OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ad Tale hone PA 814 The telephon number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept 11 PA 66337 LOCAL WEATHER Bunny cloudy intervals mainly cloudy tomorrow Low tonight 25 high tomorrow For full summary turn to page two 98th anNg so AT THE NORTH BAY PAD The first Bomarc antiairs craft missles were delivered to the ECAF at North Bay Ont This picture shows one of these missiles capable of carrying nuclear warhead AlbéfldnTells Barrie Ontorie Canada Thursday March 1962 TO STO Most By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian businessmen gener ally welcomed negotiation of tariff reductions between Can ado and the United states al though many asked time to study the impact of the complex Hail Cut Rates On Tariffs challenge as for as our com pnny is concerned Itipplngille president of General Motors Diesel Ltd of London Ont welcomed the re duotion utduty on oiescl and scmldlcsel engines PBCRO FE on launching pad at North Bay bearing RCAF insignia CF Wirephoto ntorio It May Save Millions By THE CANADIAN PRESS member of the Alberta les islature suggested Wednesday that Ontarioand by implica tion other provinces might wall benefit from following Al bertas policy of payasyougo ï¬nancing ira McLaughlin SCGrand Prairie said the policy is sav ing Albertas taxpayers mil lions of dollars in debt charges He spoke during the budget de bate in the Alberta legislature People who say oil has made the policy possiblehe said dont stop to think that Al bertas revenues from natural resources are only flea bite compared with Ontarios yet Ontario goes merrily on wltn her evermore harrowing In Ontario they cry about their taxes yet when you tell them they could help them selves by following Albertas example they shrug their shoulders and say well thi gs must be different out there Mr McLaughlin said the So cial Credit government of Pre Bills To Ease IudgesWork ï¬re Passed For Their Advice TORONTO CP Two hills which would have the effect of relieving judges of some of their outofcourt work were consid ered then deferred by the On tario legislatures legal bills committee Wednesday One bill would qualify persons other than judges to serve on arbitration boards the other would remove the requirement that one of the three members of police commission be judge or magistrate Vernon Singer LYork Cen tre said the bills seem designed to cut away duties for which judges are paid money by the provmce over and above the salaries they receive from the federal government if the provincial government Wishes to prevent judges from domg work not covered by their normal salaries it should say so clearly and not nibble away at their duties through several pieces of legislation he said AttorneyGeneral Roberts re plied that there is nothing com pulsory about either of the bills nuns FINALLY PASS After heated discussion the committee passed the hills which include such changes as appointment of chief judge for county and district courts rais ing the money jurisdiction of such courts and providing for the sitting of the courts in places other than county towns But motion was also passed authorizing committee chairman Allan Lawrence PC St George to set in touch with the County Court Judges Association and report on its wishes about representations either to the committee or to the whole House VNo Standard QualiiiCatiOns For Juvenile Court Iudges TORONTO CMThere never has been set standard of quali ations for juvenile court judge Attorney General Keiso Roberts told the legislature com mittee on legal bills Wednes day In reply to question by James Trotter Parkdolet who accused the government of using such appointments as po litical patronage Mr Roberts said opinions on the matter are many it would appear that other academic disciplines lend themselves favorably to this war he said The important thing tomy nnnd apart from any academic background is the quality of the individual per sonh good head does peep is he patient kind and firm Mr Roberts said he had made so appointments to the jucai and family courts Three were county court judges and 17 mag istrates of these 20 15 were lawyers Of the 14 other ap pointments he said five were lawyers two clergyman two school teachers doctor pharmacist is professional so cial worker man noted for his community service and women known for her public service CURIOSITY WAS FATAL LONDON Reuters Curi osity ldlied railway passenger Gerald Cotter coroner de cided Cottershead was struck by bridge support while he was looking out of train win dow mier Ernest Manning has elimi nated provincial socialservice sales poll unearnedincrement amusement and wildland taxes while reducing motor vehicle fees exempting farm trucks from the gasoline tax cancel ing taxes on farm fuels and cutting overall gasoline taxes to the point where they are the lowest in