FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE FEED SEED GRAIN ssau GRAIN in sale lumll Om Iferta Hurley Chanrcllar re and Timothy In trons cnnu seed ply Ruuoll stow lcleph Mine or ill POIILTRT CHICKS 5ERALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are tï¬hbostn DEKALB PULLEIS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for wt order discount For service or help on your poultry problems cali Craig iiunier HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS 5112mm PHONE 71 AUTOMOTIVE Felon cons FORSALE VAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 66488 222 BLAKE 51 PA 6I32l WILL YOUR CAR GET THRU WINTER If not buy new one now with lowcost lifcinsurcd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ER lstl NASH our door Rambler One owner Tale two payments of tie per month Telephone PA aloha us AUSTIN our door Ono own or hire over payments of ill por month Telephone PA L70 1951 METEOR two door cylinder No down payment 89 Woolly Telephone PA was 1951 DODGE Illrdiop automatic complete with radio Can be An nccd Telephone PA N170 otter pns uso mun Custom hidor curios radio in motor instlied merit ssh or best otter Tllcphona PA Milo after pm im hmucutu for rule door ndun Iuiomltic power otcnrlng motor Real buy Iiiks me an offer Can be financed ieio phone PA 5am lxctsrrloxhi PiuvAn BUT 1550 Dodge Immaculate Xehullt motor terms arranged Tclrphone Monarch Food and Freezer Sen fees PA dam lass FORD four door Itnnclt was son vs motor autismtie trans mission original paint Tllte over payments of $55 per month foic phone PA Mona n55 DLDSMDDILE two door hard top Auomatlc with radio and power steering Ciaan insidn and out new snow Iilcs Tole phone PA 85511 titst offer less vAuquu or rule out blue color in good oondlutrn Clean throughout best offer Tole phone PA 61185 alter p111 for mu Particulars ms nmrtcunr automatic custom radio and res speak white walls and snow tires clean and liable sses isst Chevrolet and Ford radio and mow tires tap 3lih Itll um clfvs Inspu on crcury lass Consul less Zephyr site Collectors Item 1923 Model Ford running order 3100 Spmuls Supertest inrrmy 27 nine agatii of Thorntvn Teicplwno ivy moron colts Fog SALE wanna tour dour non custom nuut not brown and ban llv IBM cam matchm tanner new throughout us down leo uvlr payments nio phonn PA than mt Primates door suuan an nun no urine custom Elma nu tins waeei discs in utelleal condition tutorwhom mo reiepaoae lob Perm PA cases use MERCURY two door hardtop Iuiomlilc transmission eustoa radio on new while 11 Lina Drtgtnll birch and sreen finish ownr Tor aver oymau or as per month hire one PA VIN MOBILE noun for it two bedrooms in rooh with wallugtwlli ts mire Bath with pink rmuones Ali windows reiepnom PA sous PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN nehvrv snor Coidwsvea old by certified holrdnuer In your Own arm Paon ernlm of PA tour or PA um ronruN tantrum Do you want your fortune told by crrorr fvlv phonl PA Mm unyttnn for on poinunent lNikitksrsu in chart louadr lion llrment for that now Deter outllt Mada to your In nun menu For amlhtmeht telephon PA um IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Wanied Al Once Smart Reliable Saleslady 01 CHINA AND GIFT STORE MUST BE EXPERIENCED And Capable 0f Taking Charge APPLY BOX 87 BARRIE EXAMINER immediate openings for two housewives by Avon Cosmetics High earnings weekly Hours optional No experience necess ary Telephone PA 66551 Gmns WANTED for factory work at Salads Foods Ltd in Aiilston inte towing to commence trnmcd CAPABLE PERSON required to stay with children from pm to mm whiio mother works Inst end Telephoto PA 571 YOUNG LADY with experience in typing Ind lcnlrli nfflce wctl Apply in own hand writing to Post office nor las liarrid Ont Piutcnchi NURSE for night shift prn un Also Cook General 11 am pm Both six pe Ark Edcn Nu Home tIlephuhc strnud mu Kent and alert shlrslldy for thin and gift shop Pull limo chime 11an Apply nor as Barrie Exam nr sAnstAuY required full time age 1543 Must be of nut penance Apply Mrs sioans Un ted Cigar stoic in nuniop at Barrio iile beauului meehel inn rings Necklace at home Paw to do sell to your rriends bicen ent profits Send for FREE whole sale coloured catalogue Murgntmyd Cm Dept Ado Min court Ont Try An Examiner Want Ad BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAULS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 Collect Repairs to Looks Door Closers and Safes Service Dept BARRLE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE P0 BOX 501 on