Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1962, p. 11

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ARTICLES For SALE ARTICLES WANTED my noun and Must have springs Telepncae PA mes WANTED in bus Acrornien with in to key changes on treble st ieui rneuroe on bus rele bnone PA 59661 PIANO Wented soy issues in in cable condiuen wtu 2y Apply to has is Home Imincr ood nosr rusiun Ilnlrd condition with rm cuon mumd tor tweet out weighing 1000 rounds Telephone PA 617 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For inst service phnne BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE haurs day7 dsys um NICKS DEAD STOCK RE Foxmcsd Onlorio Licence No 172G62 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK nucx non mom for service or class to Barrie rum as possible Apply to so or fish summer PONIES siAhrzs in lost vlll sell or ulnanor for cattle Also Billy Goat for nle or scrvlclr Phone PA essis rwo nEniernEn Angus ilelt en bred also younlgr fluxAl if club proipec on Fig RIR norrte Telephone PA Mm TEAM or llomi well matched and broken double or single and round Aim IItreford Cows and their cslvu Ceasr posts my site or length Elsln Armstrong alsnitlcld or 621112 Everett FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Bcaity Farm Equipment 17 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER IIILLMAN 10 DOWN 17 GOWIIN ST PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 64321 WANT TO BE HAPPIER DRIVER Buy new car now with lowcost liteinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA scam no PONTIAC time and body in Good condition Fest after one ta ed For surther intonation too yhone PA W2 use VOLKSWAGEN tor solo in Al condition Price $595 Contact Hen rys Fiat Service Station or tele gt phone PA Molt or further Lnfor motion use MERCURY or sole door ledn automatic power Iteflrinl va motor Reel buy Mske nu In offer Can be financed IIlo phonn PA 68554r Isis omsaioErLE two door hurd top Auonisile with radio and Pawer steering Clesn inside and out Two new snow tires Tolu phone PA 5551 East otter 1258 VAuanLL for sale dark blue color in good condition cleon throughout Best offer Tele phone PA sllga site pn for sciher particulars use FORD our door station We gon Thunderblrd engine custom radio new tires wheel dldcs In excellent condition throughout 55551 Telephone Hob Pearce PA 68 GOOD usEn Plat head Ford En gtnes transmissions and resr ends 194 Dodge Engine 700x20 tires so Chev radio Isms Ford re dios Truck platformsone 12foot and 0m 1w feet sprouls supon test Highway 21 one mile south or thornton Phone Ivy ithl MOBILE HOMES 1959 MOBILE Boats for sale 10 48 two bemoms large living room with walltDwall carpets large bouiroom kitchen has cm range Eoth with pink sceesrories All windows Telephone PA costs PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY snnP Coidwsves etc by reruned hairdresser in your own name Phone Bnrnlcc ot PA losses or PA 32587 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Wanted At Once Smart Reliable Saleslacly For CIENA AND GIFT STORE MUST BE EXPERIENCED And Capable of Taking Charge APPLY BOX 87 BARBIE EXAMINER amps WANTED toi lscwry work at salads Foods Ltd in Allistan IIntclrvlowtng in commence insured stc EODKKEEPEE required or am lc business Experience preterred or complete set of books Talo Italic PA acids yANrED AT ONCE Smart tntelll gent and alert sllcslsdy for chin and gift shop Full time employ cntr Apply Box 58 Barri Exam er SALESLADY required full Ilmlr Ego 2535 Must be of neat Iv pclrancc Apply Mn Sinsnz Uni $1M store so Dunlap st lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Immediate openings for two housewives by Avon Cosmetics High earnings weekly Hours optional No experience necess ary Telephone PA 6655 ATTRACTIVE JOB OPPORTUNITY STENO CASHIER for the local office of DELTA ACCEPTANCE APPLICANT MUST BE Singlc Approximately mo ycars iii age Some mustl Well grcomcd and of neat sp NHLEIICE All usual employee benefits Five dny week9 to FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 60285 WOMAN who can dri It you would enioy working or More day calling reruiuiy sun moon on group at Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on