Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1962, p. 11

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RE CHARLES CHURCH IORTUNE TELLING would you lOST FOUND FARMERS MARKET IO HELP WANTED DEAD STOCK Highesl prices paid for dead or crippled catfia and balsa Small animals moored free For fast service phone PA 751 collccu or ask for ENITH 01130 NO CHARGE Id noun day 41 Huh llll NICKS DEAD STOCK chrnead Ontario Licence No 174662 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK Hound cows for sale bud or Iresn Iwo miners Apply on Robertson pneipslao or iela none was Eimvale REGISTKRKD Angus Hell rs bred Ilro youngfr xCalmi Cat Club prosper an 31 RR Barrie Tclcphona PA 51 FARM MACHINERY ATTRACTIVE JOB OPPORTUNITY SIENO CASHIER for the local office of DELTA ACCEPTANCE APPLICANT MUST BE Single Approximately 2030 you of age Some business experience must Well groomed and of neat up pearancc All usual employee benefits Five day week9 to FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 60285 Wahied Ar Once Smart Reliable Saieslady For CHINA AND GIFI STORE MUST BE EXPERIENCED And Capable of Taking Charge APPLY BOX 87 BARRIE EXAMINER GhRaiAN LADY destru housework in nanii Tolcpborn PA Meal for all rticuian GIRL WANTzn for factory work at salada Foods Ltd in Allision IntentWink to cammcnca immod lately noouxzarm required tor nan rio business Experience pmlernd For complete act of boob Tole phona PA H135 RleAuLR worIiAN required to mind children and do Illhi home keepini duties while mother works References Apply ovcnlnn to 104 Donald street WANTED 11 men smart lnlolli rent and Ilert saieiiady tor china and gift shop Full time employ ment Apply on Barri harm incr WANTED mpoflonced typlrr with general office experience rteLin telephone Voice and abil ty to meet the public are cuon iaL Ilvo day week and more benefits Apply hi palhes PIastomer Limited iii John Street Ban1e tolcphonc PA M1115 MALE HELP YOUNG MEN 17 22 Large publishing company has openings for men who would like career in sales We will take on trainees $40 per week guaranteed salary after 2day approved training Must be neat single and free to tra vel in Ontario New car sup plied Only those desirous of steady year round employment need apply to BELL QUEENS HOTEL 180 to 480 pm to pm OFFICE CLERK Required for local business early 20s knowledge of book keeping and accounts Advance mcnt possibilities company ben efits bonus plan etc All replies strictly confidential WRITE BOX 93 BARRTE EXAMINER YOUNG MAN WITH TYPING ABILITY to train as IELEIYPESEIIER PERFORATOR The Barrie Examiner requires an apprentice in this depart ment Must have 50 wordsper minute typing ability An excellent opportunity for young man who wishes to train for fine trade APPLY COMPOSING ROOM FOEEMAN THE BARBIE EXAMINER RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA TRAIN Now for career In Electronics courses for Automh don hadr computers noreneo Pmlecli Television Communica tions are Resident classes start May it in Toronto and Montreal Homo study Courses staff any time Free booklt from Radio Collea ot Canada 431 Kinl st Tor onto Ontario EXPERIENCED Upholstcrer re quired at once for local arm Good wages APPly In writing to Box 52 Bun1a Exlmlner mar CLASS stationary engineer wanted to start shut work in medioioiy on sicker tired boilers Steady year round employment Pension and noun insurance bene fits Apply John Lang arid Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Bcatty Farm Equipment fin BURTON AVE PA azm CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE oroa CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN 51 PA 66488 222 BLAKE 51 PA 61321 WILL YOUR CAR GET THRU WINTER If not buy new one now with lowcost lifcinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA uaa CHEVROLET fouodoor aodan Custom radio twolono paint it down $55 per month Telephone PA a7oa3 for further details 55 DODGE tourdoor Body re finished Good nlnnlnl car Cin arrange finance hill price 3375 Telephone PA sores EXCEPIIONAL private buy ma Dodge like now Rebuilt motor ainnarch Food and Prcerer sprv ico Telephone PA M741 1959 MERCURY for sale door sedan automatic pow steering Va motor Real buy aiake ma an offer Can be nuanced lelr phone PA 685 1959 VANGUARO iourdoor acdap OI owner car Owner1 name on request no down $27 per month For further information telephon PA 17naJ 1956 MERCURY twogtdoor Illdldfi Automatic radio whitewalls and twotone are down and take Over payments or 33715 par month Telephonu pa 51033 1951 PONTIAC icdan lai sale In new Automatic transmission Talia over payment of 51075 per month Telephonc PA SL700 tor iurther in formation lata CHEVROLET coach for sale miceUcnt body motor and tires