PHONE PA some APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling slslngilng porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 55071 EXCAVATI NO FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 2907 PTuNrth AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Servica Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 Barrie are ml FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal inoleum and Vinyl tile heel goods Ceremic tile OHardwood flooring oCarpets PHONE PA asses EVENINGS PA 34952 Charles Lawson Propr HANDYMAN Trees Trimmed Cut Basements Cleaned Odd Jobs PA 876I PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Al Smith Lefroy 60M Concet REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditiohing 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 51678 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVED FROM RODFS COTTAGES ETC MOBILE HOTAes rt laxe bathroom kitchen nu sov Resident classes thwflD once Smart intent HIE MRRIE EXAMLIEB THURSDAY MARCH Imi IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP Tree Trimmers to work in the Hamilton area on utility line clearing TELEPHONE Jackson 95612 days Jackson 256l Evenings Wilson Tree Service Ltd 51 LELAND AVE Hamilton Ontario RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA TRAIN NOW for career In Electrcnlrr Cuunes tor Auteur lion ltotr Computers Defence projects Television Communica tions vie Itarl any it In Toronto and uonlrui llorn Study Conner run any time Mo hooxiet from India coiirn of Canada King St iv The onto Ontario REQUIRED One Senior Draftsman one Shift Mechanic Apply Mansfield Rubber Canada Ltd JOHN sr BARRIE YOUNG MAN WITH TYPING ABILITY to train as TELEIYPESEITER PERFORATOR The Barrie Examiner requires an apprentice in this depart ment Must have 50 words per minute wping ability An excellent opportunlw for young man who wishes to train for ï¬ne trade APPLY COMPOSING ROOM FOREMAN THE BARRIE EXAMINER AVAILABLE AT 3ch Prontohie business availhie Seiiin export encc helpful but not requ red Car necessary Write at once for pr ticulus hopt cmrr was Rich Ill Montreal MALE OR FEMALE AREA MANAGER Department of Public Works TORONTO ONT Experienced in building main tenance some in an admlnlss trativo capacity and in real es tate appraisal Details as to residence require ments and qualifications and application forms at Post office National Employment Office oi nearest Civil Sarvice Commis sion Office Quote Competition 6232002 YOU OPPORTUN ITY Who wants to earn an extra $50 per week or more Part or full time EMPLOYMENT WANTED huttr MANAGER is years ex peflenca in service counter and lust methods of seiner db rises Napouslble position in sales position or mgt sentiment Have ow car so all references Telephone PA N787 II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors of FREDERICK ALEXANDER to at th Pï¬m waship in the Countypf Simcoe who ille 24th at 1957 must file their claims with the undersigned before March 29th 1962 after which date assets of the estate will be distributed ADA PERKINS formerly Ada Peacock Administratrix by her Solici tors Smith and McLean 20 Owen Street Barrie Ontario I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH IO 1230 RM SHARP Auction sale of farm farm stock implements hay straw and grain poultry automobile and household effects including Extitu for the state of the HOWARD HONSBERGER At Lot 19 Concession Notta wasaga Township on the calm ty mad miles straight south of Stayner Terms cash No re serve as file estate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Merrie Men Eff1 of Vespra SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS STAYNER By HELEN GlLIIES Highlight of the Stayner Wom an Institute March Meeting was skit arranged by Mrs George Cicmencc it was the grandmothcrs meeting so Mrs Cicmenco asked several grand mothers to dress in clothes worn in the year 1912 the year Stayner institute was fem ed These indies then reenact ed the meeting as held that year Mrs Clemenco was careful to point out that while her act resses used the names of form er members of the Institute them was no relation in act ions or speech Records of that meeting were read and papers were on the problems of that dayl Refer cone to the horselu carriage brought forth many laughs in 1912 many ladies were much afraid of that invention No neighbor girls looked after the lunch MOUNT ST LOUIS By MRS FRAWLEY Mrs William Miller attended it toachcrs meeting at Early Monday afternoon Mrs Phil King is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Urbain