route in be established In me around Barrie willing in make um dell rie Itc write Studio Girl Cosmetics nspi ChiJD Lemur Ave iionrmi Route will ply up In ssoo per hour EMPLOYMENT WANTED PitAcriCAi NunsE svsiisbie or day or night duty or will take charge or children wait you have winter holiday Apply Box 02 nsrrio txsinlnsr YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get in touch with you during these periods when your phone service is discontinued its the same with your adver tising People are buying every day Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued MALE HELP RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA TRAIN NOW for career in Colincl for Antoine computers Detenco Iavilion Communica busiacss experience prayer tions etc nesideni classes start any in Toronto and Montreal Home study Cannes start any time me booklet lrom Radio Collcgo Canada at King st Tor ohto Ontr10 YOUNG MAN WITH TYFING ABILITY to train as TELEIYPESETTER PERFORATOR The Barrie Examiner requires an apprentice in this depart ment Must have 50 words per minute typing ability An excellent opportunity for young man who wishes to train for fine trade APPLY COMPOSING ROOM FOREMAN THE BARBIE EXAMINER CAREERS for YOUNG MEN in the CANADIAN ARMY It you are between the age of T7 and 23 and single get full information on exciting career opportunities with the CANADIAN ARMY Visit your Army Recruiter at the BarrieArmourybe tween the hours of 10 3211 and 12 noon on Mon March 12 and March 26 or write Army Recruiting Station 25 St Clair AvenueEssi Toronto Out EXPERIENCED Upholsterer re qulnd It once for local firm Good wages Apply in writin to Box 62 Home Miller SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CREEMORE By HEAT John niomes McCaulzy 66 died on Wednesday March at the Swiss Nursing home Sisyner Services were held on Friday Mrs Les More is rcpcrtcd making favorable progress at Colllngwood hospital where she has spent the past two weeks RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Crecmcres annual Red Cross campaign will be conducted throughtcut the village and dis trict during the period March 15 Harry Rlnn local branch president who will also be acting as chairman during this campaign has announced Cree mores objective this year is 8700 Assisting as members of canvass committee are Thomson local branch treasur er Charles Faster George Shepherd Frank Gray an Falls Russell McArthur and Harry Gordon Mrs Hulk and Mrs Frank Gray are also to assist The Evening Unit of the United Church Women are holding St Patricks Day ion at St Johns United Church hall on Saturday March I7 Its bingo as usual on Thurs day nights in the Crccmoro town hall sponsored by the Crcomore Legion Noisy River Branch No 397 Last week Jcrry Van Wullcgham lccnl butcher was winner of Jack pot mounting to 8209 Mr and Mrs Clnude Falls and children Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs James Fuller Crccmore Women will altcnd World Day of Prayer on Fri day March at Sir Andrews Presbyterian Church Guest speaker will be Mrs White head returned missionary from the Sudan lntcrlor Mission in Africa BUSINESS SOLD Lloyd Frcethy owner and proprietor of Crest Hurdwnrc in Crecmore announced last week lhc sole of this business in father and son George and Allan Hill of Richmond Hill Messrs Hill are experienc ed hardware dealers with the father having 40 years exper lencc most of it in the Rich mcad Hill district where they have been in their present store 15 years The son Allan Is married and has three child rca Mr and Mrs Lloyd Frccthy first came to Crcemare in March 1949 taking ovcr the business of Harold Cnrscnddsn which was then in the Hcslip block in 1952 they moved to the present larger premises and two years ago joined the Crcst chain Vince Cahoon who under went surgery last week in Col lingwccd hospital is now can valcsing at his home on Mill Street Mr and Mrs Delmer Leon ard nee Marjorie Wilson Scarboro have announced the birth of ii soil Jay Cecil brother for Gayle Creemores Don Westbrookc will his playing leading role when his team the Brampton 7Ups go into playoff action in the Metro Junior League In his third season as Tor onto Maple Leaf pro