Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele hcns PA NHL The telephone uumner to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 Nth YearNo 59 THIS IS WHAT REMAINS OF THE 3d6FT PYLON AFTER THE BOMB No Troops For War OTTAWA CWA plea for the Commons to launch an emer gency debate on the civil war in British Columbias Kootenay region was turned down by Commons Speaker Roland Mich ener Thursday The urgency of the situation for the people of the Kootcnays is the fact that it has almost reached the stage of civil war with these continuing bombings acts of terrorism and sabotage said 11 Herridge The CCF New Democratic Party House leader urged the House to suspend regular busi People Angry NELSON RC CplHostile citizens Thursday night de manded an end to 30 years of terror in southeastern British Columbia as RCMP searched the surrounding Kootenay dis trict for the men who blasted lgiower tower public meeting of 150 cit lzens urged steps ranging from martial law to sterilization of terrorists who have plagued the countryside with bombings and burnings Much of their anger was di rected at the Sons of Freedom radical sect of Doukbobors often blamed in the past for acts of terror There was talk of possible raid on Krestova Freedomite shack town 25 miles west of here but Mayor shnri se of Nelson cautioned bate subject was urgent against mob rule CALLAM BAY COURT MARTIAL Federal Got In The Way VICTORIA CF An unau thorized vessel entered the fir ing area in Juan de Fuca Strait Jan 29 shortly before the HMCS Skeena rained shell frag ments on the logging com munity of Clallam Bay Wash naval court martial was told Thursday Cmdr Leir skipper of the Skeena is charged with neg Ligence and an act to the prep udice of good order and discip line as result of the incident He pleaded not guilty to the charges The fiveman court was told that during the firing exercises the federal government ship Ushawa entered the firing area and subsequently ignored ra dio message to return to the safety of nearby Jordan River on Vancouver island Defence counsel Lloyd Mcr Kenzie put the circumstances of ness and discuss the extrem 1y serious situation vw Mr Herrldge represents the riding of Kootenny West and op erates farm at Nakusp in the British Columbia constituency He was seconded in his mo tion by Progressive Conserva tive Murray McFarlene the member for Kootenay East Mr Herridge said there is need for federal assistance to BC law authorities especially since the explosion at Nelson Tuesday night that caused $500 000 damage to power installa tion and put 1000 men out of work for two weeks to month There have been demands from BC centres for fe eral troops to help RCMP officers cope with the situation and the provincial government has of fered $10000 reward for infor mation leading to the conviction of the men responsible for the power installation explosion The bombings have been linked to the terrorist campaign of the Sons of Freedom Douk hobors Speaker Micbener rejected the motion ruling that its sponsors had not established that the de He conceded that the recent outbreak of violence in the Knot enays was particularly serious but said bombings and other no lawful acts in the area have been problem for long time Justice Minister Fulton who comes from the interior 130 riding of Karnloops said that under parliamentary rules the definite matter of public import ance on which member may move for special debate must involve The administrative re sponsibility of the government Ship the alleged incident to witness in hypothetical form but he assured the court that evidence to back up his contention will be entered by the defence The unauthorized presence oi the Oshawa said Mr McKenv zie forced the Skeena to move still farther west to ensure that the government vessel didnt come within range of the war ships guns He asked Cmdr Father lngham skipper of the HMCS St Laurent whether it was nor mal procedure for merchant traffic to ignore orders con tainedin department of trans port notices to mariners to stay clear of firing areas during gunA ncry cxcrciscs It most assuredly is said Cmdr Fotheringham It has happened virtually every time have conducted shoot in this STRANGE THING DOWN UNDER HOBART Tasmania AP Australian scientists are puz zled by the discovery of the carcass of monster on remote beach on the west coast of Tasmania They say it resembles no known creature It is circular in shape has no eyes no defined bend and no bone structure But it has skin of creamy rubbery flesh probably 12 inches thick covered with woolly hair