Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1962, p. 9

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ARTICLES For SALE AUTOMOTIVE IO HELP WANTED Io HELP WANTED MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER dc HILLMAN 10 DOWN l7 GOWAN ST PA 66488 BLAKE sr PA 6132l HAROLD JORY FRUIT In VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade blocs 1150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA aezol use nails or No Tabla Potatoes Ior able Telephone PA use tor turther idiomnod ARTICLES WANTED BABY ITROLLKR wanted Slult hm pnhn Telphone PA was AVON immediate openings for two housewives by Avon Cosmetics High earnings weekly Hours optional No experience noctu cry Telephone PA 643551 MALE HELP PEMALE HELP EMPLOYMENT WANTED Its wonderful the way Classified Ads got re sults Phone PA 8lt24l4 Tree Trlmmers to work in the Hamilton area on utility line clearing BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Moor service SERVICE DIRECTORY By Month or YEar Telephone PA 82414 HANDYMAN Trees Trained Cut Basements Cleaned TE BAR EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 1K 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 17 1230 PM SHARP For the Estate or the late NORMAN PADDISON At Lot 26 Concession Notion wasaga Township ii mile north Off Highway 25 at the cast ent rance of Suyner Auction at farm Iarrn stock high do larrn machinery hay straw grain and some household elf eets Terms cash No reserve Is the estate must be settled Minor Changes World Hockey COLORADO SPRINGS Colo lCPtOrlanllerl at the world championships an nounced Thursday minor changes in the schedule allect lng the final two days of the 124 day competition The Canada United State game on the last day Sunday March is will begin at l30 pm EST instead 01 330 pm it will be televised by the Columbia geogdcaeting System and the wANrnD PeLr at me lime in any condition seaboa PA wade utter p111 Ior runner particulars WANTED Ixo neuAccolelen with ie to he changes on treble at least hm on bauielr phone PA soon FARMERS MARKET DEAD smcx TELEPHONE Jackson 95612 days Jackson 256I8 Evenings Wilson Tree Service Ltd 51 LELAND AVE JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 11 NOON SHARP Auction sale el 70 head at Reg istered and Grade Holstein Cows and Heiferstresh springing full flow High claa tarm machlt incry hay straw and grain and some household effects tor FREEMAN BUMSTEAD At lot ti Concession ll Flos Township miles atraight north at Elmvale td mile west of the county road Terms cash No reserve as the arm is sold TRACE AND COUGHIIIN Auctioneers HOCKEY RECORD By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League Odd Jobs PA 876ll PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 81111 AND SON an ll er Hanging Spray PaIIltln Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 MOTORS TRIUMPH Ind STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All blokes 01th and NAi Towing EAYFIELD 51 PA 54165 isu PONTIAC tins one body in good rendition but oilr accept ed For turtnur imamlion ten Dhnue PA wel Highest prices paid for dead or 155 Meach lei nle door Hammon Ontario VI PW Clliip ed cattle and horses ii luring itl DUNLOP ST PA 61 I42 CARPENTRV NEW HOMES Remodelling shingqu porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages The Sweden West Germany game scheduled lor the afteri noon oi literch in in the Denver Coliseum has been switched to the night at March 17 at the same site The Finland Norway night game of March 17 in the Dcn ver coilseum has been shittéd to an attcrnoon game at the Broadmoor World Arena here West Germanys final game against Switscrlend booked for the Broadmoor Arena the after noon of March 17 has been moved to the Denver Coliseum for the allernoon at March lb CBC Announces Hockey Coverage TORONTO sci dlThe CBC as announce Is ra cover vsllzlgzglas age of the world hockey chamv 3419 9212160 pionships at Colorado Springs 2921 199163 71 will include ftvcminute reports 1330 