AROUND SIMCOE IVY By MR5 WILMER WILEON Several reported hearing big black follow Air Crow So with all this snow and cold weather its sure sign spring is Just arnund the corner ORCllltln WEIINS On February 10 the Hi Nnrlh group called the Orchard Que ens held their tlrst meeting at the home Mrs Car ruthers This unit is called Fer TELEVISION PROGRAMS luring Fruit And has eight members The meeting opened with Ht pledge The election ot otlieers was as ioliows president Ruth Bennett secre tary Marie Hoggarth reporter nary chermott At this ï¬rst meeting the leaders taught how to measure different quantities and gave notes on hat iruits contain Second meeting at Ivy Orchard Queens met at this home at Mr lioggnlth on February is This meeting the girls learned how to buy the best quality fruits and how to CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE IDAY MARCH Womens Show Aldventurllnol Dilakr owerpn en null Danie Mil HWY News lpiudiinll Ilovls useum Varrrl Market Open News Don isriussan wwim Spam Cassy Moors Show II 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Till Defenders Country Junction one Step Beyond WGTV ans Th Weatherman Today in Sports community Nm Movie Spud To Burn EEEEE =3 eggs llsa csro CHANNEL ronoNro TUESDAY MAIICII no Kln To Win Loo Professors Illduwsy coo Man From Cochise no sports Iblavisi Ibmorrow PREMIER MBMs Ill6 Walther Pietra Burton News nsrhelnr rather Itaute and Friends Wuixer Spons Better Lat Focus wzolesDAY JlAnCH In News Free and Buy News Pm and Easy tconi Kln To Win Channel Then State Betrel News Prolossars illdcawly llisnlgtroni Cotnlu spam Weather Pierre Burton on Wagon Train 71 sunset strip Bilin Playhouse tchlruo Conï¬dential Tho Detectives Nows arts etnor Ilni Coleman uetier Leta Focus munsnsY MAncn Now Free and Buy aw Free and Easy conti Kin To Win Channel Nina Theatre My Telltale Dluthltr News Professors HideVB slim From Caehlu arts eathcr es Pierre uerton am Leave It To essvsr sing Along with min The all McCoys Channel Thu Hells outpost Peter Gums Nc Weather Sports Better Late Focus flarrFPPFPP Eggï¬Ã©Ã©gg zs When rail more When new hairy arrives grin when you an to specialism oy can eds selvlgi am and billions 12an When the occasion mes phone PA 66302 CARRIER MISS YOU ll your carrier has not arrived by it mm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS nook apples Diucuninn was why we eat fruits and tram what countries they come The project or this meeting was to make strawberry shortcake All had sample and were de lighted with the results ANNIVERSARY PARTY BIL and Ilrs Tom Blaker entertained friends and acid bors of the tormers parents hlr and Mrs Gordon Blakely Egbert attheir home on Sat urday Feb 24 The occasion was the celebration of Air and Mrs Gordon Blakelys 23th wed ding anniversary Alter an even tag at playing cards the honor ed guests out pink and white cake with traditional bride and groom on it qmcmwu The HI members oi The Fancy 5s South line held their third meeting at the home at Mrs Arnold Banting Till lesson was mainly on trozen dried and canned fruit 0n ex hibit was dried fruit and three kinds oi peaches llrs Bant ing prepared an oven steamed fruit pudding and sauce which all sampled It proved to be very delicious George Davis spent cou to of days in Toronto attend rig the Good Reads convention BEETON Mrs Wiggins attended the funeral at lllrs John Watson of Stnyner on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Watson left on Saturday or Florida where they expect to spend several weeks Harold Reynolds oi oriliia visited his parents Mr and Mrs liliiton Reynolds on Friday Ills and hire Kenneth Robin son and Wayne at Cookstown visited with Mr and Mrs Roy Armstrong on Tuesday Geor Hunt ol Carlisle and llrs hingioughlen Tottenhnm were guests at Mr and Mrs McAdam on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Ross ArmsLong oi Newmarket spent the week end with relatives In town Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds and Mrs Reynolds spent the weekend with the owners COUNTY soninlnw and daughter Mi and Airs ieir Corner Pieteri Mrs Willilms Bolton vis ited at the home of Air ad Mrs Kearns during the past week hlr and Mrs Earl Hamsnet spent Wednesday and Thursday with friends In nronto htiss Georgina Barton and Airs Dnirnmoad visited with friends in Alilston on Thursdly Mr and airs Armstrong and Mrs Gray and daughter Jean spent Thurst in Barrie Wendy lemcke returned