Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1962, p. 10

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SPRINGII INTO CLASSIFIED PAGES BY DIALING PA 82414 run BARRIE EXAMLVER reason smart REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE lhTmnTING FAMILY HISTOR 123 no or drill ultb 11317 irom our Daily Jewish Happy EwanBIRTHS ENGAGE NLVIS rod WEDDINGS Nauru for 1hr can an only 1150 Iirinr thin to tan clauincd Coun tcr oi irlrpbdn mm nt rmlnrr PA Illtl CARDS OF THANKS TIBDEThc rnmliy of in in John node with in ulcnd the oincm rponcirtion ror lhe hind nur shawl Special thanks to Dr riron lioyni victorir 110 ill Miss Davis Sieckir mnlrll lame and for the berul lui riorri tributes Thc family Brawl Ends Hockey Game MEDICINE HAT Alta ICP major brawl and spectators attack on the referee ended Saskatchewan Hockey League playoff game here hlon day night Larry Plonte of Medicine Hat Monarchs and Wally Blaldscll of Moose Jaw PlaMors who won were given misconduct pen alties for their part in the brawl which broke out in the last min ute of play Referee llorry Barrett was at tacked by fans as he left the ice One spectator later renewed the attack in the refereen room in both cases police intervened Bud Syverson of tile Monarchs also received it misconduct in the hectic final minute of play for felling the referee with crosscheck Spectators got into the act in the third period after Blalsdeil tripped Grant Hall behind the liionarch net and in turn was boarded by Barry Goldberg Pinnte leaped from the penalty box to join the battle Plunte and Blaisdcll renewed their lead in the hallway be tween the two dressing rooms Moose Jaw players who tried to go to Blaisdells rescue were atopped by fans The remaining 16 seconds of the engagement were played after police got order restored Ioitn Abbott 88 Folk Singer Dies HULL Que CPI Oliver John Abbott all Englishham foiksinger whose first public performance was at the age of 11 died Saturday at his home here He was 90 Mr Abbott native of En Lieid England whose songs now are on record in the National Museum of Canada went un discovered as folksingcr until 1957 in that year Edith Fawke Toronto folklore collectorrccor ded 150 of Mr Abbotts songs His first public appearance was at Giebe Collegiate concert in Ottawa in 1960 followed by per formances at the Second New port Folk Festival Newport Rl the iiiariposa Folk Festival and the 1961 International Folk Music Conference in Quebec Mr Abbott who crime in Can ada in 1900 was employed by local lumber company for in years CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of to per word per insertion for one and two times do per word for three four or five times and Wm per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional diargo if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 56c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS 01 CORRECTIONS Auvrrtlscrs am reminded that all pnnnn insertion orders nro ncca ed as couvcnlencn to you tIns ndvertisor Therefore the mustard Advertisln Department require rlt advcr sors to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately ritor arst insertion in order tnri any errors or omissions may be reported aurora an in order that some may be mulled for tho rollowin days Insertion Order We wirh to point out that The Harris mrrminor ts responsible or only one incorrectly printed inroriinn on any rdverusernonl and then only to the extent or portion or ad rant involves the mirprint Errorr which do not lessen the valun or tho rdvrrtlrs moni up not oiirlblo tor corrod tions by mike goods Coming Events be per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 75 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used 8c per word extra BLIND imrnii REPLIES Information rounding rdviirtiserr urintz Blind Letter Box Numbsrr ror iieoiior in here ItrchLv coded rniini he nor to Latter eoxrs will he had only in dayl nftar ion on or publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication with the ex ception Classified Display advertisements which must be In Ib 100 neon preceding day ZIONr lIllliflAdl may be oh and iylu liylal Ior inmi ialnirl ihmiirh Th nxomlnnr ad qu dlalrilndnt TnItEE riEDliooM Nill Bungalow phone PA 61603 HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER dram PHONE PA am DUFFERIN ST $9500 