Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1962, p. 3

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Progressive Conservative As sociation held Ora Night festivities last night at Guth 0R0 NIGHT AT THE ORILLIA and District the Community Hall Speak er was John Hamilton MP shown on the left above with Carter QC of Orillla GUTHRIE president of the association and Dr hynard MP for Simcoe East Examiner Photo Predicts Very Dirty Election By Liberals Conservative MP said in Guthrie last night the next elec tion will be very dirty and warned that the Liberals are oing to employ yicious at gocks on Prime Minister John Dieienbaker in an attempt to regain power its going to be very dirty warned John Hamilton MP for West York addressing Oriiiia and District Progressive Con servative Association at Guth lie The Liberals will stop at nothing he added He then launched personal attack on the old Liberal gang Lester Pearson he described as the bowtied kid who ran around as external affairs min ister Hazen Argue may be able to help the Liberals out on their policy declared Mr Hamil ton course you know what he is ultra ultra social istic While lashing out at the Lib oral party and their probable campaign tactics Mr Hamilton described former President Eisenhower as lame duck president CIVIL SERVANTS The Liberals are gathering together as candidates for the coming election collection oi former civil servants he said If they form the next gov ernment one half of their par ty will consist of iormer civil servants What sort of govern mental training is that ask ed Mr Hamilton He believed an MP should be man of the people He should be brought up in the constit ucncy he represents and be thoroughly conversant with its peculiar problems gt The devaluation of the dollar has proven resounding suc cess said Mr Hamilton For the first time in nine years Canada has balanced her trade position We have just experienced our greatest trading year ever he added Tackling the field of unem ployment the Conservatives have the greatest vocational program in history underway The Conservative government stands for complete disarma ment said Mr Hamilton But Canada retained Eomarcs and Rim so they could be quick ly armed with nuclear weapons should disarmament break down Mr Hamilton gave no indica tion when an election might be called but prophesied the Con servatives would return to pow cr despite hardfought carn paign by the Liberals At the same meeting Dr Rynard Conservative MP for Simone East spoke briefly on recent government advances in hospitalization care old age pensions and the Canadian North Within 150 years the world population problem will be acute and the opening up and development of the North is es sential The prime minister and the government are fully aware of the importance of this move and tremendous strides are now being made Aussies Take Look At Immigrgtion By HAROLD TILLEY Canadian Press Correspondent CANBERRA CP Ausura iias flow of immigrants ever fruitful source of controversy is undergoing particularly lively scrutiny at present Primarily the examination is seasonal because this is the riod marking the anniversary of Australias founding in 1737 Eaci year the anniversary furnishes an occasion for Sr rnons speeches addresses and newspaper articles on national achievements national aspira tions and in recent years nat uralization of percentage of the nonB sh migrants There is also citizenship convention at which the main theme Is migrants and their effective economic and social assimila tion References to the need of more population for defame of more men and machinery for produci Son and of more men women and children as local market to seor cnrzume the nonex portable surplus of production are in the seasonal pattern factor adding zest to dis cussions this year is the fact that Decembers unemployment figure of 115000 was higher than any since the depression of the 1930 TOO MANY MEN But for the clackened 1061M migrant flow the unemployment figure would no doubt have been higher although for some time the emphasis in migram selection has been on migrant dependentsrather than on ni grant breadwinners with the ob icct of bridging theimbalanee of sexes It is becoming clear that to maintain anything like an an nual intake of 125000 Australia may have to offer more induce ment or be less choosey in se lection For people with capital Aus tralia offers unlimited opportun ities but as country in which free migrants might seek brighter opening on the bread ble in their own countries Aus tralia no longer outshines most others That does n2 mean Azstra lian conditions have deterio rated It does mean that in Britain and in European coun tries from which Australia has been able to attract more than 1000000 new citizens condi tions have improved vastly and on balance there now is no need for skilled and unskilled workers and their families to move from their traditional homes or so far from them Now Faces Tax Bill TORONTO CPlCity counA cil voted Monday to terminate an agreement with the Canadian Pacific Railway that exempts the Royal York Hotel from pay ment of business taxes and per mits the companys steam heat ing plant to avoid payment of real property taxes The decision expected to reap another $171000 in taxes takes effect next Jan and will on followed by an appeal to the provincial legislature next year for an amendment to the As sessment Act to permit the cit to tax the two operations At present the Royal York pays the city $10000 year in lieu of the business tax and an other $7500 annually in place of the property tax on its steam plant Only one other Ontario hotel is believed to enjoy such tax privilegesthe Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa The steam