home on Thursday from Stevenson Memorial Ila ital in Alliston where she ha been patient for where da Iilrs Faehnle visited with lives and friends in Teronta during the week Walter Reynolds of Guelph was home for the weekend Waite amulet Stockholders Accept Otter TORONTO CP An offer by Noranda Mines shareholder of Waite Amulet Mines Ltd now has been ncv cepied by holders of more than 90 per cent of the shares at lected Aiter the offer expires March Norandn plans to invoke the provisions oi the Companies Act with view to acquiring all remaining shares The otter made last Novem ber Is one share oi Noranda for each seven shares of Waite Amulet Noranda already held belore the after majority in tercst STERN CRITIC HALIFAX CF Dr Mata gnret Glilctt Australianhorn professor of education at Dal Ivousin University says this city has ugly schools SIIt told group of cducationists her iirst im ressions of Halifax school buidings were very disap pointing and in particular urged better landscaping at school grounds CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER East dealer Both sides vulnerable norm 197 042 QQDBS 5184 new use UKlda Q10752 QKJS 4965 4KQ107 scum IQAQIDDSZ VAJIOB 0A4 Thebidding East South West North 14 Dblo Pass Pass Pass 84 Paul WEST 84 VQU Opening leadthree at clubs The declares would play al most perfectly in every deal if he could see how the opponents cards were distributed lt there fore follows that skill in dum my play consists mostly of ana lyzing the probable distribution at the adverse cards and apply ing the knowledge to the task at hand For example look at this deal where South Is doeiarer at our spades How should he play the hand South knows from the bid ding that East has the prepon derance at the high cards that are missing He knows East is far more likely than West to have the king of spades that East probably has one or both missing heart honors and in fact with reference to any nils sing high cards East is more apt to have them than West But this knowledge hcipIul as it is cannot be put to immedi ate use because of the short age of entries to dummy to lead through East Declares sees that he must create ent ries to dummy In order to be able to trap Easts high cards Accordingly he starts by leading low spade to the seven alter winning the open ing club lead lle does not iirst lead the ace of spades in the iartetehed hope of catching singleton king because that would cost him vital entry in dummy it the king did not fall East takes the king and re turns club which is ruffed Declares then crosses to the nine oi spades and lends low heart He is careful not to lead the nine because that card is important to keep in dummy for later use When East follows low South finesses the jack West wins with the queen and returns club whinh South rufis De ciarcr enters dummy with the lack of spades and now leads the nine of hearts lf East ducks so does South When the finesse wins declarer repeats it and makes the contract It is interesting to note that If the first heart lead from dummy is the nine South goes down one Tomorrow The Rule of Eleven DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 41 Swiss Milan concord 42 Dozen Polo 43 lullEula 11 Permit work DOWN license en Giring Written Amount Female Fortale minded mm flash name 29 Wooda niaas shoe 30 and Hounds Hebrew letter 38no mrampls ebbr Tito andlking set name 35 Ostrich min Filillï¬‚ï¬ mllLi iiiiï¬ï¬ annals 32 Relishu 34 Bark 86 Hock Ltd to LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER MUGGSAND sxerrsg YELLOWPOIIFIJP UKIDDO THISMANII NVITED DINNER IULIE HES WE KID BROTHEROFA WOOD starts AUTTLI RIEND OFMINE MRI MPRA WI VIEWS MWAYTD IM TERRIBLE HURRY DEAR WU CAN GIVE TO ME LATER NOT FOR MORETHAN TWENTY EMA YEARS BOYWEN H29 MA TRUCK DRIVER NOW LEI SEE$NE ASKED ME TO CHANGE FIVEDOLLAR BILL AND THEN DONT WORPY WHEN YOUQE IN LOVE YOUR HEART WILL LETch MEAN ALL THE TIME HE Mv Honor kepr JUMPING up AND DOWN LIKE ON DO YOU THINK IT WAS TRYiNG TO TELL ME SOME tut LUDWiGJL as IN LACKADAISICAI A5 A5 0N5 well We ugh arrogant HERESME SUmtASE 5W WULLTAKENTD WV000 EAK A5 HUNG KONG CHARLIE Tolel 10 AND AWAIT DWELWMENTS nitriitstoilssrlliiia AN IT WASALL PRECOOKED AN WTJEAT RJOD WDWMWEMETDHEMWUASE Wml NEON HITS RED vanl CUR YESka PW K5 is Li 3i Dii sis FEEL ms HOUSE WASONTlIE wanna sin or SNE MUST BE FEUNAN EARLY ATTACKO SPRING FEVER CDMINON woman on organ Ginsu iosnors am cumrouts AÃ©ï¬ Â£22555 hi5 WRONG