very nice small brick home Garage paved drive and lovely fenced arei for garden ideal for the retired man or small family New exciusiva listing Cali Rita Scandrett 91 WELLINGTON ST Perfect for the family who wants three bedroom two siorcy brick home with spacious rooms Finished recreation roam Patio overlooking trced sloping ravine Siofir N1ltlA terms coop 590 Call Riin Scandrett TRADE OR EXCHANGEFor Aliandale or country bungalow lhls roomy home has large modern kitchen diningliving room three bedrooms Bright dry basement Nearly new home New listing Carries for $71 principal and interest Cull Emerson Swain FOR SALESIXPLEX Five twobedroom apartmenis and one apartment with one bed room All have stoves and re frigerators No apartments have dining rooms Hot water gas heating Location central to downtown Revenue will be about $600 monthly Coll Percy Ford RVLVINGS CALL niTA SCANDltLTr PA 04a Dollole VlLCOX lA ease PERCY FORD PA 117930 EMERSON SWAIN PA use Member of anrrio and District and Ontrid Real Lillie uoardr CARSON on 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre ACRE acre with excellent buildings Full price 510000 with only $1 500 down Call Russell Carson PA 06181 or after call PA 66161 WESTEND Large storey brick home Living room dining room kit chen bedroom and large ball on main floor spacious bed rooms and bathmom upstairs Vithin flat walking distance of schools and shopping Low doivn payment Call Ralph Baake PA 66181 or after call PA 641803 $1700 DOWN Large frame duplex situated just outside city limits spa cious rooms on each floor Ground floor apartment now renting at $65 per month Full asking price $8500 For in spection call Russell Carson PA 66481 or after call PA 66181 PA 66481 Member of Barrie and District Real more Board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7a TIIPIN STREET bAItluE NEAR UNIVERSAL COOLER $9500 full price rooms in cluding bedrooms modern full basement forced air oil heating Carrics for about $00 monthly including taxes GROVE ST $8200 bedroom bungalow about years old brick $1500 down payment close to all schools immediate possession PENETANG ST 312800 New bedroom brick bungalow large family size kitchen and living room equip ped with double windows im mediate possession BUYERS OPPORTUNITY $12900 asking price bedroom split level brick home complete with recreation room separate laundry room plus ample stars age space piece tiled bath equipped with aluminum storms and screens Carries for $95 month including taxes This property must be sold this week so make an appointment to in speet now and then make your offer This is low down pay ment for an NllA resale im mediate possession CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Blrrla and Blame Rani kn Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PAIkay85575 on Steel Street Attached norm rally landscaped an 170 Alu mlnum storms rnd rcroonr nro plnoo nntio one your Old Teln 100 Acres PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST in Barrla Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL lineupPA um 558 SIM ROGERSPA mSleltPA mu CONNLLLTA um unloads DAiuu 1115111117 REAL DKAIE auAAD CLIFF BROWN Rumba more mm BARRIE Paonns PA emu PA sow MunbuI or the Irma Int hula Spud Smith CampbellPA um Poinu Giny rA 5nd Joni hubPA I57 Chulll RandPA 8311 Norman SheIsweII REALESTATE BROKER DUNLOP Sr PA 89961 PA 60702 First Mortgage hind Available 77 Interest 607 of Value No Fees charged Job Lonliin PA M710 menu Shrirwou Ore mo cut lnck wliiion PA Heal Notman Sarisd1 PA mi 5500 Howard Noni PA SIOUII Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 8S901 BEEF FARM 140 Acres of good grain and po tato land creek through pro perty new born with steel stebi ing Also eightroom house with all conveniences close to school and church No miles off Highway 11 BEEF FARM 100 Acres clay loam river through property Large barn good room home 20 acres of bush miles from Angus Pric ed at only $1600000 DAIRY FARM clay loam Milk contract bull cooler Good barn large stone house with bath Oil heated mile from No 11 Highway miles from Lake Simcoe We also have farms ranging 3mm 50 to 300 acres Dairy and eef Member or tho Demo and District Real tzstrio nnnrd EVENINGS CALL MERV GOULD 0110 1515 EDI GOULD lilo raid ltAillw SLrsSOh PA 6061 ORCA EnoivN PA Enos LLOYD HOCKLEY PA 6381 EVEREII