OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ad Tele honr PA Mile The telephon number to all for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 86517 LOCAL WEATHFR Mostly cloudy mild law tb night 10 High tomorrow 12 For complete summary turn to page three 31 ores IN roan HE Of the four children of the Campbell family of the Van couver area community of Coquitlam the three girls have holes in their hearts and their little brother prob ably has Doctors describ it as 1000000toone medical occurrence Open hcort surg ery is being planned for the are ARTS MLIONTOONE CHANCE girls ilcft to right Connie 111 months Shelley and Jacqueline By the end of this week on examination of Scott eight months second atria 71536 neither Barrio Ontario Clnldl Tuesday March 1962 from right is expected to show that he also has hole in his heart They are the children of Mr and Mrs Alon Cnmpbcll AP Vlrephoto LONDON Itcutelsl Britain has recognized the new regime that seized power in Burma in military coup Friday the for eign office announced today revolutionary council under armed forces commander Gen Ne Win ousted the regime of Premier Nu claiming that demands by the Shah minority for federal system threatened the nations unity The council also allegedthat the country was suffering from economic stagnation The revolutionary 11 Monday named No Win premier and planning minister and dis tributed number of other min istries amid plans to allot all ministries and government de partments to its own members No win has pledged to con tinue Burmas neutral foreign policy Four Convicted For Bank Holdup PETEHBOROUGH Four Montreal men were con victed of armed robbery Mon day in the $232000 holdup of bank at IIavelock 0nt last Aug 31 Three were sentenced in 10 years in penitentiary the other to six years The luyear sentences were given to Roger Poirier 31 Roger Martel 41 and Yvon Lalnndc 31 Jean Claude La londe 24 was given six years County Judge Wilmott who took almost two hours to deliver his judgment to pack ed courtroom said find the four accused guilty of the first count of the indictment namely guilty of armed rob bery as charged The four were charged with holding up branch of the To rontoDominion Bank The $232000 in cash and negotiable sscurlties has not been recover strong force of police was gasseat as sentence was pass from the the wreckage of British DC7C DOUALA Cameroon Republic Jungle patrols completed the recovery of 111 bodies today swamp surrounding airliner that crashed here Sun day night Tough French officers serving in the Cameroon Army called it one of the grlmmest scenes of mass death they had ever known Lindsay Council Suspends Engineer Changes Locks LINDSAY Ont CPLMunic ipal engineer John Newton Tim berlake was suspended Monday after being accused of dishon esty discourtesy and incompe fence The cis was reached after the engineer left council meeting saying he would reply to no questions until he had seen lawyer All ledgors in his office were immediately confiscated and placed in the custody of the town clerk The locks on the office door were changed At the council meeting Mayor Joseph Holtom said Mr Timber lake misrepresented his age in applying for the job in 1955 and referred to what he said were instances where through bad management and poor engineer ing several thousands of dollars of taxpayers money have been thrown away Tax Structure Is Uniair WINNIPEG GP Canadas income tax structure may be unfair and should be uramined by royal commission Premier Duff Roblin and Liberal Oppo sition Leader Gil Molgat agreed the Manitoba legislature Mon ay The premier who also acts as provincial treasurer said he will try to bootleg his idea into discussions before the royal commission on banking and fi nance when it appears in Win nipeg We had to climb into the trees to recover many bodies in the branches said one officer was 24 hours before many of the bodies could be found and pulled from the crocodilein fested iunglc swamp rnlles from Douoln airport The fourengined propellorlt driven plane had stopped here to refuel while on flight from Portuguese Mozambique to Lux embourg Representatives of Caledon lanAirways of London which leased the plane from the Sa bena Airline of Belgium wcro expected to arrive shortly in this West African capital to in vestigate the disaster The plane made normal take off but crashed seconds later Eyewitness said it just seemed to plunge straight down and burst into flames as it hit the swamp The crash took the heaviest toll of lives in civil aviation history among disasters involv ing single plane There were no survivors Jungle Patrols Recover All Bodies From Air Crash The nearest civilian tragedy to It in termsof deaths occurred only four days ago when Boeing 707 ietliner crashed in Jamaica Bay near New York killing all 95 aboard The 10 crew members eluding three stewardesses were all Britons except for an Australian TransAfrica Air Coach Lim ltcd of London which chartered the plane listed the passengers as 52 South Africans 31 Rho desians six Dutch four Ger mans two British two Danes two Austrians an Italian and an Irishman Marjorie Blake 27yearold South African girl was en routs to Canada to marry Ian Cameron high school teacher in Picton Ont Search parties worked under floodlights Monday night and by the time rising tides forced them to quit they had recov ered 96 bodies The remainder were buried in the swamp in Merchandise Surplus Reduces Balance Oi Payments Deï¬cit OTTAWA CP Canada re duced its balance of payments deficit to 