ll THE 3AM EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH PRECIFiiATION Belownormal temperatures are predicted for most oi Canada west of Quebec in the aoduy outlook of the United States weather bureau for March The outlook is based on longrange predictions and COLD FOR THE PRAIRIES noun nunnuns you no rtlioo vmcouvu IDMONVM stems to immune rosomn Hamill it mcmurioN IO not IIDD vmcovvtl lDNONVON as Items at wmmnc rosomo 2c uomlut NAUle is is not specific forecast licavy precipitation is ex pected in most areas except the west coast Normal pre cipitation is given in inches of rain one inch oi rnin equals 10 inches of snow tCP Newsmapl June 1905 and authorize limit Rebellious Peasants In Battle LIMA AWHundreds at in beilious indian peasants armed with knives and slingshots bat tled Peruvian government troops trying to oust them from four big cattle ranches they had seized near Cerro da Posco high in the Andes The Cerro de Pasco police sta tion reported seven men killed and la wounded in the fighting The fighting erupted Saturday when landhungry farm workers rejected government bids to mediate their dispute The peasants called cumu neros seized the rwnchns sev eral weeks ago and claimed legal ownership Much oi the property is held by absentee landlords The government at President Manuel Prado sent about 500 troops to Cerro de Pasco itV miles northeast oi Lima after attempts to reach peaceful settlement failed National Guard General Univ berto Quea said more than 50 peasants attacked soldiers on one at the estates and the troops responded with tear gas and rifle ire Another ttoup de tachment was attacked by 300 workers throwing rocks and iir ing slingshots SHOP EARLY AND SAVE at SPECIAL Centre Cut Loin PORK CHOPS lb 59 Available Today and Tomorrow Only tee to bank loans iorpurchase Government Troops Make Move Urging Monetary Support BOY14 Held Slight Slowdown 7Cbildren For Smaller Businessman By JAMES NEBON OTTAWA CPI The small businessman larmer or ilsher mon who wants to borrow money to improve his plant property or gear will it th Commons spotlight this week Finance at tieming plans to ask the House today and Tuesday to take action on three bills extending present leg islation covering government backed loans When passed they will Make small business loans at up to 825000 available at reg ular bank interest rates for re locating business premisrs as well as for new buildings or isn provements to old ones Permit the granting of $7500 live per cent loans to farmers for another thrceyear period extending to the end of or $400000000 instead of $800 000000 on total loans outstand Inc Permit is similar extension in the life at the fisheries Im provement loans act to tie end of June 1005 it was expected that opposition groups would call ior iurther cx tensions Liberal hiPs have com plained that the small business loans legislation has not been utilized to the extent envisaged by the government when it was introduced year ago ENDORSED BY CCFNDI The bill was beiore the house for about an hour Feb ls lierridgo tCCFKootenay West new House leader of the CCI New Democratic Party group endorsed it as measure in help promote legitimate and socially desirable frea enter prise The Farm improvement Loans Act gives government guornnr ot implements livestock equip DIRTY DRIVING AHEAD WiNDSHiELD WASHERS will keep your glass clean tor Suietys sake SEAT BELTS have saved lives in many accidents ASK ABOUT THESE SAFETY ITEMS AT DANGERFIELDS as Collier st PA was for business for pleasure LY TCA roaouro to NEW YORK meat iarm electric systems tr tigatioo systems building con struction and situation teneing and drainage in 1559 when it was last renewed beekeepeis were included as iarmers quali iying for the loans Labor Minister Stm said ear lier this session the arm in pmvement loans have been im portant in the winter works pro gram Last winter 8500000 an increase over the previous year of per centwas taken out in loans by isrrners Combined with home improveL ment loans uder the National Housing Act they brought to 319000000 the amount or credit extended by the banks rar this kind of winter work he said The Fisheries improvement Loans Act is parallel piece of legislation Uncertain Future Facing Iews Ils Algeria Nears Independence ALGIERS ReuterslAn un certain future faces Algerias Jews as the French territory moves closer to becoming an independent Moslem state More than 20000 Jews have quit Algeria since the beginning at the Algerian war in 1954 The remaining 135000 iden tity themselves with the Eu ropean population and are mill tant supporters of Algeria Francoise There is no ghetto in Algiers but in Oran there is distino tive Jewish quarter the scene at bitter