JTEE Mm THURSDAY MARE sTRonD By MRS DWIGHT NEW1 We would like to present our accolade tn the Barrie Examin er for the very tine Progress Edttion of their publication oi Feb 21 Surrounded by tour banner townships located on the sparkling blue waters ot Lake Simcoe and having had such favorable year commercially we anticipate that Barrie the Beautiful Ontariol pro gressive city is Iustiiied In be lieving the established aleady growth will continue and devel ope in be current year and in many yam ahead Born ANNIVERSARY Our best wisth for health and happiness go to Mr and Mrsi hederick Brooks RR Stmud who celebrated their IBDlh wedding anniversary on March They wen married in Kent England in 1902 They live in the old farm house at the late Mrs Annie Gibblna at Lake Sirncoe Their family at seven were present with the bride and groom of so years ago tor dinner celebra Lion DANCE The Challengers Rod and Custom Club Barrie sponsored very line dance in Stroud hall Saturday evening The Western Aires fine orchestra from Toronto were most ac commodnting in playing any number requested Round and square dances and modern twist gave plenty of exercise and plcnsuru to the 70 people present lrom many parts of the township This same group will return to tlIc hull Mar 10 for another dance PICTURES MADE Fiityvthreo middleagera and lenior citizens who look inr ward weekly to the evening ot euchre on Monday night were pleasantly surprised when Roy Martin Toronto who has worlt ed with the CBC for nine years was present to photograph the group or later coaststocoast broadcast other pastimes ot nIral talk that wen put on film were crokinole shuttle board curling and fishing Euchre winners lor the first evening of the new series were Mrs Jones McGonegal Block McFadden Mrs ltlcNabb and Watson The many friends ol Mn Ellie Lamb are pleased to hear that she in her 79th year will have the pleasure ot seeing Florida flowers and sunshine for the first time Her son Murwnod his wife and Miss Louise Reardon accompanied this septuagenarian They lett March Ladies from our community who are hospitalized are Mrs Williamson in Barrie Mrs Davies and Mrs Fred Smith in Inniswood Mrs Milling re turned home on Saturday from Barrie Hospital LIBRARY BOARD On March the Library Board held their annual meet ing in the club morn ot the hall Mrs Spring presided The board ielt the Library had served the community well in the past yeari The librarian Mrsi Watson reported 1M0 books had been read which was an increase of 33 per cent Subscribers had increased one third set ol new bookshelves had been purchased and so new ohildrens books Members at the board are Mesdamel Spr lug Watson Gibbins Goodiel luw and Nelson CASE SHOWCASE Despite the tact driving con ditions were not too good there was large turn out of farmers and their families to the Case Showcase in Stroud Community Hall Wednesday Feb 73 by local dealer Charl es Church Farm Supplies and Service Barrie Door gifts were given to everyone Several very enjoyable films were shown Draws were made for the fol lowing prizes with the winners being walnut chest of stainless steel flatware service for night Mrs Clara Dempster Angus Ontario translstor radio Vern on Day Stayner Beatty water bow Maurice Campbell RR No Barrie large thermos jug Harold Lund Cookstnwn Lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing On behalf of the guests Mr Charles Sproula expressed thanks to Mr Church or the very enjoyable evening Congratulations to Mrs Eon aid Fox who won handsome stutfed toy in draw at the local supermarket and to Mrs Wilioughby who was win ner in Barrie radio bingo Visitors Mrs Dales Sr Mr and Mrs Earl Dales Gilford at Leo Glbbina Don Partridge Stayner Mr and Mrs Walt Cook Barrie at McNabb Mr and Mrs Cyril Jackson and Nancy Minesing at Blacks Mr and Mrs Lennnx Black in Toronto at Chester MeConkeys Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson in Bowmanvilla at their sons By MRS BERT MULKOLLAND Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs William Malena were the farmers two sisters Mrs iud hope of dJarratt and Mrs Clar ence Brown Dalston also Mrs McDonald of Thornton Mr and Mrs Lennon Black are spending this week in Tor onto visiting friends and rela tives also Mrs McLean visit ing her son Don and family Sorry to hear Mrs Tom Bca mishhas had to return to Bar BuY WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR HOME AND RECEIVE BIRTHDAY GIFT THIs ERIDAY AND OPEN TOMORROW TILL 2nd BIRTHDAY SALE YES GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE EVERY ITEM IN OUR STORE IS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Whatr in birthday Plentyt Were one year older but were also 81 years old as wellknown furniture businessl Birthday Sale is great chance for us to show you the won dertui bargains that only ADAMS Ontarios Largest Home Furnishers could offer you through BIG buying owert Dun ing our 2nd Birthday Sale we offer you SA Como reel GS on every item in our atoral Walnut Finished 3Pc Double Dresser Bedroom Set Hardtofit budget Then here is bargain hint for the bed room Consists of 6drawer double dresser with tilting mirror 4drawar chest bookcase bed with sliding panels All drawers in both dresser dud chest ride on steel centre guides Drawers are brass finished for accent BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Only 175 Weekly BIRTHDAY GIFT THE DUKE SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS REGULARLY SELLING AT 3995 7Pc Chrome Dinette ibetadamthisl ChmmooodArbar itoamoasytocleanl Set 86by4t3 tableexiuklstioeowithairiotpanel Arboaito table top Padded drain Ail diadriaaswitiiswiveloapal Automatic 30 Bench Automatic clock control oven so eaeyto sctt Plus 26 oven visualoven windowf interior light electric minute timer 7ltheat rotary switches drip bowl under microtube elements Charcoal and white mantle BIRTHDAY GIFT 5TUBE TELETONE MANTLE RADIO Regularly selling for 2495 BIR HDAY BIRTHDAY ELMI 99 SPECIALI 25 90 Weekly WW BIRTHDAY GIFT 40PC SET OF DINNERWARE Regularly ratio at 1595 10year untranth on the gt yumm Symphonic Console Como see radiopliant that rates high in design pertonmnoe and low in pricel Facts 54tube superhetrodyne msde with Zstege ampliï¬er huthangs speaker speed ESE automan tum 837 Coil Firmopedic An exclusive model to 0m storm Extra firm 837 Call spring unit Padded with white felt Piebuilt border 00rd handles Ventilators Covered in highgrade tick tablci wnm mm cabinet ï¬lsmhlglï¬iglggfm Boxwmm BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL 1257Wcoltly only so Weekly BIRTHDAY GIFT COLLECTION OF RECORDS Regularly as much an $10 BIRTHDAY GIFT PAIR OF BLENDED BLANKET 72 34 Rog 695 as No MONEY DOWN up TO YEARS To PAY Retail Sales Tax payable at time of purchase WE FINANCE OUR OWN CREDIT IN ONTARIO ALL ROADS LEAD TOADAMS WERE OVER 50 STORES Your Choice 24 Piece Chesterfield or Daveno Foam reversile Mm the chesterfiald and aunthair Double coil opringoonstwotion pit hidelt away bedding oompaxtmentl Covered hiDInuoeltrieaoguamDeedtor full yearn against wear Rel iMr BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Only 52 Weekly BIRTHDAY GIFT COFFEE 8r STEPEND TABLES rte hospital tor another opera lion Regularly sell at 1295 ac 98 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