SPRINGII INTO CLASSIFIED PAGES BY IDIALING II TEE BARRE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS GOOD ms mar woeo ou annoomco in birth at vour child in roassrrio hamper clippings oi the nouee are avauaolo on than Donl Family Tree Records mail thou tame places in Installment ll him all SIX rls examiner Classiï¬ed PA um scLAlitAt st Ioaephsdion Ital Toronto to lur and alas lulans sineialr sunvoUcy Drive Toronto on Wednesday iliarch less twin sons Pint ior ir and Mrs ii hildre In 190 Wellington Geoer slnrlalr street Dal liarrte DEATHS DLAlNTbomu wtisoo At the Royal Victoria lioipltai rialrte on Saturday March lu lm Tho mas Vt on air In his Iotn year Beloved husband or Marion th chic dear lather oi aIlIIlm Bill alain oi Vancouver Resting at the steckley Funeral Home so Worslcy street Ior krvlce on Monday March 11 at pm 1b urmenl Rune Union cemetery Flowers gratelully declined IN MEMORIAM nilonnsln loving memory or sergeant Dusty anodes who pan od away ilarch in loss page In the aflook oi ilemories III II turns to by The ismlly PLANrln loving memory of dear Mother Molly Plant who passed away March in loss six years have passed since that sad day men one we loved Wu called away God took her home It was ills wlll Within our hearts she liveth still Iovlngly remembered by son Irck daughterlnlaw Mary and grandchildren CARDS OF THANKS ROBERTSONWe wish to ex press our sincere thanks to every one who so generously Isslstcd us at the time oi our Ilro tlr and Mrs Auan Robertson ALLANlye wish to ibsnir rela tives irlends and neighbors or their many cxprcslenl of sympa tlty beauilrul tlornl oiierlngs and many acts oi kindness during our recent bereavement in the loss or our dear mother socclal thanks to Dr Shlniiorl Rev laclison and the thhanguc ninesl liomn rhs family of the late lurs VI tor Auan COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hall OWEN AND WORSLEY STS FRIDAY MARCH 16 pm Among othcr things there will be quantity of childrens good clean clothing CARD PARTY BUCHRE CRIBBAGE 100FHALL Collier St Wednesday March 14th 815 pm PRIZES LUNCH Admision 50c Ausplces Beaver Rebekah Lodge RUMMAGE SALE I00F HALL Collier St FRIDAYMARCH 16th pm pm Auspices Beaver Rebekah Lodge Forpickup call PA aisil PA 571 PA 34737 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824I4 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate pi Ic per word per insertion forgone and two times 3c per word for three four or five times and Flat per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid lvitbin 10days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ER oils on CORRECTIONS AdsTeltisnrs are remindcd that all phone insertion order are accept ed sg convenience to you the advoctlsezihereiorc the Classified Ad lng Department requires CHISEL kindly rtecheck advertisement Immediately altogenrst insorilon in order that anyerrors or omissions mny be reported bottom am in order at same may he reclined tor thefollowing days insertion order Wewish to point out that The name ldxamlnor is responsible ion only onc incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement Indwthcn only to the extent or portion oi ad that involves the mlcprint Errors which do not lesson the value of the advertise ment are not eligible cor correc tions by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over El words 5c per word extra In Memoriam No ticcs $150 if verse used 1c per word extra nLiND LenEn RnPLrirs internation regarding advertisers using mind Letter Bax Numbers ior nepllu is hcld strictly confid ential Replies to Lottec Boxes will be held onlyln days aiter last day or publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must beraccivcd by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classlfed Display advertlsmenta which must he in by 1200 noon preceding day miles lrpc ntyinll ior semi dlsplay classltlerlc may be ob IliMflztltmltizh Tim EthInor Id vertisinx daphrtmcnt PROPERTY FOR SALE HENDERSON REALTOR cnuunn STREET PHONE PA Mm COMMERCIAL SITE Good In come 1618 Mary St Eight apartments revenue $6200 In addition owner bu six room apartment and beauty parlor Plumbing wiring heating and roof new Sound older building Commercial possibilities and good return on down payment of 315000 Cull Emerson Swain METRO TORONTO BARRIE We have several clients who have