Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1962, p. 10

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY CHURCHILL By MR5 PROSSER Mrs John Kempers was hos tess to friends and neighbors on Wednaday afternoon last week when Mn William Ball displayed and demonstrated well known household product Allan Stewart and Stanley Todd student at Toronto Tea chers College were teaching last week at Shrubmnunt school near Newmnrkei Mrs Frank Hindie of Thom ton spent Sunday at Proslt sers The World Day of Prayer is being obsoned on Friday Marv ch in St Peters Anglican Church at pm Rev front is to be the speaker Mr and Mrs Fitzsimmons and family attended birthday celebration at the home of their daughter and sister in Willow dale on Sunday the occasion seing Mrs Fitzslmmons birth oy Sympathy of the community goes to Mrs Flower in the death of her sister at Holland Landing The many friends of Mrs Ken Sturgeon will be pleased to know she is progressing fav orably after her recent opera tion in Toronto General Hospital Mr and Mrs Fred Vicks and Donald of Markham Sunday at Sloans Mrs Shipton is in Branson hospital Viiiowdaie and is do ing nicely aiter an operation We hope for speedy recovery Sympathy of the community goes to the farnlly of Mrs Wal ter Allan who died at her home in Lefroy Friday March On Sunday evening the YP Union held their church serv ice in Gilford United Church Mr and Mrs Worsioid mission aries home on furlough from Costa Rica showed pictures and told of their work there After the service everyone enjoyed thc fellowshinp hour at Mr and Mrs Pages The Uunited Church Women are busy planning for their St Patricks supper on March is CREEMORE By MR6 IHEAIT Mr and Mrs George iryon and children Gait spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Travis Moore and Mrs Theresa Marsden Maurice Weatherall is pat ient at teh Collingwood hospital with back ailment William Bill Weller received visited cable that his mother had passed away suddenly at Mid dlesbom England baby shower was held March for Mrs Theresa far sden at her home on Caroline Street Mrs Marsden was the recipi ent of many beautiful and use ful gifts She thanked her fri ends for their kindness and thoughtfulness Following the opening of the gills lunch was served Miss Marjory MacArthur was taken to the Collingwood Hos pital Tuesday lsullering from bronchial pneumonia EVERETT By ROBBINS Mrs isaiah Ormshy Alliston is patient at the Smith Nurs ing Home in Everett htr and Mrs Dale Bergey and family spent few days in Toronto last weekend Harold Jenkins oi Creemoro visitedwlth his mother last Friday at Everett Mr and Mrs Horsburgh of Alliston have moved to the farm residence of Stan Halley where it Horsburgh will be employed by Mr Baile Billie Blanchard of Cour adinn Army of Petawawa Camp was at his parents home on the weekend Miss Judy Blanchard of Bra mpton spent the weekend at her parental home here Sunday afternoon relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs Fred Pearson gathered at their home to celebrate the oc casion of their wedding anni versary Best wishes go to Mr and Mrs Pearson for many more years of health and hop piness TOTTENHAM CHARLES ELISDN The community was shocked when it was lcnrncd early Frie day morning March 1962 of the death of Charles Elison at his home Funeral service in charge Mr FredLnird was held from the Anderson Funeral Home Monday March He leaves to mourn his wife and eight sons and daughters Dr and Mrs Hoskln of Tor onto spent the weekend at the home of their daughter Mrs Fred Laird and family Mrs Harvey Simpson spent part of last week with her par ents Mr and Mrs James Fry of Nobleton Mr and Mrs Vernon Vlce and daughters of Smithvillo spent Saturday with friends in town Mr and Mrs Fred McLean left Monday imm Motion for months holiday in Trinidad Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer and party of friends left this week for vacation in Florida Visitors during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Leonard AI ernethy were the iatters moth er Mrs Joseph Orr of Rich mond llili Miss Orion Ab nethy and Miss Theresa to vert NurseslnTralning at Roy al Victoria Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Joseph Bellord Mr and Mrs Anderson Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson and Dorothy Ann attended the Tor onto Chapter of the Barber Shop