plant provides heat for the Royal York Union Station the federal customs building and the post office The agreement between the city and the CPR was set out in report by board of control adopted by city council in 1049 It provides for the payment of $17500 annually with the city promising not to seek taxleaIs lation as long as the agreement andbutter front than is avails continues We are behind Russia in northern development way he hind said Dr Rynard The Conservatives did not move in to the north until 1957 But since then we have made tre mcndous strides and we are rapidly opening up new vistas City Manager Turns Down Expenses No one can accuse city man ager Walter Gigg of trying to pad his expense account Council offeied last night to pay the cost of Mr Giggs at tendance at management training course in Chicago and he said hed rather pay his own way Several aldermen urged that the city pay for the trip point ing out Mr Giggs valuable ser vxces to the city and the fact that the course would be of benefit to the city appreciate what has been said here tonight Mr Gigg stated but Id rather pay hw own way He will attend the advanced management training Program of the International City Man ngers Association in Chicago May ion at his own ex pense Unions To Tell Cabinet What They Want By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA CP Organized labor visits Parliament Hill this week to lay its legislative plai iorm before Prime Minister Dio fenbaker and his cabinet Policy declarations will be de lwered today and Wednesday by three different union groups The cabinet will hear briefs from The Confederation of National Trade Unions the 98500strong central organization of Quebecs union syndica es led by Presi dent Jean Marchand The national legislative com mittee of the international Rail way Erotherhoads headed by Chairman Hutclunson and speaking for more than 110000 Canadian railway workers The Canadian Labor Con gress central body for most of the countrys trade unions rep resenting more than 1070000 un ion members The CNTU brief will be given this morning followed by the railway submission in the after 1100111 The CLC delegation expected to include more than 800 union officials and headed by CDC President Claude Jndoin will present its brief Wednesday morning In the briefs organized labor will spell out its views on fed eral policies and programs ranging through multitude of issues from unemployment to in ternaiional trade The CLC submission may prove to be of great significance this year because it will be the first policy manifesto from the congress since last years fnr motion of the New Democratic Party CHARGES GIVEAWAY FREDERICTON GP George McInemey New Brunswick Progressive Conserv ative party whip charged Mon day that the Liberal government of Premier Robichaud has given away millions of dollars in con tracts to its friends without calling for tenders He made the charge in provincial affairs broadcast over network of New Brunswick radio stations May Buy CN Site To Prepare Plcin Barrio will negotiate for two and half acres of CNR ro party and the station bull ng when the railroad moves its operation to Allondale in June Council will tryto get the station for public use although the railroads real estate de partment has said the station and freight sheds will be de molished in June city development commit tee report recommended that the land be purchased for park ing and as green belt out council saw possibilities of broader use Mayor Cooke hinted that part of the land could be used pr0lt fitably to help pay for the cap ital costsoi the property The express office could be used for public washrooms Alderman Arthur Morrow sug gested Alderman Frank Hersey said the price of the land would de pend an how it was to be used The city is losing 3110000 year in wages by closing of the station and freight sheds Ald erman Roy Marselius observed Men are being transferred to Torlonto Montreal and Cap reo The city engineer was told to draw up scale plan for use of the CNR land City Will Reconsider Request For Tag Day For Soccer Club City council will reconsider the Barrie bontam soccer clubs request for tag day The traffic commlt had turned down the re nest and suggested that the rub seek financial assistance from the Barrie Recreation Committee The uest has been refus ed ln prev ous years Alder man Earle Williams said The club paid its own way to Winnipeg last year and brought great deal of public City council decided last night to take another look at the tim ing of the controversial traffic light at Sunnldale Road and Wellington Street There had been complaints in council that the light was con fusing motorists The light is used by children who can push button to ob tain walk signal to cross the intersection OBITUARY MRS JOSEPH MeMURRAY welisknown Penetang bus inesswoman Mrs Joseph Mc Murray died at her Main Street home Feb 13 following short illness Born in Orlllia daughter of Mr and Mrs James Gal lagher she married Joseph Mc Murray in 1915 After living in Tiny and Flos Townships they moved to Penetang in 1921 Moving to Chicago in 1930 Mrs McMurray took beauty course there and graduated from the Burnham School of Beauty After conducting bus iness in Chicago for some time she returned to Penetaag where Mrs McMurray set up beauty shop at 99 Main Street She was member of the third order of St Francis League of the Sacred Heart and St Anns Society Surviving are one daughter Blanche and sister Mrs Alec Donnelly both of Penet ang and brother Frank Gallagher Detroit Mich Funeral service was held in St Anns Memorial Church where solemn requiem mass was said by Father Kelly as celebrant Father OMai ley as deacon and Father Hamil as subdeacon Tempor ary entombment