Mormau Penetang Britten Brown Tomato spent few days with Boyd Brown Mr and Mrs Henry Landry and family Toronto visited last Sunday at Theophlle Kings Shirley King Penctang was home for the weekend Mr and Mrs William Miller visited recently with Mr and Mrs Stewart Jamieson second line Fins BOND HEAD Congratulations In Mr and lrs iii Moaker an the birth son in York County lins pitnl Nowmarkct number nL relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs Douglas Reynolds gathered in the hall on Friday night and presented them with purse of money and best wishes of oil for lung and happy married life The evening was spent playing cuchre with prizes goingto ElsiaReynoids and Russ Smy Uie Priie winners at the euchre on Monday night were Isabel Brown Marguerite Ramsay Noreen Taylor Tom Whitesidc Mr ï¬ngle and Ross Lang MlDHiiltST By NASH Please date change in the hour of church service to 1130 am with Sunday School at the some time Mr and Mrs Douglas Good hand and family spent the weekend in Tomato NEW SCHOOL IN USE Forest Hill School was open for the pupils on Monday Mar with Mrs Spence principal teaching grades Mis Hall grades and MIS Irankoom The children school Official openin will he heldin the near future for the public to attend It is four raom schooli with one mom used as playroom Vespra No 17 School has closed The pupils are being transported to Forest Hill School Friday the last day of school had tinge of sadness for pupils in No 17 Alfred Salim urns to as rescue and took the children and teacher on sleigh ride followed by oboggan party Mrs Titian and the Girl Guides are enjoying swimming for the next four Saturdays at the Radar Pool Edgar The girls througth enjoyed their first outing the home of Mrs Peacock Tuesday Mar Wayne Russell Bill Bertram and Keith Shula are vacatiom ing In Florida BOBBY GROUP The Hubby Group has had another interesting and busy winter About 20 ladies joined and some took the driftwood project instructed by George Holloway Mr Holloways work shop was an ideal place to do the work Some very lovely lamp and flower arranging pieces and wall plaques were made Those interested in art and painting met in Mrs Hol laways living room Ralf Eckh ardt was the instructor and very enthuï¬astic group alloyed the course They studied still life and portrait now and hope to go out to do landscapes in the spring Monday evening the group met at Mrs Lorne Orsera lilrs iohn Patterson of Centre Vespra showed how to make iampahadetluveryouwuinu are delighted with the new The WA meeting was held at Sixteen Rinks Take Part In Annual Legion Spiel By DAUREEN ANDERSON Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Mchlastcr who are celebrating their golden wedd ing anniversary Monday Mar d1 11 Mr and Mrs Mchiaster will be at burns to friends and neighbors Monday evening Exam to 930 pm Mr and Mrs Milton Trace Elmvale visited with the latters Harry Leadley Anan Dawson of Ottawa cal led on fiends in town on Sat mayv Leonard Ross of Toronto vis ited on Friday with his mother Mrs Leo LEGION OPEN BONSPIEL 0n Saturdsy March the Legion open bonspiel was held in Cookstown curling rink with 16 rinks in play Rinks were mm Brampton Camp Borden RCAF Camp Borden George town fhlstletown Tomato and Cockstown Winners in the oclock draw were first prize McDonalds rink of Brampton second prize Lennox Rowes rink of Cookstown Walter Beatty John Timbers Mel McFadden Len nox Rowe skip third prize Waldbauers rink of RCAF Camp Borden Winners of the 11 oclock draw were first prise Harry Rosss rink of Cookstnwn Howard Cole Sandy Thompson Harry Ross Wally Smith skip second prize Nor man Bakers rink of Cookstown John Lowe Norman Baker George Baker Bill Lowe Skip third prize Vic Coles rink of Thistictown Legion Mrs Alice Donneliy and Mrs Thomas Williams were guests at the Harris Garry wedding In Barrie Saturday March Mr and Mrs Tihb Miller and family of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Bob Miller and fam ily of Nawmarket visited on Sunday with Mrs Miller Mrs Fred Wheeler spent the weekend in St Catharines vie iting her parents Mr and Mrs George Pockncll Mr and Mrs Ivel Woods visited with friends in Aurora on Sunday Mr and Mrs Horace Ross of Woodland Mr and Mrs Doug las Ross and family of Orlllia and Mrs Lennux of Barrie were Sundayvlsitors with Mrs Leonard Ross WOMENS INSTITUTE The regular meeting of Cook stown Womens Institute was held in the town hall Thursday evening March at ll oclock with 31 members Fifteen visit ors were present from various organizations in