Act Gives Respectabiiity To Dead Meat Vendors TORONTO CPI New Democratic Party member of th ntarlo legislature claimed las night the Dead Animals ADlspossl Act of law has done it more harm than good Kcn Dryden Toronto Wood hlnet said it allows meat pm cessors to obtain licences with out further inspection to ensure they are living up to terms of the act it tends to give an air oi respectability to those In tendinr to sell meat from dead animals for human consumt tion he said Mr Brydcns speech came near tin and of 7H hours of de hate on farm mattersduriag which the house completed only half the estimates of the agri culture department Sittings today at pm an hour earlier than us not and another night session is lcileduled NDP lender Donald Itiac Donald maintained that recent allegations concerning the sale of tainted meat were the result of an investigation by the RCMP and federal authorities without help from Ontario authorities PROVINCE TOOK PART Agriculture Minister Stewart replied that provincial inspectors were in the forefront of the in vestigotlan He said it would re quire an army of inspectors to meet the requirements laid down by some opposition mem hers Vertical integration was dis tr cussed and the govemmcnt was accused by Fnrquhar Oliver Grcy South of Just playing with the problem Mr Oliver called the appoint ment of an advisory committee to advise on the problem miniature approach if we allow the processors to reach their goals you will have INNISIII NOTES Thankful the farnters in the protince It peasants and slaves he said The minister said the advisory committees investigations have been limited to lnrlt and vegeta bles in the hope that any solu tion would be applicable to other farm commodities Peter Manley tLStormontt uestioned whether the 320000 llgure mentioned in the esti mates for rabies control would be enough Mr Stewart replied that the department will go to the lreas ury Board for any amount of money requrled to compensate farmers whose cattlcare stricken with rabies CHEESE ORDER SPOILED Mr Manley also challenged the 1960 payment of more than $11000 by the Agriculture De partmcnt to chreseexporting firm for dreese that went bad in England llr Stewart explained the payment was made to protect the good name of Ontario cheese producers in the important United Kingdom market Department officials said later about 520000 was repaid to firms that purchased the bad cheese The minister also announced program aimed at wiping out or controllinc mastitisone of the most widespread cattle dir eases in Ontario He said the department will start pilot project centred around the experimental farm at Ridgetown About 150 bards will be regularly inspected and treated in an attempt to find ways of controlling the disease By PEGGY CAMPBELL flame Economist Department of Agriculture Two plus two equals four This is nice simple and definite statement wth which there will be no disagreement am sure in no community will we find notion passed on from one generation to another that two plus two equals three or live And yet how many people to day believe notions about food that are Just as absurd In deed tremendous difference exists between arithmetic and nutrition With regard to foods and their use there is vast amount of confusion Naturally one could not at tempt lna short period to clar For The Move Dy Inna FLORIDA Special Here it has been wnnn for the past two weeks When we say warm we mean above average up in to the 60s and to 90 southward This is not the most agree able temperature to enjoy beach life and get tan With out sunburn visitor who or rived from Montrcal plane found that his iiiy whta skin made wonderful target for the sun This has limited us from too much beach even though the water is delightfully warm with wind that pushes the surface seas in from the Gulf Stream With rubber sea raft one can apend limo fighting their way out into the surf to ride back on the waves Dont get the idea that we are complaining about the heat When we tune in on Canada Calling and et the weather rc pcrt we that another storm has hurled itself into the Great Lakes district which we know includes our home coun ty We hear of it tapering off to sleet and ice storms and lust feel thankful that we man aged to locate down here be are all this began All we wish is that we could trans plant hundred people month back and forth so that all would realize the feeling of warm sunshine again before re lentless old man winter gives way to spring BRICK THROWING We had letter from Stmud Oklahoma headquarters for the international brick throwing contest asking that we divert our return trip that way so as to pay them visit and discuss this years contest This is likely to be held in July to conform with the Stroud England show which is held the same date We would like the parks commit tee to keep date open for us about the second week of Jilly on Saturday and hope