Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1962, p. 5

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at THE BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 10 Where The Bust Of Agne TORONTO tCPt that Mi came of the bust of Agnes lilac phail which was presented to the province year ago and ac ceptcd with great eloquence by former premier Leslie Frost This question was raised In the legislature Friday by Don ald MacDonald Ontario New Democratic Party leader The answer it has been gath cring dust on top of filing can that in the office of Frederick hlills department of public works building superintendent The bust was not put on dis play immediately bccausc there was no pedestal for it House Speaker William ltlur dochtPGEssex South promA Connie Stcvcns and Troy Donahue head the cost of War ncr Brus Technicolor produc tion of Susan Slade openA Ing Wednesday March 14 at the Roxy Theatre As tecnv agcrs deeply disturbed by their tragic personal prob lemsshc is an unwod mo ther and he lives in the sha cums AND Sir iscd Friday to look into the mat ter The late Miss Macphaii was CCF mcmber of the legislature from Biff45 and from 191861 She rcprcscnted York East which later was divided Into lorit East and YorkScarbor ough She was the first woman elected to the House of Com mons where she represented Grey Bruce between um and with The plaster bustby sculptor Felix dc Weldon was presented Feb 21 last year by the Toronto branch of the Womens Interns tionol Leagus for Peace and Freedom TROY STAR dow of his fathers prison sul cidethcy are drawn to each other Delmer Daves produc ed and directed the romantic drama which also stars Dor othy McGuire Lloyd Nolan Brian Ahcrne and Grant Will iams Daves had previously dircctcd Donahue in Sum mer Place and Donahue and Miss Stevens in Parrish Borden Red Cross lirranges Blood Clinic For March 1316 The Camp Borden Red Cross Blood Donors Clinic will be held in the lounge of the Buell Building March 1316 The Clin lc has always been well sup ported by service personnel and their dependents but only relatively small percentage of civil servants and other Government employees have donated blood in the past The majority of the government employees live in communities srrounding Borden and go to clinics in their own towns Harold Robinson of RCF station cleaning maintenance staff has retired from the oivi service His home is in Alli ton Rawn of Elmvalc form orly employed at the ROS of died recently Mr lian ro tired from the School last your because of ill health spring fashion show will Christianity isa be held at the Garrison Thea tre March The Circle Pine Ice Revcnu will be staged in theAndy Anderson Area April 21 Among many civil servants on annual leave is Harlan Jac obi of Barrie and Yan Adria eossen of Stayncr Annual leave must be used by the end of the fiscal year or the Government employee loses it John Corcoran of the Pro School has grown beard and it has been suggested he may start fashion among made employees at Bordon Ho photographer at the School MICROWAVE NETWORK The 1300 mile microwave system under construction from Grande Prairie Alta to the AlaskaYukon border will have relay stations INIIIsm NOTES Lightly Clad Girls And Other Things By K63 FLORIDA Just few mhes from our winter address there is town called Orange City The word city is tacked on the name as soon as settlement is born like Dodge City in the famous Gunsmoke series of stories that come down out of the west Orange City was having Frontier Day parade so we went over to watch The parade had couple of bandstrom nearby high schools led by prancing girls dressed in the skimpy cos tumes usual to these beauties However the weatherman had suddenly decided to allow cold wave to getihrough from the north and to add some rain which we had not had for the months we had been south The rain stopped but the sun did not shlnc too strongly and the light ly clad girls about 20 in each company not only received looks of admiration but also pity The bands were excellent in fact our own Barrie Colic glate Bond would have diffi culty in holding their own with these and the uniforms wcre es pcciaily grand The parade was made up of floats senting Frontier Days as they had been known in the town and the judges awarded priles for the host The peculiar thing about this city called Orange was that few if any orange trees were in evi dence Beautiful blooms of flowering bushes were every where on lawns and beside the big stately homes but unlike our adopted town orangc and grapefruit trees were scarce One of the interesting fcatures of the event was the number of cowboys and cowgirls who seemed as much at home on horse as their Vestcrn counter parts COOL SPELL We are having cool spcll of weather which drifted down this way and grove owners are hold ing their breath in case it de velops into something worse high wind is blowing which may keep the frosts from settling and hopeful souls are expecting the sun to come out best Ono party nearby started out to go north to attend funeral