prospect and his first full year in the Jr bracket Don has done very well His 22 goals and 21 assists put him among the first to point gettcrs in the league and among the top half dozen goal scorers He led the Brampton team in goals and was second in total points BAXTER Mr and Mrs Les Parker Toronto and Mrs Clayton Markham called on friends on Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs Malt Morris Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mooney Ralph Lundine left by motor car on Friday to visit his brother at Red Deer Alberta Mrs May Banks Barrie is spending few days with her sister Mrs Gauley Sr Ll Mann spent the weekend visiting with friends at Bala Mrs Henderson Mrs Harold Henderson and boys motored to Toronto on Sunday Public Relations STAFF ASSISTANT Applications are invited for challenging position in the Indus trial and Tourist high initiative personality and ts Promotion field requiring selfreliant man of ct The successful applicant will bars flair for public speaking and some experience in writing copy fair amount of travelling in Central Ontario willbe involved and applicant should be free evenings in weelr Please reply by letter only personal background age to undertake commitmch two or three giving previousexpericace references and education Enclose recent photo Salary $350 $400 per month and travelling allowances GEORGIAN BAY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION P0 Box lilo Midland Ontario k5 Tree Trimmers to work in the Hamilton area on utility line clearing TELEPHONE Jackson 950l2 days Jackson 256l8 Evenins Wilson Tree Service Ltd 51 LELAND AVE Hamilton Ontario and spent the afternoon with Miss Mull Henderson Mr and Mrs Jack limit and Barbara Clcucalm spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Gaidcy Jr Mr and Mrs Bob Gray and daughtcr Janet spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Brucn Peeler Trenton Then were 13 tables of cuchre played on Saturday night Ladle high Mrs Hilda Henderson law Miss Haren McAfee mens high Elli Gou ley low Hnrr Welkom Mrsl Don Cameron and child ren Richiird and luv St Catharina lpcnt the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Elwood Gsuldy Mrs Porter Goldwater ls mending this week with her sister Mrs Mary Haughl Mr and Mrs Fergu sonzWsrmlalster spent Tues day with their soninlnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Bruce Edgar Mrs Margaret chcr spent the wccitcnd with her schin law and daughter Mr and Mrs Vin Wnlkom IVY By MIIS WILMER WILSON OPEN IIOUSE AT SCHOOL Open house was held at Ivy School Diesdny March at pm From to oclock inspection of books and work took place The children then conducted program with Larry Smith as chairman Hc welcomed the visitors and an nounced the numbers with pup Ils of both Junior and Senior rooms taking part Highlight of the program was is debate by grade is students Rcsalvcd that homework in Grade should be abolished Donna Walton Announcer ltori liog gnth and Mike Harper affirms tive and tile Kursls and Nancy Davis negative Many good points for each side were brought forth The iudgcs dc clnrcd ii tie and in order to have winner allowed an extra point for ovcrall pattern This on won by the negsiivs side nub ing the girls the winners Lunch consisting of coqu and cookies was sold to raise funds for Junior Red Crou and £1000 was realised Con gratulations go to teachers and pupils for the work His last meeting of the Meat Course rpomorcd by lvy Womens institute under the leadership of Mrs Henry st is and Mrs Gordon Sturgcu will be on Monday evening March 12 in ihs basement of Christ Church Ivy The Women from ivy would like to thank those men at the Ccpnco Barrie who came to the plant Wednesday cym lng March and conducted About to ladies through the plant Demonstration of cuts of beef and pork were given All received pound of port sausage at the close of the tour and come horns knowing much more of the types of cut to buy ivy School Junior and Ben lor rooms have his year seat 8300 to the Junior Red than as their contribution Judy and June Wilson had few little playmates in or cake and lcccrcsm on niesdny afternoon March to help shcm celebrate their 7th birth fly The Mens Club