rltE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH last ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE DEATHS PROPERTY FOR SALE BOWEflTbo Suddenly on Thundey Mere m7 Thomee sewer or RR uldhunt Deer brother or Annie Bwer end am at Toronto Rutter et Jennelt hiderel Home lax Bred lnrd Street Berrie hlherel eer vice seturoey Merch et no pm Temporery entombmeal Bah rte Union Cemetery cORnELDAlen Op ud denly ha ha ree of eer eldenl on ruesd Frbnrhry 21 lots Cpl Alen cornel tRCATt or 23 Alexendee Avenue Bhrrlr Belinda huebend ot loec Bleneley end deer ether or Ntcole Iene Mllcheu Eric llerlr Christo hher brother or June of Trell 110 end lohn Weller or an deer can or the lele Mr end hire John coraeld n1 Bc Ruthll et the Iennelt runerel Home In Beedlord Street Berrie Nncrnl sen1 setuedey Merch et p111 Interment aenie Union cemelery DUNNAnne Laure slende At the Ceder bree Nurslnl Home OIlllln on Thundey Mereh 1001 Anne Leure Meude renn beloved wile of the lete John Wesley Dunn lavinl mother or Allen et home Ruby Mll nerey Hinds or Milton Peter at aerrie wetter at New Lowell end David Toronto In her alrt yeer Rest in et the Mundeli hmcrel Home 79 West street North Orllile tor lunenl service on Seturdey Iereh el lso pm Lnlombment St Andre Cemetery Orll RossDr Williem Howerd Suddenly In Ottewh on Pridey rebruery is lvs7 in his oath yeer Dr wtlllem Howeld noel beloved huehend or the former Hope Oiillee or Toronto end father of Kelly noes or Ottewe brother of Angus Ross or here rte and inner 11 Ross Toronto ninenl Ionlcc held et St Giles Preehytertn church ottewe on Mondey rehruery 26 followed by Intelm nt In Pinecrcst cemetery ottew CARDS OF THANKS RENTNEItvo wish to exp our lerecIItion In our men friends end netghbore durinl the recent Illness end deeth of our beloved eon nay Berliner We upeclhlly wish to than the Rev Devld Reeve ior hla consoling words end the donor or many beeutilul llorei oilerlnre the pallhoaxrs members of the eer rte Colleglhtc Bend Cleo or x13 elm 11 other rrlende o1 Berri centrel Coileglete end Burton Avenue United church or Reid Dr Deleney Dr Wensiey end the nursing steli of second medl eel noyel victorte IIospitel Mr ehd Mrs Rentner COMING EVENTS MIXED DANCING Siroud Community Hall SATURDAY MARCH 830 till 12 Music by WESTERN AIRES Lunch counter Admission 75c SIMCOE COUNTY JERSEY CLUE DANCE Friday March GUTIIRIE HALL Music by Jack Webster Prizes draws lunch counter 15 CENTS EACH RUMMAGE SALE Saturday March 930 AM LTB HALL HIGH STREET Auspices Canadian Lady Fores ters DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For tabic reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757M NORTH SIMCOE SEED FAIR Friday March Elmvale Community Hall Open to all at 100 pm Address PLANS AND PROSPECTS IN PRODUCTION AND MARKET ING ONTARIO LIVE STOCK AND CROP PRODUCTS Everett 13 gr Deputy Minister of Agri lture for Ontario Discussions on Seed Potatoes Forage Crops and Cereal Grains Ladies welcome Good Seed Grain and Seed Potatoes for Sale NEW CANADIAN CULTURAL SOCIETY Saturday March at pm in basement of the Christian Re formed ChurchI St Vincent St lecture in the Dutch language will be given by Mr Gerry Heutink Subject Flying Sau cers and other strange pheno mena on and above our earth Slides will be shown with this lecture You are welcome Mem bers admission free Non members 50c ST PATRICKS TEA WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 230 pm St Andrews Presbyterian Church Corner Owen and Worsley Sis ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 150 BAKE SALE AND DELICATESSEN Auspices Evening Circle WA BAKE SALE Friday March I6 l30 pm MONARCH REFRIGERATION 118 DUNLOP ST EAST Auspicca First Baptist WA CLASSIFIED Marshall REAL mATa enom PA 02591 CLAPPLRTON 5T ACRES No 11 Highway south at Bar rle bedroom bungalow all modern conveniences beauti fully landscaped for only $10 500 BARRIE N0 27 HIGHWAY SOUTH OF BARRIE Modern bedroom bungalow large living room dining room kitchen bathroom full base meal This home is in immac ulate condition throughout com plete with storms and screens and car garage Call now for appointment to inspect this one FOR THE HANDYMAN Close to Barrie room home nceds some repairs Full base ment furnace nil conveniences for only $500 down balance on easy tcrms EAST END 3yearold brick bungalow in good rcsldcntlul arcs Close to schools and shopping for only $15100 with low down pay ment balance on easy tcrms MOORE PA um FRANK NELLES Member nerrle ind District Roll mete llolrd It 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the