Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1962, p. 14

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SPRINGII INTO CLASSIFIED PAGES nsz BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 62 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE News of ma Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatives for only $150 Just telephone PA 82414 unisAt the Royal Victoria deplul 31111 on Monday Mercia 1062 in air and Mn lack Limos 111 ionisai street iame dsushier Linda Josh aisle of Steve and Denny DEATHS lTEllszA Veslon Hospital Tom to on Wednesday March 4m rene Witthun farmer List son of the Onlsrio Odd fellows Home Darrin Beloved mother of Ruin isin Joseph lhurrier of Toronto end dear sister of kin lannra Dunn of Durham bin Frederick Nichols of Lansinr Michigan lie11nd the Richardson muersi llosne ifsn owr rum Friday when urvlee will held5a1urday lurch lo sl oclock will Rev Burgess offlclsllnx Intm moot Hanover Cemetery IN MEMORIAM HILLIn loving memory of our our son Murray who pused swsy one year ago Much mi TM depth lViloW Chum tell or the loss of on us loved so well And whila he sleeps polceful alreP his memory wu shsil slwsys keep sauly missed Mon and Dad 111LLln loving memory of 11a rsy lfill who psmd ay Maren i061 Loves greatest giftremembrance Aiwsys loved and ever remem bered ffielml lilaurico and fsm 11y lleno Cordon sud family BALL In IOVInI memory of father Abner usll who entered into rest March 1051 He would not wish for tears Bul inst to be remembered Throughout the passing yea nsughiers Nightly snd Edith COMING EVENTS SIM COE COUNTY JERSEY CLUB DANCE Friday March GUTHRIE HALL Music by lads Webster Prifes drawsf lunch counter 75 CENTS EACH MIXED DANCING Ivy Orange Hall FRIDAY MARCH 930 to am PAXTONS ORCHESTRA Lunch counter Admission 75c RUMMAGE SALE Saturday March 10 7930 am 12 noon SALVATION ARMY co biliarfalde entrance Ausplces Salvation Army she loves mapuflmo mamanobpuflahe MeansF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are Inserted at the rate of it per word per insertion for one and two times do per word for three four or five times and 20 per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 74 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF ARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION stops on cousmrrons vertirers are reminded that all phone insertion orders are accept ed as eonvenienca to you tha advertiser fIicrciorc the Classified Advertising Department requires all advertisers to kindly reehcch thelr advertisement immediately after first insertion in order that Iny errors or omissions rosy be reported before am in order rthat same may be rectified for the following days insertion order We wish to point out that The anrrla Examiner In responsible lor only one incorrectly printed insertion on any advertisement Ind than only to the extent or portion of ad that involves the mlsprint Errors which do not lessen the vsluo of tha advertise ment arc not eligible for correc tfons by make goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth nd Death Notices for up to 25 ords over 25 words 5c per 4word extra In Memoriam No Tiices $150 if verse used do per word extra nLLNo pm nBPlec Information regarding advertiser using Blind Letter pox Numbers for Replies is held strictly confid dntlal Replies to Latter Boxes ml be hold only io days after day of publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must 139 received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex option of Classifed Display advertismenia which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and ty styles for acml dlspluy clus tleds my be no lined through The Dirminer sd Irtisinl donsrtmont REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Sloutl Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 GENERAL STORE in prosper ous farming community on pav ed road Over $50000 annual turnover Store 32 22 with bedroom accommodation Pric ed at only 311500 with $6500 down plus stock CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN At tractive bedroom home Own er leaving city must sell This 2yearold homc carries for $69 P11 Call us today for Inspec tlon Member of no Barrfa and District Resl Eltlla Board Dvmmus CALL MERV GOULD 0110 all an GOULD out 2le HARRY sLlsson PA boon oRCA BROWN PA we LLOYD llDCKLEY PA Mills zvmm LOUGHEED sTAYNm 100w CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tha Imperlal Theatre BAYFIELD ST Storey and half brick home Large trecd lot Good condition