been transferred UP in Barrie and who have variety of Metro area homes to be sold To the family locating In the METRO AREA we have some interesting properties to discum Call Emerson Swain Dumpms CALL lter sCANDum PA mos DOROTHY thcox PA out Psacy Poul PA amo mmsocl SWAIN IA coals Member of Barrie and District and Ontario Real ntato Boards Keilh Marsha REAL ESTATE anoxm PA 13259 is CLAPPEIITON sr nARRlls STAYNER Large 10 room brick home with attached room office on large lot Ideal for nursing home bathrooms hot water hcating Priced for quick sale INCOME PROPERTY Brick construction in good con dition large living room with fireplace dining room bed rooms both sides Can be fin anced to suit FARMS Several good forms 50 to 200 acres low down payments En quire now for spring possession SPACE TO SPARE space to be together and space for individual privacy in this luxurious Cobblestone home truly large living room separ ate dining room sun room bedrooms and bathrooms full basement The design of this superb home provides for maxi mum living Situated on beautifully landscaped and trecd acres with Cobblestone gar age and separate bedroom Cobblestone bungalow complete with all modern conveniences Approximately miles from Barrie on paved road But you must call this office now for appointment and see for youth self as we have mentioned only few of the many added features and conveniences that will thrill and intrigue you lltoonn PA 82350 FRANK mus PA 56598 Member Barrie and District Real Estate Board HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME ESTATE SALE Down to earth price bungalow Living room full dining room bedrooms Allandale Terms may be ar ranged to suit purchaser Heres the perfect place to welcome spring Dial Maryann Smith PA 66453 evenings PA 84028 MOTEL Dining Room Conces sion Reasonable rent includes heat lights water and gas Ter riï¬c buy First time offered Dial Maryann Smith PA 66453 or evenings PA 81028 Member of asrrle andDistrlct Real Estate Board SIouII Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 JUST THE PLACE for you and yours bedroom brick bungalow almost new and sparkling with cleanliness It will be our pleasure to show you can own this home with modest down payment INVESTMENT Brand new ultra modern brick sixplex Five Units with lntcben liv gdin lag area bedrooms piece bath Unit kitchen living dining area bedroom piece bath Thermostat in each apart ment Hot water oil baseboard heating Paved parking lot Close to downtown CALL US NOWI Member or the Barrie and District Real Estate Board EvmlNGs CALL MERV GOULD 0R0 1515 EDE GOULD 0R0 251a HARRY SLESSOII DRCA BROWN LLOYD DOCKsz Ime LOUGHEED STAYNER 109W apnea nnDltoolu Bungalow ior sale Living room dinette latch on on main door Basement suit able for apartment with two pieoo bathroom special discount for cash immortgage or ior rent with option to buy Private slilc Apply Itiuir lza codrinrion street Telephone PA aioll Large families especially need soddcd back and REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNLOP SIREEI EAST First In Barrie Home SalesForemost tn Qualiw of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MOOREPA H137 MRS ROGERSPA use MEMBERS BAlutli Olsnllcr REAL CLIFF POSTERPA out CONNELL PA l97LI ESTATE BOARD ROWN READNR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA W1 PA 5412 Memben or the harm Real hilt Board Smith CunpbeliPA um nulls Garvey 4A omx Norman Jun LangPA N151 charli ReadPA Nail SheIsweI REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA EM PA 58742 First Mortgage Panda Available 75 interest 60 of Value No Fm Giargcd IT WILL PAY YOU TO DRIVE few miles to new brick bungalow with large living room kit chen with dining space bath way schools churches cic three good size bedrooms Heated by gas Located in and four piece new subdivision close to him Eull price only $8500 with $1000 down Balance carries for approximately $71 int and Prin to one open mortgage Willson Taxes approximately $35 yearly Call Jack ncnlnra call JM Dustin PA Mm Everett sbcuwcll Oro 2919 Howard Norm ROSE REAL rsrArr BROKER 13 TIFFIN STREET lsArtltII CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 IIcmbcr oi the name and District Rut Estate Board Jack IVlllsori PA Hui Norman shclswcli PA ml PA was MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and