of Christ Church Ivy had most suc ccssIuI pnncnkc suppcr on Mon dny March They really showcd the ladies that they could do it if need be Films complctcd the evening CROSSle By SANDRA KENNY The New Flas Foshlonctts hcld ihclr third meeting of Mrs Allcas Six members vrcrg present ttoil call was line in clothes that suits me The leader demonstrated how in set In sleeves also tips on good posture Socialists In UK Heartened By Poll By DAVID OANCIA Canadian Press Staff Wrilof resounding electoral victory has hcaricncd Eritnlns Social ists as the notion heads into week of byclectlonsl Dick Tnvcrne 33 ycnr old London lawyer boosted the La bor partys majority in the Cathedral centre of Lincoln to 7652 vntcsndump of 75 or cent over the 1959 general all tlcn figure Political analysts were quick In advancing the broad impli cations icr the future shnpc oi British politics from this pcr fannunce Labor checks drift to thc Liberals says The London Ev ening Standard Then its political correspond ent concludes that if the party could do as well in the ncxt general election it could form Sunspots May Have Caused Mine Explosion FAENZA Italy Reuters Sunspats might have been indi rectly responsible for Fridays mine explosion at Heessen West Germany Bendsndl Observatory said Friday night It said it had noted ur tlcularly active sunspot lch was having powerful effect upon the earth upsetting its magnetic equilibrium and cans ing outbursts of fircdamp and violent meteorological upsets Twentynine mcn died in an explosion at the West German coal mine Eight were injured two severely night shift of 756 miners was working in the govemment awncd Sschscn mine at the time of the explosion but only 169 of those were in the horizontal transport tunnel where the blast occurred officials said One theory was that the explo sion was set off by underground blasting work which ignited an accumulation of methane gas government with maiority of at least 50 seats Labor Triumphs at Lincoln whrntng to the Tories says The LondonEvcniiig News This paper adds that the trounclng the ruling Conscrvno tlvcs received was far more so vcro than expected LIBERALS DID WELL Taverna casily whippcd his ConscrvativeLibcrul and Inde pendent opponents But the Lib criils who contested Lincoln far the first time in decade polled nimnst 7000 at the more than 37000 ballots cast The pundits conclude that Liberal candidate Patrick Fur ncll got must of his votes from th Tories The Conservative share of the voting drop 15 per cent and that of La or III most five per cent Party strategists preparing for ninc more byclcctlons in cluding thrcs next week now are trying to divine whether this is reflection of more gbn eral discnchnntmcnt with Prime Minister Mscmilluhs govern ment N0 PANIC The Conservative party gen erals saw no reason for panic They advance the view that the government has had run of misfortune and that the result is midterm swing against the party in office The big test for the Liberals heartcned by this weeks result cames at Orpfngioh next week They hope to win in this ganstltucncy just outside Lon on If this does happen the Lib eral revival theyve been talk ing about in recent years could acquire new momentum of its DWI GOOD CITIZEN NANAIMO BC CWMrs Emily Keen has been named by Mayor Peter Msffeo as Nanaimos woman of the year One of the early super intendents of Nannlmo General Hospital she has been cadr in many public protects clud ing housing for senior citizens HUBERT Witness Away Bond Hearing Is Delayed CHICAGO AP Becsuu government rebuttal could not be present the trial of three men accused of deal ing in bonds stolen in $3150 ooo Canadian bank robbery was recessed Pridsyr It Is expected ths witness will appear today and that the lengthy case will reach the Jury next week On trial are Wuhingtan law yer George Holden William Robin of Chlcua and Sm fitMarina oi New Kcaslngion The bonds in which the men have been accused of dealing cams from burglary It the Brockviilc Trust and savings gwuyin Brockville in May Orphans Are Facing Separation TORONTO CP Orphaned by car accident Wednesday the five chlldr of Mr and Mrs Joseph Mour of Toronto will be brought up by different members of the mothers