18119557 nightly at 1015 prll EST on unnmlw the Trans Canada Network um um luhy to urnmll Home Study Home Oiler Owner If ReveaISOfler From NH BALTIMORE AP Bud Adams Jr owner of Houston Oilers of the American Football League says he yvaa uttered National Football League franchise if he would drop out of the new league Adams testified in United States District Court WEEIIIES day that the otter was made about month alter plansfor formation of the AFL werefian nounccd publicly The offer came from Edwin Pauley Part owner of the NFL Log Aogeiea Rams he said Adams testified on the seventh day of the AFLS $10000000 antitrust suit against the NFL Barron Hilton son of hotel ty coon Conrad Hilton and owner of San Diego Chargers in the AFL said Paisley told hlmin August 1959 that NFL fran PHONE PA 115662 EVENINGS PA H952 Charles Lemon Propr Try An Examiner Want Ad PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL WM HINTON BA Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen SL ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM 8r WRIGHT Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie ahrrle otrlrc Wilson Bldg Corner Collier and Owen PM Gram mm PHONE PA 84397 PA 1839 Necdham CPA BOYS SEAGRAM ilil°ilvfr ROWE Guards need adventureloviag young men of courage and character in return the regi ment offers many other advan tages permanent employment healthy outdoor life good rates of pay travel at home and abroad outstanding train ing and many openings for ad vanccment If you are to 23 single and physically fit lind out lmora about this exciting career op portunity NOW from your local Army Recruiting Station at CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST VOOD UNITED URCIi llenwood For particulars contact CHARLES lIIcFADDEN Elmvale HAROLD MADILL Elmvale properly signed players tofat tempt to keep the new league Notaries Public conveyancexs etc Branch ottice Elmvala om HARRISON polnts Enthgale New York Chartered Accountants 79 out of business orrlce 13 chn SL Barrie PA 56511 Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose EA SCAR WORTH S500 01 Rowe QC swam QC MONTREAL CPiA young Gordon reslrey 65 Collier St Phone PA 84949 housewife was awarded $300 CONDER 8t SUGG compensation Wednesday by judge who ruled scar on her aAanslnns sourcxrons NOTARIES Puauc thigh may cause her embarrass com Mont meal if she wears bathing suit Tfsuon BA or sh rts izelii Dunlap St East PA 65497 Goals Hull Chicago 43 Assists Enlhgate New York zaNirH Dllso no CBARGEI mm mm Rules In the Em of LEARNING How To PLASTERING Power steering cram inside and FARM MACHNERV lo train as hchULEY deceased who died EXCAVATINO PM 5mm phone PA elm errre phi roi minute typing ability and addresses and full particlr in Humor AVE PA 3237 IisIIT°° DENNIS MORAN Au mms op New York 45 715528931 lilnrch 1213 and reports trorn BARRIES NEWEST CA THE aAnnIe EXAMINER of the said deceased will be raising steel 55 boom shovel mm Gum Two games will also be can 176 BRADFORD STREET YOUNG MEN sl Collier Street 33 21 5223186 71 the CanadnUnited States can CLIFFORD Kitchener Equpmem sNow REMOVAL North Bay HullOttawa ines In stock Closed on Sund range Bath with Pink Imsmim FLOOR COVERINGS Ems Esme °I MARY WELLS dug deepened and re 12 who scored two goals and an noon on AD 1962 aLlnoleum and Vinyl tile fat cattle market will operate at mes WELLS DRILLED Montreal who were both hrlli FRE ST AT DAY 0R day of Moral 1962 the assets IM Plan for fine PA 376461 All classes of fat cattle will he in demand including steers heit uce CANADIAN JOHN REID QC blanking of Boston Bruins and teammate Alex Delvecchio Information and arrangements for trucking can be made by which enrolment applications TENDERS llahovlich Toronto at 35 66 Housm heme EDI 013 Crown Hlll WOMENS COLUMN in March 14 Apply Joe Klein I3 AUCTION SALES SCHOOL oLLDoa BRUCE CAMERON In orrrr Cln be financed rele Rgmgow AI LEGAL NOTICES PA PLASTERING Fo fast service phone phonPA um Del mm tend rhmistftmuiift NOTICE TO