If you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61301 OR PA 61502 113 Dunlap St Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA been Joe Palmer PA was Emory luliicr PA 6055 number or tho Barrie and District Real Esthtll board CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial rnoairo PA 66481 Mombcr or Barrie and District Real Estate hoard CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82419 93 Duriiop St imam MARSHALLPA B4450 cOanPA astali MURIEL IEFFERYPA £618 MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Ia Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 85575 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect cnll GEORGE DAVIES PA 83185 New three bedroom home Large livingroom kitchen with large dining area lots of our boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures vans ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 rimrsiz annRoOiu House lhrco and OneDELI years old NHA molt zone In Oakley Park area Priced lor quick solo Fully landscaped Telephone PA 37754 luvsr no soul income property Duplex slsouo class Dominion store Area Reasonable down pay ment Makc an alter must sell this mring lelepnone PA scans FIVE ROOM House tor sale all conveniences Large 10 with small orchard landscaped Located In Crumb Telephmle lebM Creomore TORONTO NorthWest Location Three bedroom new brick bunga low including storms and screens Iront sisooo 31300 down Telephone Mr How ells PA 60135 stucco Salvage Sought From Steamer Sunk In Lake DULUTH Milli APlDivers who located the sunken steamer Thomas Wilson this week said they hope to salvage any value bles this spring by using barges and crtutes Jack Coghlan of Duluth bead ing the diving team said the ore should bring ahaut $3 ton de pending on its iron content OWNERS thrco bcdroom bunga lbw one year old Small down payment Tclcpbnnn PA soot Ior rurihcr Information THREE BEDROOM ranch style bungrlow Largo landscaped lot close In schools Largo rcc room Attaohcd gen Tell ho PA 50155 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT asva ROOM Duplex Ilousc No bathrooms In good control loch uon Avallublc now Largo lot can ago Make terms to suit Apply Dundonuld street Oarrlc MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED 10 YOUR Dublin IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate dcbts Pay off cxistlng mortgages mortgogcs coming duo Home improvement Any worthwhile cause PA 509 Mortg eFunding OVQI SimpsonsSears MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments Insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRE PA 60203 nlonrCoccslst and and bought sold and arranged Cnmmercia and residential moneys loaned on ting mortgages anrria niort gage linkers PA assoc warnan Loan or 3200 to $1000 ior plumbing and heating business in panic rulIy secured and good interest rate Apply Role as Barrie Examiner RENTALS LOW COST sPACn ior rent clean modcio buildings suitable or commercial or lien industrial Telephone PA 66575 PROFESSIONAL Sulto lot doctor dentist etc Ideal with connected rosiderrce possibility parking Lease Apply in writing to Box on horrid Examiner NURSING HOMES PAIIONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available for welfare and convalescents Tele phone STAYNER 5521 aux EDEN Nunsmu Rollin Built ior this work semi and privats rooms idnd nursing cam good food TV room station wa gon ior outings Talophonn coat strond APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en fulI basement Central loca tion $85 per month Telephone PA 39238 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $86 month PHONE PA 82740 AVAILABLE NOW Furnished apartment Control suitable ior business person or couple Adults nbstotners Parking available rolc phonc PA 68177 or apply us say ileld street TWO BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good slsu kitchen private bath unfurnished hunted private entrance Control location Parking provided lion $70 per month Immediate possession Tele ghnnll PA salad or alter Moss RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown 00m and two bedrooms alcnnics OBamboo Drapes OSlovcs and ridges Ilndividual thermostats IIncinerators IIree washing and drying Iaclllties Ohfony other fine appointments Children welcomn Sample suite maybo seen by calling PA 83186 Rut Uniulnisbed