but came back after reaching North Carolina Roads were too treach erous with freezing rain falling IHATJJTTLE TURN We were in the food store watching the weekend shoppers There was display of turnips marked by the pound and Se lccttng one of the smallest about the size of cup it was weighed back for us and marked 17 cents Remembering the story told us by the producer of tur nips in Innisfil whose product was shipped south in the trucks after they had emptied their huge loads of citrus fruit In To mnto we realized that this lit tle bundle of inicy vegetable could be one of those turnips grown on the fields of Innisfn After this the price did not seem as high Its small world We noticed an advertisement of Barris store of first grads oranges at 49 cents dozen Often oranges sell here at prices emands Our Genuine Courage Dy MAJOR GILLESPIE Salvation Army And it came to pass when the time was come that he should be received up he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem Luke 951 How different our world would have been bad Jesus done otherwise Here was man who could make up his mind Even with his life at stake by making such choice Jesus reached whole hearted decision Only brave man would have done this under the circumstances He realized that He would meet opposition from his but terest enemies implacable foes who would do anything to de stroy him The religious leadA era the Sanhedrin the priests the scribes were all determin ed to be rid of Jesus and the mob would be swayed by them He knew that at Jerusalem he would he forced to face the horrible ordeal of the cross Yet his own free will he deliberately went there His death was voluntary Earlier in his ministry He has stated God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Jesus did not go to Jerusa Icm as defeated man He went as conqueror He was sure that as He had stated earlier in his career if be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me By accepting His atonement for our sins be comes into our hearts and remakes us Christ crucified has been and still is the supreme magnatot mankind throughout the cent uries WHAT LESSON But what lesson has all this for you and me Time and distance separate us from that scene Yet the fact that Jesus went to his Jerusalem should strengthen us to go to our Jerusalem Jerusalem isnot geographic location it isa matter of doing the will of God We go to Jerusalem when we accept Gods plan for our lives Such course is not always easy As Jesus steadfastly set his face towards Jerusalem so we must set ours Christianity does not cater to our weak DANCING ono FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY SATURDAY and his Quintet TARTANS Barries Newest Piece Orchestra All members of Burries famed Central Collegiate Band ADMISSION 75c REFRESHMENT BOOTH NO SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTEDV Old Tyme and Modern Dancing ness and cowardice mands real courage to be genuine disciple of Christ To become disciple of Christ is simply to turn from the low to the high from the false to the true from the wrong to the right Courage is required not only in this initial but also in each succeeding step along lifes pathwayi He wants men who cannot be intimidated or beguiled train the faith who in the face of all opposition are true to their convictions SIAMPS COINS SUPPLIES govnns mans woman so our Color on Letters Old Maps Old Post cards BARRIE STAMP AND com 11 Bayfleld st Banla WHEN YOURE EAGER Sunday Cont From 200 pm It do 100 higher in the stores than they are sold back home We could not expect to have turnip brought all the l600 miles down here without paying the cost of the frcight So we conclude we do not understand the citrus shipping business ARBLE FLY TENDERS We note that tenders are being called in Tnnistil to ask for cont tractors to handle the applica tion of warble ny treatment Lets hope that the cost for this is collected from the stock own ers sulficlent to cover the whole amount involved Previously large portion has been charged back to the general levy mean Ing that property owners other than farmers are obliged to con tribute to these costs Itfany ratepayers pay extra for star bage collection and other special services but there seems no reason they should contribute to cattle spraying KEEPING MOVING We keep moving about so that we have something to tell you from down here Our assistant back home sends along summar ies of the local news and friends who write add bit of lnnisfii doings so we manogo to make up column We would be glad to hour from renders it they ap preciate it Strand Post Office wrll see that mail is scat on to us quickly SEEKING ONE VOICE This heading on the 0041 Commentary receivcd recently alludes to Die amalgamation of the Farmers Union and the Federation of Agriculture This Is like trying to put bantam rooster in the same pen as fullsizedblrd The settlement comes when the little fellow has become the top bird of the pen He gets his notoriety not from his size but from the fact that be Is born fighter The