fam ily in different parts of Ontario We havent worked out the exact arrangements yet Ed win Whiie the childrens grand father said Friday However he said he and Mrs White will take two to their home in Bruce Mines Ont One more probably will go to Sault Ste Marie home of Dr Gordon White Mrs Msurl dcn tisi brother nnd his wife Tho other two will remain II Toronto with Mrs Mours sis lers Mrs George Brown and Mrs Clayton Fisher The four girls and boy range from six years to one month Controversial KrolI To Take Vacaiion BONN APlThc Wcst Ger man foreign office said Friday night it intends to relieve its controversial Moscow ambassa dor Hans Kroll who had been under fire for nllcgcdly milking proposals on the Berlin and Gcr mnn problem contrary to gov ernment policy in statement the foreign ci iice said Krall denied the nlic gntions in on interview with For gign Minister Gerhard Schroe er The foreign officc said that 63 ycnrolti envoy now will take vacation Aftcr that he will for the time clng return to Moscow It Is in tended to recall him in connec tion with reshuffle to the head qunricrs foreign office where he will became an adviser to the government on Eastern affairs Kroll was recalled to Bonn Tuesday nitcr two West German newspapers accused him of ad vocating settlement at all costs with Russia Love Letters Exhibited In Court Row TORONTO CF meaty flve love letters were produced Friday in suit filed by Dr Earl Blngham Clause 70 against Mrs Constance Patch ett 54 his former housekeeper receptionist Dr Clause now psychiatrist in the Ontario Hospital at North Bay is seeking accountings and declarations from Mrs Patchctt concerning property he owns He also to asking for an ac counting for disposition of is ccrtiflcatc for 100 shores of Yel lowknife Bear Mines Limited Mr Clause father of five chil dren says the property was placed in Mrs Patchetts name to be held in trust for him In counter claim Mrs Putchett seeks $5000 which she claims she gave Dr Clause for legal fees in 1952 when he was sentenced to to years on man slaughter charge arising from an abortion death Mrs Paichett said she paid for the land the ham on it and the improvements Ono letter said We bought one acre of land half was my money However Mrs Patchett said she was not sure if this was in her handwriting All the letters bore Kingston penitentiarys censorship seal Most of them were about our home our life our aim trcs and our red maples LONGER LIFE Life expectancy for Canadian women has increased from 62 to 73 during the last 20 years BAYCIIY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MGDERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimata FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 817 BARE Upholsteng Is our BusinessNot Just Sideline Bradford 5t THE BAR mmurtmnsrmscxituIis Westons Bid For 5th Crown Ruined By Sheridan Pucksiers NOETH HAY CPISheridan Tech Blue Devils of Eudbury Weston Co for its fifth sin high school hockey ships Friday with champion SI VICIOYI HOCKEY RECORD By THE CANADIAN PRESS occur Sweden United Stated Canada Britain Norway Switzerland Finland GEO Japan Netherlands Denmark Austria France Australia Erldsys Besulis Norway West Gcrmany Britain Finland Sweden 17 Switzerland Japan in France ii Saturdays Gmcs Group Canada vs West Germany Sweden vs United States gc° neeaa a= 8=cu oeoonu oeuuunnfi ooaooa oooocooo cacao ooooouuMnooo cocos amup Australia vs Austria Thu thhcrlnnds vs Denmark Eastern Profclslonsl Kitchener 13 2t 23516 73 HullOttawa 31 ID 10 194 150 72 Kingston 33 21 223 lad Tl Sudbury 2428 520223456 North Bay 18 52 9152190 45 Marie 17 35 91322404 Fridays Result Kitchener Sudhuiy Tonights Games Snult Sic Marin at North Bay Kingston st Huttmtawu American League Eastern Division 36 20 157 155 7B 3124 519318267 Quebec 28 29 4177170 60 Providence Zn in 217 Mi so Western Division 34 26 218 136 dB 38 24 206 I71 88 Rochester 29 205 205 at Pittsburgh 50 2147 306 20 Fridays Resulis Cleveland Providence Buffalo Rochester Tonights Gnmu Rochester at Buffalo Providence at Hershey Cleveland at Pittsburgh Qucbcc at Springfield Sundays Gomcs Cleveland at Buffalo Hershey at Providence Springfield at Quebcc Pittsburgh at Rochester Western