Private entrance and heat Close to schools Tele phone PA was rtso LAROI uniurniahco rooms with prIvato bath Retrigeraior and stove supplied Centrally loca ted Telephone PA also after pm mRLx ROOM unfurnished ground iloor apartment for rent Near Iactoiics ileat hydro and water supplied Parking space Telephone PA own or PA Mind or details Point ROOM artment for rent Private bath on lolsbcd and beat cd rivals entrance close to scnoo and bin Children welcome Box is Dhrrlu mamlner AVAILABLE Now No bedroom unturnlshed nplrtmenl treat and water supplied Sellcontained Fast end location on bus route 315 per month Telephone PA Moss rOUn ROOM healed unntrntsh ed apartment Near Oakley Park School also Separate school Pri vate entrance laundry iccultles and parking space Available now Telephone PA Hallo Ovminfl rnrtsn DCDROOM apartment or rent in new bulidlhg washer dryer and iahltoc service supplied Avrilole Immediately Telephone PA turn or further Iniormatlon TINruansllnn modern one bed room huledrlplrtment Antibio March $75 per month Parking Laundry Iaclllilcs Telephone PA 55081 59o MODERN 2hcernlri brick bungalow with nor garage Now vacant Immediate possession Ap ply lingers Is connell Rcaliors tolepbona PA 85568 NICE BRIGHT modern lower dup lex bedroom apartment newly decorated Central location Tellt phonc PA Mass or call in Day Ilcld strch THREE BEDROOM House for rent Modem kitchen and bathroom Lo cotcd In Angus close to school 3Aggrgchlo March 15 Telephone THREE BEDROOM modern house Large living room dining room kitchen turncc Dclwccn Camp nordcn and Barrio Apply nic Cnnn Utopia Telephone stl Ivy Two BEDROOM unfurnished apartment ror rent on main iioor or new triplex backand iront entrances Automatic dryer lclc phone PA aasao ior rurihcr Infob motion MODERN Itcwa decorated one lndLwo bedroom lpnktmcnts for rth centrally located with water and heal supplied Tclcpbonc PA am or PA 3173 for Iurthcr In Iormation Point ROOM Apartment for rcnt unfurnished heated Ground floor Privlto entrance Selfcontained Available now Telephone PA 60301 or iurther Inionnation TWO unlmuonr House for rcpt ideal location on Kclnponlclt nay Adults preferred For lurthor in iormatlon contact Mrs Chrcstcn PA some steam heated private entrance ALso one rurnishcd housekeeping room ground near Control For rurthcc tniormatlon phonc PA $5702 MODERN one and two bedroom apartments east end Barrie nam boo drapes Venetian blinds Anti matlc laundry iacllltlcs Parking Telephone PA $2929 or further Informhtloli MODERN Iwo bedroom Inm munt cantrllly located stove and rolrigcrator Prod laundry and parking lacllltics Dccorated In tenants choice or colors Available March Telephone PA 56092 FOUR ROOM Apartment ulo both unfurnished Stovn and irlgcraoor auppued Centrally lo Outed No children Avallhhlu Im mcdiately Pol rurtber Inform uon telephone PA GWL decorated Oil heating Central lo cation Hardwood rloors through out Parking faculties Telephone EA Nest days Ind PA Monaco ES SPACIOUS ave mom uommlshcd apartment Stove and reirlgerator optional Automatic laundry and parking rscllitlcs Telephone PA miss or PA nasal ior rather de COMFORTABLE large three loom apartment hlodcrato rout worm Soprate entrance storage polk ing Central at bus laundromat Allowance or service 135 Penc tang st PA 54 FIVE ROOM Upper Duplex Well ington and Bnyfield Stmts hue merit roar yard and puking priv lleges $35 monthly Adults PM rcrred Telephone days PA c5704 evenings PA c9259 UNPURlemin throo room apart mcnt and large ball heated plus vestibule and aunporch Selfcon tained Ground floor Available lllay $55 Allandale Hardware telephone PA Mm TWO BEDROOM modem upm meni unruroisbcd Includes stove retrfgcrator automatic washer and dryer separate entrance Dit strcet parking Central now Telephone PA 35011 VERY CENTRAL Thico room apariment for cent In new building stove and rotrigcrator aupplch Laundry racllltlus Avail able March 15 Telephone PA uzalla ror iuclhor particulars tor rent Hoavy duty stove and rcirigcrator Oil hosted Heat light said water supplied Suitable for puslness couple Telephone PA 8225 New MODERN two bedroom uu furnished IpalLmrrit hundrylnd parking racIiltics One child wcl come Call 44 Rose street or tele phone PA Meal or further iri ormutlon LAnCE modeln ï¬ve mom sett contuinod upper duplex bed room Host and hot