New exhaust system Radio and not covers APply El Worslcy or telephone PA Heat ms OLDEIIIOIIILB two door hard top Auomatic with radio and power steering Clean inside and out No now snow tires Tele phone PA soon Best offer less FAIRLANE twodoor in learning black with automatic transmission custom radio Take oval payments of $77 per month Telcphone PA was for further information MOBILE HOMES 10 41 OBLUXE modci three bedroom 1959 Gencral Bearington mobile borne in excellent condi tion Must sell isolated posting Telephone PA Him between 10 can and pm less MOBILE HOME for sale 10 to two bedrooms largo living room with walltowaii carpets large bathroom kitchen has on range Both with pink accessories All windows Tclcphonc PA more Its wonderful The way Classified Ads gel re sults Phone PA 82414 81 PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN go yplilr honflngAtoggflhbyCHds Sons Barrie Ontario SO 21 one or II pomtmont anytime SALES HELP 8r AGENTS BEAUTY aaor Caldwavcs eta Tm MM SALES OPPORTUNITY own home Phone oerulca at PA roast or PA assai Opening in Northern Ontario for an established Commission agent presently calling on auto service stations car dealers and automotive outlets to rep resent Canadas fastest growing line of auto seat covers and air cooled cushions You may car ry other nonconflicting lines Protected territory Write age lines now carried business ref erences Send map outlining ter ritory covered QUINLANCHAWFORD LTD Collingwood Ontario INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED PA 64555 DAY 0R EVENING Kidd ACCOUNTANT KEY cAaB ladys round on Blake Street on Sunday afternoon March 11 Telephone PA 65853 To HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CAI for pro school child ren in my own home East end Telephone PA 75 for further details RESPONSIBLE WOMAN would like parttime bookkecping or would ilk over lodgers for small hurir nos in my own homo Telephone PA Moos 11 LEGAL NOTICES FEMALE HELP NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors ot ROBERT FRANKLIN HUGHES sometimes known as Frank Hugies late of the Village of Churchill in the Iounty of Sim coe who died tth of ternbcr 1957 must file their cl ms with the undersigned before March 21111 1962 after which date as sets of the estate will be dis tributcd ROBERT GORDON HUGHES Adminimetor with Will an nexed by his Solicitors Smith Barrie Ontario 12 TENDERS TENDER LARGE HOME to ba construct ed approximately it milcs north of MacTicr Plans and specifi cations may be obtaihcd from the uodcrslgned on deposit of 825 Deposit will be refunded to un successful bidders on return of plans and specifications Tenders close April to 1962 Lowest tender not necessarily accepted Apply to NORTHERN LAND DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 132 SARNIA ONTARIO HOCKEY By THE CANADIAN PRESS World Tourney GROUP LT Pt 31 23 27 75 21 13 it 12 32 15 34 ii 83 10 12 16 86 Sweden Canada Norway United States West Germany Britain Switzerland Finland GRO Japan Netherlands Austria France Denmark Australia Illohddys Results Group Norway Switzerland Britain West Germany Sweden 12 Finland Group Autralia Japan 11 Saskatchewan Senior Saskatoon Moose Jaw 9aroeomu fiuuNrHoc eoooeo eoeoeeoo mamnu unneee By ALAN DUCKETT MONTREAL CPIAn eirIO tion packed documentary film on Canada and the Second World War has been completed by the National Film Board The hour film will be shown on French and English television networks of the CBC starting early in April The documentary is the re sult of three years of effort by millions of feet of Canadian British American and captured enemy film ihcseries of is half hour films will be shown on the Eng lish hctwarir mesdayolghts at 10 pm from April It to June 75 and on the French network each Sunday at 530 pm from April to June 24 The film story of the layear period from 1536 to 1916 covers the rise of Nazi Germany fas cist Italy and Imperial Japan the six years of the war and the early post war years when the Unith Nations was form ed CANADIAN HIGHLIGHTS Presented are film clips por traying the change of Canada from an agricultural to an in dustrial economy the spectacu lar rise in the role of women in industry and the armed forces the internment of Communist leader Iim Buck and Montreal Mayor Camiilicn IIoude and wartime politics Shown are Canadian service mens rallies into humor tho Dieppe raid the muddy foot alogging Italian campaign can voy duty and anti submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and bomber attacks and fighter battles in Europe Interspcrsed with these are scenes oi the jittcring madness that caught the public fancy and flashbacks of radio shows of the era including the Happy Gang and Mart Kenney and his