intercommunity strcat fighting between Jewish and Moslem youths TRAINED SECRET ARMY There are also reports in Gran oi cells of the Jewish national ist organization irgun Zvai beumt and some Jews say in gun has trained the local Secret Army Organization in sabotage and terrorist tactics Both the secret army and the Moslem rebels have sought the Jews support Since the Jewish conununity is mainly engaged in small business and many are skilled artisans the rebels want them to remain in Algeria to prevent breakdown intbe husA iness life the country Traditional anti Semitism among iiioslems is much less pronounced in North Africa than in other Arab countries but because the Jews take the French side in the Algerian con flict they have suffered badly from Moslem violence Jewish immigrants arrived in Algeria irom Spain and Palcs line in the fourth century and settled mainly in Algiers and Medea in the desert towns many Berbers were converted to the Jewish faith and there has been certain amount at intermarriage Man Stabbed Ste Buying Fire Victims TORONTO CPI Police are holding ltyearqid boy today alter 5yearcld storekeeper was stabbed in the back with hunting mile in midtown eon fretionery Stetan mkawycz partner with Andrew Dannie in Ander sons Confectionery was dead on arrival in hospital neighbor Osyp Goshuiak told police he came to the store to buy iiveeent stamp and saw hikawycz with knife in his back struggling with boy Goshuluk grabbed the boy and yelled for help as Turkawycz tell face down on tile floor air Turkawycz was marriedy with two daughters He had planned to go into business or himsell and was working his last week at the confectionery No money was taken ier the store Neighbors aid they thought the stabbing might have occurred when nirkawyrz told the boy to leave the store lt Charges have not yet beenl laid ls BACK ActIE5 TRYA KIDNva gousscLEANiNo tartar tron auxam uetttnl no Nllhu rmum or Burninl main gt males anon moody um ream nvar bladder no Rheumnla run vdua to Kidney Ind bladder irritation in such nse var um dose or orerm umin mm um mmrdf steir so any you In nn man natnn mam mun uniuni nan weenie rrrnl in ma sanctum ne um normtic runs and um um taritnl an to coins uumm and cllnlnl trillted nladdzr tissue It brlw ream trequlnt or lrnlrllnl nassurs day no night Clot orarzx train your ï¬nalist today no mm nu Coming CLEVELAND APIA slow down in steel buying was ro tiected last week by slight dip in production or the third con secutive wreck Steel magazine said Sunday The metalworking weekly said output was slightly less than the estimated 2390000 tons pro duced the week before Although steelmakers had big enough backlog to he their mills running at goat level through March and April they are concerned about the impact that quick labor settle ment would have on their order books Steelsaid NIAGARA FALLS NY AP Seven children died early today in tire that swept third storey apartment Five children were identified as those of Mr and Mrs Bar nard Coleman Firemen sold the couple was in shock and could not be questioned immediately Firemen found the bodies at two children in secondfloor hallway oi the brick budding They apparently had tried to none their way through smoke and flames The other bodies were found in the apartment Several adults fled the blaze lately most frequent service up to flights daily $50 Economy return Thefnew compact amber bottle is handierinSiZe still holds the same amount of beer EASIER to sroas You get thesame amount in more compact space The neck is three inches shorter takes less space in you refrrgeratorr EASIER to canny ghter weight new convenient carton Size and shape make carrying the new bottles simple and easy Twentyzfour the newdottler weigh maria less than 24 of the old some CHILLSI FASTER This welcome feature of fast chilling has been achieved through improved glass better bottle design See your Travel Agent or contact TCA at 130 Bloor St West Toronto Ont muscannon run zmss Mitan BETTE ELAVOUR PROTECTION Sunlight and even strong electric light can injure the flavour Extensive re search has proved the new amber glass preserves delicate flavour for longer periods YOU STILL oErrHE REFUND As with the old bottle the compact is returnable Bring in your empties and your deposit is refunded $39 AVAILABLE SOON See for yourself what this new conven ience means at your local tavern or Brewers Retail Store manscannon his Liars For Your Reservations CALL NOW BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE 102 DunlopSt PA 66474 No refimd an oldstyle bottles after June 1962 COMPLETE AIR RAILgtSTEAM5HIP TOUR TRAVEL sERVics THEE BREWERSOEIONTARigO 0KJOHN50N 00LTD gt 697 Bay Streetflloranto EM 69488 107 Dunlpp snares plenum