the council decides to make this an laniffil Township holiday at the par One item mentioned in this first letter from lntemational committee headquarters was that each team can draw play ers from an area with popu lation of up to 80000 so that gives us big district from which to look for contestants We hope that number of places Will get teams of six men together who will compete in final throwoffs so that the tops of all these players will make the main contest Last years eliminations missed some good material It is not too early to try and get the throwing arm into shape boys GARBAGE CONTRACT ln allocating the garbage contract for the year we learn that council has divided the job between contractors giv ing the south half to Elmer Baxter who last year had the whole area at $9000 annually for summer collection for two gears and the north half to iythe Black of Strand at 58000 for yearround and sum mer collection This makes total of 517000 for the two areas the latter one having quite large winter collection plus the summer contract Not having seen the tenders we are unnble to state if this dividing of the contract was done to save costs to the rate payers who pay for these scr vicr over and above their reg ular taxes or if it was done to create tab for an additional contractor The job last year was dons with very satisfactory results to those who depend on this service Last year the rcevo blamed the contract for his failure to poll vote at Stroud and named three persons as the three stooges claiming they used their influence to have him fail in his bid for re election Could this account for the change this year or are we who pay the shot sav Iag money Six tenders were received for the whole contract CLEARING SIDEWALKS We learn that request has been made for consideration of having contractor keeping the dewalks clear in Strand Mr Shoitz has written conn cli arising for consideration of this However as the winter is now well advanced and per haps the sun will begin to re move show soon the matter gas left for the clerk to reply We know of people who have moved to Barrie after spending Winter in Strand owing to the fact that it was impossible to get from their homes with out walking on the roadway Also it can be remembered that couple of elderly people have surfaces one of which roved fatal ASSESSOR HELP Things have changed for the assessment commissioner For merly he want out and hired man as assistant and for con siderable time no one knew his name or bowmnch he was be Lng paid This year the re ongagement of this man caus ed quite lot of discussion in council and recent motion makes it clear that in future when additional help is to be hired and paid from public funds it wril be only afte pmval of council motions of connul num bers 12 and 13 would indicate that arguments are still being held In council about allowing essment to drag on in 003 Motion 12 reads Saw yer and Campbell that the new assessment be ahed in 1962 year Cochrane Todd and Saw yer aays Torrens and camp ali with Deputy Reeve Camp votlag against the motion be bad seconded Motion 13 Todd and Sawyer that the re assessment be finished in 1968 yeas Cochrane Todd and Sawyer pays Campbell and Torrens Both of these motions car ed so anyone who can figure out which rï¬places the other an reassessment will finally be completed Motion eight also has most peculiar sounding content that road superintendent John Cowan be classed as perm anent employee of the Town ship of lnnisfii for unemploy ment insurance How long must man be emplo ed lnnisfil to establish himzeif iii permanent employee7 We can recollect years ago when it was determined that this of ficials salary would not be de ductible for unemployment in surance bittis on tme an istant su er intendcnt be apptllsnted so that the hutdon of roads would not be left to one official met with accidents on the icy generally felt that it is This Absurd Confusion Over Food Is Becoming Quite Illarming ify all of the erroneous notions about food but perhaps low of the most common ones will at least encourage some considera tion of this alarming problem Several notions about milk are encountered frequently Do you believe that milk is alright for babies and young children but should not he used by adults This is not true lit any age milk is an economical source of high quality protein of calcium and of the vitamin riboflavin Allof these nutri ents are needed lluoughout life Moreover milk is easily digest Doctors use milk as the main food in number of spe cial dicta because it is easily digested and well tolerated Milk is claimed to cause phlegm in the throat There is no sound reason for this notion One of the worst beliefs about milk is that it causes cancer Neither milk nor any other food will do this The absurd notion is spread by people with evangel istic fervor It has been claim ed that the pasteurization of milk seriously lessens