Western Gentlemen The NH crew has reproduced with film clips such events as the conscription crisis in the federal cabinet in 1944 SPLIT CANADA The commentary and editing give the viewer to sense almost of being present at cabinet meetings There is Mackenzie King fumbling with handker chief before news cameras stern Defence Minister Balaton the implacable Howe then lmunitions and sup ply minister an expressionlcsa Finance Minister Ilsley Gen McNaughtomrc tired from Isi Canadian Arm command and trying to recruit volunteer reinforcements and Quebocers Louis St Laurent then justice minister and Air Minister Chubby Power infopposito camps Power with the anti conscription forces and St Laurent support Ing the government There is no essential dilleb and McLean 20 Owen Street Lc an NFB crew digging through BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH MI11 Acrington Pulls Out LONDON lReuteralihe run lznatlcn of fourthdivision AO crioxton Stanley from the Eng lish Football League has been accepted and its record will be expunged from the table the League announced Mon day no club unsuccessfully at tempted to withdraw It letter of resignation Agua secretary Alan Har dalierlssued statement cay lng the leagues management committee had no alternative after discussing the matter with their legal advisers but to ac cept tho urination Accringion first announced its resignation from the league after creditora meeting March when it was disclosed that the club was £80000 Ia dcbt immediate fixtures were cancelled but after receiving some offers of help the Accrlng tori club attempted to withdraw its resignation Its players will be taken over by the league for transfer NORTHERN SCENE The Old Man of Boy is detached pinnacle of sandstone towering 400 fcct at Hay Island in the Orkneyi RECORD First game of bestofvaeven semifinal ManitobaThunder Boy Sr Winnipeg Port Arthur Winnipeg wins bestofaevcn quarterfinal 41 Eastern Township Senior Drummondvltle Montreal Montreal leads hestofuven final all Maritime Senior Parkdale Amherst 10 Amherst wiua beatcfthreo final 20 Saskatchewan Junior Saskatoon Moose Jaw 10 Roundrobin semifinal Melville Regina Roundrobin semifinal Niagara Dlafrlcl Jr Welland Standard Roundrobin playoff Eastern Ontario Junior 13 Beileviile Kingston postalseven final tied 11 Ontario Intermediate lebrldgc irenton ll Uxbridga leads bestofseven group final 34 CBC Has Emotional Film Of Canada In The War ence between English and Frenchlanguage versions Ninety minutes of theme and mood music were created for the series and the tempo is in keeping with the tension and emotion of those years PLAN FOR 1967 The Canada at War series will be made available to edu cational organizations and clubs across Canada It is part of an NFB plan to have complete film coverage by 1967 the centenary of Confederationof the history of Canada from the time of responsible government in the middle 15005 This volves re Creating earlier his tory The years of the Second World War however are com pletely documented since the navy army and air force had uli time film crews with all maior formations with the series Canada be comes the first country to pro duce documentary covering its complete war history Docu mentaries have been produced in the United States and Britain on individual armed forces but none has taken in complete his torical coverage as has been done by the NFB Audrey Hepburn winner of an Oscar nine years ago is one of five actresses nominat ed for an Academy Award as the best actress of 1961 Migratory Birds Ilt Lowest Ebb WASHINGTON CF The continental migratory waterloth population has reached the low est point in 11 years the Ub Interior department announced Monday 0n the basis of birds observed during the annual winter water fowl survey which was made during January the continental waterfowl population down it per cent from the 13year aver age the Fishing and Wildlife Service found Ducks were down 13 per cent from last year and 10 per cent below the longrango average The total number of geese was down eight per cent from iaSl year but was slightly above the 13year average Of the favored hunting spe clos only tl scaup and the Can ada goose showed consistent in Combat Jobs For Recruits UliAWA CPIThe days in the Canadian Army when the tall wagged the dog appear to be at an and Ar army spokesman said Monday that of tho 11571man increase authorized for the army 8967 men or 715 per cent will go to combat units In military parlance combat troops are known as the armys teeth and the support troops as the tail During the Second World War the fall far Out numbered the teeth and this led at least in part to the 1944 conscription crisis Combat relt infomements couldnt be