OUR TELEPHONES For hammer Want Ads Teta bone PA Hut The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept ll PA 06537 arrlo Ontario Canada Saturday March IO I962 112 Barrie Examiner Local WEATHER Mostly sunny and mild Cloud Ing Monday 10w tonight 10 sh tomorrow 35 For more complete tummary see page 90th YearNo 60 Not More Than 7c per Copyl2 Page THE REMAINING THREE Sealers Sciil And mums lCquhreekana dian scaling vessels remains of onceproud fleet were steam ing north today to harvest seal off the eastern Labrador coast Theron Aigerinc and Kyle make up one of Canadas mnli est fleets on the front in 50 years The almosbteken effort results from ycars of discoun ngcment for the Canadian oper ators whose ships have been trapped for necks or even sunk in the ice mnss north of Newfoundland one threeship fleet is small when compared with the I00 or an ships that once sailcd from the Maritimcs onri Newfound lsnd for the scaling grounds To Fight Ice Luck The vessels are counting on modem means of assistance to make the trip pay fbelr crewr are hoping the operators are right The men get no wages but take share of the returns for the catch Polls are worth between $4 and $5 Spotting planes will operate out of Quebecs Magdalen ls lands and northern Newfound land to lead the vessels to the seals But finding the seals isnt much use unless we can get through the ice said spokes man for the operators Many foreign ships particu larly Russian and Norwegian are expccted to head for the sealing grounds this year ccr Still Fights To Sidetrack Bill OTTAWA CPIA CCF at tempt to sidetrack government plans for $14000000 railway extension in the Gaspe area of Quebcc will be resumed Mon day in the Commons The CCF group lost in one bid Friday to hoist the bill au thorizing construction of the line from Matane to Ste Anne dcs Moots and immediately began another attemptcut short by the ending of the days debate Douglas Fisher CCF member for Port Arthur raised the wrath of several Quebec MPs as he led the attack against con struction of the 57milc railway to he built by the CNR along the south shore of the St Law rence River Roland English member for Gaspc and parliamentary secre tary to Fisheries Minister Mac Lean accused Mr Fisher of considering himself super man harboring certain ha tred towards projects in Que bee Mr Fisher he said sought personal vengeance against Quebec CHAIRMAN INTERVENES Gordon Chown PCWinnipeg South chairman as the House in committee gave the railway bill clausebyclause study cau tioned Mr English to keep his remarks on more impersonal basis Mr Fisher proposed an amendment to the bill which would have sent it back to com mittee and delayed passage pending study of other pnsv sible means of providing ade quate transportation facilities for Gospel It would in effect have killed the legislation Mr Fisher argued that the railway is not economically feas ible and that another means should be sought to solve the tansportation problems ofthe area Mr Chowa ruled his proposal out of order As the House was about to give the bill third and final read othcr amendment but was cut short when time ran out on the debate The government House leader Veterans Minister Churchill an nounced that the bill will be the first item before the House Monday Mr Regier will be able to propose his amendment then FISHER ATTACKED succession of Quebec MP5 attacked Mr Fisher for his stand against the proposed rail way and the 42yearold former school teacher snapped back that it is bad day for Parlia ment when member cx presses views on certain area and is told to mind his own business He said there is no guarantee of the large tonnages of either mineral or forest products nec essary to make the line pay its way Prospects of an operating rev cone of only $250000 in the first year indicated profits would never come near meeting the capital investment Both Mr Fisher and Herridgo House leader of the CCF New Democratic Party group said they were not against the $14000000 expendi turo but the construction of railway with no economic fu ture In other developments in the Commons Friday Prime Minis ter Diefenbaker announced the government will contribute $2 800000 towards the Memorial Buildings at Charlottetown to mark the 1864 Confederation conference The government will also con tribute $25000 to the Canadian Centennial Council to assist in activities related to observance of centennial celebrations in 1967 External Affairs Minister Green said he expects the heads of state will meet before June at the Geneva disarmament con ference table Mr Green will at tend disarmameot negotiations beginning next week along with ring Erhart Hagier CCFEurn abyCoquitlam rose to move on foreign ministers of 16 other na tions SHABPEST FOR DECADE Foreign Reserves Sliced By $175 OTTAWA CP Canadas foreign exchange reserves were hit in February by their sharp est monthlydrop in more than decade as ofï¬cial holdings of gold and US dollars shrank by $175200000 The governments exchange fund tell to $346700000 at the end of February from 51021 000000 month earlier ï¬nance Minister Fleming reported Fri daii th was ourth mon de cline in row DurinLglythat period the governments efforts to moderate downtrend in the exchange value of the Canadian dollar by selling US dollars has reduced the exchange fund 17 per cent from its record high of $2110600000 last ON 31 There was no official indica tion of the reasons behind the heavy downward pressure