Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1962, p. 7

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THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON Histor re eats itself even in food she ping Like ioneIIIDS of other daily activities shopping has completed full circle of progress back to methods of the good old days Todays modern supermarket is far cry from the potbellied stove and crackerbarrel atmosphere of grandmas day but many basic characteristics are Sim liar In furniture and fashions too the influence of generations past is evident today as never before Col onial furniture the real McCoyor modified copies has reached peak of popularity inthe past five years The influence of the twenties is being seen in womens fashions Even in the supermarket old fashioned methods are cropping up again ALL IN ONE Today it is called the onestop shopping astore or plaza where every need is readily available Without long delays or wasted time and energy Two generations ago it was called the general store where gingham and tea barley sugar and shoes harness and flour were available on one call The general store was the communitys meeting point Gossip and groceries changed hands over its coun ter Today busy housewives meet at their supermarket for chat look to the store as source of entertainment and information peruse its bulletin board for bargains in furniture kittens and babysitting services Friendly service was the keynote of grandmas store Twenty years ago when Canadas supermarket industry bounded ahead service gave way to selfservrce pack aged meats took over from friendly butcher home de livery disappeared and home telephone orders were dropped The trend has again reversed REVISE CUSTOM Selfservice was instituted and is retained to satis fy shoppers who prefer not to line up at the service coun ter But women shopers who need particular cut of meat can check with the butcher who is readily avail able behind the selfservice cases Home delivery of storeshopped orders has reappeared The modern home maker has shown preference for doing her own shop ping so telephone order service is rarely used Time was when the butcher or the store owners wife swa ped reci es with shoppers or tipped off the new bridge about ow to boil water In recent ears housewives have complained that the stream new food products reaching the market had them stymied Cooking directions were insufficient or nonexistent Word of mouth directions from grandmas time havent reappeared but now recipes are often provided in news aper columns or in the stores Manufacturers are tak ng greater pains to acquaint shoppers with new meth ods of using old standbys and of preparing the totally new products now available Though food store operators are still looking for new ways to please their customers and to meet their demands its cinch that modern shoppers have never had it so good The warth and service of grandmas general store the wealth of products and comfort of shopping today give shoppers the best of two worlds CHITCHAT Things we can do without this month cold snow toe then thaw only to get cold snow ice again Like pause cafe in layers but without the glow it produc ES Things wed love to have happen wonderful par that has all the of Christnias doings and Patricks Cathedral white has been summertime pal It lightens feel good Things we dream of having our income tax returns completed and in the mail box before midnight of April 30 for the first time in history PEOPLE AND PLACES Phonc Eileen Dixon or Athey Cquson PA 66$ and got the idea for white ringtime love as well as rightens and makes you Mr and Mrs Frank Vyse Shirley Street have returned to the city after five weeks vacation at Melbourne Beach Florlda and Mrs Cbazattes of Weston Mr and Mrs Thompson Mrs Argue Mr and Mrs Truax Barrio all of Midland Mr and Mrs Turner Bate Afflu izxn Miss KELLV Porter an Mrs Ballant Road and Coutls High Murgahod miss wise land Avenue attended the 25th Miss Tipping Miss National Conference of the AD Sleigh Miss Neff all of gradual gsfilguti Pelt Cagndelx Toronto Mr and Mrs or aza ote Tomlin March 56 One at the lruax Penetang Mr and Mrs Kitcbing Port Credit Mr highlights of the conference was demonstration arbitra and MH max Moulrefl tlon on property being exprtr gush riated for ublic The bride is the daughter purposes Mr and Mrs Ken Houghton SOUTHERN VACATION Bayfleld Street