Quartcttes at Massey Hail Sot urday evening last GILFOBD By MRS SAWYER Miss Elizabeth Rothweli one of the most respected and be loved ladies of lnnisiil township was the centre of attraction on Saturday March when many friends gathered to honor her on the occasion of her 89th birthday Miss Rotiiwellis con valesclng ot the Whitfield Nur sing Home owned by Mr and Mrs Vhitlicld on Davis Drive Newmaritet Outstanding among the many gifts received was beautiful bouquet of red roses from her brother El mor Colncidentally the birth day of her youngest brother Douglas falls on the same date The 4H Club held its see oad meeting at Mrs Hughes Fmit was discussed canned and the grades Mrs Hughes gave demonstration on making an Oven Steamed Fruit Pudding and sauce for it Roll call was answered by My Favorite Variety of Apple and why YOUNG PEOPLES SERVICE Members of the YP Union held their annual church ser vice ln Gillord United Church Sunday evening March Mr and Mrs Worston of Costa Rica Central America mission arles on furlough showed slides of their work there and Mrs Warsfold commented on each picture Members of the Union took part in the service and the young people were in the chair Five Churchill girls were ac companied by Miss Margaret Campbell at the organ Carolyn Hughes played the organ for the church service John Led die of Gllford sang solo TELEVISION TUBES TESTED FREE Simeon Shopping Plaza Johnson so Hwy No it FREE GIIYWIDE DELIVERY saves BAYERS CHILDRENS Illhill MEWS tow lOW raters PLEASANT TASTING FAST ACTING Post Office In Store Phone PA 82429 SAVE EASE SUFFERINI By TERRY ADDED CONVENIENCE Elmvale post office writing desk has been equipped with modern ballpoint ports The new pen is black and gold with chain attached to the counter Many post office patrons will be glad of the convienlence 0n mesday of iast week while shovetllng snow the sound at crows was heard nearby and robin was seen on Yonge Street There were to tables of euchre fans at the Orange Hall Friday night Winners high Miss Edna McQuarrie and Mrs Vasey Beardsoll second high and in draw Mrs Alvin Archer and Mervyn Elrick door prize Mrs Adams The lad les served refreshments REV LINDSAY SPEAKER At St Johns United Church the Explorers group entertained the CGIT and Tyms and ftl ends on Wednesday night Speaker Rev Lindsaypt Victoria Harbour United Church gave very interesting talk about his work among tndianl in Northern Manitoba and show ed color slides illustrating life in the mission ficld McGINNIS FLEMING On Saturday March Olive Jean Fleming and Malcom Mc Ginnls were married by Rev Ivallace McLean Congratula tons AT ST JOHNS CHURCH Sunday morning the United Church was well fitted with members and number of vis Itors Rev Reynolds loronto conducted the service and dellverd very im pressive sermon Jack Vhitileld sang God hath not promised Mr and Mrs Harald Rankin and daughter Patsy of New market were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs George Jordan William Street PAKISTAN TRAVELOGUE On March in the parish hall Mr and Mrs George Ter ry showed many interesting plo turns at East Pakistan whcra George spent 23 months and Mrs Terry told of many us toms and things seen in the country Following the travel ogue the WA Guild served re treshmeots Larry and John Dickinson at Hamilton spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs George Dickinson Mr and Mrs Louis Schlcgel of Bonnyvilie Athena are spending few weeks with the iatters parents Mr and Mrs Harry Rowiey Mr and Mrs Arthur Field visited with Relatives in Tor onto on Saturday Mrs Thomas Cooper and Field spent Saturday with the farmers sister and her husband Mr and Mrs George Corru thers Ivy ANNélAL MEETING 05 LOL Th Annual meeting of Slmcoc East County Loyal Orango Lod ge took place at the Orange Hall hereFobruary it with good number of members are sent Wor Bro Fisher Gantan County Master presided The meeting was honored by the presence of Pi Wor Bro Elm or Wood Grand Master of Ont ario West whose Home Lodge is Orlllio ltlso present was Wor Bro Len Joncs County Master of Muskokn South The election of officers for the coming year was presided over by Rt Wor Bro Wood and resulted as follows We Muster Fisher Gontoa County MosterBert Penny Dep Cou nty Master Lorne Handy Jr Dcp County Master Roy Ed wards County Chaplain Hounsome recording secretary Verne neardsall financial sec