its nutri tive value Titers is clear proof that pasteurized milk will give the same rate of growth in dril dren as will raw rnllir Pasteur izalion is valuable method to prevent the spread of several infectious diseases and pasteur iratloa of milk should be com pulsory Almost everyone has heard or oven behaves some of these mistaken ideas about milk an almost perfect food only hope that have helped in some way to relieve you of those false no lions Even more important it has been my purpose to arouse feeling of concern that such ideas are béing perpetuated among our communities today Milk and many other healthful foods are not being eaten be cause ot the fear present in our minds HES 1m BUT T0 ram 28 IDNDON Ont CPlOaly 70 years old scoffed William Alexander Smith Monday night was told was born in 1062 Re is 100 years old agreed his 28yearold wife Marjorie She said that when they were married last year they told city ofï¬cials he was only 78 We were afraid it we put down the right age we wouldnt get licence Mr Smith celebrated his birthday last Friday and con gratulations poured in includ ing the traditional greetings to centenarians from the Queen and Prime Minister Dlefen baker He received callers as be relaxed in his wheelchair at Westminster Hospital Doubt was cast on his age Monday City records revealed the age on the marriage li cence Other records showed he was born variously in Woodstock Mord 1865 Borden Camiva Variety Of Entertainment By Barry srnwanr The Barker Home and School Association held its annual Ice Carnival in Dyte Hall Borden The carnival provided fine en fertainment fortbe young and aid The spectators listened to the RCAF Pipe Band under the direction of FS Dy son they watched the figure skating solo by Miss Joanne Thomson the costume display the hockey and broombnll gam es and the comic actions of the clowns The mighty Miles played an exhibition hockey game The Red team coached by FL Hynes defeated the FL Walkers Black team to broumhaligame was be tween tho teachers and the students of grades seven and eight After an overtime play the students defeated the tench ers and recaptured the Broom ball trophy Judges of the costumes were FvL Hunt Mayor of Anders son Park Mrs Gray trea surer Barker Home and School Camp An Air Force 350 bomber takes on fuel from tanker plane over the Atlantic at the midway paint of record Callam Bay Is Forgiving The Navy CLALLAM Bay Wash AP Residents of this community have sent folksy letter to Prime Minister Diefenbaker asking leniency for the com mander of Royal Canadian Navy destroyer escort that shelled the community Jan $9 One hundred and twentyfive parsons almost all the adult population of the tiny logging community 40 miles southwest of Victoria signed the letter which said in part We are sympathetic toward Cmdr Richard Leir in his time of trouble We hope the government deal mercilin with him Cmdr Leir of Pontictoa is skipper of the destroys aort Skeena HE LIED YEAROLD rassrand 1871 and also in Crestviile NC in 1888 RECORDMISSING Mrs Smith said her hus band was bom in the area where Timmina now stands it grew from mining camp started in 1910 and was brought to Woodstock when he was one year old she said when he was aboutrlo the family doctor Dr Browniie gait him he was born March 86 The doctor got the informa tion from the family Bible but that has since been lost or destroyed Mrs Smith said Marjorie is Mr Smiths third wife the others died She said the gap of 72 years between them makes no dif farence He has great deal more experience in life than have she said He is great help to Provides and Mr Kittmcr principal of BarkerSchool FL Willet president of the Barker and presented the prizes to the following boys and girls Grade three and under Or iginality first prizes went to Robert Warnock and Margo Hay second Robert Walker and Margaret Bell For the comic costume Mark Sarleaat and Leigh lZfay won first prizes second Elan Richardson and Gail Skene In the grade to group or iginality prizes were presented to Heather Bell and Nancy Bell second to Dianne willet and Shawn Gilks The comic costume prizes in this division went to Ronald Whisken and Dianne Ball sec and Heather Hay and Karen Dyson In the relay race the Eager beavers were winners Prizes were awarded to Colin Camp bell Brian Lee Sharon Cnssidy and Wendy Richardson Chairman of the Association selling for Angeles to New York and return flight The fourjet plane made the trip in an unofficial four hours CAPSULE NEWS First Woman WHITEHORSE GP woman was called to criminal jury panel Monday for the first time in Yukon history Mr Jus tice John Parker said it now is realized that women are equal to men in competence and intel llgence 6Weelrs Off VANCOUVER CF British Columbias 28000 coastal wond workers will bargain this year for up to six weeks paid vaca tion annually Joe Morris west ern president of the interna tional Woodworkers of