BURDEN BEAT By ml STOKI How do you take the linger prinls rom corpse This is hardly pleasant sub ject butit is task which policeman may well be laced with in the course oi his duties and something he has to know Student policemen at Camp Borden learn this and many other aspects oi scientiï¬c police mark at school To answer the original ques tlon prints are taken irom body by inserting fluid under the skin at the fingertips This has to be done because the likin shrinks and the fluid stretches it back to normal size so that prints can be llited off One oi the most interesting things taught at the school is comparatively new method obtaining description of suspect By the old method witness would be shown coil ection at papiermnche masks and picked nose from one mask cars from another and so on until police artist could create composite picture at the suspect based on the feat ures the witness picked from the masks The latest thing is an identifilt cation kit which contains set of transparent slides These slides are filed under sections for eyebrows enrs halrllnes spectacles noses eyebrows and so on By picking Ihe features lrom this kit and placing the trans parent slides one on top of the other the witness can build up composite picture of the sus pcct from his recollection of course the accuracy oi the whole process still depends on the natural powers of observa tion of the witness Other subjects taught in the police section of the school in clude photography and the car the pmvost corps of exemplary service Sergeant Holbrooir has stuck laithlully to his past at the typewriter 10 these many years despite the persistent forays of newspaper reporters TV cameraman and other unsavory typth Con gratulations Larry SPORTS NOTES Camp Peta wnwa emerged as the top team in the Central Command Hockey Olympics this week winning over the Kingston squad This makes them the tap army hock ey team in Ontario Bordens service corps school basketball team this week took the Central Command Basketball Champion ship They iielded powerful squad which averaged 75 points per game in the six playoll matches against an average oi 38 baskets per game by oppos ing teams SIGN OF SPRING The Spniding Golf Club Clinic will be held at the RCAC drill hall on March 14 Visiting pros will include Jack Hunt Toronto George Clifton Pine Valley Eob Gray Scarborough Ken Jacobs Glcnshiclds and others Miss Lou Evans Ontario Lad ies open champinn may also attend Mention of the golf clinic reminds me of some sub lime and some horrible mom ents an the links last year The memory of 275yard drivLI is balanced by the memory of having the seat of my pants removed by large doc while retrieving an unfortunate shot from somehodys back yard 991 nullqr Tn Tan WASHINGTON AP James Jackson editor oi The Worker was sentenced Friday to six months in jail for con4 Church Entered Nothing Taken caretaker at Barrie church discovered it had been broken into last night when he entered the church to find lock ed cupboards and drawers iorc ed open Harry Dckkcr caretaker at the Christian Relorm Church on St Vincent St arrived at the church last night to find the doors leading to the board room and other rooms all open In side them locked cupboards and drawers had been forced open Mr Dekker believes screw driver was used to jhnmy them co pNone oi the churchs outer doors were lorced and all were locked Nothing was stolen Man 15 Arrested Aiter BreakIns At Curling Club Barrie man has been or rested and charged on three counts of breaking and entering the Barrie Curling Club Bruce Howey 21 Ellen St was arrested yesterday by Cara poral Francis Light and Consta ble Roy Bridge alter investiga tion into the three brcakvins Howey has been released on bail On March the curling club was hrakcn into but nothing was stolen February 22 quan tity of liquor and cigarettes were stolen and on February 13 $75 in cash and more liquor was taken chess club finished one point be hind Torontos West End YMCA team in tournment last night of Tomato losing to 81A aident remarked today that the local team did better than be had expected of new Canadian members he said and they are usually coa sldercd quite strong chess play ers especially the two who play ed our Petch and Siesling in Tomato at 480 am cloud in parts of southwestern Ontario should clear as the storm which caused light falls of snow in these areas moved eastward from the Virginia Capes Lake Superior tonight and bring some light snow to local ities in Northern Ontario For southern and central Ontario fair weather will likely continue Into Sunday major storm moving northeast toward the lakes will likely cause some snow which will turn to rain late Sunday and early Monday Toronto Chessmen Edge Barrie Club ills Siesiiog Sxolalko St Amour flutter Clark son Konopnlckl Bulgabauc Hellman Hook Bothn en Morris Each Tbs Barrie senior mens Max Morris Barrie club pre The Toronto club had lot final scores were Barrio in names first Fetch 0Shael or Cmsble it mauveIrv Official forecasts issued to Synopsis thin blanket ol weak disturbance will cross Compensation Act Only New Real Law In Last 100 Years George 11 Poole secretary of the Workmens Compensation Appeal Board