lmperlil rneeire PA 66481 Member of Berrle and District Reel some Eolrd cqgrrs Real Estate Broker Owen Street Home DOWN PAYMENT $1500 F1111 price $13500 5room bun galow storms and screens built three years ago Has many tea turcs such is divided basement lot 51 157 I05 Wellington St within reasonable distance of schools and shopping Fine sel ection of comparable homes may be seen at your conveni ence Call Waiter Coutts EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 Modern equipped bun galow six spacious bright rooms Finished recreation room attached garage alumi num storms and screens Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Walter Coutts BUY OF THE WEEK Secluded area short circular street free from traffic Six room bungalow with attached garage in immaculate condition Close to schools and transporta tion Low down payment to first mortgage Monthly payments interest principal and taxes $10005 Call Walter Coutts BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY oroom bungalow located on the corner of Vespra and Bradford Streets This is an ideal loca tion for business or someone wanting central location For full details call Walter Coutts EXCHANGE 0R SELL Service Station ond Lunch Counter with living quarters Highways 26 and 27 doing good yearround business For prn gressive person there is room for improvement and expansion Present owners retiring as fam ily have left home C311 Coulis THREE LOTS PUGET ST Collective frontage of 150 feet by depth oi 150 feet All municipal services available Call Gordon Coutts Member or Barrie District Real Esteto Board PHONES Oltlee PA 82455 Evenlnls GORDON CoulrsPA 3727 WALTER Corn PA szsll SANDY camsRA ooze HENRY ELRICK PA sooatl CARSON PA 33186 CARSON CORBY REALESTATE iiélitlt9fihllt Broker REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALI ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Barrie Home ShinForemost in Quality at Sorvico PA 85568 TRUNK LINES OLDER STYLE DUPLEX QUIET CENTRAL LOCATION 12 Here Is your opportunity to live in the ground floor of nice income property and have the rent from the upper troom apart meat pay off the mortgage The lower apartment has plcely decorated rooms An excellent location on quiet deadend streeta wide ravine lot with man big beautiful trees Mini mum down payment is only 82500 with easy terms Cell PA 05565 or appointment T0 SEIIIIE ESTATE 50 BLAKE STREET $100 Here Is your opportunity to buy most attractive older borne in beautifully irecd setting in excellent condition throughout it has spacious rooms oak floors up and down hot water heating 2cor garage and wide lot that extends back over 330 feet We highly recommend this to youu being really good buy SEE IT NOWPHONE PA 85568 JONATHAN COURT $2500 DOWN MORTGAGE ONLY $13811 Priced for quick sale owner transferred below todays market See this charming homo and judge for yourself it is solid brick bungalow with attached garage large highquality kitchen goodsize bedrooms with double slidingdoor closets Fully equipped in every way and nicely decorated throughout immed iate possession if you so require Thc NHA mortgage at carrlcs for $99 includig taxes Phone PA 65568 today NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA 7RO0M SPLITLEVEL HOME YEAR OLD 15900 Definitely the new home for the family that needs extra living space Seven hcautiiully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lower level from back REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALI Emory REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Titlin St FOR THE HANDY MAN This house is framed and roofed with 111 studding In for six rooms and bath Good water supply Situated on ten acre 01 land Five miles from Barrie Only asking $5000 with 51009 down 40 per month Call 10 Palmer PA 60863 PA 00470 WING CALL xerl Merehell PA ml Joe Pelmer PA Moos Emory Miller PA so Mombor OI th Bnrrio Ind District Reel Flute Band ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 70 flmN STREET BARB CALL on on cvanmo PA 82379 Member or the Blrrll end metric Rn but Bo HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors lawn Has family TVroorn plus den convertible to 41h bed room This is truly the ideal largefondly plan at low price Exactly $3400 down payment CMHC mortgage Owner is transferred and would give you very quick possession if desired To see it just call PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL MRS MOOREPA 05131 ROGERSPA M507 Marianas uARnlc DlsTRIcr nEAL FOSTmPA 05103 coNNELLPA 110755 ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 00241 PA 60241 GOOD STYLE MODERN HOME or brick shows to advantage with lovely living room and dining area The kitchen is large enough for family dining Three well proportioned bedrooms 4picce tiled both Plenty of cupboard space and clothes closets Full basement forced air oil heating Good lot landscaped Low down payment MODEST HOME FOR MODERATE PRICE Storeyandhnlf with two bedrooms upstairs West side of City Has living room kitchen one bedroom and 3picce bathroom on main floor Full basement the heating is hot air oil Only $8900 lcrms arranged Call us and see this home today COMMERCIAL East cnd 418 Blake St Frame Office Building In 24 Quonsct llut 32 70 This property could be converted for wood working shop body shop food business etc For further information call PA com Members or the Berrie Rut Estate Board SmlLb OemphcuPA lTJBV Ioen Len Forgu Gently rA om cherlie Ree Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89901 PA 69742 First Mortgage Funds Available interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged Evenings call one Lonotln PA com ml WillOn PA Hoar Everett shcllweu Ora 2919 Norman shelewell PA soul Howard Norrie PA L546 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment 52250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES ssoo DOWN PAYMENT New bedroom brick home located An gus piece bath tiled floors large lot Transitnod Telephone Sgt quick Cemp Borden 591 lry An Examiner Want Ad PROPERTY WANTED Phone 52410 93 Dunlop St MABEL MAREHALLPA so COREYPA 85486 MURIZL JEEEERYPA 66183 HENDERSON REALTOR 10 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 82578 EVENINGS CALL RITA scANpRm PA use DOROTHY max PA Mus PERCY FORD PA 07030 EMERSON SWAIN PA oatoe Member ol Barrie end District and Ontario Reel Estate Baerde WANTED WANTED Client with $75000 wishing to buy two to three hundred acre farm Willing to pay top price for right property Call Ralph Boake PA 63451 or alter call PA 00803 CLIENT with excellent down payment wishes to buy an older two storey brick home from $10000 to $5000 Call Carson Real Estate PA 66401 or after PA 66161 PA 66481 Member of heme end pleaIce Rent Home Bond AND MICHIE IS Owen Six Barrie PHONE on ossoa MEMBER OF THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD MELROSE AVE Brick bungalow with attached garage family size kitchen large living room bedrooms and four piece bath Finished basement with recreation room Extra bedroom laundry and furnace rooms Asking price $16200 Down payment $5088 Monthly payment including taxes $9942 Immediate posses sion Inspect and make offer NOTE We arrange rlrst mortgages or Victnrle end Grey Trustsoy nrvelue WANT ADS PHONE PA 81414 phone PA asses erter houre phone sob Flawelltnz pA shoes or peddyMllee rn arnzoo Centre of main business block Two storey brick build ing 28 40 feet suitable for any retail trade as it in the best location in town being sold to close estate $28000 with $10000 down payment Rolance one mort gage slam Agencies PA 85901 Three and four bedroom homes We have clients waiting some with all cash Listwith Central Ontarios largest Realtors Stoutt Agencies Limited Barrie PA 85901 BUS OPPORTUNITIES GRAVENH RST Ltd Roaltors Telephone OWNERS three bedroom bunge low Mortgage Loans Anywhere IF YOU NEED MONEY 98 BAYFIELD ST PA W53 ANYTLIIE LOST YOUR PHONE NUM BER Will the party who wanted brick ibcdroom pc bath iinishcd recreation room under $13000 please call me Norm Hcsketit PA 66453 evenings PA 37016 Member or Barrio and District chI Estate Board New three bcdroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots at cup boards and storage 011 heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 on PA 61302 113 portion at on your old Small down plyment Telephone PA 00505 or lurther lnformltiuh THEE BEDROOM reach eter bunglow Lani IlndxclM lot Cloee to when Lem mmom flashed Inge Telephoto PA THREE BEDROOM House Three Ind onehlll yearn old NHA mott gage In Olkldy Perl hrel Priced or quick eele hilly lenderpeel Tallphonl PA 017 11000 DOWN lull price 1131100 Good terms for balance Splciour three bedroom bungalow yeer Old Transferred quirks Immedi It nle Tolephonh PA 0058 THREE ROOM stucco Catt1e on Anne street south Lerge lot Ap ply Brown Bond Held Phone Bredlord Prorpect H577 THREE BEDROOM NBA mulllow on Steel street Attached garage Fully landedpod 50 110 A117 minum norms Ind screens tire pleee patio yeer old Tole phone PA or WHETHER Buyma or Selling an inquiry pieces you under no obit gettnn 100200 ecre delry end but mu urgently