CREDITORS srucco STONE motor terms arranged Telphone iiohmh road and mmr serw DRIVE NIEIZIS DUEADHSTOICK IIIILILIIIIIImeC°I It oETlIIELCIIIMIHEYI CALL CEILINGS noosrs as arr HRL Fonbpeadl gym 9°° °° the County of Simcoe widow JOHNSPIJAméwllggmom Moritz lemmas tconcc deceased mates 33 illslimilulfidiregm YOUNG MAN ail perlons having Claims For Rates Ind Information Budget Terms VAXUXHA1LL ToI Indian lue co or goo can TELETYPESEIIER CHARLES CHURCH PERFORAToR fJLgIbfifuzgcmgfhuiafiofif GRAVEL Top SOIL Lelroy 60M Collect Farm suppnes sawca The Barrie Examiner requires lied to lend to the undersigned SEPTIC TANKS PWED RADIO AND CASE New H°lland Iggfidgggfmfiflmg an apprentice in this depart on or before the 20m day of Excavating and Grading Water TELEVISION SERVICE Montreal David 50 radio um wheel All in Delivery Crushed Ilene Toronto excellent opportunity for lars ttltlnr ciaimlsiandtitfle not Am young man who wis as to train lira securtes any as tract AND Detroit CASHTRADE TERMS cans wro TO BUY fine trade held by them PA 2907 HE cm Boston APPLY Immediately litter the said 2011 ELE ONICS the tournament on the pmxram DELAVALRWCE FOR snoan WORK 19 Adelaide St Thursdays Results Assignment on the some dates hIIIkSISEJES Pumps Excavating Encltboe Clam PA 89503 Taronlo Montreal Assignment is heard nightlyat uxcgggég writ among me Wm pm EST on the Dominion ent tied thereto having regard EFRIGERATION not loading levelling or Boston at Montreal liANlt BROWN TRADE up 0R DOWN CAREERS on the Chm IId II backfilling Dozer work and Detroit at Tor nto ricd live on CBC television RR BARRIE HOLLY WE WILL LEN Yo ON 595 film PM trucking phone Stewart Con STAN BRYSON They are the Canada Sweden PA 338 WWI PA 32 REFEIGERATlON SERVICE hum PEEILHIWII APt IIIBIIIDE II 1chMOIEPIIII MINESING MOTORS PHONE ucmpwflan St HullOttawa cash Port your car Liens Dlld in the Barrie Ontario nolédz¢1u5=rfilmlnanl Solicitor for the Executors Sudbury gesti surfing 11 pm EST dale un an SALES AND SERVICE CANADIAN ARMY NOTICE 7° CREDTORS HERRERA WHILE SIREN pHONE 103 MINESING MOBILE HOMES if you are between the age of AND OTHERS Moderm9 page snow REMOVED FROM issy MOBILE nous torsls in 17 and 23 and single get full FRED GRANT SQUARE ROOFS COTTAGES ETC VIKING cmm Separaton nod 45 two bedrooms large livlnr MARY DIXON nd Swinuym Muka scrum room with wallloWall clrpcts me To PA 53347 Sudbury Sault Ste Mane opportunities with the Mega memole WELL DIGGIT Tonights Gama Viking Separators Sales no All winds Tcleoholln 5W coo Widow Deceased Imam 5me Cratgnurst Ontario releplmne PA CANADIAN ARMY Try An Examiner Want Ad calms BARRIE LIVESTOCK gt Vs Im Imy gamut DIXON deceased who died on FLOOR WALL TILE ma Im at the Barns Armoury be or about the 2nd day of Janu Sales Service my AD 1962 are flowed 24 Maple Ave PUMPS sold and installed solid to the undersigned on or KEN WINTER gonna Hank Bass who made ADFORD ST March 12 and March 26 133 BR 30 saves as Detroit Red Wings write dresses and full particulars ot Eheeinfwgf SIM out Hm Emmi ABLES LTD their claims and tile nature at pfiflwnfid timing Gm °Y Tm ELMVALE SALE ST Army Recruiting station ltllha securities if any held by Carpels PUMPS lNSiAlIED 9111 BY LICENSED DRILLERS EVERY MONDAY STARTING oN St Clair Avenue East FREE Emmm baht in the teams tie MONDAY MARCH at pm um saw deceased wmbe dis ggfigAfiEEDYggEgApigm Coupland DllIIlitg Arrangements have been made for buyers to attend from several gégélae $30251 v3 3033 ING Norm Uiiman of Detroit lied to the claims of which the Ad Win Picked up two assists ers baby beef cows bulls and veal Oh was the ly man in the Big alrihglmazksznahguizl ls close to your farm WlII moan exit GUARDS Gllsaslfigleoflféfigf Seven list todo anything y° 1h Solicitor lor the Administratrix will 22°21 muffin 53 man Wl ii on Join oa an oasis or The commission rate will be 20 With no yardage or feed urges the Canadian GunrdHne of hises could be made available The leaders Am to Adams and Lamar Hunt calling Eimvale oDWa