America said the union decided to seek improved holiday benefits rather than shorter work week to create more employment Wild Isle TORONTO CPTlmber Is land in Lake Ontario naar Pic ton has been declared awilder ness area by the Ontario gav erament The lolaere island to be preserved in its natural state for research and educational ac tivities was given to the prov ince byMrs Cody widow of former chancellor of the University of Toronto Ships For Cubh KEYWEST Fla tAPILa vana radio said Monday Poland will build two shipyards in Cuba and will increase the is lands merchant marine with three 10000ton vessels now an der construction in Poland $100000 Gone MIAMI BEACH Fla AP Ttvo men disguised as husboys held up the cashier of the Eden Roe Hotel Monday and escaped with possibly $100000 About half the loot was in cash Russian Rises UNITED NATIONS AP Acting Secretary General Thant announced Monday the appointment of Eugeny Kis elev 54 veteran Soviet diplo mat as United Nations under secretary for political and se curity council affairs He suc ceeds Georgy Arkadev who resigned last week Space Traffic UNITED NATIONS AP The United States reported to the United Nations Monday that total of 72 us space vehicles and associated objects were in orbit around the earth as of Feb 15 Scare 0n Plane NEW YORK AP Na tional Airlines plane returned to ldlcwild Airport 35 minutes alter takeoff for Norfolk Va Mon day because woman passen ger wanted of danger The plane is unsafe my husband is after me the unidentified passenger told stewardess search failed to disclose anyex plosives Bomb Tested WASHINGTON AP The Atomic Energy Commission an nounced Monday it had con ducted an underground nuclear detonation of low yield at its Nevada test site The test was foe Carnival Committee was FS Waugh the lath announced in the cur rent underground series THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH By EEIIY STEWART CAMP BORDEN The First Camp Borden Rover Crew con ducted the first investiture in BEFUELLING FOR RECORD and 42 minutes Most of the flight was at 50000 feet The refueling was at 26000 tUS Air Force Photo via AP Wire photo Deny Utilities Right To Strike TORONTO CPlLabor prob lems highlighted joint meetings Monday of the Ontario Municipal Electrical Association and the Association of Municipal Elec trical Utilities The 53rd annual joint meet ing which closes Wednesday is expected to attract 1100 dele gates from across Ontario Grandficld of Brantford member of the AMEU told meeting some members of his association are in favor of ash ing the provincial govmment to declare public utilities as essen al servicesin the same cate gory as poli and firemen If such legislation were ob tained utility workers would be denied the right to strike Howard Scheifele of Waterloo member of the OMEA said public utility commissions have set wage and benefit pattern the rest of industry willhavo to follow We have all given in too readily to the unions GIVE MORE He said that in 1960 the aver age wage increases granted in industry came to 08 cents an hour while the electrical utili ties granted 102 cents Last year the utilities yielded twice as much to the unions as indus try at large He agreed with Mr Grand iields group members who thought the utilities should be declared an essential service thereby forcing compulsory ar bitration of wage demands Mr Grandlield said there ap peared to he need for uniform job classifications and stan dards During the meeting the con vention will be asked to support amalgamation of the Northern Ontario gen aï¬ng and trans mission facilities now operated by Ontario Hydro as trustee with the southern Ontario sys tem FIND aorua HAMBURG ReuterslA six inch bomb was found Monday in the offices of the news mas gazine Der Spiegel An anonym ous telephone caller had warned bomb would explode in the offices PERMIT TRANSFUSIONS JERSEY CITY Ni APlA juvenile court judge Monday night authorized blood transfu sions for an anaemic twoyear old child whose parents mem bers of the Jehovahs Witnesses religions sect had forbidden them Parents may become martyrs if they wish but they cannot make their children mar tyrs Judge tforris Barison said ashe granted request that Leneau Crawford Jr be given transfusions LEGION ameo WEDNESDAY MARCH 1962 745 pm JAcKPoT $16000 lEGlON HALL 71 COLLIER sr the history of Camp Borden gifting in the Guide and Scottt This ceremony is annually held privately and nonvmem hers are seldom permitted to attend Due to the historic vai ue the occasion to Noltawnn saga District boy Scouts the following supporters sponsors and uniformed leaders were in vited Group Captain and Mrs Hilton Squadron Leader and Mrs Eyres Captain and Mrs Levigne Flt and Mrs Hunt District Commissioner Carry Assistant District Com missioner and Mrs Burns SgtaMalor and Mrs Fox Scouter John Keddy Sas katoon Sash W01 Ted Kirkey Sgt Hodgson Fliilht Scr gcant Mrs Archer Dis trict