ll TE m1 EXAMINER TUPJDAY MARCH i961 36Billion Of Tim Gone Up In Smoke OTTAWA CPD Canadas apparent consumption at cig arettes indicated by the sale oi excise revenue stamps rose seven per cent to 366992in000 irom 3423935l000 in 1960 the Dominion Bureau oi Statistics reported today That is equivalent to 2012 cigarettes for every man woman and child oi Canadas population Withdrawals ot cigars ior Ca nadian consumption similarly indicated by revenue stamp sales rose percent to 836 593000 last year irom 832324 000 Withdrawals at out tobacco increased slightly to 21108000 pounds irom 21586000 But there were declines in plus to bacco to 1089000 pounds irom 1130000 snuii tn 830000 pounds from 872000 itnd raw tea to 873000 pounds irom 9750 Total stocks oi unmanuinc lured tobacco at the end oi 1961 were up 53 per cent train year earlier at 16E6tz615 pounds Cigar Makers Offered Jobs TAMPA Fla AP Unem ployed Tampa cigar makers were oiiercd jobs in Canada Monday ThornSon immigrav tion otiicer in cliargo at the Ca nadian consulate in New York City extended the invitation durv log tour oi Tampa There is plenty at room in Canada tor skilled workers he said This applied to all ï¬elds not just the cigar industry he added BOOK REVIEW Plans Counterplans Make School For Espionage SPY RING by JOHN BULLOCK and HENRY MILLER Espionage is inevitable As long as there are frontiers nat ions will attempt to learn the secrets at their rivals and in the present state at tension bet ween East and West on country can ignore the progress being made by potential enemy in military scientiiic and economic spheres Supremacy in one told is no guarantee oi overall sup eriority for it is almost certain to be oiiset by weal an other Only by discovmtng the strenght of an opponent can any nation make an flCCllfli assess mcnt otits own copztb ti Germany at the start of World War had less than thi 13 np crational submarian but these almost brought Britain to her knees Today Russ is no loss than seven hundred opcmtional submarines and although she is acknowledged to lend the world in space research iior progress in other directions has been less spectacular The Weï¬t leads in one direction and that in in underwater detection at submar nes This should lie rightly so as the main threat to NATO would be the immense Russian ileet oi subm es The Saw iet leaders reali that the va lue of their fleet is diminished as long as the West anSEsVS the means to trntk them ic curately To restore the strate gic value of their ilcct Naval Chieis in Moscow had to know how to counter the devices de veloped by Eritain and her Al lies GMUNDWORK This well written book Spy Ring grows to iiint lengths the Russians went to try to Rain information how they spent over five years laying the ground work for no organiza tion in Britain how they hand ed this organization with top product of Russian 597 school Lonsdale who assumed tho identity of Canadian horn Finlt nish boy who presumably was killed or captured in the Russo Finish war Lonse dale was smuggled into Canada gained Canadian passport by obtaining the birth certiï¬cate of the boy irom the authorities in Cobalt and then proceeded to gain the back ground of the typical Canadian before turning up in Britain as wealthy Canadian tourist Lonsdales two partners in the Soviet spy ring in Britain were oddly enough also posing as Canadians but were in reality two Americans man and wite team Morris and Lona Cohen ibeing sought all around the world by the FBI as the two agents of the notorious Colonel Abel head at the Russian spy ring in New York City one time photographer but in reality the counterpart oi his opposite num her Lonsdale in Inndon Eng land TWO SPIES The other two spies were an Englishman and his girl friend The man Harry Frederick lloughton was an Ex Royal Navy Master at Arms at one time attached to the British Em bassy at Warsaw but shipped home because of domestic diiii culties and drunken habits On his release irom the Navy he was employed at the Under water Weapons Research Estab lishment in Portland England naval station where the results of tests conducted by the NATO naves were collated and evalu ated Hougbton and his girl friend Ethel Gee had access to secret and confidential inior motion land this they sold to Lonsdale who posed as an American Naval Com mander with background of the American Embassy in Warsaw and who wanted to see what was going on it is in deed ironical that the exposure of this spy ring came to light due to chance remark by minor British Security ofï¬cial who opined that Houghtou was drinking too much and he didnt see how he could do it on his salary Sub sequent investigations drew in the famed MIE ol the Bï¬ï¬sh Secret Service and it is tribute Houghton and Gee and then Lonsdnlo or nearly three months until they led them to their paymasters and transmiss ion agents the Canons posing as book sellers under the alias oi Kroger The Krogers ian tastically iitted out bungalow complete with microdot photo graph equipment able to reduce iull size pages to pin head sire