or evenings at Wasaga Beach 459 and are now being patented again gaflggfivcalifiw Ym f5 president ollthe AFL Victoria Harbour snow meilfhletglalegfietls°n$ Tenders will be received by the Howe mm 30 41 71 Adams sold he med for Plan to attend and bring your fat cattle to Eimvale every Monday the present troubled interna gigefirgfigiogfimg 5535133 Your support will bring you those extra dollars interior of Delvecchiov mm 23 40 63 A21 in Uilman Detroit 24 37 el damages from the NFL it claims expanded tampered aucx can wellltedx forralorvlc Siehéillfligfehiny Ritual arn LEARN HAIRDRESSING Standings Montrcal won 35 em her Government Chartered School Through training in all bran Gebbirlck an Elmvale Tole cheg of beauty culture phone Ilsali ELmVIIc mm or Matched Belgian Hon Des four years old in suns broken WORSLEY 51 PA 83962 MarchS ecials 25 FF PERMS $850 Electronics Courses rol Antonel Ask or excemoNAL PnIVAra our one AND or ERS DRIVING SCHOOL or QUIKBRIK AND top AuomettC with radio hd Nick Montague Prop TYPIIG ABILITY against the Estate at ETHEL SMCOE QUIKBRIK Clean throughout nut offer Tele ment Must have 50 words per March AD 1962 their names Bealty Farm Equipment excellent condition throughout An my yard Enema 24 HOUR SERVICE Chm 03 MIY mm ColthOSlNG ROOMFDREMAN day ot March 1962 the assets Busu or Detroit Boston Wash Tanks Separators Parts Dr ccmen network ON YOUR PRSENT can for he JOHN REID QC HAIRDRESSERS King on 51191019415072 minutes after the faceolf and Ford Tractor and PHONE PA also PA asszl In the mm Thursdays Results information on exciting career PA 60491 Service parts Several used mach lm bathroom kitchen has 30 Pesan ham WELL DIGGING tween the hours of 10 am mm Larry the more we 20m day of March OPP bus termlnal PA W82 onto and Jacques Plante o1 cComplete line of samples Immed left Tomato 0m la ey er the said 20th RR BARRIE different points uture In the ministratrix shall then have no Thurde night in Dam 51 points two points behind and charge If MI WId Canadas crack regimentstor TENDERS Mikna Chm 22 45 68 years to get an NFL franchise tional situation the Canadian ALLE $923 $1523 himtl PERSONALS with television rights and Barristers Solicitors ROSE 1m 12 points HDLSTEIN cow ror nle coming DERWIN HAIRDRESSING Apoly Morris Ebertt an Barrie shutouts Hall Chicago Penalties Fontinato MUSIC LESSONS Telephone PA 89435 TWO REGISTERED Angus Hour ers bred also younger Calves some Calf clubnprosnccts lnntsnl 15111 RR El Telephone PA sail PUREEKED Holstein euii ready for service Sire Sailing Trlune Achilles ohm very good 15500 lbs ol milk test 05 days Ae credited listed vaccinated le phone 45mm Conkltcwn marl or Horses well matched and broken double or single and laund Also Hereford Cowe lud lbeli calves Cedar posts lily site or length Elsln Annstmiil Mansfield or 52111 Everett FEED SEED GRAIN SEED GRAIN for sale Russell cats Hcrtu Barley Chancellor ANDUP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap St PA 84123 17 Essa RoadPA 89311 No appointment necessary aaaun eHDP coldwaves etc by certified hairdresser In your own home Phonu Bernice at all asset or PA easel 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 47845 Please provide me details on career opportunities in the Can adlali Guards Name Address CityTown Province one Last School Gra completed Age E6 Ila approximatel Scho ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL 0R DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE NO T411704 istorey concrete block building situated on part lot 20 conces sion Township of Tecumseth County of Simcoe being on the north side of Highway No 1A mile west of COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS colvAN so COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barrisch and Solicitors Collier so Barrie Pb PA 66401 WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER SOLICITOR JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano staring Theory Pupils prepared for examination of the