LOUCIIEED STAYNER loom HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME TRIPLEXOniy years old $270 month income Fully rent ed interest principal and taxes only $149 month Contact Harold Forster PA $6451 Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 svmwes com Krri Marshall PA 89917 Joe Palmer PA sneer moory Miller PA onset Member of the errrio rnd District Real Estate bond Keith Marsha REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 la OLAPPEnTON sr BARRIE 11 MOORE PA urea FRANK NELLES PA 55695 Member Blrrln Real in CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA 112419 93 Dunlop St Masai MARSHALLPA me cotterPA ester MURIEL marPA em NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price 515500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 88186 OWNERS three bedroom bunga low and your old Smrli down payment Telephone PA 60535 or rurtber Information THREE BEDROOM nnch style bungalow Largo landscaped lot Close to schools Large rec room Attached galnae Teie bona PA sonar Shoo DOWN PAYMENT New bedroom brick home located Ali gur piece bntb Liled rloois large lot Transferred Telephone sat Quick Camp Bordon 591 FIVE ROOM House oil heated fireplace set In knotLV plno parl nlltng in living room pteco tiled bath garPo landscaped lot Phone PA 224 NHA home New three bedroom homa Largo living room kitchen with large dining area loLs of cup boards and storage 011 heated Colored bathroom futurea van ity divided basement Largo lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVI NG Dont forget to transfer your iNSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61802 11 Dunlop St rllnss usnnoesi Hausa Three and onehalf your old NIIA moll gun in Oakley Prrk rm Priced ror lich rile Polly lrndrrrpsd Tclep and PA rust MUST as SOLD income property Duplex Blame class Dominion Store Area Reasonable down 110 nian Make an offer must sell this spring Telephone PA 0660 TllflESTEAnOLD Frame slit robin Curgo Sierra and schema Full price 0900 Close to public and separate schools Teia phone PA 5am TORONTO NorthWest Doclion Trime bedroom new brick Dunla low including storms and screens soddcd back and front slam $2100 down Telephone liir How ells PA ewe MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60103 IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties PA 60981 Mortgage Funding OVEI SimpsonsSearS DUNLOP sr MORTGAGESlat and rod bouzbt said and arranged commenti arid rosidentiri in loaned on on existing mortgages cgnrrln Mort gage Brokers Pa easel WANTED bout Of $200 to $1000 for plumbing and heating business in name mlLv atch nod load interest rate Apply Do as Dblrte Ikalnlnor RENTALS LOW COST SPACE or rent Clean modern buildinzl Suitabl fdr Commercial or 113M Inducklnl Telephone PA 66515 PROFESSIONAL Suite for doctor dentist eie Ideal with connected residence possibuity parking Laue Apva In writing to Box Barrie mln cr NURSING HOMES PATIONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available for welfare and convalescents Tele phone STAYNER 55 ARK apart Nunsnia noun iiuat Ior this work Semi and prlvrir rooms kind nursing care good road rv rooms station on gon for outings Talapaoar asiu Stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT CENTRALLY louled new modern apartments new renting Lsbaped uvlng and dining area two bed rooms xonn not water lulu stove and refrigerator supplied also washer Ind dryer One bed room aprrunent olsd available Immediate possesiori Coutt Ciih telephone PA Miss oi PA uni BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca tion 385 per month Telephone PA 89238 CHOICE APARTMENT Modern bedroom unfurnished selfcontained heated laundry and parking facilities Near bus stop Available March PHONE PA 86467 Something Different Vacant unfurnished three room apartment just like your own 1lttle bungalowbut heated Re frigerator stove and draperies optional Next to East End Shop ping Plaza $75 monthly Tele phoae PA ti7175 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown Done and two bedrooms Balconies OBamboo Draped arcs and fridges divldunl thermostats cineralors Ilree washing and drying facilities orderly other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 UNPURNISHKD modem on bed room lidted npriment Av nbln Numb 31 per month Partial Laundu Anilinel ltphnna PA Hoax album two bedroom