AROUND SIM COB COUNTY now PUT THE GUTHRIE VILDA CAMPBELL Mr and Mrs Bert lamicson entertained at family party last mesday evening in honor of son Pat and his bride ipARTY FOR NEWLYWEEDS On Friday night large group of wellvwishers met at Guthrie Hall to present Mr and Mrs Pat Jamleson with good wishs and some more tang ible gilts Stanley Jackson read the address and Misses Elvs moon and Edna Besse presented gifts to Pot and Mary Pat thanked his friends for coming and for the beautiful gills Re freshments were served in the dining room Mr and Mrs Pst Jamieson leave Monday by car for Kamloops where Pat will be installing radar equipment CEMETERY MEETING The annual meeting of Guth rie cemetery board was held at tho home of Mr and Mrs Walker Caldwell The tinanclnl report showing balance $4312 with $600 still omng on the vault was presented by the treasurer and adopted it was suggested the directors plan canvass of the people of the community to help meet deiicit Painting oi the iron fence was suggesth asia pm ject for 1962 The meeting en dorsed the holding of mem orial and decoration service on the third Sunday of July The following were clected as dir ectors tor 1962 Walker Cold wcll Cccll Cameron Howard Campbell Ewen Caldwell ltobv eri Campbell Wallace Canal and Norman Campbell were ob ected auditors MESSENGERS CLUB Guthrie Messengers met at the home of Janice and Terry Gough Saturday March after skating Hot dogs cookies do nuts and chocolate milk were served to 27 children by Mrs Gough and at the close of the meeting Wendell McArthur exp ressed thanks for this hospital Three members preside and this time Janice Cough opened the meeting The Messingers purpose was repeated DEW hymn Our Church was sung Response to roll call Bible verse containing the word church was well done MW had looked up verses in Bib le concordance Wendeli McAr thur Richard Conrad and Bill Pearson all took part in the worship using the hymn Fight the Good Fight Is the theme The Churd ls Peoplh filmrtrip with record will shown by Mrs Howard Cnmlt pbell and can be highly rs ld and Ivan McArtburs Satan day April either at oclock or oclock depending on whe ther there is still skating This will be the Easter iankollerlng meeting irraov MRS Mliumes REID Matt Bell in relieving at the Bank of Commerce in Bolton for few weeks Forty eight people enjoyed the second game in the series of four euchres held in the hall each Monday evening and prize winners were Mrs Houston Mrs Ferrier and Margaret Cunningham Mens went to George Uncles Boyd and Riiffclt MR WALTER ALLAN Walter Allan died at her home Friday momlng March Mrs Allan had suffer ed fall short time ago and broke several ribs and was con fined to bed well known In nlsfil resident she was loved and respected by all who knew her and will he missed by her family and many friends Symlt pathy oi the community goes to all her family Mr Higginson has been in hospital at Newmarket for the pastvwcok but is progressing nlcelyafter bout with pneu monin The Couples Club met at the home of Rev and Mrs Jack son The meeting consisted oi worship service and businun membership was formed with six couples paying their fees The next meeting is to be held on March 20 in the basement oi the church in the form oi box social with an invita tion sent to interested couples of Churchill church Games and lunch followed Mrs John Farrier celebrated her birthday March by eni ertalnlng some of her Molly and trisndr at dinner Third in the series of euchres was played Monday night Prize winners for the night were Mrs Frank Corner Nï¬ndves By Mail sy HAL soYLs NEW YORK AMThing columnist might never know it he didnt open his mail Ono habit oi Benjamin Frank lin scandalized his neighbors he took three baths week even doctors at that day thought such practice was dangerous to health Heres an odd sidelight on bathing today More than twice as many people drown in bath tubs as in swimming pools How they got started Actor Henry Fonda once worked as telephone company trouble shooter comedian Shelley Bermau drove taxicab David Sarnoff the communion tluns tycoon was pioneer ro dio operator Does your wife new if not shes out of step with the times home sewing is be comlng increasingly popular particularly among younger women Quotable notable The most effective water power in the world womens tearsWll son Mimer Did you know your fingernails Mrs Houston and Mn Sel on mens Norman Gilmore lg 8mm and Howard Mor William Atkinson has left for trip to Vancouver Mrs Lloyd Sawyer was in Toronto for three weeks Mr and bin 13 Gross spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rownt in Oriills Mr and M11 Norman Gil more motored to Mesford on Saturday with Mrs Gilmore remaining ior tho rest of the week Mr Gilmores mother commcoded was quite ill Next meeting will be at st THE LIGHT TOUCH toenailsabout an eighth of on Ch month LESSON FROM HOME Dont fret if it sometimes takes you longer to do Job than the other fellow Leo nardo do Vincl spent four years painting The Last Supperbut his mosterleca has enduch iii centuries Wisecrock of the week When two conceited people meet says singer Jeonnls