THE FACE MASK IS FOR WARMTH masked man from the United States learns about the Canadian Armys 106 MM Re coilless Rifle during visit to the Royal Canadian School of Infantry at Camp Borden US Air Force Major Haascr wearing wool face mask for warmth and 58 offi cers attending the RCAF Staff College at Armour Heights in Tomato are receiving the two th day annual educational tour of Camp Borden Army and RCAF installations Looking on from left to right are WIC McLachlan RCAF and Lt Comdr Camp bell RCN Far right Is Sgt George Taylor ROS of in structor handling recoin rifle demonstrations He re sides at 196 Burton Avenue Barrie National Defence Photo Sewage Project Is Before Board WASAGA BEACH Special Sewers and extensive park de velopment are in the works for Vasaga Beach Council has completed its ar rangements with the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the sewer plan will now go to the Ontario Municipal Board for final approval Sewer installation would be financed out of the general tax rate with users paying for the service on completion The Department of Lands and Forests has completed an agree ment with the village for de velopment of Wnsaga provincial To Charge Swimming Tuition Recreation Committee Rules Barrie Recreation Committee met last night to set its 1962 budget but was unable to an rive at definite figure There are numerous factors involved which make it imposs ible to bring down deï¬nite budget said secretary Charles Wedge We may have 350 per cent increase in our lifeguard costs due to the new Lions Commun ity Swimming Pool We have Power Group Fears Government May Take Control Of Hydro TORONTO CF Delegates to the Ontario Muslini Elec tric Association conventions ex pressed fear Wednesday that the provincial government may move to take over the Ontario HydroElectric Power Commis sron The association ananirnously condemned bill which has re ceived its first hearing amends ing the Power Commission Act Philatelists Meet Tonight meeting of the Barrie Dis trict Stamp Club will convene toniyrt to hear an address by Alan McKaona Toronto treas nrer oi the Royal Philatelic So ciety of Canada The meeting scheduled for Central United Church Hall will commence at pm with Dr Scott local president in the chair in addition to the remarks of Mr McKanna the philatelists will hear from Louis Lam ouroux of Toronto the Editor oi the Canadian Philatelic Mag azine the ofï¬cial organ of the Royal Philatelic Society in this country The meeting will hear re port to the president by W0 Lyons on the Universal Pos tal Union The Club announced the ap pointment as an honorary member of local postmaster Thomas Kerr Other items on tonights agen da will centre around arrange ments and preparations for the forthcoming Philatelic Exhibi tion to be held by the Barrie Club on May 13 of this year PHILIP PLANTS TREE SANTIAGO Chile iReutersl Prince Philip attended ban quet in his honor given by Presi dent Jorge Allesandri Wednes day night During the day Philip planted an Arcadian pine tree at the Prince of Wales Club He laid the inundation stone of the club building when he was here in 1952 He is on twomonth tear of South America rk The department has ught building in the vil lage to serve as its headquar ters during the work on the project which is already under way with the construction of comfort station at Vnsaga Av enue and the beach front fireproof cement vault has been completed in the basement of the police station for storage of official records Two councillors Jack Hm lock and Mrs Marge Dyer are on vacation in Florida and were not present at the council meet ing Mr ï¬mlock has been ablt sent from the lost three coun cil meetings made four separate lifeguard proposals to council Each one hears different cost This sort of thing is presenting big problem Until we get deï¬nite decwion out of council ve cannot really say what our budget for this year will be added Mr Wedge The committee decided they would charge tuition fees to diildren for swimming lessons this summer Previously there was no charge The act now says the eommis siorr shall consist of three to six members and that one of them shall be cabinet minister The new bill eliminates the provision that one member must be minister but permits as many as two ministers to be appointed Removal oi the cabinet min ister from the commission car ries the implication of eventual subjugation of the commission to government department said Bertram Mersnn chairman of the Toronto Hydro Electric System This could trigger sequence of events aimed at dissolving the commissions $380000000 sinking fund and using the money for another purpose be said Anthony Frame Burlington delegate said giving the cabinet two members on threeman commission could lead to the same result WmllON ALSO OPPDSED Hydro Commissioner Charlotte Whitton mayor of Ottawa told the conference the original con cept of the commission was that it should consist of two cabinet ministers and an engineer This had been changed so the government would not have un modified authority The evil of monopoly on be present in apublic enterprise as easily as in private enters prise Miss Whitton said Seed Fair Ilt Elrnvale The North Simcoe Seed Fair is presently under way in the Community Hall Elmvale Under the onsorshlp of the North Simcoe Soil and Crop lm hprovement Association and in cooperation with the Ontario an Canada Departments oi Ag rie the iair is likely to draw record crowds from throughout the county and dis trict One of the highlights of the fair will be an address tomor row by Everett Blggs Deputy Minister of Agriculture He will discuss