hours for nut Inan ll rt Stroud Sup oimnrket and school In minute Drilled Icli 70 monthly Avail IDII Apr Telephone PA R931 Two bedroom bunlllow for root Conn and recreation room Inn irrli st district In good condition Available April heat $7 per month Telephone PA elm nmx IBDROD amount for not In new build washer dryer and IIDIiDr service lupPIIed Available immediately Telephone PA bus for rurtbcr intonation AVAILABLE NOW Two bedroom unrurnirhrd rparcmrnt Hut and ruler nupplird Sailcontained Eut end Iocntiou an bur route 315 per month Telephono PA new Tlio nsnhotni House for mat Idrni location on Kompcureit my Adults Prercrrcd For further Ln rnrrnrilun contact all cbmtan PA 50511 MODERN newly decanted one and two bedroom apirlmrnu roi renL Centrally located with water and heat supplied Tcllpbona PA use or PA 3473 rer Iurtbrr ID omltlon POUR R130 utmont for rent unmmisbed he Gmund rioor Private entnn Selfcontained Avrllnblo noii Telephone PA moi Ior runner informlion r0171 hOait Apartment we both unfurnished Stove and us irtgentor supplied Centrally ii rated No childnn Avrilbin Im mediately For further Informa tion talepbone PA 60241 0N3 BEDROOM rpartinont In mod cm apartment house heat water refrigerator stove stongr inun dry racllitiss Ind Parking East end No children Telephone PA 61161 Available Itprll uNIIlnNIsllsn upstnln Ipnrlr mutt three rooms seireontnlned nil heated new stove and retria orator Central SmlII brby wrl come Available no Telephone PA 89757 bcfons 510 pm RENTALS APTSV HOUSES TO RENT gm nix loosi nous with nun and lnrn ouemrnt Aim brnied Apartment for not Telephone PA but for runner idiomlion man BOOM unrurblrhed ground floor rpmment for rent Neor rmarirs Hut hydra and water supplied Parking iparr Tolephone PA um or PA was to detain roux noon Aprrimrnt for not Prirltn bulb unrurnisbod one but Id Private Entrance Class 1a reboo and bin children mime eon is hurt Dimmer two bronco nostrilr rpm must separate entrance but no prior rurpilrd nrrr rest and shopping bison No cbiidrrn Avail roio April Telephone PA aim vlin CENTRAL Tbm morn nplrtmlnt In new bulldlnl Stove nnd rorrlxrrrior ru lied Lnundry facilities Avrilbio arch in Tclrphnnn PA won nun two bedroom modern nplrtmcnt availhie in Stroud apartment house Adultr annmd No objection to brby lea monthly Telephone Stroud in ANOtis mo bedroom apartment ror rent Dntb separate rntnneo name 34 monthly Phone Ron Spencer Ivy arts or call at slurlet Street Angus Two LARGE unfurnished roomr ullh private bath llorrtrerrior nnd stove ruppiird ceninilv inu ied Telephone PA 150 after pm IISATED nilcontained apartment ground floor Tam illgo rooms Near reboot Prrkimr Private entr mice monthly Tclcpbonn PA um lino MONTHLY Family home for rent tour bedrooms new oil rut nice Central Available lurch xi Close to bus stop Telephone PA H590 Iot particulars BURTON AVE Three room int Iuntlihcd rrlment to rcpt Oil bralrd hot water Slovo nod to frigcrainr Private bath Apply Ad Centre st for runner inrormtion six nodal House lol not with sunroom and garage Oil heating Centrally locnlrd Available now 5100 per month Trigphone PA mm or PA Mara THREE 100 ruralsbed lp ment modern conveniences and light supplied $55 monibly Apply Culrhurrt General Store or telephone PA 89575 FURNIslIzD three room rpnrt merit for rent lath living room bedroom and kitchenette Oil hart ed Moderre rent Parking lltlIIA ties Telephone PA aauo PunNIsliisD Apnrlment in rent Hot water hentinr Located in the titular action of Alinndlie 0n bur stop Ssiruntalned Suitbin In business couple Parking Tele phone PA haste MODERN one and two bedroom npnrtmcnts east end Barrie Darn boo drapes Venourn blinds Auto mltIc laundry Inrilitles Parking Telephone PA aIsro rer further information MAIN PLooli Unhinllshcd two bedroom nprrtment Store and frllerntor Heat and water Laun dry rrcliiiies Parking Adults Tel ephonc PA 51 for rurtber in formation HEATED tree room unfurnished apartment at 11K Allpla AVE Snif contained water lupplicd Avrn lbia Immedllleb Toicphonn PA 65359 or PA 851113 or further Information DEATED mmisbod three room apartment reccnlLv redecorated range and retrigerstnr supplied Loutnd Doyiield street Avail gtélenl Immediately Telephone PA lrrrch Telephonn PA from MODERN two botimam merit centrally located stove mrrirerrtor Free laundry nrrklnz facilILits