needed Cash Inn on waltlltl Contact our present etlve Archer Colwill victor1e Harbour 000R LOTS FOR SALE YOU WANT lot in beeutllul Berrie pick up your phone and eelr or Jerry PA was MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em off with lowcost lifeinsured Boom PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY ITc FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 50203 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst dc 2nd WITH DOW MONTHLY lest TAMRED TO YOUR auburn To consolidate debts Pay off exuttne mortgages or mortrenu comlhe due Home Improvement Any worthwhile eeuu PA 60901 MOrtgnge Funding REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LlFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $35444 $90 Monthly Up to 35000 and to month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT l4 Dunlop St PA 66477 MohTGAOum end Ind haunt Iold end errneed Comm lhl Ind rendnail mood Ionnednofl uniting moflll onto one can ru 50 RENTALS Low can Inc or root Elton modlrn buildings Suitbio or comment or ht triathlan Telephone PA W751 NURSING HOMES EDEN NURSING E0117 Built for this work Sum Infl IIltd rooms kind IIUHLDI cm eoua food TV room union II on or 0min Ttiaphonl Rd Strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full bnscmcnt Central loca tion $65 per month Telephone PA 59238 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $85 month PHONE PA smo DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and blu and within walking distance of downtown 00nd and two bedrooms OBalccnics CBamboo Drapes OStoves and fridge Olhdividunl thermostats Cincineratora OFrce washing and drying facilities IMany other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83 86 Italian for rent at Nepler st 385 per month on yearly Iellc Aveilehle Immediately Telephone PA aoWl deye end PA 87559 oven ngs FIVE ROOM House oil hceted elung In living room piece tiled heth gar10 lendrceped lot Phone PA 5774 Two nEDnonMMuuse for rent Ideal location on Kempenrelt Bey Adulte preferred For further in lormetlon eontect Mrs Chnston PA 80531 Palm ItOOM Apartment ior rent unrurniehed heeted Ground floor Private Avellehle entrence now Sellcontained Telephone PA 80101 or further lntormetlon By ALICE BROOKS EIISY T0 KNIT Practical handsome giltsi Protect and please the men in your life with these amar sets EasyKnit Snugfit helmet noseprotecting ski moskn mit ten sets are ideal for sports outdoor work Pattern 7137 sizes small medium largo included Sond Thirtylive ccnle coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needlecraft Cata log ready now See Benutitul Bulkies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens over SimpsonsSeara DUNLOP ST toys afghans slipcqvers plus free patterns Sand 75 nts Supteh let in knotty vino Flfl Now Is The Time To Buy 01 Sell Your Car See Classification No RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS APTS HOUSES 10 RENT CHOICE APARTMENT Modern bedroom uniurnlflled selfcontained heated laundry and parking facilities Near bus stop Available March PHONE PA Hm Something Different Vacant unfurnished three room apartment just like your own little bungalowbut heated ite lrigerator stove and draperies optional Next to East End Shop ping Plaza $75 monthly Tele phone PA 37475 UNrURNIanBD modem one bed mmhutrd epertrnent Aveiteble Much 17 per month Perhiog Laundry clutter Telephone PA ml BxArLD two bedroom modern epertment evelleble 1n stroud eperlmept house Adults Dnlemd No objection to baby 766 monthly Telephone stmud 4a hr MODERN two bedroom balls or rent Highway 11 et simud sup ermerlret end school In minutes Drilled well 70 monthly Avetl ebie April Telephone PA 57957 Two HBDROOM tumlehed epert ment on eecond tloor sellconnin ed Pulling epece Centrelly loce ted Heet end weter supplied Avettehle Much 15 Telephone PA H747 eiter p171 ANOuo Two bedroom epertment or rent Beth Irplrnto entrence rerege at monthly Phone Ron Spencer Ivy 7211 or cIIl et Mergeret Street Anrus ï¬h HEATED eelrcontelned epertment around floor Three tern rooms Non school Phrkint Prlvete ent Induce 65 monthly Telephone PA sloo MONTHLY remlly home for rent four bedrooms new oil lur nece Centrel Avelleble Merch 70 C107 to hue stop Telephone PA Now for perticulere six ROOM House for rent with eunroom end gerege Oil hunting Centrelly loceted Anneble now $100 per lnont Tciephoho PA 07007 or PA an OUR ROOM ARI111mm or rent Private blth Mn ï¬nished and bolt ed Fri entrence close to lchoo and Our Children welcomll no Barrie Examiner nloanN two bedroom apart ment