Royal Corseminary at Music Toronto All grades and alter Modern methods Studio 27 Bunions st PA H713 THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER ST BARRLE ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruc tion Piano Theory coaching in Sale to be held on the property at Anlmnous MAN or woman to INTERESTED in Clllrls aundl take over established Watkins 1100 AM EST tloll game or that new Easter Eu tness No money to invest mum air to your measure onion and Company or In WEDNESDAY MARCH 14th merits For ppolntmrnuslrphonn kind Products nationally adven 1952 PA um Llsud No your Opportunity tor TERMs Cash Cheque plus lilEEliisrXIinsTmllgiIEmlf $10000Porlomlance Bond to to HELP WANTED zuarantee that work will be FEMALE HELP Manuel Que menus wmrsn Siiiili°t°ciéttei° al Wanted AT Once Smart Religble Saleslady made payable to tile Treasurer GLADSTONE CURRIE 01 CHINA AND GIFT STORE of Ontario For further information please MISTER soucnnn MUST BE EXPERIENCED Andy Capable of Taking SS No 15 Vespra Simcoe Coun WHIP Llw ommn Charge 23 requires teacher for an The Auctioneers eight grade germ uncles to Anderson Plowman and Colwdl Wm 33 $533 APPLY BOX 87 BARRIE EXAMINER commence on Sept 1962 91 Telephone PArlrway was Salary schedule is in eliect vwm Harbour onlam crass WANTED our factory work salad Foods Ltd in Alllsten Please state qualifications ex nlephano 506g FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL linelryvlawlng to commence immed AUTOMOTIVE WANTED Ag once Smut intelli Peas and Timothy grown from Climax Sced APPLY Russell Illw ulcphnna aiinosing in POULTRY 8r CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultryrnan are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early larder discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoun PHONE 77 BUY Now for best egg markets any Ills available Amos Sykes and Comet egg specialists dlyairi Ito readyvtoley Also mixed chlckl cockorels Request 17 OWEN 51 PA 60258 mach Latin other school sub 91 Ross on Barrie SMITH McLEANw1 PA Haber Smith or Arthur McLean Owen OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH Barristers Solicitors etc so owns or PHONE PA assnr RO DPrOltlETltlST to 530 Closed wed attornoon Ila Dunlap st at Barrie PA 82535 NOEL STEPHENSON RO OPTOMETRIST nunlnp st East Barrie Phone PA Mani ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82414 Were open for bus iness Our shelves are iust brimming with fresh good things to eat Come in try some MINESING STATION PUBLIC SCHOOL and osyald rice list Agent Copeland Eocton phone Jami ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY cans given to children In 0° my own home Monday to Friday for perience name of present in Epector and references in your fifinffcfiegiondigghfi HOME summon SERVICE gent and Ilert salelady for tIIIlIti and gilt shop Full time employ MOTOR CARS FOR SALE ma VOLKSWAGEN or sale in Al ZFPIICHIIO Downsvlew Ontario DOUGLAS JUDD SecyTreas Telephone 24mm or MODERATE cosr Convenient Terms condition Price use Contact Han ryr Fina Service station or tole RR ND Anten Mills Ont DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS so Worsley as Dorrie PA assss phone PA will or lurtlier Infor mood motif Ava Box SS Barrie Exlm trier saLEaLADY required full time has 2535 Must bu or nclt Ill Pclrlnce ply Mrs Sloane Univ ted Cigar on 10 Dunlop St Banlo wtll call Telephone PA SIMS PnACrIcAL Nunau avltlable for day or night duty or will take charge or children while you have winter hoildlvr ApDLV Box 93 Barrie Examiner Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day betele publicatienl GROUP SERVICE PROPOSED CALGARY CP Prepaid ambulance service probably will begin in Calgary by April 15 Gerald Price general manager of Associated Ambulance Lim ited said Wednesday The plan will guarantee service to fami lies for flat annual rate of less than $5 similar plan is working successfully in Kings ton Ont Mr Price said

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