funds for the support of the Farmers Union come from membership fees paid by those who feel they receive service for their money The other or ganization collects grants and levies from organizations and municipalities They receive levy of half mill on farm ratsL payers who pay this and no glect to attend the meetings 0f ficers are appointed to fill the Jobs even if the meeting called for the election of officers is sparsely attended At the end of the article is the comment They should make sure that tbs representatives are bona fidc farmers It would be best to have one organization represent STARTS FAMOUS PLAYERS iiiiitiilf Meat Probe Discreet QUEBEC CPIHealth Minis tcr Alphonse Couturier said Frl day an investigation into sale of bad ment in the province is pro ceeding with the matcst en ergy and the greatest discre LION Dr Couturier said ccrtaln quarters havo expressed con cern use provincial authori ties havc not commented on published reports of bad meat sales particularly in the ltlont real region Our inquiry into trade in ii ltcit meat he said in pro pared statement is going on with the greatest energy and the motor discretion It is difficult to catch the people in the not any other way Riftcman Urlich Stogemnnn sun of Mr Theodor Stegelt mann RR Bradford 0a tarlo graduated Friday after 20 weeks of recruit training from the Regimental Depot of The Queens Own Rifles of Canada in Calgary Rtn Stegemann will now join the 2nd Battalion Qucens Own Rifles of Canada stationed at Currie Barracks Calgary log the farm problem but it should be composed of grass root people who are acting to get results whether they recele salary or not BUILDING All Housing subsidies with vary ing rates have been provided in Britain since Islet SUNDAY continuous from too pin Doors open 115 1mm nature at has 125 Mo No wonder ft rcnd by that had millions on hormones and ReadsxaDieeqtfifledflfemm Shagaveupharwayofufem hisan American girl dam danger in wanravaged Tokon minimizing love so are that made it all worthwhile Carroll Baker lAMS SHIGETA mpa wnmmmmnm Added Attraction Brid 1° Sim the Io PIN BOWLING LESONS by Experts LAST TIM ES TODAY SUSAN HAYWARD JOHN GAVIN In BACK STREET in Technicolor Adult Feature at so 515 us 945 IMPERIAL Two FEATURES START SUNDAY MOB RULE IN It HIGH SCHOOL LashShowing Today SERGEANTS In Color Might Take Years For Gay Centenary OTTAWA tCPtCarc to canoe Atlantic to Pacific in Canadas birthday year of 1967 Or build sewage works con template the values of good citizenship hold fair open your home to centenary visitors or write community history The Canadian Centenary Coun cil voluntary group rcpraent log crosssection of Cana dians is burrowing through wth propositions today at its second annual meeting Its function To tlnd centen ary possibilities that govern ments communities associa lions companies or individuals may find suitable for the 196 birthday parb Bald Hats We Have The Bears NIAGARA FALTS Ont CF The British Army is after the black bears LtCoi Balharric com manding officcr of tho Royal Scots Greys Regiment Friday made transatlantic request to LtCol Hnig commanding officer of the 57th Light Anti Aircraft regiment here for more bear skins Col Balharrie whoso regh meat will visit Canada this fall asked if some sporting types around here would mind clolr bering black bear or two to provide muchnecded for for the soldiers headdresscsr Col IIng said he should be able to tins up few skins The British officer staid his headdresses have gono rather bald and black bears are in short supply in Britain The swelling of too represen tatitcs and individe worked in nine workshops Friday and sums up today Some pitfalls and problems are already plain one is the possibility that 19W itself will be so crammed that 1966 and 1968 may have to be Monday used Another ls that acoommr dation may be tight and that the private home may prove inval uable Yet another is that boom and bust may hit tbc travel and tourist industry and that activ ity should be spun out through the year as much as possible can FELIOWS BINGO Proceeds to Humanitarian Sendai pm $0000 iACItPOT CONSOLATION PRIZE $2500 ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE COLLIER ST OKEEFE CENTRE FRONT 81 YONGE EM 36633 WHEN THINKING OF ENTERTAINMENT THINK OF THE OKEEFE CENTRE Organize Theatre Party For Your Group 10 DISCOUNT ON 40 OR MORE SEATS For Eves Wad 8st Matlnm Mom Tun Wed Contact Promotion Dept OKeefo Centre Toronto Coming Attractions OM IN XIV Cunt Abba Inc Jill Lennard ulnar zsltpr April 2111 Iran Ln Done tum circa You knomlflte dividenal an my Mutual Life policies are higher than over Get the most from your insurance dollar Guaranteed protection and savingsplushigh dividends See the Man from The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OFOANADA The company wiflithve outstanding diuidend record Representatives lv Arthur Johnston 15 Shirley Avenue Ph PA 82308 Ron Chantler 223Wellingtonst PhLPA 87506 Douglas mbinwn 128 Queen Street Phi 60848

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