meeting oi Barrie Roiarians on the history policies and prac tice oi the compensation board Prior to 1915 he sold work man injured at his occupation had no other recourse than common law in securing relief for medical and hospitalization costs As industry in Ontario ed Employers are elassilied by industrial groups and as sessed on the accident cost ob taining in ployces loss at wages and given free medical treatment for accidents that arise out of and in the course of employment addressed board to make final declsionsl their group Em While the Act empowers the and were warmly welcomed Mr Morris said this morning match here on Friday March 30 place at the YMCA on Owen Street and anyoaeintercsted Tuesday evening at the YMCA WEATHER FORECAST Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara western Lake Ontario regions Windsor bouillon II mil tomnhgotrggto Mos sunny and All except ior some brief cloudiness early this morning Cloudy Sun day with wet snow or rain likely Julien Vermeul really enjoyed ourselves are to play return The return match will take the Royal Gama has been vited by Mr Morris to attend The Barrie chess club meets The guest speaker for the Federated Women Teachers Association of Ontario meeting scheduled for March 21 in St Andrews Church will be Dennis principal of Deer Park Public School Tbronto By FARMER TISSINGTON Ottawa Bureau The Barrie Examiner UlTAWAWill the Govern ment impose tolls on the Trent Canal System as means oi helping to pay ior the $1 million capital expenditure program This question has arisen here following receipt oi letters lrom the Great Lakes Waterways As sociation by number at mem bers oi parliament And Walter Pitman NDP Member ot Parliament for Pet erbornugh sought an answer from Transport Minister Leon Baiccr Friday Mr Pitman asked if consid eration was being given at any level in the department to the imposition oi tolls on the Trent No chonge in the present situation is contemplated at the present time Mr Balcer re plied Outside the House Mr Pit man said the Ministers reply had not been very reassuring fie sugestcd that ii considera iate in the day or at night Easterly winds 10 to 15 Eastern Lake Ontario Hati burton regions Sunny and mild today increasing cloudiness Sunday becoming overcast in the afternoon Easterly winds 10 to 15 Georgian Bay Algoma Sault Ste Marie Iimagaml southern White River North Bay Sud bury Mostly sunny and mild to day Cloudy Monday winds 10 to 15 Northern White River Coch raue regions Sunny clouding over this afternoon Ilghtlall ght clearing Sunday morning Winds light today be coming northcust 15 Sunday Forecast Temperatures ght High Sunday Easterly oi snow toui Low toni Windsor St Thomas are compensated for London Kitchener Mount Fores Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Mr Dennisls widely known and respected educator and well known through his writings on the Childrens Page oi The Telegram in Toronto Mr Dennis will use as theme for his address Educa tionIts Power and Pittalls Mr Dennis is graduate oi the University of Toronto and the Toronto Teachers College IIia teaching experience includes grade school teaching and sci ence teaching in Toronto sec ondary school He was Social Studies Cou sultant in the city for five years and during his life as teacher he has written four books in the area at education Mr Dennis is also considered to be an expert on the subject at parentteacher education He has studied the subject in tho US and allt of these studies grew an active interest in Home and School work lie has lec lured throughout Ontario on subjects related to child dovel opmcnt tion was not being given the Minister might have replied with flat no He explained that the Great Lakes Association was primar ily concerned with trying to get the Government to abolish the tolls on the Welland Canal The association had mentioned the possibility of toils on the Trent in discussion of the Well and problem Some Liberal parliament including former Transport Minister Lionel Chev ricr have predicted that the government will take steps to remove the Welland tolls before long if this is the case some ob servers here lecl that it would hardly make sense to take the tolls oif one canal and put them on another es lolly in view HARRY MURDOCK Let Us Check Your Our members oi Not Reassured On Trent System oi the act that most oi the Trcnt traiiic is oi the tourist variety and the toll could not be expected to raise the lam amount oi revenue that toll on large commercial sblprnenta realize World Court Called To Rule 0n OAS Move UNITED NATIONS AP The United Nations Security Council will meltWednesdny to consider Cuban request that the World Court decide the To gality of action taken by the Orc ganllation at American State against Cubas Fidel Castro re gime Ambassador Carlos SosaRod riguez of Venezuela council president for March announced the date Friday The request for World Court decision was new approach by tho Cubans who have been re bufled three times in the last few weeks in the UN in charges against the United States resulting from tho OAS decision to expel Cuba DONT WORRY ABOUT PLUMBING OR HEATING PROBLEMS lee in with res act to claims