Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1962, p. 3

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WIT is MY WHOLE LIFE it Versatile Lady Judge Judge former Mayor and Erandmother this is Mrs nfar jorie Hamilton Judge of the Simcoe County Juvenile and Family Court This versatile woman first en tecd the political scene inrlsta as alderman for ward four in Barrie in December 1950 she was elected Mayor of Barrie and became the first woman mayor to ever be elected in On tario News of her election travelled across Canada through the Un ited States and even into Eur ope Following her twoycnr term as mayor she returned to sit on council until her provincial appointment in November 1955 During her political life she also received an appointment to sit on the advisory council of the Hydro Electric Power Commis sion of Ontario it has been over six years since Judge Hamilton received her appointment It is the most interesting challenging and satisfying work have ever done she sold It is my whole life once said to friend that wish was 20 years younger and could devote the extra 20 years to my court work re lated Judge Hamilton Yes said my iriend but if you were 20 year younger you probably wouldnt have received the appointment It shows there are some advantages in being old laughed the judge Judge Hamilton has tight schedule sitting in court every Monday and Tuesday at Barrie twice month in Orillia Mid land nnd Collingwood and once month in Alliston and Brad ford WIDE JURISDICTION Judge Hamiltons jurisdiction goes right across Ontario The Juvenile and Family Court deals with many nets deserted wives and childrens maintenance act child welfare nct training schools act schools administration act parents it dealt with apparently he glected children the child of the unmarried mother aband cement and descrtion of the child and failure to provide for the child Any offenders agaiut the laws of the country who are un der the age of 18 are tried un dcr the Juvenile Dellnouenu Act if person under 15 has committed crime such as manslaughter or non Capital murder he is charged under the Juvenile Delinquents Act when hear the charges begin an inquiry and ask for social history of the juvenile than adjourn the case for one or two weeks and ask the pro bation officer to prepare this history We have stuff of five probation officers an one sup crvisor explained the Judge After considering the case place the child on probation if feel it is in the best interests of the child and the commun ity The child is then released into the custody of his parents and reports to the probation ofs ficcr who sees that the child follows rules such as curfew and school attendance said the Judge Some juvenile delinquents are sent to training schools where they receive training and sup ervision Protestant girls are sent to the school at Gait Prot estant boys to Bowmnnvillc Roman Catholic girls to St Marys in Toronto and Roman Catholic boys to St Johns in Uxbrldge VISITED SCHOOL Judge Hamilton once visited the Gnlt training school for girls She describes it this way The girl is admitted at the receiving centre Here her abilities are assessed and tests are made to determine whidb areas she is best adapted for The school offers business training and academic grades up to the grade ten level If maintenance act Cililflf maintenance act and Iectfons of the Criminal Cod Since judge is exofficio magistrate for the Province of Ontario explained Judge Ham Ilton he is given authority to deal with cases varying from common assault to failure to provide the necessities of life and all such matters related to the family In ducrlbing theqhild Wel die Act Judge Hamilton said Barrie Omitted Letter Finds Owner In 10 DéYs Post office officials rarely re ceive any praise Most Can adians think fivecent stamp buys them perfect service and little realize that it does almost just that Hofman 75 Gowan Street Barrie recently received an airmail letter only ten days after it was mailed from Holl and While otherwise correctly ads drused it omitted Barrie from the address think its wonderful let ter can be delivered to tho rigit house with so little loss of time said Mr IIofman es pecially when it doesnt have the name oi the city on it Said postmaster Thomas Kerr Just part of our ser vice The letter explained postmas ter Kerr would be sent to the Undeliverable Mail Office in Toronto There the post office PTil Workshop ilt St Monicas People Purpose and Pro gross together make an interest ing meeting said Frank Wil lock District Representative of Community Programs Branch Department of