centrelly loceted etove end rerneeretnr rree leundry end perlune llclllties Decontcd ln tenants ehelce ol eolore Avslleble Mereh Telephone PA Moss NEW AND Modern onl Ind two bedroom Iplltmdntl overlooking Iconic Kempenrelt Halt we let nIkLn Ind janitor service tnclu ed uiomeuo weehlng in cilitial PA 01902 CENTRAL Close to downtown Heeted turniehed cottage stove rcrngeretor washing machine lup plied Selrcontnlned Bedroom klt chen living end dining room piece neth Adults only Hot water Ind hydro supplied Telephnno PA 87150 erter p111 BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour servico I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get tile business while you get the proï¬t CALL BUSINESS SERVICES PA 824l CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA SW1 DRIVING SCHOOL LEARNDIG HOW TO DRIVE CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Intormation EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 4907 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Cittin Drag Lina Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or backfilling Dozer work and trucking phone Stewart Con structlon PA 87821 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFF 0RD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 Try An Examiner Want Ad Barrie nowl ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake 0nd and two bedroom apart meats complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redccorated annually PA 6108 moor YOUR tut month rent rree One end Iwo bedroom epmmenu lenllor eervlee henu from as per month Telephonn PA cam for lunbee inrermeuen mn BEDROOM eperunent or rent In new building usher dryer md Ilnttor rervlee ruppned Available immediately Telephcno PA as ror runner lnrormeuon mu ROOM unrumtehed Belle ed ertment for rent salmon teih uperete entnnce $5 per month Avllllbln Immediately Telephone PA unit or PA uses AVAILABLE Now Two bedroomd unlnmllhed apartment uret en water euppiled ISeIlcnntltncd nut and iocetton on bill route per month Telephone PA no MODERN newly decorted end two bedroom epertmente or rent Centreily loceted with weter end heel sup 112dlTelo hone PA 02153 or PA ms for urther tn lomeuon mas ROOM unlurniehed mtmd floor apartment for rent Neer Iectories Iieet hydro end weter supplied Perkin lvlce Telephone PA Hun or PA shins or deteile VERY CENTRAL Thus one room epmment In modern bulldtnl Stovn end relrlgeretor eupplled Leuhdry tecilltles Aveileble Much 15 Telephone PA once runs usonoont modern booe leree living room dlnlnl room kitchen rumsce Neer hiebwey between Camp norden end Berrie Reesoneble Apply Mccepn Utopia Telephone snzl Ivy an nionanw two bedroom un tarnished apartman Laundry end parking facilities lndlvlduel ther morm slmcae eeble inrtelletlen No chlldrcn Apva Rose street Telephone PA H9131 mama so three room Iphriment On PHONE PA 82414 block from Post Onlce Pri entrence Avellehle Merch Telephone PA 713 or fun Information UNPUIINIsnED Aplrtlnent with bedroom livlnl room kitchen and hem Prlveto entrence Itotad central location Immedt Mou euion Telephone PA or ester pm PA Mann rwo BEDROOM unlumlshed low or duplex Lerro living room with oreplece large human with em ple cupboards new three beth end newly decorted phone PA was ourCONTAIN two room fun nuhed heeted eperlmcnt with three piece heth Front end beck entrence Suitable for hecheior or couple Apply 131 Blyllcld street or telephone PA M715 THREE ROOM Apartment for R110 Private betbeeom Two bloela erorn downtown on Owen st 55 per month Includes uu of dryer rele phone PA cum sMALL two room lphrtment in comfortable home Newly dccore ted Suitable for business girl or couple On our route Telephone PA was or nether intormetlou SERVICE It nio DIRECTORY By Month or Year Tolephone PA 82414 VFLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLInolcum and Vinyl tilo OHardwood flooring OCarpcts OComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA 05802 EVENINGS PA 04953 Charles Lawson Propr PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1910 RR Barrie PA 68956 RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE WE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION sERvIcE as Clepperton St PHONE PA H502 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVED FROM ROOFS COTTAGES ETC PA 68347 WELL DIGGING WELL DIGGING WELLSdug deepened and rt paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 133 BRADFORD ST PA 00782 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRDJERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646