Thomns its strictly an tor an Executive motto Success comes from stepping up the stairs out storing up the steps Irvlng Bottnor shoe polish firm proxy Greece protects iLs children from the portrayal of violence youngsters under 16 cannot see any film or stage show de picting vlolcncc even guns and knives pictured in movle stills at the entrance of then tres must be covered with patches of paper it was Helen Rowland who ob served men loses his illu sions first his teeth second and YARVAULI It LARRY BRANNON otonbis HE sAtiaam onus ï¬eAMAy r5ng cumm DONT WIFE mm WELJ JULIET JONES ms WAY you some CHARGING IN H523 You CONT ENE we CHANCE lDTHlNK LP mME grow four times as last your bis follies last cm CHAN BAR CONTRACT BRIDGE avenged seam THURSDAY MARC 300 Raul DIX Emmi 333 manila deg tr out 50 To 610 Elm Mllkl RBPOH RETREAT239 515 News Don lsnluon Both Sides vulnerable v8 EVERY ROOM Dick naccy Walther arts is on News Headline Cufihnnger Farm Market Report News Don lsmltson Weather Sports Pleer Berton The Flintstones in Real McCoy Nature of Talon My Thno Sons The Defender Country Junction One Step Beyond mow News The Weatherman Tool to Sports Communlty News Movie Speed To Burn mm mich 104 rm Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1100 Popeye and run 1230 Noondsyv Report News other Sports Farm Re ort Corning enll Movie Romu Yino Open Home Quintet Verdict Yours News The Womens Show Friend Glsnt Sing mum 555 Plum 100 Father Knows Bast 110 Denna Reed Show son country Hoedown sso Car at 900 Tommy Ambrose no Perry Mason mo rna noiecuvu 1100 CDC TV News 1115 The Weatherman Today in ortr 1aliblnllxiuiolty Iwn ovs Th0 Balm Bosch Show SATURDAY MARCH 10 140 Test Pattern News Weather World Hockey Slilll Gel Bowling Living World Bugs Bunny Countme News Wenthnr sports Jim deiemo haunts the Menace Robin Hood Hlvs Gun Will Travsi Peter Gunn N111 nooks TanWhy or sac TV News Westbsr Nch Sports 15 Movie Tho Hum ssssssgssssseï¬ Epypsrisoizwew as CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO mention MARCH Ith Professors Hideaway 800 llln From Cochin one Sports Weather By Plum Barton New Leave It To Beaver Sing Alon with Mitch The Roll McCoys Rirdéhd Peter Gunn Nth Wanthnl Sports Better Lntn Fm MAY MARCH News Free Ind 2mm arn vsosa ADBTS mm gos Kroc van 331 7848 80313 AKQJIOBD okra +AKQ mummy am Want um East Pan Pm Openiii lead jack of clubs roa er sends this hand in which he bid and made seven spades NorthSouth were using the aceshowing convention over twobids and South wasted no time getting to seven after he learned that North had the ace of diamonds It is not easy to see how declarer mode the contract and it you feel like testing your skill beioro reading on this is your chance Declarar rolls the club in dummy trumps heart and then ruifs club mm heart ruifs club and rufis the third round of hearts He next draws three rounds of trumps and nine tricks hav ing been played this becomes the position WEST EAST 51 as KIG Doclarer now eashes his last trump West cannot find suit able discard He is squeezed hIanest discardJ tliliobléing of an ummys comes trick and if West chooses instead to discard diamond deciarers diamonds all become good Either way South wins the remaining tricks At first blush it does seem overlydramatic for South to trump the AKQ of clubs in dinmny but ifhe doesnt do this he goes down The purpose of these plays is to try to exhaust one defender of all his hearts and thus place the burden of guard ing against the eight of hearts on the other defender othlng can be lost by this effort even though it may turn out to be waste of time if the hearts are divided 54 II that proves to be the case declarai can always fall back on favorable diamond divl sion and will not be worse off for bavinggiven himself an cxlt tra choice to make the con tract Two shots to make the hand are better than one Tomorrow Overenllhig an open DONALD DUCK WiRlNG one can HOUSE FOR Alii Liln bid $i1m ï¬k Bgyszuan Mimu an DAILY CROSSWOHD gummm coca no OBOE lat tree gligf LQueboo trollInterim 23 am Nym srton mm gauge horse show 81x advance 63 Ru 1091 11 Thank Hair on attendant shortened aid slyow Tm Descriptive is Baton um WHERE ï¬t5msaam umï¬mlug seam sponsors am 11Exclnmn letter Ber Yeltsinradon saruannr imich io my mm of mum in 1100 Professors Party JIM mm 38 Stripe 38Roco to Hawaiian new man so Feudal mmwmks businessmen 110 gig $32 3133 mm mm mam xsrsvou ulivs SUITCASE WE vnzvu mourninumty 13g ï¬gngï¬ï¬lgmu no ï¬lo Singls unit 14 stain 32 Exam HP WNW MAYHEM mï¬mm mow El Mmmitvoï¬mm 5R 18 Balers dam WJTAKEWITMSE For information all mg 13 wave noon 42 Female nunnu rise99999 see15 383663228 333 88 pus GRANDMA as 223239 HOWARwa om barium 21 PM Ill Time Tombstone Torrtto 3551 7th sports Wanner NIWI EighthSB Punch and Johnny 285yliab Th Flinutns mam comment Feature Thotin tlhndoin Harvest 13th of the Week Johnny now Show Drool Csnlds Burn bane Bil Titus Wroltlifll CARRIER MISS YOU your carrier has not arrived by pan please phnosi PA 82433 And Copy Wul Be Deliversale Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS assposope BUZ SAWYER as MSW WILL ENJOY may MUGGS AND SKEETER