the village and also from TeciVerlll Wom ens institute Mrs Riley presided The meeting was convened by Mrs William Walker convener for Historical Research and current events This meeting being on Historical Research the motto was What we do today will he in the history books of tomorrow Roll call was answered by An historical mother Mrs crested to secure material and complete their Driftwood lamp originally designed With an lampshade The WA of St Pauls mulch are for Easter Mr and Mrs Biundell were In Huntsville last week attending the funeral of Mr BlunchIs cousin Sympathy of the community goes to Miss Annie Bowers In the sudden death of her brother Thomas Bowen He was in employee at the Refur esiation Ha suffered heart attack as he was In his car to come home He will be sadly missed STROUD Mr and Mrs Bud Martin left this week for few weeks hol iday at Miami Beach Florida STROUD RINK Tonight is the hills in the broomball gumc Stroud am lplaying 10th line at oclock for the Handy Hardware trophy Thursday team from Cools town played Stroud score being in favor of Cookstnwn They will go to Cannington far the playoffs this month Friday evening playoffs for Stroud and chroy were held in Barrie arena Lefroy winning the first law cups and Stroud Giants with Rod Black as their coach won the Township of lnnisfil hip score 21 Lefroy brought team up this week and play ed Stroud Squirts with Don Wallace coaching Stroud were the winners GIRL GUIDE BILIJWNIE meeting of Girl Guides and Brownies was held at the home of Audrey Ellis last seek to investigate the possibility of or ganizing Girl Guide and Brownie Packs in the Bon Secour Big Bay Point and Alcona Beach area Another meeting is being held in Lakelands Community Hall to make definite plans Everyone interested is asked to attend We must reach for higher standard for our chil dren At the Taps In Talent night at the Barrie District Central Collegiate on Friday night Bil lie lilulholland was the Old Time Fiddler Accompanied by his mother Mrs Elrt Mulho land Billie played three numb or Silver and Gold N0step Country Waltz and Andy jig Conadicms Visit aces Restrictions PEKING CPIA tall quiet He left Edmonton aftel get spokcn Canadian holds key ting BA at the University of job in international journalism Alberta In 1548 Ha coached reporting as he puts it ef girls basketball team at 0t fects of historys biggest social tawas Carleton College now experiment on one at the worlds Carleton Universitywhile ob nldest cultures taining Bachelor of Journal Clare McDeimott Reutiehrs ism degree mmndem Faking McDermott worked as only Pemangnuv remkm 75 sports writer for the Ottawa Pm PM Chme 31 Journal from 1549 to 1951 then went to the Owen Sound Sun Tl award ï¬ve °f El Times for year and half monton sees few Westerners in His next jbb was as gene Peking and even fewer Cana news porter on the Sudbury titans Apart from Chinese star in 195253 after which he driver and two interpreters Eup went to Europe and travelled Filed by the sate ms main for year before joining Reut contacts are with Chinese otï¬ in Loud cialdom His life is subject to the pro McDermott is snmeLImES Per fessional and personal leeric picked at the picture of Canada lions placed on all foreigners by given in the Chinese pm me mum aummues The ï¬linesr reader who IVM 3er 1mm studies his newspaper as other Wham Pmbably 13 00 °r people study scriptures must see Canada as land of bun 2000 are foreigners McDer mott finds he cannot walk down unhappy people he says judging from the published ac street without attracting at tention however friendly it mums of unemployment strikes droughts and disasters may be AVE WIDE GRAIN DEALS median Slmwne 510 meme There hasnt been word In or more often ftursian and be me Chinese pres ab the pinJ We 531 chases ofCanadian wheat which Ended by gm mung have been pouring Into North China to reduce the effects of children Despite the restrictions on his recent poor hmem However educated Chinese movements McDeimott has Leildléirmmiflmvï¬l who are am to Mini andtownsnutside the Peking gihdgwgï¬gï¬gf 333 all area In this way he has Visited Mcbemm says They cog niza Canada as being different such places as Napkins Shang from either the United States or hai and Haugchaw in Eastern Chm Mm Chm Britain but they often ask why Canada must remain tied to sha in Central China the coatJails of the 115 One ofkhis most interesting jaunis too him across the Go Desert to Outer Mongolia last 1f Chinese authunties regard summer to cover that little CamiI gill same digrefe warm says