both sides not right of appeal and Mn 20 4° ouvan ac iCP The to have legal counsel in pres gluing British Columbia fire marshal conseoucnt mounting toll oi eating their case before the Re Nr5th°n 15 as will investigate $500000 lire accidents the situation became view Board Mr Foolc said Sudbu 15 35 early Friday near this Okaua chaotic It to recognized by the 52 gan community that company In 1910 he stated the On Board that prevention is better president charges was the work Kapusknsing i5 35 tarlo Government appointed tempt of court after refusing to answer questions before grand jury investigating United States Communist partv activities Judge Alexander lloltzoif pro nouncing the sentence in US district court here allowed Jackson to remain free until PROBE $500000 FIRE NW WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER SERVICE COMPLETE lRONKI END SUSPENSION rect method of handling pre paring nnd presenting evidence Great care is taken in hand ling exhibits especially if they have fingerprints on them For instance exhibits with prints on broadened and became great er iactor in employment with them are transported in large wooden box and are hung on wooden poles inside the box so that they will not rub against the sides of the box and smudge the fingerprint At another wing oi the school military policemen are trained in traffic control work These men get their onthejob train ing by directing traffic on the camp roads and if you ever run into traffic jam this could be the reason so bear with it THOSE ALSO SERVE Ser geant Larry Holbrook public relations NCO at camp this week received the Canadian Forces Decoration for 12 years Monday to give his lawyer time to appeal Jackson was the second wit ness sentenced by Iioltzolf for contempt in nine days or re fusing to answer the jurys ques tions about the partys oiiicers finances and relationship widl Jacksons newspaper Philip Bart identified by gov ernment lawyers as organizn tlonal secretary of the party he gan serving his sentence last Wednesday He has an appeal before the courts and Hoitzofl was told Friday that Chiei Jus tice Earl Warren has been asked to issue stay which would re lease Bart until his appeal is decided Royal Commission to studythe problem both in Ontario and throughout the industrial world as well as the results of efforts toward solution made in other areas The result was the On tario Workmcns Compensation Act passed in 1915 the first in Canada This act has not changed in the ensuing years in sofar as its original principles are concerned and it is now re cognized throughout the world as one of the finest measures adopted to protect both em ployee and employer It has been characterized as the only new piece of real low instituted in the last 100 years to be set up the Industrial Ac responsibility of companies work in assisting factory man than cure and they have caused cidcnt Prevention Association participating The staff of this association have done and are doing great lieai of valuable agement to increase and im prnve safety facilities and to train and impress employers in awareness of safety precau tion DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS White River II 30 oi an arsonlst The fire de OVERHAUL Moosonee Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA BZJH stroyed the Trump Giraffe in dustrial Machine Company building and Thornton Trump president oi the com pany said it is my opinion that the fire was not accidental PA 82201 27 TORONTO 51 BRISTOW 0F BARRIE 84 Dunlop St PA M546 This is National Health Veek but The compensation board charged with administering the act eliminates the necessity of recourse to the courts he add Five Charged With Cheating Average sth Yields 402 R0 Fl mine 72 gainer SM zss Lions Bingo retigedn oczmpositrir vlth ihe Iiimgr industrial Egg SUDBURY CF Hve hep giiesiram and the London Free 532 pm sons charged With cheatlng at auto or StockEgï¬E Industrial Index bingo were rangeded Friday per share until March 16 for anal John Foxley 56 of suburban Roseviile Mrs Jocoba De rnoker 35 and her husband Jan 33 and Douglas Smith 39 all of Whitefish Ooh and Laura Rice Worthington Ont were arrested last week by police at tending Lions Club bingo ses sion Police acting on tip iv club olficials seized equipment used in falsifying bingo cards 1521 Space Shot Ends in Tragedy MontrealWilliam Pepler 63 manager of the woodlands sec tion of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association since 1947 Lo AngelesBud Taylor 59 onetime world hantamweight boxing champion MadridJuan March 111 be lieved to be the richest man in Spain WEEKS STILL TII COME THERE ARE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE PLYNNi BS DUNLDP ST EAST statistical summary for Week Ending March AVERAGE YIELDS Year ago Ahitlbi Aiaoma Aluminium Bell Telephon EA Oil Canada Cement Canada Packers ganadtan Blank of anadlan CIanbsa CPR gonsolldated rnpar istllleraScagram Dominion Storm Imperm on International Ni Interprovincial Pipe asseyFerruson Shawlnigan steel at Cool Walker cow to immunization and many other preventive measures In the industrial ï¬eld alone it is estimated that las year Canadians lost 154881 you of