on the dollars valuowhetber or not shortterm capital move ments and market speculation were added to the normal pres sure on the dollar from Can adaa current ments deficit EXPECT STATEMENT Informants indicated that Fi nanca Minister Flaming might make statement in the Com mons next week Despite thc governments arge soles of US dollars from balance of pay tha exchange fund market move which would tend to strengthen the Canadian dollars value the dollars exchange value moved downwards The Canadian dollar value in terms of US dollars declined from discount of cents to Just over cents during Feb ruary It has remained rela tively steady since Feb 28 The dollar now is worth 96 732 US cents The situation for the govern1 ment has changed radically slnce Mr Flemings announce ment in his last budget June 20 that the government wauld use the exchange fund to purchase dollars to move the Cana dian dollar to significant discount It was then approxi mately at par with the US dollar In the lust four months the government has instead been selling US dollars from the fund to moderate in fall in the dollars value LOWER ONLY ONCE Only once in the last 10 years has the exchange fund been lower than the $1740700000 mark it reached Feb 28 That was in May 1060 when the fund cl in by $101500000 to $1740300000 Monthly records going back 10 years show that the decline KIIRUSHCHEV PUTS WORLD IN SACK Soviety mic Nikita Krushchev is depicted at tempting to put the world into Bomb Kills Cleric PARIS ReuterslThree per sons one of them student priest were killed today and at least 50 others injured when boobytrap planted in our ex ploded near bus stop The car blew up in front of hall in suburban IssylcsMolin eaux where the proCommunist movement for Peace was scheduled to hold meeting 45 minutes later The blast blamed on the out lawed Secret Army Organiza tion killed two policemen stand ing beside the car and the young scminarist who had just left the post office opposite the hall third policeman was missing Nanty five of the injured many of whom were waiting for workbound buses were taken to hospitals by passing motorists The charred skeleton of the car and the debrislittered area were cordoned off by police VIOLENCE RENEWED Meanwhile as French and Algerian negotiators continued their ceasefire talks at the Al pine resort of Evian secret army and Moslem extremists stepped up the bloodletting in Algeria comparative lull in the ter ritory which coincided with the end of the Moslem holy month of Ramadan this week ended Friday as 44 persons were killed and 31 others injured in 55 gun knife and bomb attacks in Al Eeria In Oran 16 Moslems were shot dead in gun battle that raged around liquor and wine warehouse in the Moslem sec tor of the city Four of the dead were women in February monthly drop Last Tuesday Mr Fleming replied rubbish when asked in the Commons to cement on press report suggesting that the drain on the exchange fund had reached limit having regard to the reserves needed for Can adas normal trade In his June 20 budget Mr Fleming said the exchange fund would be prepared to purchase US dollars to ensure that the exchange rate on the Canadian dollar was kept within range appropriate to Canadas chang log economic situation The main purpose was to as sist exports and to discourage imports since discount on the dollar tends to increase the re turn on exports sold for US dollars and other foreign cur rencies and also tends to make imports more expensive NOT AGGRESSIVE month ago in Commons statement denying government manipulation of the exchange rate Mr Fleming said the ex change fund has not operated an aggressive manner to drive the exchange rate in one direction or another On the contrary it has at all times responded to and moder atod market pressures was the sharpest co sack on this float in the rnlvnl at Mainz West Ger many This was one of many floats ln the Crazy Days section of the parade which criticized local as well as world pollcies AP Vlrepho Solo Violinist Walks Out On Pittsburgh Symphony PITTSBURGH famous violinist Nathan Mll slein walked out on the Pitts burgh Symphony Orchestra few hours before scheduled con dlsagrcement th conductor Vil Vlolinlst Berl Senofsky flew in from New York and replaced lilil the took train back to New York hillsteins walkout came aftlr diff terpretation of the work devel ope Miistcin he said made comments directly to var ious players in the orchestra thereby invading an area which is the conductors sole preroga lvc abr third movement man said At this point there was quiet exchange of words bcwecn Milstein and Steinberg iViilstein and other matter The spokesman said the quar rel HERES ONE druggist Joel Litchen has been overpaid $9000 by the for two phone booths outside his store was to have been $335 cheque for $900335 the cheque the 43yearold druggist sold but Im go ing to send it back MONTREAL CPITwo bank holdups netted bandits total of $24000 Friday Four armed men wearing Rolloween masks es cap end branch of the Royal Bank of Canada Four men burst into one fled APlWord cert Friday after an artistic iiam Steinberg stein as soloist in the lico ven violin concerto Milstcin symphony spokesman said erencc of opinion on the in during rehearsal repeatedw The rehearsal came to an apt halt in the middle of the the spokes Following this exchange walked off the stage the rehearsal proceeded to was surprising because Mil stein and Steinberg had record ed this concerto