muc am communal Repubu must be attributed to Dr Nor man Bethune the Canadian sur anniveraary celebrations SIXltIDuLLWD bachelor wrh gem who worked with me Cm need during the 19305 stocky build and jutting jaw McDermott worked for several Bethune organized the medi cal services that went to the Ontario newspapiers beforeR gob lnlng en overs an 10 front lines where Chinese forces were fighting the Japanese He He went to Peking two years ago after four years in London died of an infection he can tracted when operating on and two in Paris His parents Mr and Mrs wounded men even after he Neil McDermott still live in knew he was ill and badly in Edmonton need of rest on Sunday Mr and Mrs Art Hansen place have visited and br ing an item for tho ftccdss muir History Book The program took the form of skit depicting an institute meeting of 611 years ago in Taking part were Mrs Walker Mrs Park er Mrs Lund Mn Marling Mrs Donnell Mrs Maycs Mrs Tassy Mrs Hansen Mrs Frances flindlc Mrs Pegs and Mrs Patton This meeting was very entertaining and hum orous with paper entitled Day in Busy Housewifes Lifnf current events piano solo vocal solo and asins song sum of $15 was voted to the Ladies Section Cookstown Agricultural Society Committee was arranged for serving Lions club meals in April Dates of April and for short course Food Shopping to the Sixties were approved minimum attendance of 20 women being required for same Committee of Mn Draper Mrs Coutts Mrs Lund and Mrs Lcy was named to take charge of arrangeman for Elmvale Choral Group concert Probable date will be Tuesday April 24 Tickets will be ready for sale early in April Presid ent reminded conveners and of ficers to have reports ready for the annual meeting April social time followed under the convencrship of the hostess committee for the evening Mr and lilrs Lorne Gal laugher called on Mr and Mrs Pearson of Everett on Sun day March on the occasion of their golden wedding anniv ersary St Johns Guild is making plans for the annual roast beef supper to be held Saturday March 17 in the town hall Mr and Mrs Roy Eaves of Newmarket visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs George Fil dey Mrs Glass and Mr and Mrs Willis Corrigan visit ed with relatives on Sunday in St Catharines Mr and Mrs Allan Powell of Toronto visited during the weekend with the farmers par eï¬ts Mr and Mrs Ded Pow Mr and Mrs Vern Abrams of Toronto spent the weekend with the lattera parents Mr and Mrs Mel Erayman Richard Elines son of Mr and Mrs Don Ellnes had the misfortune to fail and fracture an arm while playing Mrs Keith Cause Miss Gazy Kidd of Toronto spent couple of days last week with Mr and Mrs Art Kidd Mrs Earl Elliott and daughter Elaine of Toronto are spending week with Mr and Mrs Ken Pegg Mr and Mrs Merwond Burl ing of Niagara Falls spent the past weekend and visited with his mother Mrs Ed Burling at Martin Manor Rest Home Newmarket Mrs Hurling is In her 89th year and is enjoying good health Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Earl Carr and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hughes on winning prize in the mixed open bonspiei at Alliston Saturday March SCHOOL BOYS HOCKEY Congratulations to Cookstown Pee Wee hockey team on de feating Stroud 62 in the best of three games thus winning the honor of representing this area in Little NHL playdpwns for Ontario Pee Wee champion ship to be held in Cannington Friday and Saturday March 23 and 24 Goal getters for the last game were John Barrett Jackie Taylor Dennis Taylor Jim Fildey Richard Townsend and Terry Adams These young boys ages 1042 played their final game at Stroud on an open air rink in below zero weather Miss Eileen Chalmers and Ernie Ecclestona of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Charles Jevons on March 15 the Boy Set are holding crokinole party at the Legion Hall at pm Everyone is welome Miss Donna Carley of New market spent the weekend with her father and sister Dudley Carley and Jane Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Batters on the birth of daughter Tuesday Feb 37 at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston LEGION EUCERE On Tuesday evening Feb the Ladies Auxiliary held another in their series of ouch lea with good crowd in at tendance Prize winners for the evening were Ladies Mrs Doris Cause and Mrs Helen Watt men Sindelar and Russell Webb door prize Mrs Helen Wait The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion had refreshment booth and served coffee tea hot dogs doughnuts and pie at Randolph