GARY MCWATERS 14 years shows Mrs William Forbes of Shanty Buy an hour old chick at Barrie District MAKING diooolate oak as part of home economics display are loyearold Patri cia Jackson right and 15 yeanold Marlene Walt Hun ANN LANDERS Scent Isnt Sissy Her Nose Knows Best Dear Ann Lenders Our daughters boy friend is young man who has good char acter and pleasing personal ity My husband is continually making remarks about him be cause he smells too darned good to put it in his langu age dont know whether its the young mans aftershave lotion his hair tonic or cologne Whatever it is like it and so does my daughter The last young man who used to hang around here worked with animals and he smelled like horse so thisis quite an improvement My husband keeps insisting that any guy who smells this good has got to be sissy What is your QIHNTESSENCE Dear Quint say three cheers for Mr Smellwell am heartily in favor of pleasant scent for all people males included It matters nut whether the scent is aftershave hair tonic or cologne There is nothingvsissyish about man who takes the time and effort to he fastidious In fact some bright men have discover ed that they can win by IIDEB LOSING BATTLE Dear Ann Landerat Six months ago married man who was divorced His wife has custody of their four child ren gave up my two sons to marry this man Now am wondering if it was worth the sacrifice Three months ago my bus bands exwite moved two doors fromus Her name is the same as mine so our mail is always getting mixed up Her children walk in and out of this house as if it were their own They go into the refrigerator and help themselves whenever they feel like it when told my hus band didnt approve of this he snapped Why not They are MY kids and want them to feel at home here Last week houspont two even lngs over there He said he was rcpaporihg couple of rooms Ive been trying to get him to point our kitchen for ages but ho novcr has time lhate to admit it but sea dangerous storm clouds gather lng What can do DEPRESSED PLENTYw Dear Depressch wish could give you some cncimrugo opinionl legal status If they are not North Collegiate parcntIeach or consultation Wednesday evening The chick is one at several the agricultural class dreds of parents visited the collegiate to talk to teachers and see displays and demon strations of work being car ried out by students Exam iner Photos meat but Im afraid youre fighting losing battle The odds are five against one and you know the five When the former wife moved into your block she played her trump card She probably has several more up her sleeve which youll be seeing later Your only chance is to get your husband to move out of the city or at least out of the neighborhood and its highly rnprobable that you can swing MIND YOUR OWN Dear Ann Lenders rather attractive and interesting couple moved to this city several months ago Each of them has had previous marriage They say absolutely nothing about their past lives and several of us have strong suspicion that they are not legally married Is there any place that we can look this up such as the County Court House Is it against the law to buy home as Mr and Mrs if this is not married are they breaking any laws Please tell us where to check INTERESTED 0N LOOKERS Dear Interested am not lawyer but do give advice And my advice to you is to look somewhere else and get interested in more constructive matters assume that all you On Lookers are legally married and these are the only meninges that should be of burning con cern to you PLAN MEMORIAL DARTMOUTH NS CF Servicemen and civilians at the Shearwater naval base have been asked to submit sugges tions for proposed monment to be erected in honor oi the dead in naval air service and as symbol of naval aviation Photography by Favero SPECIALIZING WEDDINGS VI PORTRAITS CHILD PHOTOS COMMERCIAL 2s Dunlap St PA 85494 students have hatched dur ing the past week Mrs Forbes son Robert is grade nine student at the collegiate THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMFIIROW in all transactions make sure where you stand Take nothing for granted Some deceptive in iluences prevail now so be careful in all endeavorsespe cially those involving business and family nlioirs FOR THE BIRTHDAY lf tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that your affairs should require careful watching at this time Beginning with May however expect lift financially or job visc Make long rnnga plans and set new goals of achieve ment for yourself also plan how youre going to work to ward thorn Except for October late November and early December every month prom ises opportunities to make those plans Personal matters will be gov emad by good influencesespe cially during the current month late May and June with ro mance highlighted now and dur ing July and August social activities in late December and early January Avoid nervous tension in October extrava gance in November and December look for some interesting news of personal nature in early December child born on this day will be endowed with the qualities that make highly successful dress designer hair stylist or interior decorator PEOPLE AND PLACES anne Eileen Dixon or Audrey Caisson PA 61 Notes are Intended to cover Ibr general social tilt