Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1962, p. 3

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LEFT Morrb Darby of We verley who took grand and reserve championship in the Cereal classes at the Elmvale Fair shows prize seed to Eye aminer reporter Sharon Foy Centre Dr Patterson director of Farm Economics and Statistics Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture meets Stewart Page agricultural representative for North SimA coe Dr Patterson was the guest speaker at the Fair held yesterday Right Max Craig seed potato grower from Cralghurst gets facts and figures from Harold whiteside officer in charge of the Department of Agriculture in Barrie The two men are standing in front of green house testing display showing how they detect virus in seed potatoes Policeman Attacked Bitten With Knife Plate And Dog Barrie policeman told Magistrate Foster in court yesterday he was attack ed by woman with knife on two occasions later with broken plate ond that she bit him twice bcfore she was sub dued Mrs Patsy Irene Duff 20 vs Edgehill Dr Barrie was charged with assaulting Com orai Reginald Neathway Cpl Ncathway said he or rived at the accuscds home to find her with knife in her hand She was threatening to stick her husband Keith Duff Op Neathwoy said be dis armedMrs Duff who then de manded her husband get out of the house He was only too ready to go observed the corporal She then assaulted hcr hth band and Cpl Neathway hit lng the policeman on the wrist and shoulder She picked up another knife and Cpl Neathwny again dis arned her She then picked up broken dinner plate and he took this from her Then the Duff family dog took the offensive and attend ed Constable Clarence Johnson and me said Cpl Neathway Johnson finally got the animal into tho basement The fight lasted 15 minutes before they handcuffed Mrs Duff and put her into the pol ice cruiser where she grabbed Const Johnson around the neck Cpl Neathwoy said Mrs Duff had been inking heavily She thou ht the West End Plaza lights were bugs trying to get into the cruiser he added Questioned by Gordon Mc Wife 15 Courtroom Observer fls Husband 19 Is Remandecl 15yearold wife sat in Bar rie court yesterday and saw her luyearold husband remanded in custody after he pleaded guilty to two charges of break ing and entering and one of breaking entering and theft William Harry McKenzie 39 Maple Ave Barrie was ar rested February 19 when he was discovered in Hammonds Wholesale House Police Chief Edward Tschir hart said McKenzie told police he broke into the same building on February and stole various small items On February 15 he broke into Scott Fuel Companys premises but stole nothing Chief Tsehirharf said McKen zie told police he had commit ted the first two offences when they had no idea who had done them He told police he watched the policeman on the beat check the premises before he broke into them said Chief Tschirhart McKenzie admitted previous record of convictions for drink ing car theft and breaking and entering Magistrate Foster re fused MCKenzie bail and re mandcd him in custody for one week for sentence Local Officials fire Staffing GBDII Booth Ilt Sportsmens Show An open invitation has been extended by the Georgian Bay Development Association in Barrie residents and others from Simcoe County and Mus koka to visit the Associations booth at the Canadian National Sportsmans Show being held in Toronto today and next week Willard Kinzie chairman of the Association said today that the floor space of the exhibit presented by the Association has been doubled this year It occupies approximately 400 square feet number of Barrierresidents are among the area represent atives who will staff the exhibit at different times during the show 111059 from Barrie assisting are Pat DAmbrosio Mayors secretary Ed May the citys Industrial commissioner Hor ace Pratt chairman of the In dustrial Commission Reg Wel ham secretarymanager of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce Lloyd Smith Lake Simcoc Mo tel and Mr Kinzie The booth this year has been divided so as to promote tourism in the ureaou the one hand and industrial expansion on the other fire charts of local waterways big draw ing card last year are again being offered to visitors Fined Ils Drunk Is 24th Conviction drunk charge costDouglas Hayes 47 76A Edgebill Drive Barrie $15 and costs in court yesterday For Hayes who pleaded guil ty it was his 24th conviction since September 1956 HUBERT Turk QC the corporal agreed drinking appeared to be the cause of the trouble The ac cused told him her husband hod beaten her up for half an hour in snowbank Next morning she was treated for frostbltten feet When he saw her at the house she had dri ed blood about her mouth was it as much the has IBands fault asked Mr Mc ix of one and half doz en of the other Id say re plied Cpl Neathway Mr Mch asked the court to give every consideration to Mrs Duff The pregnant mother of five young children pleaded guilty to the charge its rather pathetic com mented crown attorney Kennedy Most unfortunate added Magistrate Foster who reserved judgement for one week Insulin Doubled For Diabetics After 40th Year TORONTO CWThe use of insulin for diabetics who develop the disease after the age of 40 was challenged Friday by Dr Harvey Sadow director of clinical research at Arlington Funk Laboratories Montreal Dr Sadow was speaking to about 100 doctors from across Canada at symposium here to discuss phenformin relatively new drug used orally by diabe tics The symposium is spon sored by his firm He said patients over 40 us ually have higher than normal