5989300000 last year the lowest since 1955 thanks to surplus of merchandise trade But the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today there was record high $1160000000 deficit in non merchandise transactions with other coun triesnearly half of it resulting from dividend and interest pay ments on foreign investments The reduction in the overall deficit of nearly 20 per cent from $1217000000 in 1960 was the second consecutive decline from the peak deficit of $1494 000 in 1959 fn both those years the coun trys merchandise trade position has been improving But there has been owldening deficit an invisible non merchandise transactions such as interest and dividend payments tourist and travel expenditures and shipping costs BIG TRADE BOOST The biggest single factor in the reduction of the balance of payments deficit was $170 000000 surplus on commodity trade compared with $145 000000 deficit in 1000 These figures dont jibe with normal trade statistics because of certain adjustments made for balance of payments purposes Last week the 1051 commodity trade surplus was reported to be $97100000 HERES ONE LEBANON Ind AP Mechanic Justice of the Peace Joe Cooper got motor lst James Darnell coming and going Darnell told mechanic Coo per that his car was sluggish and lacked get up and go Cooper tuned it upposslhly too well little later Darnali came back to Justice Cooper with speeding ticket Cooper fined Darnell $1075 for speeding He didnt say ivhat the tuneup bill would Not More Than par Copy11 Pagu Russias Threat To Perfect New Type Of Weapon Khrushchev Suit Names Businessman OTTAW iCP Writs were filed in Ontario Supreme Court Monday by the Town of East view against former mayor Gor don anergnc and Enstvlew bus inessman Dario Brunet The writs are in first civil actions arising out of the East vlow public inquiry of 1960 which found mlsmangement of town funds The writs against Mr La vergne Conservative member of the Ontario legislature for Rus sell and Mr Bninet were filed by Eastvlcw town solicitor John Nelligon The writ against Mr vergne seeks A411600 being monies had and received from the plaintiff by the defendant without lawful justification therefore and BDamages arising out of the defendant conspiring with others to defraud the plaintiff while acting as mayor of the plaintiff corporation The writ against Mr Brunet seeks court declaration that the municipality is the sole owner of property on which Mr Brunet built home Cost Of Rises OTTAWA CP Canadian living costs rose froctlonally in January due to wide range of price increases especially for foods and medical services The consumer price index for Feb roso onetenth of point to 1290 from 1297 month aar ller the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reported today Thcindex at Feb equalled the record of 1298 established at Dec It is based on 1040 prices equalling 100 Increases were recorded in January for food clothing transportation health and per sonal care and recreation and reading The tobacco and aloe hol index decreased and the housing index was unchanged PRICES RISE SHARPLY The food index in January rose twotenths of point to 1250 from 1245 due to sharply higher prices for fresh vegeta bles including imported carrots cabbage lettuce and onions Prices also were higher for bread eggs oranges coffee tea veal turkey and powdered skim milk but lower for beef pork chicken frozen orange juice fresh tomatoes and fats The overall increase in living costs followed drop in indus trial wages in December The in dex of average industrial wages and salaries at Jan latest date availablewas 1704 com pared with 1035 month ear lier and 1750 year earlier The index is based on 1940 wages equalling 100 The wages index computed from survey of firms employ ing more than 10 persons and covering wide range of indus tries represents an average of total wages paid The health and personal care Algerian Riot Police Repel ORAN Algeria AP Hun dreds of Moslems demonstrated today before prison where as cret army commandos killed two Moslem prisoners and wounded 30 others in fire raid Monday Squads of steelhelmcted riot police held the Mosiems back as they screamed nationalist slogans and shook their fists Several hundred yards away another crowd of several hua dred Moslems stood behind barbed wire entanglement seal ing off an entrance to the Vielle Nonvelle Orans largest Moss lern quarter Squads of soldiers and halftrack with meal ibre machinegun faced them Special convoys of riot police were rushed to the prison area on the edge of the city Authorities said the secret army apparently attacked the prison to mete out its own pun ishment of Moslem terrorists Almost all the 1850 convicts were imprisoned for terrorist activities in support of Algerian independence gt The secret army pledged to keep Algeria French has often expressed anger that Moslem rebels sentenced to death have not been executed President do Gaulle commuted all death sen tences shortly after he assumed power in 10511 The 50 terrorist commandos forced prisoner driver at gun point to drive hlsrvan through the prison gate as eight terror ists in paratroop uniforms crouched in the back Once inside the eight dia armed prison guards and opened the gate for the other raiders to enter in two jeeps two panel trucks and two mili tary weapons carriers The guards were taken from the prison in trucks and held captive until the attack was over The raiders piled up huge charge of explosives and containers of gasoline and bu tane gas inside the prison walls