medicine chest retary Bert Harper treasurer Horace Vasey first Lech Wiggins second Lect Ray Pe Veuer associate Lect Wig glnx Rt War Bro Wood was assisted by Woe Bro Jones with the installation ceremony of the above officers At the conclusion of business member attended banquet in Elmvaie community hall prepared by lad ies oi Elmvaie LOBA tit uhletl Rt Wor Bro Wood was speakv er County Masterelect Bert Penny in few remarks brought the gathering to close WONDER VALLEY By MR5 HANDY number from here attend ed open house at North Col legiato in Barrie on Wednesday evening hlrand Mrs Clark and Mrs Goodwin of Toronto were re cent visitors with Mr and Mrs Profit Sincere sympathy is ex sed to Kenny and iaml in their sud bereavement Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack Policy were Mr and Mrs Harvey Switzer of Oakvilie also for the weekend Mr and Mrs Paddy Young of Dunedin Bowden is patient at Sunnyka Hospital His many friends wish him speedy re covery and hope he will soon be home Douglas Brown of Steeles Corners spent the weekend with his cousins Douglas and Wayne Vernon ros to THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH UTOPIA By MRS WILLIAM GOTLOP Visith at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis were Mr and Mn Milford Ptatt ol Orangevlhe on Sunday and Mr and Mrs Jack Hironi and Joan ne of Scarborough Visitor with Mr and Mrs Borden Jennctt were Dorian Cox at Allandale Wallace Black of Thornton Harry Richards and Noel Nels of Rexdnle Miss Ruth Jennctt of Oshawa was home for the weekend Mrs Borden Jennett spent day with Mr and Mrs George Chap ted Church Women will meet at the home at Mrs Viv ian McConn next Wednesday Mrs Robinson and Wesley of Rexdals visited with Mr and Mrs Vivian McCann during the weekend Mr and Mrs Exell motor ed to Scalorth last Thursday They also visited with Mr and firs Muir Saturday even Frank Excll visited friends in Barrie Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Buck Broil and Mr and Mrs William Gallop and Jimmy visited with Mr and Mrs Don Weir of Harrie Saturday evening Visitors with Mr and Mrs Frank Higginson Friday oven ing wem Mr and Mrs Campbell and Dr and Mrs McKay Mr and Mn Lou Truax Buy the family siee bottle of Aspirin Fast relief mm painful cold miseries TABLETS ONLY 93¢ and Bill uere at birthday party last edntsday for Ever ett Gibson Coniict isited with Mr and Mrs inn iruax last Thurs day Visitors at the home oi Mr and Mrs Russ Emwnley were Mr and Mrs Bmwnley and grandson Vayno of Parry Sound Merrie Menagerie vuy shy about 51 dreamt BRISTOW or BARRIE Dunlop St PA Hm weve been in business for one fuil decade now Since our beginning in I952 we have alvVays endeavoured to offer try Were looking forward to serving Our Specialty Well Trimmed youi FOR YOUR GONVENIENCE CUSTOM our customers the ultimate in service and dual sreAits 770 STOCK up AND Heres where we really shine All our steaks are mouth watering deliciousl People oome from miles around for our steaks alone Federal Government inspected Only TAKE ASPIRIN Bronte Seltzer BUFFERIN Rel 126 BIIIIIE Bullet FAMILY GIANT rwmeacn Toilet Tissue KOTEX igggggfl $1321 Reg Lu LImII of SIX Rolls For Customer RITE If you own Home Freezer you can appreciate some of theyllnggesg savings ever Through your bulk buying 50 cc MEADIS so as you be able to purchase meats at their lowest pos snbleprice and store it to eat at your convenience OSTOCO DROPS POLIVlSOL CAPSULES Savings as much as 22c per pound on beef VITA Rops Multiple Vifanilns Talk about conveniencel Reg 750 Well deliver your whole 3mm weeks supply of meat promptly and courteoust right to your homel We give extra WAMIOLEIS 50s special attention to the folks who cant make it down to the storeand trails to phone GIANT SIZE PHOSPHOPLEX CANDY °R TABLETS°°212EM iiiitf LKGIVEUS A1 CALL TODAY grams4 iiiiiiSFii PACKERS When you deal with on theres no taking just whats there 0urvexpertbutchers are always happy to cut your meat to your specifications If you cant come to our store give us ireall and well take oars of everything ms 98 EIRTTE Remaoo ALL our MEATS 0N DISPLAY Weve got no secrets weve got nothing to hide We believe our customers should know what they are buying and see what theyre getting Our meat is on display and open for inspection anytime Reg Les BiRITE Reg 525 IIIRITE

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