working days through illness which might well have been prevented You can so port this work in two ways Look aiFer your own health and that of your employees And encourage the work of the Health League of Canada by becoming Once each year national attention is focused on halth week But heath is not matter ofa week or month If you enjoy good health you will forget all too soon what lltdeluteresc this message has evoked But there is group who will not forget tomorrow or the day after These are the workers of the Health League of Canada Mainly voluntary they comprise group risFFF asenesaea =5 TRADE FACTORS Steel Iugnt Production in the the Company had record iron week ended February 24 amounted to 1413 tans down 16 per cent from the 124364 tons produced in the preceding week Output in the compar able 1961 period was 121257 tbns The index of production based on the average weekly output during 195759 of 96108 tons equalling 100 was 121 in the current week vs 129 week earlier and 126 year ago Industrial Production Can adajs seasonally adjusted index of Industrial production 1949 100 rose 07 per cent in Decem ber to 1805 from 1793 in Nov ember Increase of 14 irrtbe manufacturing index to 1604 from 1532 and per cent in that for electric power and gas utilities to 3255 from 3218 off Set decrease of almost per cent in the mining index to 2765 from 21148 The total index oi industrial production in Dec ember was some per cent above the level reschedtin the and steel production Mr Hol brook says Algoma Steel with completion with its wide but strip mill late in 1968 will be able to compete for 68 per cent of the steel business in Canada Dominion Tar And Chemical Ltd The Company isacqu lring facilities in the United Kingdom which will be used for the manufacture of Arbor ite Decorative Plastic Laminate These are Dominion ans first facilities in the UK Much of the raw materials will be im ported from Dominion Tar Mills in Canada The Jockey Club Limited The Company will extend rights to common share holders to buy one new share for each five shares presently held at price of $300 per share The Compan declared two quarterly dividends of three cents each payable April 16 and June 15 to shareholders of record March 21 and May 15 respectively No were not talking about the space shot made by US astronaut Col John Glenn Were talking about drivers and passengers who are shot up into the air as the result of traffic accidentl The result when they come down and hit the ground is usually tragic Chances of being killed in traffic accident are five times greater if you are thrown outr Car seat belts can help you protect yourself against injury CIA automobile insurance can help you protect yourself against financial loss from no automo bile accident For more details just call Easy payments over YEARS on monthly gas bills $1430 may lsompIta or 1mm Il slullng unrul an tartIr ll soul1 with Inuitexisting any out such monthly InlLIII eunvmlon all $560 mast turnacu endorsed by die GovernorGeneral Ministers of Health Doctors and Lay Citizens They can and do represent public opinion on matters aflecrlug your health pasteurization of milk artiï¬cial respiration fluondenou member of the league Government approved it offers literature on speciï¬c problems and iiimoorth magaam that is acted throughout the civilize world At very small cost you can do very great service to yourself and co those you love The Health League of Csnado HEALTH LEAGUE or CANADA 11 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO enclose 3200 for one years mainlandlip of which ï¬lm is for years subscription to Haiti Mlglzln Please send me further Information on the walk in League is doing organizes NATIONAL HEALTH MARCH 11TH To MARCH 17TH in cooperation with Health Departments and other National Organizatle The new annual dividend rata Ill12 cents compared to 10 cents paid in 1961 Maison Breweries Ltd The Company announced it is pro ceedlng with million ex pansion of fermenting and stor age tacilities at its Montreal brewery Construction of new bulidiog to house the new CHANGEOVER CAN BE DONE iii FEW HOURS Units for all types of homeheating FREE BURNER SERVICE Your Gas company does not employ dourto door salesman nnr ialspllono canvlrlsrl For lniurmltlon about dull liconufl by the Ontario Full aunt to roll and install natural in sculptlent call or write the salu epmmmlt at was Published in the Interest of your good health by KNIGHTS DRUG STORE AllANDAiE DRUGS 70 DUNLOP ST PA 85533 ESSA RD CAIDWEii allot nos 66 DUNLOP ST early months of 1961 BULLETIN BRIEFS VAigoma Steel Corporation Limited Holbtook pres ident stated in the Companys annual report that sales outlook lor Algoma Steel for the first but at 1W2 appears as good do ior the first half of 1961 with the exception of wide plate equipment is eXpected to start Ior gas transmission lines Dur In early Summer and comple mp mm minkc Improved tion is scheduled for March dually for steel products and 1961 WILBUR WALTON 52 Newton St PA 84000 TIM caAwrono 155 Peuetang St PA 6479 CLARENCE BROWN PA 85689 PA 82823 CUSDENS PHARMACY PA 32903 14 DUNLOP PA 85959 4a COLLIER PA 66434 ommmGu CIToperator Insurance Association Sl TORONTO ST