plans and prospects in the production and marketing of gillflllo livestock and crop pro ets rnn BARR EXAMINER TfllTlSDAY MARCH 1x2 FOR BARBIE TOURISTS Try Organization Of Launch Tours Barrie is likely to have brand new tourist attraction to offer visitors this coming sum mer The Georgian Bay Develop ment Association in attempting to interest local individual firm or group In the operation of scenic guided launch tour of Kempenfelt Bay designed to be tourist attraction and drawing me for the area Willnrd Kinzie chairman of the association announced the plan this morning and added that we have already one in terested individual who might simvide this much needed ser cc However Mr Kinzie said It Is possible that it might work to everyones best advan tag it we had number of In terested parties or firms with which we could discuss the pro Icct He asked that anyone else interested in the operation of such tour contact the as sociation as quickly as possible so that plans can be made ear ly in the season Speaking on behalf oi the as secretion MrKlnzie said it was the earnest desire of the group to promote the Georgian Bay area from many standpoints one of which was the tourist businesc ARE LACKlNG We are lacking In great many things that will interest tourists he said We have the raw material or the ingred ieots necessary to provide the highligth of tourists trip but we are remiss in that we dont have the facilities to place at his disposal in reference to the proposed launch tour of the bay hesnld personally feel that this could well be interesting to broad range of tourists know from my own experience that people on vacation often find themselves with little time on tbdr hands and an urge to do something just little bit different if we had the facilities for launch trip of the bay and Vicinity am sure that many tourists would take advantage of the trip PATTER NEEDED Mr Klnzie outlined his plan in little more detail when he said that such tour will have to be accompanied by an In formative interesting and hum orots patter giveoby an in dividual who is thoroughly fam illnr with the subiect He said that this would be no great problem since his associa tion would assist in the prepar ation of such an informative address and would also lend what assistance it could to the locating oi suitable guide Mr Kinzle added that the as sociation would lend assistance the matter of securing boat or launch of the site and specifications required for the enterprise and in promotion of the enterprise itself 2YearOld Feared Dead CAELISLE Ont CPIA twir yearold boy missing and feared dead after fire destroyed twostorey apartment building in this Hamilton district com munity Wednesday night Firemen were searching lho ruins for the body of Albert Eerwnld son of Mr and Mrs Philip Berwald Mrs Bcrwold escaped with her two other chil drenniter the fire started Ys Men Hear lawyer Explain The Intricacies Of Will local lawyer Mr Myersr addressed the weekly meeting of Barrie Ys Mens Club on the topic of wills Outlining the history of wills Mr Myers pointed out that ever since the 13th century person has been able to exercise some control over his estate Before that time mans assets on his death went automatically to the eldest son Emphasizing the importance of having will Mr Myers stated it not only ensured ones assets were distributed as da sired but also made for the economical and speedy settle ment of the estate in the absence oi will much delay and frustration can be caused by the me taken to have an administrator appoint ed and bonded valid Ontario will must be signed inths presence of two witnesses who sign in the pres ence of each other and are not beneficiaries An interesting case on this point was that of person who US Singers Will Appear concert of sacred music featuring the Amerimn vocal ists Greg and Barbara Loren will be offered this Sunday at pm at Essa Road Presby terian Church Mr Loren decided some years ago to devote his talents to the performance of sacred music Prior to this decision he had sung in leading night clubs in the United States was under contract to MGM studios and had appeared on television with such stars as Bob hope Jack Benny Tony Martin and Vic Damone Mrs Loren is also an ac complished musician and had successful career in night clubs and television before joining her husband in the field of sacred music witnessed his iatherInIaws will thus making not only him self unable to benefit but plac ing his wife in the same pre dicament of witness to will cannot be beneficiary of that will Mr Myers drew the mem bers attention to the need for complete clarity and will free of mistakes alterations and ambiguities Marriage revokes an will although will can be made in contemplation of mar riage and be valid if it becomes necessary to destroy will do it complete ly the speaker urged The speaker then referred to the interpretation of several common terms such as the contents of house Mr Myers mentioned the na ture of succession duties and the complications caused by the death of both parents in oemmon disaster Members barraged tbs sneak er with questions Mr Myers was thanked for his address by Ys Man Neil Taylor DO IT NOW PAY lATER on our handy Budget Plan RAVE REPAIRS DONE NOW You and Your Oar Will Benefit SEE US TODAY DANGEBFlIllll Motors Ltd as Collier St PA EXCELLENT FOR PULLING PACKERS BUSH WORK LOGGING AND GENERAL UTILITY POWERED BY V8 FORD MOTOR STEERING WHEEL CONTROL WILL TURN IN ITS OWN TRACK THESE CARRIERS HAVE BEEN COMPLETELYV REBUILT AND ARE LIKE NE $49900 Plus Delivery Charges BUY now HENRYS FINA SERVICE orgasm nonx PA 635 in Ontario the