together sc veral years ago Now Mother Can Hold Son Without Fear Noyenrold Peter homo and for the first ti hls life his mother picked hlm up without fear of breaking one at his fragile oration at fnr Crippled caga bones from his and reinforced them with steel rods LITTLE ROCK Ark AP Loil bones Peter has undergone live up Shrlne Hospital Children in lll doctors removed arms and legs The He was flown back to Little Rock for vacation before his final operation Julie 18 Sur geons will insert another metal tube into the bone of his upper right lengthy process year orm the last to complete started Peter suffers rare disease called osteogenesis imperfecta which has made his bones as brittle as match sticks NEW YORK APlThe deva stated US eastern seaboard fought to clear monumental mass of debris today as the worst week of winter storms in its history faded under clearing skies storm that dropped scvcu inches of snow on parts of Georgia dwindled in intensity as it ploddcd northward Friday night and was expected to dis appear during the day It car ried rain and light show as far noréh as southern New Eng lan Tides running foot above normal slowed the drainage of flooded coastal lowlands and hampered cleanup operations from Miami Beachs wave Sailors MIAMI Flo APJIt was the longest night of my life said sailor telling how he and his shipmutcs were rescued in high seas from the stern sec tion of broken tanker Thirtythree men were res cued from the Liberian molas ses tanker Gcm which split off the Carolina coast Wednesday night The destroyer Strlbling landed at Mayport Fla with 25 survivors Friday and the Caribbean cruiser Victoria took seven survivors to New York The ships chief engineer Aldoi Composarano said at Maypcrt that he was in the en gine roomwhen theshlp hogan breaking up He said he could féel theship cracking and than heard loud crash High chewed shorc to the wind and waterbattered coast of south ern New England But this latest assault of the dying winter weather was small compared to the storm which began Tuesday and ravaged tho coast for three days leaving 38 known dead 10 missing and damage estimated at $000000 000 PRESIDENT ORDERS AID Hardblt sections of New Jer sey Maryland Delaware and Virginia were due to receive fi nunelal old as result of Presi dent Kennedys designation of them as disaster areas Also in ciuded was West Virginia which suffered from floods last week Estonian Wllleh Armans the ships first pumpmnn said Nearly everyone aboard was fearful of what might happen ltf was the longest night of my One of those rescued was identified as Stowaway Jose Mercado Domlnlcan Re porters werc not permitted to question him Seven sailors and the ships captain were stranded in the forward part of the ship The liner Victoria of the incles Line rescued them Thursday ONE MAN KILLED One of the tankers crew members Kleile Bamberg 47 of Brooklyn was crushed fo death while crawling into llfe New Jersey suffered damage estimated at 3100000000 or more and loss of at least 12 lives Chincoteague Island on Vir ginias eastern share was or dered evacuated for health rea sons and the 3000 persons who rode out the storm were being moved out Some 1000 had fled at the height of the onslaught The Ocean City Md area was branded as an area of state enforch segregation by the National Association for tho Advancement of Colored Poo plc which urged that President Kennedy not grant federal re hubilitotlon funds to the city without guarantee that segre gation there would be outlawed ale Of ightTerror boat and then was washed away He was the only reported fatality Three persons were rescued from the 40foot yawl Guine vere off the Florida coast Fri day and the vessel was rp ported to have sunk The German freighter Mag dallna on route to St Johns Nfld saved four men from the 40foot schooner Wooden Shoo Wednesday shortly before the smaller vessel went to the bot tom The coast guard reparted two New Jersey fishing vessels missing Friday night They are believed to havea total of 11 mon aboard and have been overdue since Wednesday Spains Richest Man Killed He Was Worth $335Million MADRID Reuters Juan March 81 believed to be the richest man in Spain died today of injuries suffered in car ac cident Feb 25 From humble beginnings March was said to have TORONTO CWToronto ell Telephone Company His February commission but he received Ive been having fun with TWO BANKS ROBBED ed with $4000 from north tber Royal Bank branch and with $20000 $3Million For Congo Payrolls Disappears 0n Way To Kukavu BRUSSELS ReutersA cash shipment of 200000000 Congo lese francs $3124800 intended to in The Congos Kivu province has disappeared on the way be tween Leopoldville and Kukavu pay the salaries of ofï¬cials the Kivu province capital the official Belgian news agency in bel said Friday night The agency in dispatch from Belgiums RuandaUrundi protectorate adjacent to Kivu gave no further details Manitoba Liberal Cries Mocker Between Ottawa BNII iict By TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Manitoba the federal of making mockery of the British North hiding behind Liberal member of the legislature accused government Friday America Act by it IN UTSHELL Orillia Father Of Five Killed Van Noort 41 Orillia lied and another man severely injured of car and pickup truck near here driver of the car is in Edgar Tho Van Noort Van Johnson Ordered To Pay Wife Eve Lynne Johnson or husbands Califor nia assets in the bands of receiver