Jennetts farm sale Saturday Feb 24 Dawn and Pegi Anderson had their tonsils removed on Wed nesday at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston and returned home Thursday BOWLING CLUB Team standings Pin Busters Betty Coburh 58 Bean Pots Doris McKilllcan as Better Late Inna Nicholson B2 Sil Vfl Bullet In Wilson Hindlc Miss Hopefuls Dec Coburnl 7i Hsp py Gang Mei Braymanl 69 High singles men lrsnk Webb 46 ladies Lena Nicholson 283 High triples men De Coburn 597 ladics Lens Nicholson 626 High average men Dee Cobum 191 ladies Lena Nicholson in Team scores lgh singles Bet ter Late 1196 high triple Bean Pol 339 lira Kemp ol Barri visited on Wednesday with Mrs Bert Armstrong Mi and Mrs David McFar land cf Windsor visited on Wed nesday with the Iatters sister Mrs Leonard Ross UNITED CHURCH WOMEN The ladies of the United Church held their meeting Tuolt sday evening Feb 27 in the basement of the church with the president Mrs Coulis presiding Several items of bus iness were discussed Cooking school which is to be held Wednesday April will ink place In Alliston Memorial Hall in place of Alliston iligh School as had been previously planned The ladies were asked to keep in mind World Day of Prayer Friday March in the Ang lican Church also Red Cross quilting Thursday March 22 Mrs Cooper gave re port of Presbytery inaugural service held in Central United Church Barrie Mrs Cousa conducted worship period assisted by Mrs Smith Mrs George Paris int roduced the Epeahel of the ovcning Mrs Bell of Panic president of UCW bf Simcoe Presbytery Mrs Bell brought groetings from the Presbytery She took as her tcxt What is In Thy Hand She spoke on steward ship ot women of the church and said we must consider our selves as instruments in Gods hand and no matter how small our talent we must for the glory of God She also state ed we must be ready for chal lenges and changes in our church work and be confident that God shall provide us with strength Mrs Bell answered questions giving much enlighten ment on the new work Mrs Albert Kell thanked the speak er for her very fine talk Mrs Les Smith sang two solos social hour and lunch were eli joyed by all Mrs Elwood Mil ler and Mrs Parker pn sided at the tea table Earl McMastar and daughta Jeanette of Toronto visited on Sunday with the farmers pali enis Mr and Mrs MD Master The men directors of Agricul tural Society Fair Board are having ouchre Saturday night March 10 inCookstown town hall Mr and Mrs Roy Downs and family of Alliston visith on Sunday with Mrs Downeys parents Mr and Mrs Albert Giiroy Mr and Mrs Randolph Jell nett visited in Barrie on sub day and attended the 25th wed ding anniversary of their son ialaw and daughter Mr abd Mrs Russell Robinson ROSS SOCIAL GROUP The Ross Social Group incl at the home of Mrs Wilma Delmutt Thursday March President Mrs Elsie Wheeler presided The roll call was an swered members Sewing and knitég for the Red Cross were given to members quilt for the Red Cross was completed Thursday Feb 22 at Mrs John Timbers another Red Cross quilt was to bl made at Mrs Emily Ramsays March During the day mem bers worked on for customer nooad ltmch was served by the hostess Mrs Wilma Dermntt and her com mittee Mrs Eunice Nevils Mrs John Timbers Mrs Ethel Bow ers and Mrs Irene uilroy The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Norman Cam pbell Thursday March 15 Randolph Harris attended the wedding of his niece Miss San dra Harris to Norton Garry in Trinity Ich Saturday afternoon March Ladies of the Red Cross are holding their annual quilting bee in the town hall on Thur March 22 my AGRIC socmrr EUCHRE The ladies of Conkstnwn Agr icultural Society held eucligo in the town hall Saturday ev ening March it There were 46 tables in play Winners were ladies Mrs Ben Steers Mrs Walter Andrews Men Harry CrossDave McMaater Special lucky tally card prize ladies Mrs Day men Robsqn Special prize ladies Mrs Sheardown men Peter OLas key Lucky draw Chocolate Cake Mr Metcalfe Aurora pair pillow cases John Robin 5011 Jewellery Mrs Betty Co burn Lunch was served by Mrs Arthur Cooper and her committee This completes the sericsyof euchres for the Ladies Agric ultural Society Mrs Russell Draper president expressed appreciation and thanks to all for their attendance to all who donated prizes and for the ct operation of the committees Mr and Mrs Randolph Jen nett mcvcd to their new halite in Cookstown Thursday March and wish to express appreci ation for assistance given them by friends and neighborsth the time of their sale thud whoathv moved