insulin levels and about half of all adult diabetics are over weight when the condition is diagnosed The death rate of fat diabetics is about four times that of thin patients he said Dr Sadow suggested phenfor min allows overweight diabetics to lose weight more easily Consensus of the meeting was that pbenforrnin is useful ad junct in the treatment of diabe tics who develop the disease later in life but is unsuitable for children and pregnant women 1600 Workers Walk Off Project MONTREAL CP About l600 construction workers at Quebec Hydrns power project at Carillon on the Ottawa River walkd off their jobs Friday Quebec Hydro spokesman said the workers walked off to backup their demands for pay boost that would bring their wages up to the level of work ers in Montreal The spokesman said seven un ions nre involved Two of them the Brotherhood of Carpenters and the International Brother hood of Electrical Workers wero certified as bargaining agents The five others were awaiting certification The spokesman said the un ions few weeks ago served demands for pay increases De tails were not available He said that wages paid Con struction workers are set by Quebec government regulations in different zones throughout the province wage contract was under negotiation Wages paid at Carillon in the Ottawa Valley zone are lower than those paid in Montreal Carillon is about 40 miles west of Montreal Spokesman for the Carpen ters Brotherhood said the un ion was not aware of the walk out EXPORTER FINED MONTREAL CPlPaul Ala terson 60 Montreal business man was fined $1500 Friday for violating Canadian export regu lations by shipping boraxcon sidered strategic material be cause it is used in refining jet fuelto Communist Poland Tobacco Men Hear Experts Three tobacco specialists of the Ontario Department of Ag rieulture addressed tobacco far mers at Alliston yesterday They were Milton Watson Norman Sheidow and Glenn Mc Caan all stationed at Delhi They spoke on tobacco cul tural practices varieties of to bacco and soil testing Mr Watson stressed the im portance of proper spacing fer tilization harvesting in effect ing leaf quality general discussion on the importance of taking good sam ples in soil testing was conduct ui by Mr Sheidow and drew good response from the far rners at the meeting Mr McCann elaborated on the yield and quality figures the dc partment has obtained in rela tion to tobacco varieties during the past few years Old Market System No Longer Working Dr Patterson of the Ontario Department of Agricul ture said at the North Simcoc Seed Fair in Elmvnle yesterday that the present shortage of feed grain in Ontario has been de veloping for some time He said this trend was due to three main factors Canadas population is rising at the rate of 1000 per day he said Cropland has increased 19 per cent since 1941 but pro ductivity has Increased only Ll per cent There has been change in of patterns Seventy per cent of all food sold in the Toronto area is sold through four supermarket chains They like to place their Margarine Grants Before Council Business at the council meet ing Monday night will include resolution from the Ontario Margarine Committee re colored margarine proposed amend ment to the citys official plan and request for grant from the Board of Police Commiss ioners other matters to be dealt with include reports fromthe city development traffic fin ance and public works commit tees and communication from the Department of Lands and Eorests with regard to flood ing protections SMALL FAMILIES The average size of Canadian families ranges from 36 in Brit ish Columbia to 45 in Quebec Womens Page Fillers Britain find 115 First International Satellite WASHINGTON AP Plans to launch the first international satellite this spring joint pro ject by the United Kingdom and the United States were an nounced Friday The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said its purpose will he to increase knowledge of The ionospherethe elec trically charged atmosphere blanket around the earth at al titudes of 50 to 200 milesand how it is affected by solar ra diations The ions electrically charged particles are believed Numismatic Group Expands Membership Now Over 90 Collecting coins is developing ing response to this fascinat into popular hobby in Simcoe County Membership in the Huronia Numismatic Association has in creased ropidly in recent months It now stands at 00 and more applications are ex pected Kenneth Prophet of Barrie president got into coin collect ing quite by accident rela sent him few old coins bile he was serving with the Canadian Army on the East coast Within short time he was emailed in numismatic society and became Con finned searcher for rare coins both ancient and modern Mr Prophet sparked local association less than 18 months ago He is finding an increas ing pastime The mere acquisition of rare coins is not the only thrill of collector according to Mr Prophet Members attend lec tures and auctions and learn much of the history surround ing coins and why someof them are so valuable 1925 fivecent piece for example is worth $0 simply because there are so few on the market today 1936 dotted penny brings $3400 and one man has several of them The fascination of collecting comes not alone from acquisi tion of rare Coin Mud of the thrill is connected with the backgron with piecewhen it was minted and tho circum stances of its issue The valu able coin is worth many many times its value because of scar CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY BLOOD DONOR CLINIC TRINITY PARISH HALL MONDAY MARCH I2lh 130 300 500 6302 city In other