Decorated In tenants choice of onion Avrilbio apartment Naderto rcpt warm repmta entrance storage pork lng Control at bus laundromat Allowance ror solvice tong SL PA 5454 liloDErtN two bedroom nprrtrnent large living room kitchen three Piece bath Front and bncit eDI rancts Laundry room in 1an rnont One or two children wei come Avniinble April Apply 31 Hayfield Street or PA 66m Two BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good size kitchen private bath unmrnlsbeil bentsd Private entrance Central locnuon Prrklng provided Rout 5711 por month Immediate possession Tele vhone PA 84080 or liter Dim PA 34395 115 Pene coaIIOIITAIILE inrgc three room By ALICE BROOKS Tops Everything Musthave fashion for Spring and all yearChaneistyle jack et with contrast banding Jetspeed knittingbig needles strands of knitting worsted Tops skirts slacks dresses Pat tern 71911 directions in two lengths sizes 3538 Send Thirtyfive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care otthe Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 50 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVER BEFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle craft Catalog ready howl See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion seelion plus bedspreads iin toys afghans slipcoversplus free patterns Send 25 cents aowl new AND 010de One rnd two bedroom apartments averinnkiax Scenic Kcmpenlclt Bay moi wa tcr rrkino rnd irnltor servic incluich Automatic washing cluuer PA moi THREE noon Apartment for rent Privrin brthrnorn hvn blocks from downtown on Owen Si so per month includes use or dryer Tele phono PA seals Two BEDROOM Mobile home or rent Dilly equipped Located at 196 Burton Avenue Telephone PA Nona or PA 61245 lor further in formation UNFURNISIIBD inren room heal ed apartment selfcontained with private bath PelletDz Street Close to stores schools and bus stop Available Immediately Tele phone PA 63112 umrsrs ROOM Brsernent ApartA merit heated selrreontnlnrd pri vnto bath herxigerrtur and stove Pnrtlrily rilldished Telepbono PA 55320 or PA was for Author in rarnutlon NSW LARGE Apartments rui rent in new lpaninnnt building One and two bedrooms Stove and re frigcrntnr laundry rnciuucs rup Plled Queen Street and PA 63674 sPAcrotis flvn room unnirnished apartment Stove and rolrirentor optionl Automatic laundry rnd pnrkinr Inoilities Teicpbnne PA Mesa or PA 333 ror rurthsr de nus ROOMS TO LET BEDROOM for rent Control In downtown area For 111an gen llemln For nirther Informlion telephone PA adssi nsoxnoils for rent One single one with two beds Housekeeping Ir duiud In quiet home Would ruit business gentlemen Apply on Sophia Street Wrsi PLIINIsImD Bedroom rer rant Laundry fncIIILIes DrenkIrt rnd lunch pneirsd Ir desired Telephonn dnys PA 50011 or evenings PA 61017 or mrthel inrormniion ROOM BOARD Noonr AND BOARD with card available ror in elderly lady Home privileges Privnto room Telephone PA $3747 ROOM AND BOARD nvnunble ror Sirl In private home Private room Centrally located Telephone PA aaoaa nrter pm ROOM AND BOARD nvrlinbie ror one in private home with home privileges and parking Telephone PA Mao for rurtiier Information ARTICLES For SALE Do you have any of these items in your basement or attic which are no longer in use OSporting equipment Rndios car or portable IReOord players etc OUsed furniture of any kind prove to be fast seller OGOOD used clothing 01f you would to exchange your unwanted items for cash call Classified Advertising betwcerr 830 em and pm daily PA 824 ITS SPRING HOUSECLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful ltcms stored in your attic garage and cioseLs If you dont want it body docs USE FAST ACTING BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner if you would like to have re prints of any new pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please ca at our Busi nesr Office We all sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 x10 $125 Pius SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA M531 FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jan isih and Feb 28th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Rag 39 FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud Rs WOODWARD i3 SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost ELECTRIC GUITAR or dale also amplifier with Tremolo