and then set it off As they retreated they locked the prison gate so none of the prisoners could escape The ter rorists machineguns taligdly into the flames as they High winds fanned the flames and firemen had difficulty bring ing the fire under control Panic raced through the prisons sprawling cell blocks and Mos lems in neighboring sections of the city massed in crowds screaming and wailing All the unlpiured prisoners weretransferred to detention quarters outside the prison Throughout Algeria Friday as persons were killed27 of them Moslems and 130 wounded The terrorism continued as French and Algerian rebel lead ers headed for the French Swiss border for the opening Wednesday of the decisive round of negotiations for ceasefire and independence agreement for Algeria In Algiers 1pound charge of plastic explosives was found on Moroccan airliner shortly before it was to take off for Casablanca Officials said the charge was in tightlyclosed sack and apparently the fuse sputtered out for lack of ox gen Police blamed the horn ing attempt on the secret army Secret army terrorism also flared inFrance French Moslems Protesting Deaths Army car was ambushed on the outskirts of Paris and two offi cers were wounded by gunfire Former premier Pierre MendesFrance who supports Algerian independence was forced to cancel lecture at Nantes after theatre manager withdrew permission to use the auditorium The manager said secret army had threatened to bann his children if he let MendesFrance use the hall President do Gnulie mean while gave lastminuto instrue tlona today to his negotiating team for the Algerian peace talks opening again at Evian lesBalns on Lake Geneva Louis Joxe Algerinn affairs minister and chief French nego tiator spent 45 minuteuvith de Gaulic Premier Michel Debra sttaycd on for another 25 min es HOUSE IN DUMP moves IN mu TORONTO tCP William Rattray picked up $20000 house cheap at sale when the property on which it rat was exproprlnted for highway widening He hired Howard Hunter to move it Hunter chopped down few mail boxes found the road still wasnt wide enough and widened it with bulldozer On Feb the operation ground to halt and the house blocked the road crc atlng tinmile detour Nearly three weeks later suburban Vaughan Township got court order directing Hunter to clear the street by the following day Two days after the order expired the township sent in wreckers who deposited Rat troyo house in pieces in the nearest dump On Monday the township sought an order committing Hunter to jail for disregarding the earlier order llls counsel got twoday adjournment to file additional material But he was told by Mr Jus tice Kelly Youd better have your client ready with his clothes next Wednesday prepared to go to jail When mandatory is flouted to jail they go Living Little index rose in January to 1572 from 1500 due to higher doc tors fees which more than bal anced lower prices for pharma ceuticals including prescrip tions The increase was caused en tirely by rise in the health care index The personal care Index was unchanged HOUSING HOLDS STEADY Housing costsbiggest item in the consumer budgetwere un changed with the index holding steady at 1340 The clothing index in January rose to 1110 from 1110 as number of items of mens womens and childrens wear and piece goods moved up from January sales levels The tr portation index edged upward to 1407 from 1406 as all three component in dexes rose The automobile op erations index rose as result of higher gasoline prices the lo cal transportation index moved up because of higher taxi fares and increases in interurban bus fares pushed the travel index up The tobacco and alcohol index declined to 11712 from 1171 Lower cigarette prices in the to bacco index more than offset slightly higher prices for alco holio beverages as avresult of tax changes in Saskatchewan The index of 30 industrial raw materials rose to 2400 from 2471 in the threeweek period from Jan in to Feb 16 In the same period the index of Cana dian farm products at terminal markets fell to 2102 from 2107 Both indexes are based on 1935 39 prices equalling 100 VITAL EXPORT Bauxite for aluminum is the chief export from Netherlands Guiana or Surinam on the north coast of South America LONDON Reuters Soviet Premier Khrushchev declared today Russia will conduct nu clear tests to perfect new type of weapon if the West holds more nuclear tests The threat was contained in the Soviet premiero latest mes sage to President Kennedy that was delivered Sunday its con tents were disclosed today by the Soviet news agency Tass fairuahchevs message agreed to Western proposals for open ing the March 11 disarmament conference at foreign ministers level and holding threepower talks beforehand on nuclear test ban But Khrushchev denounced US plans to hold atmospheric tests in April as new express slon of an aggressive course in lntemationol affairs and blow to the disarmament conference He also described the decision as blow to next weeks Ge neva disarmament conference despite his agreement to the Western proposals WILL START TESTS Khrushchev declared Anybody who is not ani mated by the special purpose of misleading world public opin ion must realize that if to the series of United States nuclear tests its allies add series of their own in orderto perfect their weapons the Soviet Union will be forced to carry out tests of new types of its own weapons which in such circumstances may be come essential for strengthen lng her security and preserving world peace You are beginning new