The Bride Mr and Mrs James Barr groom IS the son of Mr and Dunlap Street are holidaying Mfl 0W1 KINhing of Mid In Florida highlight of their land vacaiou was visit to Sara fola iJungle Gardens on Flor Péfisfyggugympznfigadding War We cm trip to New York City Mr Mrs Reeves and and Mrs Peter Bjerland Little daughter Margaret of Kingston Lake were entertained Tue have been in the city this day eveningat presentation week as guests of Mr and party by neighbors and friends Mrs Carl Greenough Eccles The party was held at the Street North Mrs Reeves is home at Mr and Mrs Lenn the feather Mary Binion of and Cumminsst Vincent Stre Barrie ct ATTEND CONFERENCE Harry eh Sunnidale MISS SALL tarle Hnugh ton bee bride of Don ald tchlng at an alien noon ceremony at Central Un Ited Church March Rev Cecil Brcnn officiated at the is us The bride la the ANN LANDERS daughter of Mr and Mrs Ken Hougbton of Barrie nio ridcgrooms parents are Mr and Mrs Orvil Kitcbing of Midland On their return mm wedding trip to Nassau Lb couple will reside in Toronto Cussing Classmate Swears Innocence Dear Ann Lnndcrs Yesterday my best friend was kicked out of class for yclling out some swear words She was innocent It was the girl next to her who did the cussing Later that day asked my friend wh she took the blame She said Because my stond ing in the class Is good and the other girls is bod She probably would have been thrown out of school knew Id get off easier Several kids know about this In fact almost everyone knows but the teacher Dont you think the girl should clear her name now that the teachers temper has cooled off and things are back to normal TRUE FRIEND Dear Friend agree that her name should be clearedbut she should not attempt to clear it herself One of her two friends sh ould go to the teacher in her behalf The name of the guilty party of course need not be mentlnned 5050 PROPOSITION Dear Ann Leaders My hus band and have the same argument three times week Our three preschoolage chil dren keep me exhausted When ask him to take the kidssomewhera so can have little peace and quiet he suddenly remembers he prom ised to bowl withthe boys or be fifth at poker When Im baking or sewing and ask him to watch them for an hour he falls asleep in front of the TV and the kids take house apart Id love to join womens club or have my hair set down town once io while Being able to shop without three kids hang ing on me would be pure heaven take tranquilizing pills on doctors orders cry overnoth lug When try to talk to him he tells me his mnther raised ten kids without tranquilizers and she didnt have to join clubs or get her hairiset downtown Please help hme amNERV OHS AND TIRED Dear and So his mother raised ten kids without tran quilizing pills womens clubs and hairsets Well bully for berl And vhaL pray was his father doing Ill clus you he wasnt bowling and playing poker with the boys or falling asleep in front of the TV every night husband such as yours usually smartcns up when the doctor tells him hls wife needs complete bed rest or lustitu tlonnl care Ask your lummox if this is what hes waiting for IDEAL SPOT Dear Ann Lnnders Recently you told retired general that children should never be hit with belts switches straps brushes etc You said No child should be dealt blow harder than the human hand can deliver Did it ever occur to you that sometimes the human can deliver blow My father was one of those brutal types who took out his frustrations on his wife and family He used to knock us kids around for no reason at all Once he hit my older brother so hard he knocked his two front teeth out When was eight years old he slapped me on the side of the head with such force that lost 80 per cent of the hearing in that ear So please Ann add to your advice something about taking it easy on the little mites even when only hand is used Ann hand pretty dangerous Dear LAI did You must st ppe reading too soon TheKlaint line of my advice went like ths child should never be struck on the head the back across the legs or arms Nature prrrided the ideal spot tho back porch Spring Tea Plans Discussed By WI Barrie Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Baker Victoria Street The meeting opened with the Institute Ode followed by the Lords Prayer Fourteen mem bers answered the roll call an Irish saying Minutes were read and ap proved and the treasurcrs re port given Mrs Walsh gave