Canada agreement tabled in the Horse iof Commons Wednesday The agreement covering rc ductlons on some 28000000 tworth of goods affects all of Canadna partners in the icn eral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Bosanquet president of the Canadian importers and Traders Association said it ap pears the tariff Ioncessions made by Canada affect moinly revenue producing duties on goods of which there is little Canadian production The osso elation recently caught lull re moval of such imports It should be remembered that Canada has very adverse trade balance with the United States Mr Bosnnqucl said The mutual lowering of for that tendoig lllClCalBétll flow in ra go or way at ijdlll nt woman coursglng greater flowiof Ca nadian goods to the United States Randall president of General Steel Wares Ltd said the reduction is one more lower ing of the trade hurdle between the US and Canada READY FOR CHALLENGE Certainly freer trade among countries is natural moe he sadl In the short term some companies might get hurt but were prepared to meet any irons ilfs is good thinganything is my Cauadlanv Kennedy Wants If it means reduction our cost ho said it will mean reduction in our customers cost ll Bruin general sales manager of Provincial Papar Ltd said itls unlikely the cut in the duty rate on coated pa pers to 20 from 22 per cent will have any serious effect on Canadian firms if company cant operate under 20 per cent tariff he said theres sometlung wrong with it Actually were in favor of completely dutyfrci trade in this field for us it would then come down to making fewer grades of paper but with longer Walker president oi General Motors of Canada Ltd said the Mporccnt Inriff reduc tion on cars entering the US will not lm ove the chances of rmakcrlrselling their pro uctl south of the border US plants already are roe duclng cars at lower cost an thflir Canadian subsidiaries be an ian McRoe chairman of Conndlan General Electric Co Ltd said the reduced tariff on electric stoves and washing ma chines moving into the 15 will have little effect on sales to the 115 by OGE Canadian subsld lary of the us General Elec trlc Co The Titanic iExaminr Not More Than per Copyl6 Page ARMY DEMANDED $10000 Reward Offered Thousand Men Are Jobless NELSON EC CP Dc monds for troops to augment hard pressed RCMP officers were made Wednesday in the wake of the most farreaching Iorrorlst attack in the history of ritish Columbias turbulent Kootcnny district The call for troops was followed by BC government offer of $0000 reward for information leading to lie cun vlctlon of each of the men who blasted steel power polc shuts ting off power in several areas and making hundreds jobless In announcing Iha reward for each conviction Altornevcen ral Ilonncr promised in the legislature that more RCMP of liccrs are being sent to the Km easy The blasting of the power pole RCMP said they suspected it was the work of radical Sons of Freedom Doukhobors possibly in retaliation of the arrest of more members of the Freedom ites rutlng fraternal council Power outages resulting from the dynamlting of zoofoot feel tower carrying three ma jor power lines across Koatenay Lake Tuesday night brought in dustrial stoppages that put close to 1000 men out of work at the various operations of the giant Consolidated Mining and Smelt rhigCompanys complex that is the base of the Kootcnoys econ omy Police said plasticwrapped dynamite was used COST $500900 The tower toppled in mass of cables and insulators ComA lncc owners of the pole said it would take months to repair the damage at cost of at least $500000 Some polian officers felt othcr acts of terrorism might follow and tharcwere de monds for round the clock watches on bridges and ferries and other vital links There were these immediate developments The mayors of Troll Kimber ley Nelson and Creston sent wires to Prime Minister Dicfcn baker demanding federal troops Nelsons mayor called for an shut down industries left homcs emergency curlew unheated and shut down many gasoline pumps The Associated Chambers of Commerce of Southeastern Brit lsh Columbia sent telegram to the prime minister and Premier Bennett urging spe cial measures as in wartime to be used if necessary to end this destruction by fire and bomb The BC Power Commission said it would do everything pos sible to help out in the Kootenay power shortage that could keep industry idle for weeks West Kootenay Power and Light Company warned saw mills in the area to cut back or halt operations Po and heat shortages faced ore than 5000 residents served by the crippled line pos lng the possibility of frozen water pipes house without heat and closed schools In Ottawa Prime Minister chfcnbakcr told tho Commons the federal government will co operate fully with BC in corn trolling the terrorism The blasting of the fransmislt sion tower carrying vital llncs two