found though there were 210000 gen eral service soldiers in Canada and the United Kingdom The government last Septem ber authorized manpower in crease in the army to 59350 from 47779 Strength at March was 51a42 It is calculated that the ceiling wont be reached un til May 1963 There now are 5048 recruits in training depots 4410 Armored Crops 600 Artillery all Engin ecrs 425 Service Corps 121 Provost Corps 581 Regiment of Canadian Guards 1430 Royal 22nd Regiment 592 Princess Patricias Canadian Light in fantry 721 Royal Canadian Reg iment 565 Queens Own Rifles 262 Black Watch gt NOW They Scout For Older Scouts OTTAWA CF Canadian boys are joining the scouting movement in droves but the growth is chiefly among the younger lads and scout officials are concerned about the appeal of its program for older boys Todays more sophisticated teen ngers are apparently los ing interest in the kneepants andcampfire style of scouting Since 1959 special subcom mittee of the national executive has been studying this trend and ways to reverse it Headed by Barry Cale of Montreal the group has asked for more time to complete its complex task It has rejected for the mo ment suggestions that the tra ditional short pants be discarded as part of general modern ization of the uniform In recent report the sub committee wrote Before any suggestions for adaptation or modification can he made it will be necessary to know just what the youth of Canada sit ting on an Hbomb volcano at the dawn of space travel needs They need help first as youths and second to develop into adults well fitted for the world In which they will have to live While this basic study can tinues the Scout program is being broadened steadily Ita reflected in the observance of Boy Scout Week Feb 1825 Scout strength has more than trcbicd since 1945 The increase was 25000 in the last three years alone But most of these gains were made among younger boys There are 167200 Wolf Cubs the eighttou age group compared with 106200 Boy Scouts 11 to 18 and 4500 Rover Scouts 1a to 21L Scouts are branching on wide range of new activities They are studying winter scout ing and survival assisting wel fare agencies operating ham radio stations helping train relt tarded children New Scout troops have been established at Canadian NATO bases In Europe and in remote northern communities such as Frobisher Bay and Cape Dorset Plans are under way for the fourth Canadian Rover Moot to be held near irois Rivicres Que Aug 27 Sept and for the 11th World Jamboree in Greece in July 1963 Travel Arrangement Am SHIP BUS RAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 01K Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Service pAocsza nunicp panic 697 aay EL rorouio am iataa NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARDS for her role in Breakfast at Tiffanys Other nominated are Piper Laurie The Hustler Sopth Lorenlvo Women Geraldine Page creases in the survey the first Countrywide Checkup since the end of the hunting season to de termine how waterfowl came through last years drought in various items hidden away Instead of letting for you Take few moments to look storage areas You will be pleastutly QUICK Cash be turned into REFRIGERATORS srovas HEATERS OIL BURNERS FURNITURE ANTIQUES CLOTHING asos FIXTURES CRIBS PLAY PENS BUGGIES SIEIGHS HUNTINGGEAR TELEVISION PIANOS APPLIANCES RUGS You Can Place low Cost Family Want Ad for only Summer and Smoke Ind Natalie Wood Splendor in the Grass Actors nominated for best actor nro Charles Boyer Spcnccr the nesting areas and the hunt ing pressure The annual coopcraiivo sur vey covered the American con tinent from Alaska to the soutb thcse things AAA Tracy Judgmnt Iii Nurem berg and Paul Newman The Hustler Vinnera will be annuunccd April at the Academy Awards program ini Hollywood em and of Mexico and Puerttl Rico in the control flyway therc was drop of 22 per cent in totoi waterfowl ICll CAN Shit Willi lowCodi Eromiher FAMlill Willi lids Use thishandy check list to mark down needed items that are cluttering up your closet Every day thousands or folkslluuk thlo many just like those you have people are ready to buy to pay CASH those useful but no longer and garage ugh Examiner want ads for stored ill your home These or the very things you have gather dust let them gather CASH over this list then check through your surprised at what ydull find that can ICE SKATES Musical Instruments BOOKS PAINTINGS RECORDS rowan TOOLS TOYS CAMERAS scours EQUIPMENT UNIFORMS WASHERS DRAPES PETS SEWING MACHINES VACUUMS HEATING PAD PIiONOGRAPH If You Checked One or More Items Then You Need An Examiner Want Ad Now DIAL PA 82414 gt insertions cost only

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