paper on historical research Mrs Adams read paper on current events Elans for the spring too were discussed also trip to Jordan Museum in July The meeting closed with the Queen andallmemberseoioyed tasty pot luck supper The next meeting will be held at Mrs Pringles residence on Sanford St Eocene new The Ladies Auxiliary to the sgts Mess of the Grey and Simone Foresters will hold euchre party at the Sgts Mess this evening at 830 oclock Mrs George Bowles of idle auxiliary will convene the event Proceeds will be donat ed to the Barrie and District Retarded Childrens Association WEDDING GUESTS Among the out of city guests who attended the wedding of Mis Sally Houghton and Don nld Kitching at Central Unitcd Church were Mr and Mrs Tom Lyons Ivy Mr and Mrs Frank Higginson Angus Mr and Mrs French Mr and Mrs ifitching of Drillia MP and Mrs Syd Hill Mr Among the out of city guests attending the BjerlandKunce wedding in St Giles Anglican Church March were Mr and Mrs Therben Bjerland parents of the bridegronm Mr and Mrs Yamniuk brother inlaw and sister of the bride groom all of Rose Valley Sas katchewan Mr and Mrs Jos epb Keveza Toronto the grandparents of the bride Mr and Mrs Cirre Johnson Holt Michigan Mr and Mrs Frank Anuzis Brampton Mr and Mrs Lorne Cox Hagorsville Miss Nina Showell Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Danny Keveza Mr and Mrs Larry Bierland all of Toronto Mr and Mrs John Stark Mllver ton Mr and Mrs Fred Rich ardson Drillia MR AND MRS BJERIAND St Giles Church Sight Of Nuptials St Giles Angllcnn Church was adorned wlth baskets of pink cnrantfons and while mums for the wedding of Miss Pauline Lenore Kunco and Peter Everett Blerlnnd Rev Illddell officiated at the at afternoon ceremony March The bride is the daughter of Paul Kunco of Little Lake The bridegroom ls the son of Mr and Mrs Thorben Blerland of Rose Valley Saskatchewan lecn in marriage by her father the bride wore full length gown of peau de soie The dress was fashioned with fitted bodice enhanced by portrait neckline and lilypoint sleeves one accentuated the front of billowing skirt which fell ln Impressed pleats to chapel train at the back headdress coronet of rhine stones and seed pearls held the shoulderlength veil of tulle ll lusion The bride canted cascade bouquet of American Beauty mses and ivy leaves The bride was attended by Mrs Gus Gustavon as matron of honor Miss Barbara Gor mnn anonto was bridesmaid The brides cousin Miss Nancy Keveza also of Toronto was junior bridesmaid fhe attendants wore similar gowns of blue nylon organdy fashioned with fitted bodice with square neckline and boul fant skirts Their hesddresses were bows of matching mater ial The attendants carried bouquets of blue and white car nations The groomsman was Gus Gustavson Ronald Kunce and Beg Forbes Little Lake acted as ushers The wedding music was pro vided by organist Mrs Sin clair of Crown Hill For the reception held at Kenneys Gardens the bride grooms mother received attir ed in sheath gown of belge lace Moss green accessories and corsage of pink roses com pleted her ensemble For travelling the bride had chosen blue wool suit white PREGNANCY LEAVE Working women in Romania are entitled to 112 days leava with pay when they have ba bies Travel Arrangements AIRSHlPBUSJIAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 0x Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Service PA 05525 Dunlap limb r91 Bay so Toronto sofa about 52st choir about 3129 depending on fabric fly THE BARBIE The date of the ninth An nual Fashion Show at Burton AvenuoUnlted Church was est ablished at the first meeting March as with two showings only at 230 and 730 pm with Evangeline Shops of Ba rlo Ind Toronto and Ev Chick of Barrie supplying models clothes and hats Ad mission will be by ticket only and the maximum tickets ava llabls will be 150 for the after ooon show and 150 for the svenlng Dessert and coffee will be served ate In ra comrnrcnmcnaaoo Those working on the com mittee are Mrs Charles Spe aro Chairman Miss Edna Gordon Tickets Mrs Armstrong Decorations Mrs William Little Sound and Mus ic Arrangements Mrs Dav ls Kitchen and Tea Room Convener and Mrs Gordon Roach acting in an advlsory capacity fgfcesswr and 5335 Mrs Lloyd Fosler president confirmed the data of the Spr mm mm we dd lng Tea and Bake Sale May New 011 5° so and the Full Bazaar Ten 996W°5l° gtdmfue Lager nnd Bake Sale