and then send the iniormation out of the country in books to Moscow their ellieicnt trans iiitter tccd passports etc wa iitlmd an two oprnrr The llLMl are hating it Second lmk it izciliotis it obtaining Flt tl in Canada The Br iin viii having ti good irol at ti trllitty ar Easements mtti the FBI Llinttlti Gt hr top red iiiccd Aitei all they have nearly three thousand miles at border lacing Canada and the some on the East and West coast The tight little isle hasnt that problem and the ospcrsions cast at the FBI can be matched by the Klaus Fuchs case What is very much evident is that we are up gainst tough and ruthless or ganization patient and thornugli and perusal at this excellent book should convince anyone with modicum oi intelligence of this fact It is timely to point out that Colonel Abel has now been swapped ior the Ameri can spy Powers of 1M iamc with the comment at an Ameri can oiiical We have swappi ed an airplane driver tor top flight Russian spy and gotten the worst of the deal v5 Secretary oi State Deon ltiisk right says goodbye to Soviet Foreign Minister in THEY HOLD HANDS ROME iAPlElimbetli Tay lor and Eddie Fisher hold hands Monday night in Rome beer hall while score at invited ncws photographers took their picture It was the iirst public appearance at the actress and the singer since rumors oi breakup at their marriage spread last weekend BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 drci Gromyko otter luncheon at the Soviet delegations villa in Geneva Between the two men is US Ambassador to Russia Llewellyn Thompson Man at left is unidentiï¬ed Rusk and Gromyko met on conilieting EastWest posi tions on Berlin nuclear test ing and disarmament in ad vance at opening Wednesday oi the t7nation disarmament conterencc AP Vircphotol EViAN France AP Per sistent reports circulated that the French and the Algerian re bels would sign Ceaselillc agreement today But inior mants on both sides cast doubt on the reports The French news agency AFP reported that the end oi the 7H year war in Algeria would be close to the French delegation said would not like to make guess like that source in the Algerian dele gatmn said them were still sev eral points tobe ironed out and that his leaders expected the new gotlntlons here to continue be yond today The Algerian said agreement still had not been reached on the makcvup oi the interim provisional regime to govern Algeria until selld termination rcicrcn in ex pecth to make the North Airi can territory independent is held The French ministry at lntor mationsnld in communique Monday night that no date has yet been Iixed tor the signing oi an agreement SESSION LASTS The nineman Algerian robe delegation and the 12 man French delegation negotiated iir nearly nine hours Monday The session ron about three hours longer than the previous meet ings and word immediately spread that lion accord ha been reached announced today An intermant Sources close to the negotia tions said later there was good deal at work to complete They added however that the peace conierence was in its last phases There was some speculation that todays talks might also run overtime and complete the ne gotiatinns President de Gaulle is ex pected to proclaim the ceaseï¬re iormally in radioloievisidn speech within 24 hours oi the signing oi the agreemmt The French and Algerian deleA gatlons began meeting here last Wednesday to work out points still in dispute in general agreement reached last month in secret talks The general agreement has been approved by both the French government and the Algerian rebel regime CHARTS COURSE The agreement will chart the compch course Algeria tvill iol low to become independent oite 131 years oi French rule It includes guarantees tor the Recipe for instant telephone convenience CfeaseéFire Reported But Doubts Are Cast l000ooo Europeans who live in Algeria with some 9000000 hioy icms establishment of provi sional government oi French and hloslems to rule until it dependence alter the selideter mination vote amnesty for Al rje nationalist prisonen provision or France to retain military bases in Algeria ar rangements tor provisional po lice iorw and or gradual with drawal at most oi the 400000 French troops in Algeria and iorthe snoring oi the Saharas oil and mineral wealth French troops tired on Mos lem mob in the west Algerian port of Anew Monday killing ll persons and wounding 16 pm curtew was put on the town Army sources said llioslem shot and wounded soldier and thon an army patrol inter vcned liioslems began ï¬ring irom rooftops and windows Ncntyviiva terrorist attacks or attempts in Algiers leit ta persons dead and 18 wounded Be sure and see The Tommy Ambrose Show on the CBC TV Network on FridayeveningsandSingalong withMiteh DEAN to their seli eifacing methods that they were able to shadow 45 BRAoronnsrneeT LIMITED on the MOTORS CiV Network on Thursday evenings Check local listings for channel and time Bring the family to see the GWERAL MOTORS EXHIBIT oi the CANAblAN NATIONAL SPORTSMENSv snow Coliseum Exhibition Pork March 917