water sup plied Avalloblc March 15 Apply 76 John street Telephone PA 61055 FURNISHED three room apart meat with bath Modern furniture and oppilonccsINonr Carrie Post Orilce Clean selfcontllncd boat cd Available now IeIDPIIonc PA ml or further Iniocrhation lSm POUR Roost neatcd IDIItmutt Ior SEVEN ROOM upstairs comment six ROOM House for mat Newly Available Two noolu tarnished apartment RENTALS APTS Housss TO RENT ROOM BOARD COMPLurxLY Furnished House for rent bedrooms close to bus route and churches Available April Please call PA silos alter pm numb two bedroom modern apartment available in suoud apartment house Adult prelerred No obiecilnn to baby on monthly Telepbone Simud on IinArm sellcontained apartment ground floor have large rooms Nrer school Pukint vate eni rancc montbly Tc ephona PA liURroN Avli Three room un turnlshcd apartment to rent Oil healed not which Slova andn frlgeralor Private bath Apply45 Oenlro st for iurtber lnIormatlon 51 ROOM House Ior rent with aunroom and garage on healing centrally located Available now sloo per month Telephone PA was or PA Moro THREE ROOM uniurnlsheo hell ed apartment sellcontained Cen tral location offstrut parking Available uow Telephone PA 84000 clinics Apartment modern one bedroom uuiurnlsbed colleen lained heated Laundry and park lng Incllitles Near bus atop im mediate possessioo Toiephonc PA Mm ior iurther details NEW AND Modem Olin Ind bedroom apartments uverloukinl scenic Rampenlell Day Hell ler Ilunfl and JIDItOr scrvic Inclu ed Automatic warblnl ra cililuus PA 02902 UNPURNisusn three room but cd lplrtmmt sencontained with private bath Penetang street close to stores schooLt and bus slop Available Immediately Ieie phone PA 66472 runs two liarcmcnt Apart mcnt heated coltcontained pri vato bath Reirlgcrator and stove Partially tarnished Telephone PA 528 or PA b2931 tor further In rormatlon cOUrLr to share bcatcd home lawn gardcn cic rhrco room heatcd modern rurnishod apart ntcnt rolovlsion everything sup plied Contrai Parking Telephone PA 661 alter pm NEW LARGE Apartments fur cent In new apartment building Ono and two bedrooms stove and re rrlgcraior laundry facilities sup plied Queen Street area PA 68674 UNPURNISHED Iouc rootn apart mcnt with bath Ground iloor Selfcontained Ncwly decorated Modem Honicd Parking Clcan Could supply some Iurnlshlngs It roqulrcd Telephone PA 34551 MODERN two bedroom apartment largo living room kItchcn three piece bath Front and back ent ranocs uundry room in base mcnt Ono or two children wel come Avullablo April Apply 31 BAyIIDId street or PA 66718 ULTRAMODERN one bedroom apartment with private balcony Drlpcs suppllcd Centrally located Apartment is completely mHIIIho ed with matching colors nitnltule lamps etc This turnlturo may be purchased reasonably by lnyono rcnlinl apartment Must be sold as Party transrcrred ldcnl ior young married couple $15 without fumi ture rolopilone PA 68392 ROOM hBOARD ROOM AND uOItltD available or one in private home Home priv licgcs and parking Tclcphono PA woos ior iurthor information nooli AND uOArtn available for one or two Lunches paekcd it do sirccl Vcry rcasnnublc Close to 615 Telephone PA 60751 ROOM AND noARD available or two Ccntrrl location Clec to bus llome privileges relcpnono PA 741 for rurthor Intormntlcn NICE BRIGHT Room with Board with lunches packed Close to Parking area Centrally located Telephone PA wash ROOM AND noARD available ror young Kcnticman Dunlop and Bradtord streets district Tele ptlodrc PA 80556 for further into ma on ALICE spoons SUNNY DELIGHT So pretty for parties so cool and practical for play Whip up this pinafore of remnants For you little Snnbunnet Sue whirling pinafore and hop net Easysew Pattern 7149 pattern cutting guides direc tions for sizes included Send Thirtyfive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks Care of the Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Ontario residents add 1c sales tax NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle craft Catalog ready nowi See Beautiful Bulkies ill complete fashion section plus bedspreads toys afghans slipcovers plus free patterns Send 25 cents nowi ROD AND uonnp iorrgirl to new home block irom hDspIIhl Private room with home Dnvilllu Phone PA Mm ior Iniormauoo ROOMS TO LET ROOM or rent Central location hoard optional Telephone