League Springfield Hershey Buffalo Cleveland Calgary Edmonton Los Angeles Vancouver Ontario Senior Windsor Strntiord Windsor wins bestoi seven semifinal 51 Chathnm Woodstock First gums ot bestofscven semifinal Norihcrn Ontario Senior Abitlbl HouynNoranda RouynNornndn lends bestof sevca semifinal 31 Kapusknsing Porcupine Knpusknslng wins but ni scven semifilial 40 Western Allun Cup Winnipeg Port Arthur Winnipeg leads bestobsevcn quarterfinal 21 Saskatchewan Senior Medicine Hat Moose Jaw Moose Jaw wins herbalseven semifinal 42 Ontario Junior Montreal Niagara Falls 1Hcstofscven semifinal tied Ontario Metro Junior Whitby St Michaels ilicstcfsovsn semifinal tlcd Montreal Metro Junior Montreal Palestre Nationals Lschlnc overtime Montreal lesds herbalseven semifinal 20 Manitoba Junior Brandon Sir Boniface Over time Snskstchewnn Junior Estevan Melville Roundrobin semifinal Ontario Intermediate Barrie Mesfcrd fMeiiford wins best oIscvcn Gcorglan Bey semifinal 41 Collingwoad Midland Collingwood wihs best of scvea Georgian Bay semifinal one tied Ontario Junior Bellevllls Kingston First game of bestoIssvsn series MYERS BEAVER JET PUMP us up us can Tank up as us ally run 157so ammo AND HEATING DEPr COOP Innlrfil 8t PA 66531 in the opening round of tho twir tournament heridsn lsys Chippewa Red Raiders oi crib Bay today and Wesicn moves down Into the cannottion mund against 0t tsws Tlcbnlcsl College whipped 76 by the Holders is other games Copper rsvcs swamped Banting Mem orial High and tho Algoth quin Composite School Trojans trounced Grimsby High 112 scoring three goals in it scconds iii the first minute of tho second period The Braves and Trojans play is morning and the winner at vsnclng into the evening finals against either the Blue Devils or Chippewa Banting plays Grimsby with that winner meeting Wcston or Ottawa in the consolation final mnEE urn nouls Sheridan Tech broke open close 21 game with three goals in the third period to put Wcsian out of the waning Russ Smiths goal at lhc 529 mark with Wcsion goaltender Jnck Porn out of position guvo the Blue Devils the needed lift Jack Knslncricy with two Davis Iinrrls nad Ilrinn Rowiey had the others for the winners inn Reynolds was the lone sniper for Weston Ross McDevilt scored ihr times in the llob Empire and Spencer Hi had two apiece and singles wont to Roger Bowness Gcorgov Stceic John Cobb and Mnrty Reynolds Scoring for Grimsby worm Barry Johnston and George Bel be George Sleliver picked up thsf shutout for Copper Cllii in tho opening game Mlckc Jacobson and Fred Silver were top goal gcttcrs with two each Ralph Ferris and Wayne Davidson had the others Yogi Likes To Manage FORT LAUDERDALE Fla APLYogt Berra wants to be big league manager but he made it plain today he would make no move without firstdis cussing it with New York You kees higher echelon ld sure like crack at mah aglng some day said the Yan kco catcher turned outfielderbn but not until lm through as is player dont care what II II coach or an ambassador You know what mean good will or something like that AnythingI dont care Itvwould be up to them Managing the Yankee Now Ralph manager Ralph Honk is helluva guy wish ho stays up 20 years When think lm ready ha said lm going to approach my bosses and ask them for advice 11 do whatever they behave is best for me After all owe everything to the Yankees No one has ever been treated bet ter in TO ENTER BDNSPIEL AYR Scotland Reuters The Royal Caledcnlan Curlinl Club of Ayr beat Perth 119 Erin day to win the right to rapre sent Scotland in this monthl curling contests against Canada the United States and Sweden The international competition will be held at Falkirk March 1516 and at Edinburgh March MO The Royal Caledonian rink is skipped by William Young who was on the rink that represented Scotland our years ago PAINTS MURAL KITCHENEE Ont or Mrs Birchle nf OnkVille Ont former dent who studied art in Tor onto Vienna and Mexlr painting mural measuring fact by to an the histi of medicine for St Marys Eps pita here Save with State Farms low insurance rates for See me CHARLIE HEYWORIH OR cALi on tel HARRY FROM 31 Oak St PA 61453 STATE FA MUTUAL

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