will boy held uess en rom ose Valley Saskatchewan Toron him the NW to Brampton Orlllla MIlver em ton Hagcrsvllle Owen Sound Lenders Pollfid SCIInn and Holt Michigan Within the groups CBMC dinners the use of films assistance to the minist er with Fireside Hour and reported fairly good attendance Mrs Ross Archer Member ship Chuirman requested that names of new people in tho viclnlty be given to her com mittee and Mrs Alkcns outlined tho work of the Pro gram Commlttee which was glvlng assistance and guidance to unit lenders and preparing the general meetings of the UCV Mrs Emms assisted by Mrs Wayne Stewart conduct ed the Devotional based on the true meaning of Lent which she said was Time of Mourning Time of Spirit ual Preparation Time of Prayer but most of all Time to be steadfast to put our Navy League WA Plan Card Party The February meeting of the Womens Auxiliary to the Navy League and Sea Cadets was held at the bomeof Mrs Pace with Ii members pres not and the chairman Mrs Mildred Cole presiding The minutes of the previous meeting and correspondence were read and dealt with Plans were made for May euchra to raise funds for the cadets Mrs Duggan read her report on the gold bond stump project and urged all members and friends to procure vouchers for the auxiliary when turning in their lull book of stamps Mrs Janet Lognn reported on the party for the cadets and assured all members the boys had Wonderful time Following social hour of bingo convened by Mrs Cole refreshments were served by the hostess The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Logon High Street March 20 at 11m PERMANENTS SPECIAL complete Open Tuem Thur IrL Ill pm OPERATORS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE Ens as anusi no ppoiamnnt can PA 571 Kitchens III For look back Delays add upto Never said Mrs Emms Mrs Harry Hadden closed the do votional with prayer BUDGET OF TIME Mrs Charles Spearn present ed an excellent report on Christian Stewarding using 312 new DOWN Payable Over Mlht For Our Budget Sav Ing Food Planl EAT BETTER FOR LESS Free Delivery Up To 100 Ml KlEERPAK FOODS PA c0501 of the vow the dots to be hand to the plough andnot EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 10 1961 Fashion Show Day Announced very clear chart called Bud get of Time to drive home her point of how time should be used Concerning envelopes Mm Spearn made it clear that the amount put into the envelopes 3was strictly matter between the giver and God and that the estimate of $1 per mem ber was only an Estimate or an Average as some would give more and some would give less but in the overall picture the budget would be met Breaklng the lioanclal plcc lure down into figures easily understood Mrs Spooln point ed out that of the average $1 given In envelopes 70 cents would stay in our own church and 30 cents would be sent the Slmcoo Presbytcrlal Treas urer for the larger work of the church 01 this so cents she wcnt on to soy cent would go for Overseas Musion and 24 cents would be used for Home Missions and related work here in Canada Complete Plans For March Session Mrs Norman Tuck will be hostess for the March meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institute March 14 at pm Howard Caldwell plant suplt erlnlendent at Lulkin Rule Co of Canada Limited Barrie will he the speaker Roll call will benomo pm duct manufactured in Barrie Mrs Thomposn will conh ment on the motto money can pay all debt but gratitude is promissory note that could go on forever The topic Canadian Indus tries will bo presented by Mrs Harold Switzer convener Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs Roy Partridge Mrs Harold Swltzer There will be cooking do monstration in connection with theprolect 143 lbs of meat Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 524 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE rms SUNDAY 9111 Hear Rev oghill SUNDAY sonoor pan Services At YMCA Owen Street EVERYONE WMME Living Remodel your outmoded kitchen NOW Include all the latest improvements that can make kitchen chores enjoyable At the same time provide an at tractive area for betweenmeal snacks and informal dining See BALL PLANING MILL for free planning help MATERIALS TOMODERNIZE THE AVERAGE KITCHEN CAN COST AS LITTLE AS $1900 FREE ATHOME ESTIMATES CALI THE BIILL PLANIIIII MILL co LTD 48 ANNE 51 Pi 32496

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