controu in good condition Telephone PA Nara for rurtber details FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES 150 BAGS or No Table Potatoes for sale Telephone PA aotai rot further Information BOATS MOW RACING DDAT to root hydro plane well made boat KciLV plnrl two Yelis old This boat will ruily go srso Telephone CH mass or write Bell Stnwnrt Avenue nerdnle Ontario ARTICLES WANTED DABY STRDLLER wanted liturl brvn springs Telephone PA 66565 PIANOS Wanted any makes in rcnsonabls cnndlUnn will pay cash Apply to Box as Barrio Ex airliner some Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 BUSINESS FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and from Small nnlrnais removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 Ihi0 CHARGE at near an our run NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Faxmead Ontario Meshes No 172081 Nick Montague PIOP FARM Milerimam CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatly Farm Equipment in BURTON AVE PA ems CASH TRADE TERMS LIVESTOCK PIGS for nlc week old in wall Apply to 11 Swlucr Barrie or rrlrpbono PA um TWO GUERNSEY Holler IDI IIII due soon and fllilllfld and one rune Telephone PA man John Rnedu RR Barrie TWO IDUNG sows duo in time weeks also and registered Hal Yorkshire Apply nymond Iznmr triepbrmo me are 17 WEANED PIGS for n10 also three Young Sowr due March Cow RDhtelD it AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER 8r HILLMAN 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 61321 WANT TO BE HAPPIER DRIVER Buy new car new with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA seem 1955 NASH rour door Rambler 0n nwner rriro over pnyiannu or all per month Telephone PA 57083 WM 1957 METEOR two door cylihdlt No down plyinan to weakly Telephone PA 66590 19214an rour dong Ode own er over plymen 11 month Telephone PA 57081 1555 cflEvrioLET chan WIu trade for Older model car and take over balance or pnymants Telephone after pm PA oiliaa 1951 DODGE Hardtop automatic complete with radio Crn be An ncsd Telephone PA 34170 niter pm 195a PONTIAC Pnrlsienne srnuon Wagon in good condition Apply to Punk lonelis box 172 Worm chach or tclcpbona 7mm Elm vr Isss MERCURY for rail door sedan automatic power steering V41 motor Real buy Make ma an error Can be financed Tele phone PA 60554 VEXCEPTIONAL PriIvArr BUY 1956 Dodge Immaculate rebuilt Iriptnr terms arranged Telephone Monarch Fond Ind Freezer Serv ices PA 68741 1958 FORD rnur door Rune WI gon Va motor automatic rans meien original paint Tnka over payments of $55 per month Tele phone PA 117033 1956 iiiiznculiY two door hardtop nutomntlc transmission custom rndio all new white wall tires Original black and green finish One owner Take over payment 17 0510 per month Telephone PA SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or You Tlephone ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKDVG PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PQ BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 60706 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE whoa service 14 DUNLOP ST PA 6l 142 NICE BRIGHT Room with Board with lunches packed Close to parking area Contrniiy located Telephone PA 32m ARTICLES For SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 321113 Ideal for lining hen houses aiucs garages cm Perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario EASE LOANS$500 at 12 par month Telephone PA moo grosronl Finance 75 Dunlap 5t est COIN CoLanrorts Write iol free price ilstTha Bobby Centre 7o nunlop St West Barrie min and otrmp ruppilor CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 290l Barrie Try An Examiner Want All PHONE PA 82414 PA 82414 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR StWALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoleum and Vinyl tile OShect goods Iceramie tile OlIardwand flooring Ocarpels ICompIete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP wRANTEED FREE PARK PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 114952 Charles Lawson Propr PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING nowano SMITH AND sort Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1020 RR Barrie PA 66956 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVED FROM ROOFS COTTAGES ETC PA 68347

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