PA as Ior iuriher lnIormatloo mnoou ior rent Central in downtown area ror business gen litmus ror iuriher toiormauon telephone PA 34661 BEDROOM or rent in quiet home Downtown area yams or lurther ior gentleman Telephone PA miormallnn PURNisusn Housekeeping Roam stove relrlrerator and sink suit able ior tro girls or business peo ple Parking available it desired At bus stop PA Mood BEDROOMS or renl Ono alnglc one wltb two beds llonsckeeplog ii desired irr quiet home vould suit business gentlemen Apply Sophia street West mammal bedroom for rent Laundry Iacilltiec Onhllut and lunch packed it desired Telephone days PA 60014 or dvenlnl PA was or further lutormauooa FURNISHED bested housekeeping room with rangetlo Ind use of roIrigerator Central location Tel ephone PA Mood or PA on for rurther Inionnation ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers pleaso ca at our Busi ness Office We arr sorry we cannot accept hone orders Glossy Prints $100 10 $125 plus trx SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFH STREET PA 66531 FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnacn now between Jan 15th and Feb zeta and get your dual ail dttachlnent FREE with every complete installation Reg $69 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost PAYING soc EACH Ior lsu Tam bac ruckcls Other Canadian coins wanted Telephlmc PA 34967 RANGE washer aolrigcr Television Splccn chrome at bedroom suites pollshcr lawn mower stereo IllFl prapcs ii gauge sootgun 22 automatic many more Itclns All in Ad con dition Tcinpllono PA 81056 PA 82414 RENTALS ARTICLES Ior SALE So Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Cali PA 82414 Any one of the three classified ad takers Will be glad to assist you with your copy ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful itcrris stored in your attic garage and closets if you dont want it body docs USE FAST ACTING HARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 PAU LS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 Collectt Repairs to Locks Door Closer and Sales Service Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST casu Loanssnob at or month Telephone PA on Crescent menu so Dunlap West some nLCVlsION ior sale Rorcls hia Jestic 17inch console good condi tlon Dost otter Telephone Camp Borden 725R Can be soon at so School street Camp Bordon DUOTiisnhi Space Heater or sale electric ignition Also kitchen on range with fan could be med or coal or wood too llllon tank Apply 67 Burton Avc BOATS Bl MOTORS SPRING TUNEUP JOHNSON EVINRUDE GALE OUTBOARDS OVERHAUL AND SHARPEN POWER LAWN MOWERS FREE PICKUP DO IT NOW DELANEY BOATS LTD Bayfield St PA 66413 BOAT 1411 55 Boat with steering wheel Conoc 35 Pump shotgun 11 gauge sin Socrlilco prices Ap Pl Allie St DOGS 8a PETS CHIHUAHUA PuDRlcs LIIIIa belu tios Ready to go With pipers stud service Telephone BMW collingwood PHOTOGRAPHY NEW ROLL OF FILM with each film developed print cd or mounted Black and White Roll Film exp $100 12 exp $125 35 mm 20 exp $185 36 exp $285 Kodacolor II ox $375 12 ex $475 20 OX $575 Anscochrome Ektadlrome Dy nachiome 20 exp $255 Order 8mm Color Movie Film incl processing $294 Money order or COD Photo Ser vice Box 10 Midland Ont FRUIT VEGETABLES 150 bass or No Table Pottoes for sale Tolophono PA Mist for further inInmatInn lift 27 libcrglu Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 112414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I41 DUNLOP ST PA I42 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE P0 BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 60705 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Ralf yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 20 Anne Street PA 4907 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Al Smith Lefrny 60M Collectl Barrio FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal oLiaoleum and Vinyl tile Sheet goods OCeramic tile OHardwond flooring OCalpets IComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA 35862 EVENINGS PA 84552 Charles Lawson Propr PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVED FROM ROOFS COTTAGES ETC PA 68347 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS iNSlALi ED BY LICENSED DRILLERS man ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646 Try An Examinerwnut Ad PHONE PA 8241