The monster is 20 feet long 18 feet wide and feet thick and weighs between five and 10 tons It is describcd as resem bling huge turtle without appendages Scientist Bruce Hollsion the staff of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Re search Organization was in an expedition which made has ardous trek to the scene this week believe the creature is or animal but it is unlike any thing have ever seen or heard of be said BI rrlo Ontario Canada Friday March I962 The Titanic Examiner They Counted Heads All 18238247 Of Tim OTTAWA CP Canadas population 13118 247 last June after decade of the secondfastest growth rate since Confederation The first complete reckoning of last years census issued to day by the Dominion Burenu of Statistics showed the country added 4228815 new residents since the 1951 decennial census for no increase of 302 per cent The country hadnt grown at such is fast clip since the 342 percent gain during the 190111 decade when wave of immi gration helped open the West Two thirds of the population Increase occurred in Ontario and Quebec But the fastest growing provinces were Alberta and British Columbia Among the Atlantic provinces New foundland had the highest growth rate Slowestgrowing provinces were Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan 1n the 195161 decode Canadas population grew from 14009429 to 18238247 The 1956 special census count was 16050791 The breakdown by provinces 1951 1956 1951 Nfld 4571153 415074 361410 PEI 104629 99235 98429 NS 737007 694717 642584 NB 597936 554616 515135 Que 5259211 4673378 4055681 Ont 6235092 5404933 4597542 Mun 921686 850040 776541 Josh 9151810555 831728 Alta BC 1331944 1123116 939501 1629082 1393491 1165210 Ykn 14628 12190 9096 NWT 22998 19313 16004 GROWTH TAPERS OFF The rate of growth tapered entered Confederation in 1919 the growth rate for 194151 was 36 per cent GOT LIONS SHARE The two biggest provinces Ontario and Quebec got the lions share of the population increase since 1951 Together they accounted for 51 per ccnt of the increase Ontorio grew by 1638500 in the 10 years to 6216092 and Quebec added 203530 pcople to reach 5259211 But they were outdone in rate of growth by Alberta and BC which together accounted for 20 per cent of the additional popu intion Alberto the fastestvgmwing province expanded its popula tion 410 per cent and BC was close behind with 398pcr cent gain Ontarios growth rate was 356 per cent and Quebecs 297 Population of Alberta in creased hy 392448 to 1331944 and that of 80 by 453072 to 1629082 All of the provinces were left behind however by the growth rate in the North Yukons popu lation zoomed 608 per cent up 5532 to 14628 and the North LOCAL WEATHER Sunny becoming cloudy wins may periods bow tonight 20 High toxnomw 31 For full summary turn to page too Not More Than per Copy16 DRUGROWlOOMS IN ARMED SERVIC Harkness Says He Knows Of No Evidence Of Smuggling OTTAWA CWDefence Min ister Harkness said today be is aware of no evidence that nor eollu were smuggled into Can ads by service personnel return ing from the Far East ltIr Horkness sold in an inter viewthnt allegations that some to duals were engaged in nor cotics smuggling are being in vestigated Until the investigrr tion was completed it would bc unfair to make further com ment He was referring to reports arising from 11 statement in tho Commons Thursday by External Affairs Minister Green who rc plied yes to question as to off slightly in the latter part of the last 10 years There wns 148percent in crease during 1951156 and gain of 134 in the dart five years The bureau said the lower growth rate in the latter period was due mainly to less inimigratnon and lower birth rate But the increase in population numbers was about the same in the two periods2071362 dur ing 195156 and 2157456 during 1956611 The overall rise of 302 per cent compared with the 2111 percent increase during the previous decode 194l51 Not counting Newfoundland which Rhodesian Parliament Dissolved Way Cleared For Elections SALISBURY Reuters The federal Rhodesian Parliament was dissolved today clearing the way for elections which Prime Minister Sir Roy Wel ensky hopes will prevent the breakup of his whitedominated federation The dissolution was pro claimed this morning after Wol ensky handed in his governs ments resignation Thursday night to GovernorAGenerpl Lord Dalhousie The date of the election has yet to be announced but federa tion officials said it will be held as soon as possible The federa tion is composed of the British protectorates of Northern Rho desia and Nyasaland and