wife New Bakery Will Open Tomorrow friendly welcome and the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries will greet tomorrows opening day customers at Macsays Bakery at Collier Street We are not uslng any sub stitutes in our baking stress ed the roprietors Air and Mrs Wil iam Marsny We pro going to bake good oldiashion ed bread and pastries using only fresh products such as milk eggs butter andlwhlpplng cream said Mrs Mucssy The bakery Is designed to suit the cosmopolitan shopper with Danish French Hungar ian German and various other types of baking available Ibe proprietors formerly bad shop in Alliston We had approximately 100 customers from Barrie come all the way to Alliston for our baking sold the owners The store will be staffed with five people The shops interior is done In pink and white color scheme with pots of Ivy on the walls small pink circular table and two white and pink ornamental wire chairs offer resting place for the weary shopper An opening day special will Include six irco doughnuts for each customer who purchases dollars worth of baking LOCAL GENERAL lNCORRECTLY NAMED recent news story carried The Examiners Prv ess Edition listed Em as manager of the Canada Dry soft drink operation In Barrie This of course was in error The owner and manager of the franchise here is Robin son The gentleman referred to in the story is Gerhard Eh metre manager of the bottling plant operation of the company Mr Robinsons franchise cov ers the entire County of Sim coe portion of Ontario Coun ty and part of the District of Muskoka DEPRIVED 0F 30 YEARS An advertisement in Wednes days Examiner for Monkmanr Drug Store appeared under the heading After 60 Years Monk mens Are Quitting business The gremlins of the composing room were hard at work of course The beading should have read After 90 Years Monkmans Is one of the citys pioneer drug store establish manta BARRIEBARBERSHOPEERS READY TO SING Borne Chapter SPEBSQSA Now Numbers Nearly Forty One of Barrlos fastest grow ing societies in the SPEBSQSA Yes the SPEBSQSA The lnltinlv are found on the lapel pin of members of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In Amerlca inc There are forty members in the Barrie Chapter of this un lqua organization which is mushrooming across the North American continent Barbershop harmony la style of musical expression pe culinr to the United States No one knows exactly where the barbershop style origin ated but it Is probable it was product of musical evolution during the settling of the Am erican Wat lt flourished in small towns vdticre the local barbershop was often the principal gathering place Later the gasllght era of the Gay Nineties developed the close fourApart harmony that is now associated wlth barbershop singing it reached its heyday in the early 1900s and was especially popular in vaudeville However shortly after the first world war when radio come into pro minence and the musical world progressed and kept abreast of the pace of modern living many Americans believed the older style of singing barbershop was lost forever In 1938 the late Owen Cash tax attorney in mlsa Okla rebelled against this trend true partisan of quartetta ringing Cash attempted to pro serve ounrtette singing as part of Amerch musical tradi tion and on April 11 1938 he held rongiest attended by 26 fellow enthusiasts GROWN TO THOUSANDS This was the first meeting of be the SPEBSQSA societythat has grown to thousands spread to Canada and now flourishes inBarrle The Barrie chapter began In less in the living room of sales man Murray Hall its to members now meet weekly In St Georges Anglican Hell As mark of its growth and calibre in the world of barber shop It was presented with the Ontario Honor Chapter award for 1961 Members range in age from early 20s to the age when ac curate figures can no longer be obtained willingly There is one barber lo the groupJohn Koren Office man agers municipal employees salesmen artisans mechanics and host of other occupations make up the remainder of the membership Why do they do it For enjoyment and relaxa tion after hard day at the office explained otflco mana ger Arthur More Simply because ordoy it said real estate mun Norman Shelswell Both probably acted as pe fect spokesmen for their Iellt low members in the SPEBSQSA NOT TRAINED Surprisingly In view of the closely synchronized harmony the quartettes employ only one In three of the Barrie momj rr has had any form of must cal training or is able to read music Only barbershoppcr with any previous professional experi ence la former opera singer Neil Morrison The quortelte consists of tenor lead baritone and bass it has no accompanying tn strument or music But when the chapter rings as choms they will occasionally have banjo accompaniment The members perform In their own SPEBSQSA competitions and entertain at hospitals sen ior cltlzens homes and for oth er groups They have an annual show In Barrie and slog at other func tions to help raise money for various charitable purposes The songs sung are those normally associated with the Gay Nineties but chapters make their own arrangements of cur rent songs The societys head office in Kenoaha Wis even writes new songs for barber ahoppcrs it arranges annqu clinics for chapter musical dir ectors Emergency Measures coordlnator Ray Atklnson In Banles director Smooth friendly satisfying Dow is always the easy drinking best in beer BLENDED BARLIW MALTS Into make it so Pcncd mails from ï¬nest Canadian grains specially grown for brewing blended in the special Dow way for uniform flavour and guaranteed plums fthars why more and more men ayes