Education at the Parent Teachers Associations workshop at St Monicas School It was the first of series of smsions to study how to have hiterating meetings Theseries will run for four weeks and representatives of As sociations throughout Simcoe and York Counties are attending variety of methods includ ing discusion groups and pan el were used to demonstrate how to increase participation at meetings During the brief Brainstorming sesion many ideas emerged for study at PTA meetings number of the suggestions indicated strong desire by the local officials present to team more about their own organizat ions and how to make them more useful in bridging the re lations between parents and the school Floyd Griesbaob Associate Director of Simcoe County Coni munity and Recreation Service conducted the brainstorming and discussion sessions Mrs Mar dock at Barrie chaired the meet ing Monseignor Clair and Dillon of Toronto assisted in the opening ceremonies John Komar principal of St Monicas School welcomed the cation arrangements have been made girl wishes to further her edu with the collegiate at Gelt for the girls to attend classes There is beautiful kitchen with all modern appliances It is bright and clean and it must be joy for any girl who is liIicti towards baking and Head Of Family ourt JUDGE HAMILTON ON BENCH ing room The instructors teach the girls the various stages of dressmaking starting with the sewing of laundry bag and ending with the girls making their own clothes The girls have their hair done once week at the school There are hairdressing instruc tors ennbling the girls totake hairdressing course if they wish The girls have certain re sponsibilities such as doing their own laundry There is also library and drama club am very happy and satis fied with the Call school con cluded the Judge If juvenile is unhappy in his home and is believed likely to run away while the Judge is making her final decision he or she is taken into the custody of the Juvenile Detention Home Here they have their own bed rooms and enjoy library facili ties and also fair amount of freedom according to the in dividual The home is super gfdpklljg to work there have never seen so many modern sewing machines as Hose saw in the schools sew lrom Address maintains complete street directory for the whole prov ince They would check through the Goan Streets and send it on to Barrie AT NO COST With the more common streets it might have to be sent to various towns or cities be fore they finally delivered it but the post office does this and at no extra cost Many streets are unique to the towns or cities in which they are located said Mr Kerr In Barrie Hayfield Clapperton Shanty Bay Road and several others have no counterparts anywhere else Many east end streets are named after former British ad mirals such as Puget Blake and Kempenfelt These are also unique in Ontario llha men in the Undeliver able Mail Office get to know family names and streets said Mr Kerr As soon as they see an incomplete address they often know where to send it The public never hear of them but they form only part of the behindtheseenes work that goes on to give excellent value for five cent stamp Collier St Church Again To Feature Luncheon Service For the third successive year Collier Street United Church will offer to the business people of the city and to the general pub lic series of bunch Houij Ser vices on Tuesdays timing the Lenten Season These services will last exactly 20 minutes irom 12301250 and unit terminate punctually so that those who have to be back to work by 100 pm will not be detained As usual an ample sandwich lunch will be served in the Fel lowship Hall each Tuesday from 120mm and again from 1250 130 pm The minister Rev Gatjdiner Skelly will conduct the series The theme of the servi ces will be Words Words Wo study of Our Lords ubiervsnoes from the Cross Each addtefi will be published in The Barrie Examiner on the subse quent Monday evening Try An Examiner Want Ad guests PHONE PA lMfl WEATHER onto weather office at 430 am EST centred in the mid western United States spread rain and isolated southwestern Ontario and wet snow into the Lake Ontario re gion during the night The wet snow in this region is forecast to dianga to rain Rain in south ern Ontario will taper off to scattered showers or drizzle Snow across central and northern 0n tario today showers today Mainly cloudy with few snowflurries and turning colder tonight cloudy Tuesday Winds southeast 20 be coming llght this afternoon and westerly 15 tonight agara regions London Over cast with raln and chance of thunderstorm