inter nally self governing Southern Rhodesia The officials said balloting by the overwhelminglywhita elec torate would almost certainly take place within two months Under electoral law the election can not be held before April 27 Before tendering his resigna tion Welensky said he needed mandate to prevent the breakup of the federation formed eight years ago Welensky said the elections were necessary because Britain had refused to prevent forces of violence from gaining power In Northern Rhodesia Negro nationalist leader Kenneth Ksundn said the elections will be boycotted by his followers and whatever mandate Wel eosky gets we shall not be bound by it In Nyasaland spokesman for nationalist leader Dr Hast ings Honda said This federa tion is going to be dismem bered election or not election IN UTSHELL Propeller Cuts His Head 0ft PARIS Reuters 46yeamold airport worker was de capitated by night so airliner propeller at Orly Field hers Thursday NATO Plans Exercise Poms Reuters Portuguese submarines British French Canadian Dutch and and fleetair units will take part in joint NATO exercise called Dawn Breeze Seven off Gibral tar hetween March 10 and 30 here Thursday More Hemingway NEW YORK AP brought four of the late stories toNew York for possible publication Ways death last July Mrs Hemingway has NATO headquarters announced Writings The wife of Ernest Hemingway has authors novels and dozens of his Since Heming spent much of her time examining the vast amounts of unpublished works he had stored in Key West Fla and in Cuba THIS automobile is swamp cdat curbstone parking posrtion when high wave Blast Kills 29 In Ruhr Mine HEESSEN West Germany AmA coal mine explosion touched off by blasting killed 29 miners today and injured nine others in this Ruhr Valley town mine officials reported The explosion in the state owned Sachsen mine occurred just half an hour before the mornng shift of 2200 was due at work spokesman said the cas ualty toll was relatively low be cause only skeleton night crews were working The explosion occurred just 30 days after firedamp blast in the Luisenthal mine in the Saar lsnd to the south took 229 lives The mine spokesman said all miners appeared to be ac counted for and the death toll is not expected to rise unless some of the injured men do not sure vive He said the explosion occurred in burizoniai tunnel connecting various mining locations more than 3000 feel underground The blast was apparently caused when blasting ignited pool of methane gas or fire damp which had collected in the tun JIE Luxury Ship Destroyer Near Port With Survivors Oi Broken Ship PORTSMOUTH Val AIMA luxury ship and US Navy destroyer neared port today with 14 crew members of the tanker Gem who were rescued on the stormy Atlantic after their vessel snapped in two Only one man aboard the Li berian tankerher first officer was lost when she broke apart Thursday in the pounding seas 110 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras NC Twentyseven men were re moved from the wallowing stern of the Gem by the destroyer Stribling Seven others includ ing the captain were plucked from the how by the cruise Ship Victoria The Stribling and an accom panying destroyer tho Hunting ton were expected to put into Mayport Fla The Victoria was expected to dock at New York Meantime the 115 Coast gear made temporary repairs sends torrent of water down Miami Beach street Work men in the background try to protect property from the high water AP Wirephoto Coast Mops Up Toll Now NEW YORK ABResidents and authorities of the storm bnttered 115 East Coast bol stered by prospects of massive government aid have begun mopping up operations after threeday rampage of wind and water The death toll stood at 86 with number of persons miss ingl Property damage has been estimated at more than $165 000000 The coastal sections of New York New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia and North Carolina have been declared disaster zones by the 15 Small Business Administration which grants special longterm loans torproperty owners Outright federal grants must come by proclamation of Presi dent Kennedy who is expected to take prompt action These grants would go to state and local governmental units for the repair of roads Guard buoy tender Jonquil was due to take the Gems stern sec tion in tow No one was aboard the derelict which the coast guard pronounced menace to navigation GAVE N0 DETAILS Terse exchanges of radio mes sages between the rescue ships the coast guard and the navy gave no details of the drama accompanying the rescue of