was in St Anns Mausoleum interment will be made later in St Pat ricks Cemetery Phelpston Pallbearers were Jerome Gig nae Ken Tannahill Ray Les peranca Maercel Emery Gord on Gropp and Stewart Relatives and friends attend ing the service came from New York Chicago Toronto Upter grove Barrie and Pbelpston Airline Chases Seat Shirkers NEW YORK AP Pan American World Airways signed multimillion dollar contract Monday for worldwide elec tronic reservation system The exact figure was not released The system will quickly res serve flight space and rent ho tel rooms and autos It will also catch passengers who make multiple reservations planning to cancel all but one at the last minute International Business Ma chines Inc will construct the device which will be connected from offices hero to 114 cities on six continents by means of radio circuits transoceanic ca bles and land lines The machine to be in opera tion by December 1963 will ba designed to also maintain in ventories handle the payroll and do about 100000 daily chores For The Best Selection of Paper Back POCKET BOOKS TRY Weoymoulhs BOOK STORE an Dunlap PA 84085 ity to Barrie Alderman Mun ray Mills pointed out Alderman Gerry Roberts said the committees decision was unjust The club has been sponsored by civicminded group of men for number of years by mon ey out of their own pockets All they are asking council for is permission to ask the people for help The item was referred back to the traffic committee for fur ther study Controversial Traffic Light Again Raises Council Ruckus Alderman Gerry Roberts said traffieman lIm Lowes original sketch which had proposed gosswalk had not been accept fiio light now operating is the some as his original pro posal except for the ushbut ton Mr Roberts saidI The city incurred expense by not following the trafflemans res commendation in the first place Alderman Frank Hersey said conventional traffic light yould impede the flow of traf 15 The light protects the chil dren he said it was sim ilar situation with the light at Codrington and Mulcaster It took year to educate the peo ple there Even the policemen had accidents Lengthy eonsld oration should be given before any changes other than timing are made to the light at Sunni dale Road and Wellington Kept City Crews Busy Heavy snowfall in Febniary kept Barries public work do partmeot busy Alderman Fred Smith chain man of the public works com mittoe said 33 inches of snow and one and half inches of rain had fallen and the city had experienced icing conditions 12 times Snow was plowed 22 times and lifted five times Following materials were us ed In February 321 tons of sand 451 tons of salt 76 tons of patching material Three sewers were unblocked 800 feet of water was flushed and 158 feet of lateral sewer was constructed Trucks moved 565 loads of garbage and 2865 tons of sand were used in the garbage land fill operation Six major and as minor re pairs were done to public worlu vehicles One watercourse and 15 catch basins were cleaned Mr Smith said that cleaning work was being done on catch basins to prevent flooding and that 280 man hours were spent removing snow and ice from catch basins WEATHER Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weatfier office at 430 am Synopsis Light snow and driz le are occurring over Ontario Temperatures will be in the 30 across the province today Cooler weather will move into the province Wednesday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake 0n tario regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with few periods of light wet snow or drizzle today Mainly cloudy with few snowflurriea tonight and Wednesday little colder Wednesday Winds southerly 15 today Westerly 15 Wednesday Georgian Bay Holiburton relt glons Cloudy with few pelt riods of light wet snow or driz 119 today Cloudy with few snowilurries and little colder tonight and Wednesday winds llg Timagaml Algoma Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Cloudy with few periods of light snow or drl1 zla today Cloudy with few snowflurries and little colder tonight and Wednesday Winds ElfTORONTO CONTROLLER IS GUEST Newman was guest speaker at last nights dinner meeting FORECAST easterly 15 becoming light by noon Forecast Temperature Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor so 35 St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingharn llnmilton St Catharine Toronto Peterboro Trenton Klilaloe Muskolnt North 11m Sudbnr Earltnn ErrToronto controller Joan linuios oNsanucriox LTD omit on 33le Ask about our VACATION FURNISHINGS CLOTHING Any responsible person can borrow our life insured Personal Loan Plan Just follow Talk the mafiber over with themana him know why you want the money that will suit your convenience Personal Loans are available for fromtwelve to thirtysax months and can be obtained at any one of our branch 77 CANABIANJMIDEVRIAL BANK OF COMMERC Over 1260 branches to serve you of the Barrie Kiwanis Club She is seen above right with Ross Stephens club president Hydro Strikers Vote To Return MONTREAL CP Some 1600 workers striking at Que bec Hydros Carillon power project on the Ottawa River agreed Monday to go back to work after receiving backtm work order from union head quarters in Montreal The strike began Friday in support of demands for more pay by electrical workers at the project 40 miles west of Mont real Five other unions participated in the strike STAMPS iXS SUPPLIES covsns DOCUMENTS ALBUMS WANTED TO BUY 11 Mid Letters Old Maps Old Post Cards BARBIE STAMP AND com liayllold St La mw 115 mil APPLIANCES HOUSE for any worthwhile purpose under this simple procedure ger ai our branch nearest you Let Hewill be glad to work out aplan

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