littlee Goes For Checkup LONDON AWFormer Labor prime minister Attlce en tered hospital tod for what checkup was officially described as Da Vinci Drawing Is For Sale LONDON APIOne of Brita religious tlon by the Royal Academy of Arts cgï¬ne from some is th It drawing by Leonardo llery was not identifiéd Th mo in June ritish art lovers cry might be prepared to pay nearly $3000000 for it The virgln and child wiLh St John ins greatest art treasures Vlnci was offered for auc Friday wall of protest One said on American is da Vincis drawing of the Baptist andltSt Anne will come under thaauetionecrsllammer at Sothebya Sale rupplemsntari benefits On the question of federal contributory pension scheme he said Ottawa had turned the not into fsbcltcr for indecisive Tories Elman Guttormson St George was speaking on gov ernment resolution signifying Manitobas advance approval of constitutional amendment which would incorporate exist ing widows childrens andfor mer eontributors benefits in any graduated contributory portable old age peIISlOII scheme Declaring the resolution dealt with the problem piecemeal Mr Guttormson suggested the Act instead be amended to make so cial security and social allow ances the joint responsibility of the federal and provincial gov ernments An amendment to the BNA Act in 1951 declared that Ottawa may make laws in relation to oldage pensions But no such law may affect the operation of any provincial oldage security laws POWERS IN DOUBT Some constitutional exports feel the 1051amendment does not give Ottawa therigbt to al low for supplementary benefits Their reasoning is that the act in giving the provinces control over property and civil rlghts assigns them residual power in socialsecurity matters The Manitoba resolution asks that if approval of all the prov fneeo cannot be obtained for the constitutional change the federal government introduce contrib utory pension plan without the amassed fortune of around 20000000000 pesctas 5335000 000 He was injured when his car was in headon collision with another auto on the MadridCor unna highway March was generally believed to have helped finance General issimo Francisco Francos suc cessful rising against the repub lican government in 1936 He still maintained close per sonal control of his business cm pire with the aid of his two sons March did not learn to read or write until he was over 40 BORN IN MAJORCA He was born in Santa Margar ita Majorca the son of pig dealer His fortune was said to have been founded oa tobacco trad ing and money lending By 1003 he owned so much property on the island that he was known as the lord of Majorca empire embracing his own fleet of ships sugar and tobacco com panies bank newspapers and brewery He was elected to the first parliament of the Spanish re public in 1933 He was accused of corruption in running the Morocco tobacco monopoly and of running arms to the Riff tribesmen during their war against Spain The chamber of deputies expelled him and he was sent to prison After 10 months he escaped to Gibraltar accompanied by his jailer The triumph of rightof centre forces in the 1938 elec tions enabled him to return to Spain EDMONTON CF There ults were stranger than fic tion when the law tried to find who was responsible for 1900 bustrain collision at Lamont Alta Alex Gordey tSCVegre ville said today He told the Alberta legislature during the budget debate ofhla experiences in assisting parents qr those killed or injured in the accldcnt Seventeen high school students died in the Nov 29 19m crash Mr Gordey said to the house All the way with very few exceptions the egal menand some other officials had to do with seemed to take the attl tuda that tap bereaved patients He built up vast business Alberta Curlers Beaten KITCHENEH tCP Saskat chewan piled up big early lead and went on to humble defend ing champion Alberta 146 today in suddendeath playoff for the Canadian curling championship It was recordequalling title victory for the Ernie Richard son rink from Regina The Richardsonsskip Elilie mate Arnold second Garnet and lead Weswonthe toss for last rock on the first end piling up fat three and simply over whelmed Alberta the rest of the way The Richardsons hopped in to take advantage of every Alberta mlscuennd there were plenty th they didnt need any help from the Rec Gervaisskipped rink from Edmonton They out curled the 1961 titleholders from lead to skip for the victory that putthem in the record books along with Winnipegs Ken Wat son and Edmontons Matt Bald Win Watson became the first man to skip th championship rinks with victories in 1936 1042 and 1940 and this was matched by Baldwin in 19545758 Rich ardson previously won in 1959 and again in 1960 ICE KILLS GIRL EAU CLAIRE Wis APlA 16yearold girl was killed Frl day when struck by 300pon piece of ice that fell from building Rcbecca Hoes died of crushed skull and broken neck Bereaved quentsré Unreasonable were quite unreasonable in talc ing their case so seriously that they were even irrational in de maudingso eagerly that the law find and prove who was respon sible Mr Gordey said the owner of the school has involved in the accident wasreccotly fined s10 for alto win on unquallfled driver to operate the bus and this added insult to lnjurv The fine should have been 3500 or oven $1000 and than has owners would probably be more careful Busl driver Frank Budney was charged with criminal neg ligence in connection with my accident and acquitted