Guido Commissioner Flt Sergeant and Mrs Reid Guide Captain Cnhmaster and Mrs Bell Smntmaster Glen GrahamMrs Bishop and daughter Sharon Mrs Dan Wilson FughtSergeant and Mrs cclle and and Mrs dier TORONTO CF Interna tional Nickel Company of Can ada Ltd had not profit of saamooo tUS or $302 share in 1961 compared with $80701000 and $276 in 1960 Sales were $517226000 com pared with $505121000 Nickel deliveries were 372 460000 pounds compared with 35133000 copper deliveries 268730000 pounds compared with 292540000 and platinum metals deliveries 391000 ounces compared with 359300 Henry Wingatc chairman said that included in lira de llveries were 48210000 pounds of nickel in 1961 and 51410000 pounds in 1960 which were ae quircd from the United States government or its suppliers un der arrangements which eased the governments stockng obs ligatioas and reduced surplus nickel in the governments stockpile This acquired nickel made no contribution to earn ings having been resold at the some prices at which it was acquired BOUGHT MORE Altogether the purchases which lNCO has found it pos sible to make in reducing US government surplus nickel ex ceed 125000000 pounds The total we have purchased in greater in amount than the cm tirc quantity we have sold to the stockpile Mr Wlngate added that fac tors contributing to improved earnings were substantially larger deliveries of nickel of the companys own production an increase in the price of nickel applicable during the latter half the year and dranges in foreign exchange value Factors affecting earnings adversely were reduced copper deliveries lower copper prices and con tinuing increases in labor and other costs He said the companys nickel production rose to more than 385000000 pounds Year as result of completion of the new nickel mining smelting and re fining project at Thompson Man Nickel consumption in the free world in 1961 as in 1960 was approximately 500000000 pounds with the lookedrfor re covery in the US becoming reality CASE HELD OVER NEW YORK AP Judge John Cashin postpon until Wednesday the pleading of Truman Bidwcll former New York Stock Exchange board chairman charged with evading $55908 in federal income takes for 1956 and 1957 The postpone meat Monday was by consent Bidwell resigned his stock ex change post when he was in dicted Munav Mater th Hold Investiture At Camp Borden res was absent because of ill ness The president of the Nottawa saga District Major Frank Koehlcr and tlrs Kochler and StdMajor and Mrs Cooper sent expressions of regret at not being able to attend be cause of prior commitments The meeting opened with few introductory remarks by the Rover Scout Leader John Bishop this was followed by two Rover Sqtlifl investitures Squire Al Chency and Squir Ilaward Hall squire is ad mittance lo the probationary stage while member fulfills requirements demanded be fore investitura as qualified rover scout The Rover investiture which is the ancient krugltuag cere many as planan by bard Bad cnPowell was conducted the rover scout leader Rover Mate Larry anelle was the colorbearer and Rovers David llichraught and James Fain brother wem sponsors of the candidates Squires Don Read and William ltfadder were sworn in on the solemn ceremony and became members of the Rover Brother hood of the World Major Chris Eyres kindly loaned his dress sword for the ceremony of Buffetling or the shoulder tap of rover membership Group Captain Hilton presented the shoulder cpaulets on behalf of the RCAF and Captain Leo Levlgne on behalf of the Army Rover Lender John Bishop presented the shoulder knots symbolic to membership and Assistant Rover Leader Dan Wilson presented the new Rov cr Scouts with hat badges The Crew Chaplain James Beveridgc closed the ceremony with special prayers The ceremony was held in the private chapel of the rover Crcw The beautiful altar tabla was constructed by Rover Mata Larry Lucelic and Rover Bill Madder Mrs John Bishop made the new crew handkerchief and tha beautiful St Georges Cross manor for the altar The new round table required for tho serious business of the crew was on display for the first time Rovers Larry and Bill also constructed this master piece Tho shoulder identifica tion is being woven in Indian head work and Rover Don Read is the specialist in this field The guests were invited to Join with the crew in lunch and social following the cere many The highlight of the lunch was beautiful coke cov ered with white frosting and decorated with the scarlet lets tors RS 1962 The rovers worked hard to achieve success and they an to be congratulated on the work and enthusiasm they diquaycd prior to the ceremony IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING quarantinemanila essv iltlllrllilllllIECHNlCULUR hiyaMm EVE AT 700 aad000 mums LSTARTS TOMORROWT PLAYERS TtiEAlitE rentala flares 715 and 92 Matinee at pm FANWE HURSTS 3ch neclmcmomw WedWM Adult Entertainment