diminishing to oe casionnl showers late this morn snowflurrics late tonight and Tuesday Winds southeast 25 with gusts to 45 decreasing to 20 later this morning light this afternoon and westerly 15 late tonight Overcast with wet snow chang drizzlebefore noon Cloudy with few snowflurrles and turning colder Tuesday Winds easterly 25 with gusts to is decreasing to 15 this afternoon and becom ing light tonight and westerly 15 Tuesday vlscd by fullyetrnincd mntrons If juvenile from another area has run away from home and is picked up in the area by the police ho is taken to the Forecasts issued by the Tor Synopsis lowpressure area thunderstorms to is forecast to spread Lake St Clair region Wind sor Overcast with occasional Lake Huron Lake Erie Ni ng hirning colder with few Toronto LakeOntario region ng to occasional showers or Georgian Bay southern Ti magnrni Aignma regions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste Marie Overcast with wet snow occa sionally mixed with rain begin ning this morning and tapering off in snowflurries by Tuesday little colder Tuesday Winds easterly 25 today decreasing to 15 tonight andhecoming light Tuesday iéRESCRIPT ONS We always give to prompt courteoul out your doctor about our pharmacy next um he writes prescription for you Prescriptions picketqu and delivered cm or charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunlon W4 rA 115959 to confer at PA 95th Home until authorities come and take him home MANY FROM v5 We gct lot of children from the States in this area said the Judge When they come this far they are usually tired and hungry she explained Judge Hamilton says she makes full use of the services available to Juvenile and Pa mily Court Judge If child seems to me to be emotionally disturbed said the Judge make arrangements with psychiatric team and ask them for report There are many disappoint ments heartbreakes and and happenings in court said the downtoearth Judge but love my work She explained that if the defendant does not agree with my judgement he of course has the right to appeal have not had too many appeals and my decisions have always been up held work to tho best of my ability said the Judge That is all anyone can do often wonder whether my best is good enough she pondered but that is only natural FORECAST Haliburton Cloudy with snow beginning by noon to day and tapering off to snow ffurries Tuesday not much change in temperature Winds easterly 15 becoming light Tucs day Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Tuesday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Form Wingham St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskoin Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing 55 Marie ssneaaeaesaosgga In CollISIon DRILLIA CPiRobert Roy Tuovinen was killed Satur day when thrown from his fathers station wagon under the wheels of CNR diesel Police said the boy was riding with his father Roy 29 when their vehicle slid into the freight on side road within sight of his home The father was un hurt The Tuovinens have one other child two months old DIRTY DRIVING AHEAD WINDSHIELD WASHERS will keep your glass clean for Saletys sake SEAT BELTS have saved lives in many accidents ASK anon THESE earner ITEMS or DANGERFIELDS as Collier St PA 52487 TE BAR BANNERl MONDAY MARCH 19¢ ilrrest Three For BreakIn Highland Point youth and three Toronto men were arrai ed yxlerday by Victoria Hari bour Ontario Provincial Police and merged in connection with service station breakdo Simmers Garage on Highway TI Bomb of Penetang was bro ken into on Saturday night Corporal James Bradley and Constable Jack Amble of Victor ia Harbour OPP arrvsted the four men yesterday and afterg ed them with breaking entering theft and pofimsion of stolen gm The four men are Arthur Bot tineau 17 Highland Point Ron ald Lewis 20 Wayne 01 bestson 23 and William Durocher 19 all of Toronto TRADE TOUR BIRMINGHAM 11 CPI Mld1and manufacturer Kirk is organising trade mission to Canada in the fall in answer to government appeal to industry to expand soles in dollar areas The mis sion arrives in Montreal Oct 15 and then visits Tomato Wind sor and Ottawa MODERN ENERGY Petroleum now accounts for more Utah 70 per cent of Can adas energy supplies OBITUARY WILLIAM ALBERT MICELY William Albert Knicer was buried at pm on March in the Ontario Provincial Hospital Cemetery following service at the Benusolcil Funeral Home Penetong Mr vKnicely of Simcoe Mn nor Becton was in his 54th year when he died from pneu monia following heart attack He leaves four sons Albert Minets Point Donald Califor nin Lewis 32 Essa