians Artists Specialty VICTORIA fCPl Fifteen yearold Penny Britt an artist who specializes in scenes of the old west has been commis sioned to illustrate novel by Elmer Turner California breeder and racer of quarter horses She draws cowboys and In dians the latter with such skill that it may become her life work Pennys success with pen and ink has been remarkable for girl of her age She has won prizes in the Pacific National Exhibition and her sketches have been accepted by maga zines am doing all the drawings for novel by Elmer Turner she said The book is to be titled The Little Black More Her commission for this task arose from drawing used in the Western Horseman depict ing cowboy roundiog up some steers Not limited to PEn and ink Penny also dabble in water colors and oils Im miserable tomboy and one of my best friends is cow boy to whom write and send my sketches though Ive never met him Now in the air force the former cowboy suggests au thentic ranch scenes for Penny to draw OSTRICII TYPE The rapidly dwindling Austral inn emu big flightless bird related to the ostrich may stand six feet tall mm THE BARRIE EXAMINER Guthrie UCW Discuss Plans For Easter Thankoiiering Letters of thanks for gifts re ceived were read by the secre tary Mrs Mason Christian citizenship convener read let ter from Canadian couple now serving on Colombo Plan pro ject in Pakistan Mrs Howard Campbell pre sented the study program The strength of the nation building her statements on the basic theme The strength of the na tion is the character of its people She was assisted by several other members in prev limlnary panel discussion Mrs Gilchrist conducted the Lenten service Mrs Mc Arthur read the Scripture les SDII At the close of the meetingre freshments were served by the hostess Nomination Mrs Hurdle said she decided to seek the nomination after receiving encouragement from Liberal party officials both in Ottawa and in the Northwest Territories Known to her friends as Tib bie Mrs Hardie went to Yel lowknife in the late 19405 and there met her husband Mother of four north The size of the constituency and the tion dont worry me she said am well acquainted needs desires and functions of the Mackenzie constituency as in close touch with the my husband did in the than 20000 House of Commons kept work starts your thrifty holiday with Gateway toeu Europe In youve ever had at no extra fare And on and the bonniest holi Vlsit up to 19 extra cities SAS jets you get exclw sivo Maltro do Cablna service even in economy European travel plannlng pack age including how to visit extraoittes at no extra tare See or write SAS yourSAstav at agent phone W41 WW4me VCredIl rmm man 244 Bay SHEET Toronto Ont EMplre 25221 she lives inflitawa but has strong interest in the problems of transports witb the TUESDAY MARCH 13 1962 World Of Finance Calls Woman MONTREAL CP Jacquel ine Mace the only woman registered in Montreal as representative of the New York Stock Exchange is small shy conventeducated French Canadian She picked up much of her knowledge of finance while working as teletype operator in brokers office Studying finnnclnl journals in her spare time she moved to brokers trading desk and in 1960 passed her examinations to become registered repre sentative of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges Last year she repeated the eat up the New York Stock Exchange the Chicago Board of Trade the American Stock Ex change and the National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers Miss Macewhose hobbies incidentally are cooking sew ing and knittingbelieves too few women take an active part in the world of finance She feels the best way for woman to start is to study financial pages of daily news paperJoin an investment club and sink regular monthly allowance into solid blue chip investments terms LITTLE AS Bun Prawns no 48 ANNE ST Les Cowper Panto NEWLY WEDS SIGN THBVREGISTER AT TRINITY CHURCH Miss Sandra Harris Becomes Bride 0i Norton Garry The altarof Trinity Anglican Church was adorned with can dies and baskets of yellow daf fodils for the wedding of Miss Sandra Florence Harris and John Edward Norton Garry Archdeacon Read officiv nted at the aitemoon cer emony March The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Nelson Harris Burton Avenue The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs John Garry Peter Street Oril lio Thebride was escorted down the white carpeted aisle of the church by her father Her dal gown was of sat fashioned with fitted bodice with neckline and long slc eves The billowing skirt of the gown fell to train at the back headdress crown of seed pearls held the finger tip veil of tulle illusion The bride carried bouquet of white ros es gardenias and stephonotls The bride was attended by Mrs Marion McBride as mat ron of honor The bridesmaids were Mrs Donna Neely Stroud Mrs Doreen Tracey Barrie Mrs Grace Lougheed Bclleville The flower girls were Misses Sherry and Mary Campbell of Barrie The attendants were gowned alike in Kelly green sheath gowns with bouffant overskirts Their henddresses were hows of matching material with veil NO MONEY DOWN Payable Over Mths For Our Budget Sav ing Food Planl EAT BETTER FOR LESSI Free DEllvery Up To 100 Miles KLEERPAK FOODS Whether its snacks for four or dinner for twelve lot to the pleasure of entertaining guests help you plan your new kitchen PA 60501 ing Their bouquets were fash ioned of white mums and ivy leaves Ralph Noy Orillia was gro omsman Neil Rolland Blake Urcn and Bob Switzcr all of Orillia were the ushers The soloist Poul Lazier Oril lln was accompanied by org anist Mrs Roberts also oi Orillia For the reception at Trinity Parish Hall the brides mother received treating gown of gold brocade brown accessor ies and fur jacket Her cor sage was white mums Assisting the bridegrooms mother was gowncd in two piece dress of blue satin white and blue accessories and mink stole Her purse corsage was of beige orchids For travelling to the United States the bride donned suit of gold wool complemented with gold and brown accessor 95 Outofcity guests attended from Orillia Toronto Ottawa Cookstown Churdhlll Belleville and Quebec FREEZERS POPULAR One Canadian household in nine is the possessor of home freezer Fendleys Flowers 74 Blake St PA 85975 Nomanvrrmsmo up 1951 MATERIALS TO MODERNIZE THE AVERAGE KlTCHEN FOR AS CALL THE CO LTD whym $23K modern kitchen adds BALL PLANING MILL will Materials can be paid for on easy budget

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