throughout Reasonable down payment with balance on easy tcrms Call Ralph anke PA 66481 or after call PA 60803 MONTHLY INCOME $10500 full price Duplex plus collages on same Int Show ing at least 16 on your invest ment Call Ralph Boake PA 86481 or after call PA 00003 DUCKWORTH ST Excellent room home with bedrooms aluminum storm windows attached garage sit uated on large lot 310000 full price with only $4000 down Carries for $70 per month prin cipal and interest Call Russell Carson PA 66481 or alter call PA 66101 PA 66481 Member of 21 HI snd District Real ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 1a TIFFIN STREET BARRIE cam box on EVENING PA 82379 Member of tbo Barrio end District Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR is colle smear PHONE PA 02678 JONATHAN COURT Three bedroom ranch style Two years old Has builtin garage porch patio and plantar Very com plete and modern In immacu late condition Reduced for ur gent sale Low down payment and carries for $100 including taxes Call Emerson Swain EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREfT PA 04865 DOROTHY ViLCOX PA 58543 PERCY soup PA $7030 EMERSON SWAIN PA 50805 Member of Home and District sud Ontnrfo Real Estate Boards HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD 51 PA 66453 ANYTIME AMAZING VALUE Sunlll bedroom brick bungalow Pan elled office and recreation room in basement Tastefully decorated Landscaped for pri vacy Priced right for quick sale Dial Maryann smith Pa 06453 evenings PA 84018 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Largo lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVI NG Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of anykind SEE STEVENSONS PA 01801 OR PA 61802 113 Dunlap St THREE BBDIlnnM styl bungalow Large landscaped lot Close to schools Large rec room Attached garage Talepholle PA 0031111 ranch TImEE DCDROOM NflA Bungalow on steel street Attached garac Fully landscaped 00 170 Alu minum storms and Kreefls Ille place patio One ear oi Tele phone PA Mela 5500 DOWN PAYMENT NBW bedroom brick home located An atlsz piccu bath tiled floors large lot Transferred Telephone Sit Quick Camp aordon sol PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS DKEDUNIJOPSTREIEASI First in Barrie Home SaicsForeraosl to Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES OLDER STYLE DUPLEX QUIET CENTRAL LOCATION Here is your opportunity to live in the ground floor of nice income property and have the rent from the upper troom apart ment pay off the mortgage The lower apartment has nicely $12500 decorated rooms An excellent location on quiet deadcad streeta wide ravine lot with many big beautiful trees Mini mum dorm payment is only $2500 with easy terms $5560 for appointment Call PA BAYVIEW DRIVE ALLANDALE HflsLTOP VIEW OF THE LAKE zBedroom hams bungalow with garage plus adjacent building lot on the corner of Bayvicw and GoldHome Rd Total lot size $8400 In 115 140 See this location with its magnificent sweeping lake View and judge for yourself Phone PA 05560 MOST HOUSE FOR THIS MONEY THAT WEHAVE SHOWN IN YEARS Located in Barries West End here is an attractiva oroomed atarey house with garage Entire property is neatly kept and in excellent repairwith good big rooms and fine hardwood floors 38900 throughout Rad dry basement modcni gas furnace and extra 41h bedroom real downtoearth bargain for $3500 cash plus single open mortgage NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA 315900 space lawn To see it just call PA 05568 MIIS 11 MOOREPA Hm ROGERSPA 03501 Listed at $10500 Smith CampbellPA 07st Fergus Garvey tA 57952 DUNLOP ST 100 Lonlllri PA 60748 Everett sncuwcll Oro 01 Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE anoltm PA 82592 is CLAPPERTON sT aAlliua SPACE T0 SPARE Large families especially need space to be together and space for individual privacy in this luxurious Cobblestone home truly large living room separ ate dining room sun room bedrooms and bathrooms full basement The design of this superb home provides for maxi mum living Situated on beautifully landscaped and freed acres with Cobblestone gar age and separate bedroom Cobblestone bungalow complete with all modern conveniences Approximately miles from Barrie on paved road But you must call this office now for appointment and see for your self as we have mentioned only few of the many added features and conveniences that will thrill and intrigue you MOORE PA 01150 FRANK NELLES PA 50506 Member Runla and District Real Patato