the Gems crew members not offl clals here said the rescue was accomplished in heavy seas Other ships also were endan gered by the heavy seas off the Virginia and North Carolina coasts The Dumont which suf fered damage to her steering 200 miles off Virginia and pro ceeded toward the Delaware breakwater under escort by three navy destroyers 36 Dead bridges schools and other fa cilities The department of agriculture snid emergency food supplies were being distributed to storm victims Pestilence and food shortages menaced survivors with prac tically all food supplies and sewage facilities wiped out in the bardesthit centres Drinking water was major problem in many areas State and local police contin ued special patrols of all the af fected coastal areas to keep or der and prevent looting In the resort of Ocean City Md 90 per cent of the board walk is gone and number of homes and hotels were washed away TORONTO GP Trans port Minister Rowntree pre dictedThursday that only three per cent of Ontario motorists will be driving without insur ance this year compared to nine per cent in 1961 This is result of the recent increaseto $20 from $5in the ee paid by uninsured drivers he said Mr Rowntree speaking be fore the legislature beganstudy of his departments estimates based his forecast on uptodato HERES ONE MEMPHIS Tenn AP Police chased down stolen car and found it had thrEE drivers One small boy was oper ating the steering wheel and brake pedal Another had his foot on the accelerator And the third youngster was the gear shifter They went to juvenile It whether any Canadians on the Indochina truce supervisory commission were sent home for violating Canadian law The question was asked by Erhnrt Regier CCFBurnahy Coquitlum Outside the Commons is r45 liable source said the case inlt volvcs acceptance of money by an army officer to smuggle nar cotics into Canada The source said that possibly other army officers are involved It could not be learned whether narcotics were actually smuggled into Canada in this way it is understood that Cannlt dinns in Viet Nam have fre quently been approached by the undenvorld with offers of up to $50000 to take home with them at the end of their years tour of duty packages of narcotics for delivery to contact in this country ARMY SILENT An army spokesman declined to reply to any questions ro ferring them all to the external affairs department Ha added in reply to ques tion that there has been no court martial in connection with any such case Another source indicated bow aver that there is possibility of court martisL Peace Parley Slow EVIAN France AP This French and Algerinns continued their peace talks today with no indication that fierce artillery duel between their forces along the TunisianAlgerian frontier was affecting the negotiations One informant said the talks at hotel beside Lake Geneva were making slow but steady progress toward full agree ment including ceasefire to put Algeria on the road to in dependence Both groups at Evian refused to comment on the sudden lip surge of fighting in Algeria after long period of virtual truce during which the spot light had shifted to terrorist at tacks by the rightwing Europ ean Secret Army French warplanes Amer icanbuilt B26 bombers and French Mystere jets roared into the frontier fight Thursday to back up the gunners with round the clock raids from Bone rebel spokesman in Tunis said several French planes were shot down by notioircraft fire and others were damaged The spokesman said the aerial attacks killed and wounded scores and wreaked heavy prop erty damage Uninsured Drivers May Drop To figures provided by current ve hicle registration applications Money from the umns ured fees goes into the provinces un satisfied judgment fund which was attacked during the debate by Elmer Sopha LSudburyt Mr Sopha said he cannot un derstand why the payment of $2000000the amount budgeted for 196263should be left in the hands of minister who is rclt sponsible only for paying out The fund is administered by the transport department but litigation involving claims is the responsibility ofthe attorney general Mr Sopha lawyer cited two cases in which solicitors for the fund had not acted to protect public money by helping the plaintiff prove that private in surance company was respons ible for payment The minister replied that in department checks every Judg ment before payment made Then he announced LS no secretthat legislation will be introduced shortly placing the fund entirely under his depart mont

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