words supply and demand are cardinal rules of the coin trader Next month members of the Huronia Association will hold their first formal annual meet ing special speaker from Welland has been invited The meeting will be held at the Rob Ray restaurant April 14 From to pm there will he public display of coin coll ectlons including rare coll ection from one of the banks it is hoped The dinner will be held at pm orders direct and do all their buying through one buyer IN SMALL LOTS Dr Patterson said that the supermarkets had agreed to carry Ontario potatoes through out the winter but one pulled out The manager told me he said that they couldnt afford to make 100 calls to buy small lots when they could get pm duce by the carioad by one call to the Maritimes The speaker said that the old system was no longer working capacity audience attended the seed fair which was held at the community hall in Elmvnle AWARDS Championship awards went to the following Morris Darby Waverly grand churnpionsbip and championship in cereal classes Earl Parnell Elmvale grand championship small seeds Russell Maw lilinesing re making serve championship small seeds Bernell McKay Hawkestone grand championship in hay Gordon lngleton Elmvale re and it would take the best rural serve championship in boy brains the next five to 10 years to find answers He said that farmers in North Simcoc were noted for innovations in the past Penctang in potatoes Telesphore Forget RR grand championship lda Maurice RR Penctang and the solution to the problems reserve championship in pota might come from some of the toes people in this area Barrie Chamber Telesphoro Forget RR Gives Approval To GovernmentBun Lotteries Barrie Chamber of Commerce yesterday gave their support to the establishment of legal lotteries in Canada provided they are governed by strict leg islation They were asked for the sup port by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce The first meeting of the 1962 Board of Directors also agreed to establish dotebook of city activities The move followed Barrie Examiner editorial which instanced one night when six major events were arrang ed all of which were deserving of public support Plan To Launch to be generated by radiation from the sun and are lost by recombination processes so that density of the ionosphere varies from day to night Primary cosmic radiation The Imperial College in London has developed device by which the satellite will measure ac curately the Spectrum of prim ary cosmic ray energy and the changes that result from action of the interplanetary magnetic field The satellite is expected to have an orbital lifetime of about year At Ottawa officials said Can adas first satellite the s27 will be launched by the 115 In late August or early Septem ber It is designed to investigate the ionosphere from an altitude ofsome 600 mile Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS III NE 1962 Avpllminm and has mm tenth Ibo Conservatory not later than APRIL 1m census srRIEr TORONVO ill ONT SACRED PRODUCTIONS brings to you GREG AND BARBARA LOREN CONCERT orsAcRsn music SUNDAY MARCH no new sssa ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Nora rynm The board felt that it date boolr was maintained with the dates of various functions in it service clubs and other org anizatlons could plan their ao tivlties with greater success The Chamber civic affairs committee will carry out the necessary work The week beginning April was Chosen Chamber of Com merce Week for the city Fine Is $35 For Speeder 70mileanhour drive in Barrie during the early hours of the morning cost James Hen ry Foiherby 26 RR Shanty Bay $35 and costs in court yes terday He pleaded guilty to speeding and was invited to attend traf fic court clinic Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Penetang grand championship in potatoes six quart boasket Armand Genlcr RR Penej tong reserve championship in potatoes six quart basket Winners of the North Simcoc Soil and Crop improvement Ass sociation membership campaign draw was as follows Joe Paddison Stayncr BMW nell Johnston Hawkestone Gon don Atkinson Barrie Gordon Hewitt Orillia Adams and Son Minesing Allan John stnn lIIlneslng Michler Calver ley Orillla Earl Carson Bar rie Tickets were drawn by North Simcoc Agricultural ftep resentative Stewart Page Ivan Clark of Shanty Boy was grand champion canvasser with sale of 31 tickets NewlBehindtheEar SLIP0N HEING AID Slips OnOtf for Church Theater or Group Talk rests snugly inconspicuously no button an ear wear In either ear weighs only $6 ounce allows natural earlevel hearing MAICO WA 42317 HEARING SERVICE 350 YONGE sr TORONTO PLEASE WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET NAME ADDRES TOWN miy IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS 0F BARRIE AREA OVER $5000000 PAID IN I961 FOR SURGICAL AND DOCTORS FEESI DO YOU HAVE THIS VIT AL PROTECTION AGAINST THE COSTS OFAC CIDENTS AND SICKNESS YOURv TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE COMPANY OF FERS YOU COMPLETE HEALTH AND ACCIDENT PLAN TO COVER THE COSI 0F DOCTORS CALLS AT HOME IN THE HOSPITAL IN THE DOCTORS OFFICE SURGERY NURS ING OSTEOPATHS AND ANAESTHETISTS HIGHLIGHTS NO AGE LIMIT PLANS INDIVIDUAL COVERAGE FAMILY COVERAGE No MEDICAL XAMINATION HEART ATTACK AETHRITIS DIABETES gAsrixrnanmmwwcm you nosr no WITHOUT III115 VITAL PRUFECITON SPECIAL PLANS ARE NOW AVAEABLE WHICH MAY COVER EVEN RECURRENCE CBS OF YOUR CONDITION WHY TAKE CHAN For ftnther infomiation and eruolsnent fill out couponand mail to MEDICALPLAN 00 CAINES BOX NO BARRIE EXAMINER

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