Bosrd Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St NAME YOUR TERMS Modern bungalow with an at tached garage breezeway sit uated on large lotiive miles from city limits on No 90 High way Full price only $7500 HOME ON ACRES Needs some repairs but at this low asking price you can afford them $250 down Call PA 60476 anytime PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 00017 Joe Palmer PA 50003 Emory Miller PA 60555 Member of the Barrie and Distrlct chnI Eiuto Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrio PArkway 05575 51131135115 uARllIE ff DISTRICT REAL Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER 7ROOM SPLITLEVEL HOME YEAR OLD Definitely the new homa for the family that needs extra living Seven beautifully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lower levcl from back Has family TVroom plus den convertible to 1th bed room This is truly the ideal largefnniily plan at low price Exactly $3400 down payment Clinic mortgage transferred and would give you very quick possession if desired Owner is EVENINGS CALL FOSTERPA new CONNELbPA 30755 BTATD BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA 80741 PA 60242 FIRST CLASS OLDER HOME in good residential section 51000 down and write your own terms NEAR BARRIEVIEW DEVELOPMENT Brick home roomy for family Good lot residential street LARGE LOT with 200 ft frontage more available Depth of 300 ft Vcll lo cated bounded on one side by CNR Priced to sell WANTED flare is customer for 10 or 11 roomcd older type house in good condition for professional man numbers of in Barrio Real Estate Board Call this office PA 60241 Joan LangPA aml Chsrllo ReadPA 07517 Shelsvvell PA 09961 PA 88742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 oi Valuo No Fees charged evenings Call Jack Willson PA 04031 Norman shclswcll PA 39061 05461 Howard Norrla PA OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 291m THORNTON IVY AREA 150 acres 100 acres well drained clay loam All work able Brick house eight rooms but water heated by oil con veniences Large steel barn implement shed and other out buildings One of Essas better farms Also 50 acres of pasture land some bush Farm may be purchased alone or as going concern with stable full of good beef cattle and full line of good Implements fllis prop ertyJs priced to sell as owner wishes to retire For further in formation contact this office Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bates CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 07419 93 Dunlop St 41333 HAREHAILPA mo CORBYPA 05400 MUIuEL mmYPA so NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 83186 OWNERS three bedroom bunga law and year old Small down Payment Telephone PA 50555 for further information THRBC BEDROOM House Three and nominal years old NHA mo sage lu Oakley Park area Priced for quick sale Fully landscaped Telephone PA 37754 Musf BB soLD lncamn properly Duplex 515000 class Dommiou stora Area Reasonable dawn pay Tnan Make an error must sell this spring Telephone PA 00503 ANYONE MOVING to Richmond 11111 Willowrlale Ottawa Lindsay or orillla needing housing please call Harold Forster and Co Real tors PA 66453 anyUme TBnnnYnanDLDPiumo six room NBA llama Garage storms and screens Full price $10900 Close to nubuc had separate schools Teln phona PA 00254 TORONTO NorthWest Location Three bedroom new brick bunga low including storms and screens nodded bsck and front 010000 $2000 down Telephone Mr HW llll PA 50206 amnion REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St Properly Wanted To meet our clients demands oClient with cash looking for service atalion site Oitfany clients for small farms Olavestor with for Income Prom OBuiider requires several lots PA 60170 ANYTIBE BUS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY BUSINESS for sale to settle an octet Equipped ready to walk in and start business Bast location in Penotang Presenin rented un til June Apply PO Box 400 Penetang or telephone 5400385 MORTGAGE MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness dmlh CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 IMMEDIATE 1st 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties PA 60081 Mortgage Funding DVDI SimpsonsSears 129 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGES1st and and bought sold and arranged Commercial and residential moneys losoed on annual mflflflggls liurib hfan gm brokers 68504 WANTED Loan of 0200 to 01000 or plumbing Ind hestlng busineu in Barrie mllyseeund and good interest rate Apply Box 