ltd Bar rie and Kenneth Toronto There is one daughter Mrs Mary Buttlneau of Toronto He is survived by five broth era Norman Fort William Leonard Angus James Mid land Robert and Elwood of Barrie also one sister Annie of Toronto ALICE SARAH BETTERIDGE Mrs Alice Sarah Betteridga was buried at Thornton Union Cemetery on February 23 Fun eral services were conducted by Rev Bell from the Jennett Funeral Home An Innisiii pioneer Mrs Bet teridge died in her 915i year Her husband died in Ideal Per the past three years she lived in Barrie with her daughter Mrs Mel Howie 137 Essa Rd The funeral service was at tended by friends from Midland Angus Nobleton Richmond Hill Toronto Guelph Glen cairn Cookstown and Thornton Flowers were sent by Crystal Chapter 50 Golden Star Lodge No 551 Ailaudale She is survived by sons Charles Jim Milton and George of Thornton and daughter Mrs Mel Howie of Barrie ANNA LAURA MAUDE DUNN Mrs Anna Laura Maude Dunn who died in her dist year foll owing lengthy illness was buried in Orillia Cemetery Funeral services were con ducted by Canon Frank Lock wood from Muodells Funeral Home in Orillia Mrs Dunn lived in Orillia until she moved to Barrie in 1930 where She lived until ten years ago when she moved to Orillia to live with her son un til her death She had been widow for 18 Years Allan Orillia Walter Brent wood David Toronto Milton Barrie Peter Barrie There is one daughter Mra Ruby Hines of Panic No brothers Milton Penn and Ernest Fenn of Toronto surviveher She had 44 grand children and BS greatgranch dren gt not Both Body adapter WiltEe Offeredlnllhe SPECIAL Lenten Program of COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH ruesoAYs Delicious Sandwich bunch For Only 50 In Fellowship Hall from 12 Noon DEVOTIONAL SERVICE IIn The Ohiuch 1230 use Beginning and Punctuallyf Make This Sonia Your tented She is survived by five sons Car Ambulance In Collision One Of Three On Weekend Three automobile accidents on Saturday night led to trouble for Barrie drivers One was charged with careless driving and another arrested for drunk driving third was sent to hospital for treatment The most serious smInh occur red when Huntsville ambul ance was making an emergency run from Huntsville to Tomato The unconsciots patient had broken leg and head injuries after tree had fallen on him Also in the ambulance were his wife and nurse with red lights flashing and siren on the ambulance was travelling south on Highway 11 north of Barrio when car driv err by Daniel Currie Blake St Barrie is said to have pull ed out into the path of the em ergency vehicle from side road The ambulance collided with the rear of the Currie vehicle It Barrie ambulance took the still unconscious patient on to Toronto hospital No one was injured in the accident Currie was charged with care less driving by Ontario PM vincial Polic Gilbert Giipin RE Barrie was arrested by OPP and charg ed with drunk driving after col liding with car driven by Lew is ltchaddcn or Barrio on High way No 27 just west of the city limits No one was injured in the collision In the third accident car believed driven by Ralph Lorne Wake 156 Napier St Barrie failed to negotiate curve in Warning Issued Roads in this area were re ported slushy and wet this morning after anroverrtight storm had dumped several inches of wet snow on highways Department of Highways ploughs and sanders were called out during the night to deal with the slush conditions and occa sional drifts Cautions were is sued to drivers to take it easy Road conditions caused an ac Highway 11 at Hoppys Cabins Travelling south it left its lane hurtled through highway sign mounted snow bank jumped thirty feet through the air be fore somersaulting onto its back pinning Wake in the front seat Wake was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital and released after treatment for minor head injuries Vakes car was completely wrecked Slush Snow Greets Drivers To Go Slow cxhdem in Barrie early this morn car driven by Dr Brian Newbigin of Toronto Street skid ded and slid into department of public works truck parked on Blake Street Damage was estimated at $2110 to each vehicle There were no lniuiies Dr Newbigin is medical at the Camp Borden base hospital TIlES wen SPECIALS FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED ClitCltENS CHOICE FRESSWOOD BoLoIIIIII LEAN TENDER CLUB STEAKS BUEHLERS elk RITE WIENERS NO BARRIE ALL POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES PIES 16 ouIIIorsr iii Cello Pkg REAMERY IilTiIlt LB CARTON or zoo MT 3510 iooinnn Ins IM

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