round in creating ever more lethal types of nuclear weapons You are so to speak unleashing chain reaction which will moreover become ever more stormy He said President Kenned repeatedly rte in his speeches that 115 nuclear weapon stocks excelled those of Russia while US military lead ers had boasted they could wipe the Soviet Union and its allies off the face of the earth On the other band you now say the United States must carry out nuclear weapon tests allegedly so as not to be left behind the Soviet Union in arms Here clearly the two ends do not meet However much you may try to justify this decision there can be no two opinions that It is new expression of an ag gresslve course in international affairs blow to the instotes disarmament committee which is on the point of beginning its work blow to the forthcoming disarmament talks Khrushchev said the us de cision is aimed at perfecting and con mulatlng precisely those types of modern weapons that represent the greatest dan ger Then what are we to agree upon during the disarmament talks he asked Maybe an answer is en pcctcd of the Soviet Union ex pressing its willingness to agree before the US begins itl nuclear tests in April to an agreement containing conditions already rejected by us which in the guise of international con trol over the end of tests would lead to the creation of wide spread system of intelligence and espionage hope that this is not ex pected of us because otherwise this would look very much like atomic blackmail Such methadl with relation to the Soviet Union have never brought anybody laurels in the past and will provefruitless today and ib marrow Khrushchev Calls For OVerhaul Of Agriculture MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev has called for sweeping overhaul of the Soviet lUnions agicultural system to provide more meat and other food for the expanding Soviet population Poor management of collec tive farms has seriously jeope ardized Russias agricultural program Khrushchev warned in sixhour speech Monday before the opening session of Com munist party central committee meeting called to approve new agricultural plans Bail Games Drug Stores Draw Canada USTogelherDiplomat EAST LANSING Mich AP Baseball football and drug stores make Canadians and Americans much closer to one another than they some times think or care to admit Canadian diplomat said Mon day Dana Wilgress chairman of Canadian section of the per manent Joint Board of Defence for Canada and the United States told CanadianAmer ican seminar at Michigan State University that lack of under standing is one of the key face tors in recent deterioration of relations between the two coun tries In neither country is suffi cient thought and study being given to this important ques tion of CanadianAmerican ro tations he said The peoples of both coun tries are toolnclinedto take each other for grantedKI LTho worldbas few parallels of the intimate relations be IN ANUISHELLY Observatory Orbit ShotStopped CAPE CANAVERAL FluffAP forced postponement today of United States attempt to Technical problems launch solar observatory into orbit tostudy earthaudible Vtions The countdown on the ThorDelta boosterrocket had progressed to witth few seconds of the scheduled pronoon launch time when the trouble developed No new launching date was set South Vietnamese Score In Raids SAIGON South Viet Nam AP South Vietnamese forces using decisive airpower scored two major victories over the Communist VIEK Cong during the last two days killing more than 100 guerrillas and wounding or capturing hundreds more day let Bomber Crash officials of President Ngo Dlnh Diems government said to Kills Three FORT WORTH Tex AP 1356 jet bomber crashed and exploded here Monday while fellow airmen stitl Were cheering the crosscountry speed record set few hours earlier by another 1354 of the 43rd bomb wing There were no homes luthoimmediaia vicinity All threocrsw members were killed tween Canadian and American people he said adding The drugstore is as much Canadian as it is an American institution FOLLOW SAME SPORT Wilgress said many Cans dians become as partisan as Americans in following US baseball and football teams Geography has united but history has separated the two countries he said Canadas evolving government is the main distinction between the two countries It has caused strong link with the British peoplesa link that has come to be regarded as the chief counterweight against the American influence that is necessary to preserve Canada as nation STRESS DIFFERENCES It also has been the root of the recent wave of antiAmer icanismbe said In their search for some substitute to British connection to preserve their na tional identity Canadians have taken to assertingtheir inde pendence by stressing their dif ferences from Amerigans Other apparent causes he said inclugbetlw US glm sed import quotas on Cauadiim products Alack ofCanadians in high positions in Canadian subsidia ries of American firms Greatly increased American control of Canadian resources Excessive dependence of the Canadian economy on that of the United States Canadian opposition to the use of nuclear weapons And Canadas attitude toward Castro and Cuba But there is the possibility that present reaction to the US is passing phaseto be follt lowed by more rational aplt pralsal by Canadian people of their place inithe world he said Canadians might recall that the period of their greatest in fluence on world affairswas when they were in close ban rnony with the United Staten Wllgresa laid