05 Barrio Examiner RENTALS Low CosT llPAcB for nut Clean modern buildings Suitabi tor commercial or Illht industrial Telcphdna PA 575 PROFESSIONAL Suite or doctor dentist etc Ideal with connected residence possibility parking Lease Apply In writing to Box 31 Barrie Examiner NURSING HOMES PAIIONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available for welfare and convalescents Tele phone STAYNER 5523 ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built for this work coon sod private rooms kind nursing care good food TV room Italian wa gon for outings Telephone mu Strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca tion 555 per month Telephone PA cam ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart mentscompleta with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61068 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown OOne and two bedrooms eBckonicemesambooDrfi OSioves and fridges ofndividual thermostats ofncinerators oFree washing and drying facilities OMauy other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 NICE BRIGHT modeln Lower Du plex bedroom apartment newly decorated Central location Tole phon PA 02860 or call 102 Bay flcld street UNFDRNKsllBD modern and bed room beated apartment Avsuubis March $75 per month Parking gaming facilities Telephone PA MODERN two bedroom house for rent Highway 11 at stroud sup ermarket and school 10 minutes Drilled well 70 monthly Avuu ahla April Telephone PA 057 VERY CENTRAL lfsrce room apartment for rent in modern nulldfng stove and refrigerator supplied Laundry faclutlcs Avail able March 15 Tele hone PA 62300 for further 1culan Two BOOM furnished apartment for rent Heavy duty stove and refrigerator ou heated Heat light and water suppUcd suitable for nuslnus couple Tclephono PA 62257 NEW MODERN twp bedroom un furnlshed Illarlment Laundry and Parking IncliItIcr Ono child wel come Csll 44 Rose street or tele hone PA 34091 for furtth in BY DIALING RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT nro amaoosl upstairs epsrt nuut uparata antranre best and outer lup urd pear west and shopping in No children Avail sbls Telephone PA Lilli 11m amaomd Ipmnt for runs in new buildius Innr dryer and suitor servic supplied Available edlalely Telephon PA bus for further information MODERN nflll decorated and and two bedroom apartments for nut Centrally located with wafer and beat sup lied Telephone PA 0210 or PA 31 for further in formation POUR B0031 Apartment for run unfurnished nested Ground floor Privafa eulrsuce SEIIltOntIInefl Avallabla now Tolephnnq PA wot for lunhar lnformatlvn Two aabunoss llama for re iii11 location on Kempenlslt Adults preterm ror further in formstioo contct airs mum PA com MODERN two bedroom sn msnt centrsuy iocsied non sod refsiterator Prev lsundry and serious rseiulles Decorated in month choice of colors Avsiisbls March Telephone PA on ravl ROOM Apertai tila bath unfurnished Stovo und re lrigenlor aufiplled Ceu Ally in eated No en dress Avallabla Inc medialnly For further Infome tlon telephonl PA 6472 ON BEDROOM saunalent in sand em apartment house but wsttr refrigerator store storsre Illin dry facilities and parking zest end No children Telcphon PA 61157 Avsuabla April UNPURNIIIIED upstairs art nielll three room selfcont Eds otl heated new stove and refrig erator Central smsll baby wzl come Avallabla now Telephon PA mu befor 010 pm ltleN PLOO Uummlshed two bedroom apartment smva and re frigerator 11 end wafer Laun dry fsclllfi Perulng Adults Tel aphnne PA Hus for timber in lormluvn HEATED furnished three room aplrtment recently redecorated range and refrigerslor lupxlled Located 11 Hayfield street vall lblo lmfnedlllely Tolepbanl PA moi slx RooM Hall for rent Newly decorated oil healing Central lo cation Hardwood floors through out Perklng facilities Telephon rA Lam days and PA M071 oven rigs sPAclolis tlva room unfurnished Iplrllnent Stalls and refrigerator optionl Automatic laundry and parking lacllltles Tole hone PA 13 or PA 83334 or unher de cosiroitraace isrga lhrso room lplxtmant siodersto rent worm separate eotrsnce storage psik ing contrsl at has laundromat Auowsneo for service Pcnov full at PA b4543 ment with bath Ground foor Sellcontllnod Newly decorated Modern Rested Parking Clean Could sup ly some furnishings lf Tauulmd elephone PA 34661 large living room kltchen thraa Piece bath Front and back cat nnecs Laundry room In balo meat one or two children wel come Avsllnnle April Apply 31 Rayneld street or PA Mm Two BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good Illa kitchen Private bath unfurnlshcd healed private entrance CCRIHI location Psiking provided Rent 70 per month Immediata possession fcle hona PA man or after pm 33695 ULTRAMODERN one bedroom npnrtmcnt with private balcony prssos supplied Centrally located Apsrtment is completely lumlsh ed with mstohing colors iurnnure ismps etc This furniture my be purchased reasonably by anyone ranting epsrtment Must bd sold ss Pm transferred Ideal 01 young mlnIEd couple 75 without turni turc Telephone pit 50301 alch linooxs KNITTED CAPE Especially flatteng to larger sizes Wear this graceful cape with dresses suits The cape top fashion news Bowl Jiffyknit this one of knit ting worsted for springthrough surnmer wear Pattern 7477 directions sizes 3630 4042 4445 Send Thirtyfive cenll coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of the Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 00 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Onlnrlairesldents add 12 IE NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider Quilt in our new 1902 Needle cralt Catalog ready now See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion section vplus bedspreads in if toys afghans slipcpvers plus free patterns Send 25 centennowl UNFWNISHED our room are filoDan two bedroom apartment RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT six loan nova Iifh In can largo busmcnr Also lpmmenl for rent Telephon PA Luca for further information mu loo unfurnished pound floor apsrlin for nor Near factories lie hydra and wife mppusd Parking sp Telepboua PA land or PA for uetaIIL mun 10011 artmenf for rent Prisu bun ua umiabed sud ed rivltt entrance and one Children no Baxfl Examiner AVAILABLI Now Two bedroom unfurnished lpanment Heat and wafer auypllefl Sellconlalnrd Zall end location on bus route 01 mm Telspbom PA 59858 HEATED II vbedroom modern apartment in Strand Inmant house Adulls pullmd objection to bsby soc monthly Tclzpnoaa Simud 1a PA 82414 ARTICLES Forsftls PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would likn to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers pleaso cai at our Busi nesa Office Wa arr sorry we cannot accept IIOIID orders Glossy Prints $1 00 lo $l25 plus Lx COMPLETELY rumisbod Houu for rent bedrooms clou to bus route Ind churches Availabl Anril Fiona call PA sun uln pm ANCua Two bedroom apartment for rust Bath levlratn cnlrsnce garage us monthly Phone Ron Spencer Ivy 22M or call It so Marllnt Street Ann quLanaz uufulnlsbod rooms with private bath Rumorfoi and stove pplled Centrally Ioca ted Telephone PA M150 after pm HEATED selfcontained Iparlmont ground floor Ttim large rooms Near school Parking Privale ent gsvrigg to monthly Telepbcnl PA BURTON AVE Thraa room isn furnished apartment to rent Oil heeled hot water Stova and re frlgersior Private bath pply Centre st for further information If BOOM House for rent wth unseen and null Oil heltlnl Centrllly located blo now 0100 per month Telephone PA and or PA no man R00 furnished apart merit modern conveniences heat and light supplled $55 monthly Apply Creighurst General store or telephone PA arm slmsa ROOM unfurnished heat ed spsriment lfrtnnlained Cen irsi locstion offstreet psryog Availbio now Telephom PA 04000 SEVEN B00 upflahl lputmwt aleam belted private antralice Also one furnished housekeeping room ground floor Contrll For nlrlbcr Information phone PA 6670 MODERN on Ind two bedroom apartments end But Rain boo dnpef netlsn blinds Auto matte laund facilities Parking Telnphnno mm for further Information Clioch Apartment modern one bedroom unfunushcd felfcdn illned healed Laundry and park ing facilities Neal bus stop lin mediate possession Telephanc PA com for furtth details NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom Ipnrtmnnu overlooklnl Iconic Kemponfolt Hay Holt wa tor Iparking Ind isnitor servieo Illqu ed Aufamntlo washing la ruuies PA 01902 mannoon Apsrtment for rent Private bstbroom Two blocks from downtown on owcn st 055 per month lncludoa use of dryer Tele phone PA 03015 Two BEDROOM lilohlla bonus for rent fully equipped located st 100 Barton Avenue Teluphonn PA M000 or PA 61240 for further In formation INFURNISIIED three room beat ed lparImcnt selfcontained with private bath Pensions street close to stores schools sud bus stop Available immediately Talc Pllono PA 03472 FOUR ROOM heated unfurnish ed apartment Near Oakley Park School Also Separate school Pri vate entrance laundry solution and parklltk