miles across Kootenoy Lake followed by just hours further RCMP crackdown on the Free domites Police termed It the worst and most costly act of terrorism yet in the Koal cnays Comlnco officials said it was industrial sabotage The six topranking elders of the Sons of Freedoms ruling fratcrnol council were charged with wilfully attempting to ob struct the course of justice No further particulars of the charge Eras given immediately by pm eel Arrested were Tom Woykln 61 Fred Chemeckoff 70 Nick Bryan 54 Mike Hadlkln 74 John Sablnkoff 45 and Pete Elasoff Srt oi The arrests brought to 14 the total number of fraternal coun cil members now under charge total of so Frecdomites have been charged or convictedthin terms ranged up to so years in an RCMP crackdown on crime and terror which began last fall special assize courHo try ing the accused here QMarriage Still Good Despite Pessimists TORONTO CPlThe United Church Observer organ of the United Church of Canada says in its March editorial it is tired of hearingabout the bad state of Christian marriage The editorial entitled Divorce isnt That Bad says the divorce rate is not mounting and is lower than it was 15 years ago Fierce Gales More Rates Cut Hit Britain LONDON Reuters Fierce gales hit the English Channel today after ravaging Britains Cornish and Devon coast Winds reaching 95 miles an hour raged along the channel and Atlantic coast of France showing no signs of abating Fiftyfoot waves turned the little Brittany peninsula of Qui beron into an island cutting off water and electricity supplies Coastguardmen mounted badweather watch along Eng lands East Anglia coast amid rising winds its getting very rough reported coast guard spokesman Meanwhile flood peril con fronted Devon and Cornwall as Wednesdays battering gaiea died down Rain fell steadily through the night and another high tide swept through breaches in sea walls left by the storm Streets in Panzance and New lyn were flooded to depth of three feet WASHINGTON CF Presi dent Kennedy has launched fresh appeal for vast new power to reduce American tariffs in the wake of successful though limited US attempt to breach the Common Market tariff wall Canadian and other exporters will benefit from these transat lantic reductions in duties Having concluded tariff cuts with Europe and other countries to the extent of some 32800 00000t in annual trade Kennedy gaining power now is exhausted The real opportunities are still ahead he told press confer ence But they always will be beyond rcach unless Congress passes strong trade expansion ac Kennedy spoke as the House ways and means committee pre pared publtc hearings on the Kennedy bill to arm him with authority to eliminate some American tariffs and trim oth ers by as much as 50 per cent INA NUTSHELL Liberian Tank Breaks Back PORTSMOUTH Va AP Liberian tanker its back broken by winter storm wallowed in rough seas off the coast of North Carolina todayt Bell To Spend Record $210000000 MONTREAL CPI The Bell Telephone Company of Con ada will spend record facilities in 1902 meeting today $210000000 president Thomas Eadie told the annual on construction of new Case Of The MissingButler PEWSEY England AP three days ago and appeared The missing man is Percy Kids 54 who has been with Sir Anthony Edens butler dis polico have found no trace of Eden since soon after he bought the lathcentury Fyflald man or in the Wiltshirc countryside four years ago UK Bank Rate Is LONDON Reuters The British to 5V from six per cent The Britain has been six per cent Cut bank rate today was out rate key to interest charges in since Nov last year likely will start in June emphaslred Wednesday his bar crowded with immigrants from raced into detour and jumped Italian village before dawn to iuring 120i ling at is miles an hour but in Hearings open Monday and likely will continue for weeks CUTS START 1N JUNE Under negotiations just com pleted the US will extend 20 percent cut on duties on wide range of commodities over twoyear period in exchange for what th UtS admits are gr concessions obtained from the Common Market The reduction of 10 per cent each in fact the Common Market found the American offer so no attractive that at one stage in some in months of complex Geneva negotiations bargaining threatened to collapse Kennedy maid llle LLS finally had to breach the peril point the tariff level below which the US Tariff Commission advises it would be dangerous for 115 industryon some items to help balance European reductions While the president appeared generally content with results some of his advisers said they didnt do as much business with Canada as they had expected mainly because Canada seemed preoccupied with protection of domestic industry at tune when Britain might be leaping into the Common Market The as had planned to offer deal on nickel and aluminum two major Canadian exports but found the Canadians unwiil ing to provide sufficiently at tractive exchange although certainly higher than halfcentury ago before dl vorce became relatively easy and socially respectable The real reason there is more divorce and separation is that wives no longer have to put up with inconsiderate or cruel husbands woman can make dignified living for herself and find relative happiness and se LOVES LllBORS LOST AGASSlZ BC GP Albert Phillips didnt even get to spend his wedding night with his bride Now Phillips 23 wont see his wife Elizabeth for six months Phillips got into brawl with best man Henry Thomas after the wedding Monday on Seabird Island near this community so miles east of Vancouvert policeman intervened and after mlxup lugged Phil llps off to jail Tuesday Magistrate Nalsmith sentenced Phillips logger to six months soy ing that he was gettinga iightsentence because he was newly married You cant go around as sultlng police officers under any circumstances Italian Express Jumps Tracks 13 Killed Police CASTEL aomcuasa lthly APtA 10oar express train impoverished th ern Italy the tracks near this north day killing is persons and in Railroad officials said the train should have been travel ArresthIeAW stead was making 55 Police arrested the motorman and his assistant for questioning The express was travelling from Lecce and Bart in the heel of the italian boot to Milan in the north Most of the 700 pas sengers were immigrants from the south moving to industrial north Italy and Switzerland for better jobs and new homes Caste Bolognese is 30 miles southeast of Bolovno curity in modern society with out man In days gone by it was either stick it out or go home in disgrace to mother The editorial says Marriage is good thing txulay and when ever the pessimlsts deplore the frequency of broken marriages and use this to question the whole matter of the Christh church let someone jump up and remind them The vast majority of man ried people find happiness and fulfilment in their homes More husbands and wives are grow ing old gracefully and faith fully together than at any time in mans history Kennedy Reportedly Has Plan For EastWest Space Science WASlHNGTON AP Presa ident Kennedy is reported to have to Premier Khrushchev series of concrete steps for joint action by the United States and Russia to ex plore and develop outer space for peaceful purposes Officials indicated his specific suggestions embrace plans for joint international action on weather satellite system and the development of communications satellites and deep space probes to other planets Disclosure of the new mes sage to Moscow came inrthe midst of preparations here and in other capitals for the opening of disarmament talks in Geneva next week The president told press con ference Wednesday no bad just written letter to Khrushchev putting forward some pro posals on the peaceful uses of outer space He expressed hopelabout the outcome of the Geneva negoti ations but refrained from any optimistic predictions indicat ing instead some concern about the consequences of possible failure to achieve any kind of progress toward disamiamcnt agreements Kennedy made it clear that the United States looks to the opportunity for highlevel dis cussions at Geneva not only on general disarmament and on nuclear weapons test ban nego tiations but also on other prob lems in clu din Berlin and Southeast Asia On domestic issues Kennedy said the us economy is healtheir than some of its gloomy skeptics He also an nounced personal move to urge steel industry negotiators to return to the bargaining table in an effort to eliminate steel striket Steal Letter Planned To Be Stolen Is It Stealing oirswn CPThe Supreme Court of Canada was asked Wednesday to rule whether post office workers are guilty of theft from the mail if they steal de coy letters designed to trap thieves The court reserved judgment in an appeal case in whichntha attorneygeneral of Ontario or gued that the Ontario Court of Appeal was wrong in holding that decoy letters are not let ters within the meaning of the CzlmlnnlCode Tliscaso involves CornCum ming of Toronto who wasrcon victed in February 1961on charge of theftfrom the mail and sentencediosix months im prisonment Tlié Ontarlo appeal reversed this decislonand sublt stituted conviction for theft is and imposed threevmonth sen tence The woman employed as mail sorter was convicted of opening three decoy letters and removing sum of money The Crown argued that deg ccy letter addressed to ficti tious person mailed to uncover thief should he treated as real letter within the meaning of the code ï¬ï¬ï¬ CRASH KILLC 32 iCUERNAVACA Mexico crowded use it gar swervedbut of control on row street rammed avatation wagon rolled over number of pedestrians and crashed info building Wednesday Officials said 32 persons were killed and 20 were injured Twelve children were among the dead