flute Available now Telephone PA Hallo evenings THREE ROOM Easement Apart meat bested senconfused pri vlta bath Refrigerator And stove PATH11y IIranherL Telephone PA 05823 or PA 820 for further in formation CovPLz to share bested home lawn garden etc Three room heated modern furnished apafl mom Televlalon everything rup plted CentralPurklng telophoas PA 719 after pm NEW LARGE Apnrtmcuts for rent in new apartment building Ono and two bedrooms stove and re Irigerator laundry facilltlll lup Plled Queen street are PA 5861 ROOMS TO LET ROOM for rent Central location nond optional Tclcphon PA oozes for further Information BEDRODM for rent Control In downtown area For business gan uemarl For further Information telephone PA 03661 BEDROOMS for rent One single one with two beds Housekeeping is denied In qulct home Would suit business gentlemen APPI 10 sopbla Street West punNrsaBn bedroom for root Laundry facilities Brosirfsst and lunch packed If desired Telephone days PA 60014 or evenings PA other for further minimatron FuRlesz heated housekeeping room with ranlctte Ind Ilse of refrigerator Central location Tel ephone PA 05082 or PA 30034 for further information ROOM BOARD NICE BRIGHT Room with Boyd with lunches packed Close to Parking area Centrllly located Telephone PA 02552 ROOM AND BOARD for air in new home block from hospital Private room with home privileges Pliono PA 85018 for information ROOM AND BOARD available for one In pflvate home with homo Privileges and pirkInEMTcloPhono PA 07003 for further information ltuoal AND BOARD nvallnhld for young gentleman Dunlap and Bradford Streets district Tcloe phone PA Mle for further into motion ROOM BOARD WANTED WANTED Room and Board for elderly gentleman Abltalner Tel ephone PA 04170 SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2095 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 lNNISFIL STREET PA 66531 ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful items stored in your attic garage and closets If you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace Dow between Jan 1511i and Feb 28th and got your dual air attachment FREE with every complcta installation Reg 389 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Bate Phone colleet Strand 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud low Overhead Low Cost FULL SIZE Cum for said Mat Lreu included Good condtiou 10 Telephone ivy 251m can Lama$000 at month TeIBPliono PA DB3 Crescent Finance an Dunlo Wan BLBchllc GUITAR for said also amplifier with Tremolo controls in good condition Tclcphona PA 580118 for author datum BOATS MOTORS SPRING TUNEUP JOHNSON EVmRUDE GALE OUTBOARDS OVERHAUL AND SHARPEN POWER LAWN MOWERS FREE PICKUP DO IT NOW DELANEY BOATS LTD Hayfield St PA 66413 DOGS PETS clnlnlAlllJA Puppies Littla beau ties Ready to go With papers Stud service Telephone 974W Colllnzwood FRUIT 8i VEGETABLES 150 BAGS or No Table Potato for sale Telopllunc PA soles to further information ARTICLES WANTED uAnll EmDLLER wanted 111th have springs Telephone PA 66355 PIANO Wanted any makes in rouonoblo condition Will eiuh Apply to Box 09 Bardo miner WANTED Pal of mens mow shoes In any condition Telephone PA 07003 after 11 pan for further particulars BOATS MOTORS RACING BOAT 10 foot hydro pllna Well made boat Kelly plan two years old This boat will really go 9150 Telephone CH 11595 or write Bell Stewart Avenue Rexdalc Ontario Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours day7 days was ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fomead Ontario Licence 172662 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK BUCK GOAT wanted for sorvlcl use as close to Barrie rural area as possible Apply to Box as Dan Tie Examiner aonsmm cow for sale comlllg in March i4 Apply Joe Klein Gebbluck an Elmvale role punno mini Elnivnlc media or lilotchcd Belgian Hob us four ycnrs old in June broken Apply Morris Ebertt Ru Harris leopbonc PA 110430 TWO GUERNsCY Heifers for sale due soon and TCgIsfered and on grade Telcpbnno PA Moss Vohn media 1111 Barrie ARTICLES For SALE Com COLLECTORS write for free price list The Hobby Centre 70 Dunlop st West Barrie Cola and stamp supplies FISH HUT or lale stove etc In cluded Already on the 1rd of Kcmpenfclt Bay Priced reason ably at $11 Tolephnnu PA 01031 111 An Sundae Want Ad FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCT Farm Supplies ii Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 17o BURTON AVE PA azm CASHTRADETEEMS

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