of the any and dislrlcf Weddings anniversaries bridle rules and coming of age parties visitors and tr vellers are All llama tntcr est in the women reader of this page on help in nu plying this news will be greatly appreciated DINNER PARTY dinner party was held in honor of Miss Josephine Blair at the Yangtze Pagoda Ynngc Street Toronto last evening Miss Blair was celebrating her 315 year of employment with the city ofBarrie Among the guests were Miss Eleanor Len nox Miss Marlene Dash Miss Anne Butler Mrs Dorothy Hurst Mrs Arnold Burrows and Mrs Jean Battersby JOINS STAFF David Griffiths of Toronto has been transferred to the Barrie Branch of the Niagara Finance Company Mr Griffiths repla ecs Peter Gates Rose Street who has been transferred to another branch of the company WEDDING GUESTS Outotcity guests attending the GodinRobbins wedding in St Marys Roman Catholic Church included Mr and Mrs Herman Godin Mr and Mrs McGuinty all of Detroit Michigan Mrs Forth Miss Betty Forth Graham Forth Versatile Artist Italianborn Isa Miranda has had varied career as paint er writer model and actress She has been appearing for 27 years in motion pictures made in Italy France Ger many nnd Hollywood and was in Tomato recently to play the role of London teddy boys mother in CBC dramatic production Photo Brides Say Do At Mass Wedding HAVANA Reuters The government controlled Cuban press is giving full publicity to new social phenomenonmul tiple revolutionary weddings No fewer than 80 couples were married simultaneously at ceremony at the headquarters of the Cuban Womens Federa tion in Santiago de Cuba All the bridegronms and al most all the brides wore the uniform of the national militia or of one of the voluntary teachers rig ades mobilized against illiteracy he municipal magistrate heard the mass responses of the couples during the short civil ceremony which took place in the presence of the re tive of the Cuban min justice for Oriente province smaller ceremony the dou his wedding of four graduates of school for revolutionary in structors at village near Ha vana was typical of the ap proved revolutionary mar riage Instead of the traditional flowing dresses and white veils the two brides wore the olive green shirts worsted trousers and black boots of the militia Their bridegrooms also were in olivegreen uniform with the shoulderbadge of the school revolver hung in its holster at their hips and theywalked with their brides beneath an arch way of rifles held by fellow militiamen One press report called the newform of wedding dress reflection of the way in which Cubans integratorevery one of their acts into the socialist revolution and quoted with ap proval wedding guests com ment For once vanity is ab aent fromsuch an occasion zap Guaranteed To Accentuate Your Sentiments Whatever The Occasion FENDLEYSFLOWERS 74 BLAKE as on cam This type of group wedding is fast replacing traditional church marriages among Cubas teen REE Guild Group Welcome Guests Mrs Gerald Woodger Cod rington street was hostess at meeting of members of St Margarets Group of Trinity Guild Three guests welcomed at the meeting were Mrs McLellan Mrs Huck and Mrs Ronald Stewart Members attending included Mrs Dalton Swan Mrs Don Allen coconvener Mrs Fred Wall secretary treasurer Mrs lyrer Mrs Otton Mrs Earl Winter Mrs Madman Mrs Frances McCarthy Mrs Bruce Mrs Doug Manches ter Mrs Haughton Mrs Arnold Burrows Mrs Cross Mrs Thompson Mrs Reid Hostesses serving refreshments War Mrs Reid and Mrs Fred ZELLERS DISCOUNT SPECIAL REG 1299 ZELLERS DISCOUNT PRIQE convener Forth all of Bracebrldge hial calm Godin Mrs George Ho gen of Windsor Mr and Mrs Hilton Mr and Mrs Daly Mr and Mrs Robbins Mrs King Godin of To ronto Mr and Mrs Thomas Wilcox Midland George God in Sudbury Mrs Westaway fr King of Angus VISITS CLARKSON Mrs llarry Partridge Fran ces Street has returned to the city after spending two weeks at the home of Mrs Rennie of Clarkson lirs Rennie is sister oi Charles Templeton HOME FROM FLORIDA Mr and Mrs Brennan Eugenia Street have returned to the city following two weeks vacation at the Golden Villa Motel at Clearwatcr Beach Florida TORONTO VISITOR Mrs Leonard Reilly Toronto arrived in the city yesterday to visit her sister Mrs Peryar Bowman Avenue prior to holiday in Fort Lauderdale Florida Mrs Reilly is the Wife of Leonard Reilly MP for Eg linton riding at THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 19643 News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada Allandale district brownies held motherdaughter banquet at St John Vianney Hall on Feb 26 Displays on various phases of test work were set up as well as pictures of international buildings including the new Canadian headquarters now be ing built Guest speaker Rev Ros ettis used obedience as the theme for his talk He explained to brownies that though they may not see the reason behind certain restric tions now they would realize the meaning of these basic rules of behavior in their future lives and emerge as good citizens by loynlly following the standards set by parents and leaders Head table guests included Father Rosettis Division Com missioner Mrs Frank Carter District Commissioner Mrs Walter Dyer Rav Walter Dy er Mrs Bette lieutenant of the guide company Brown Owl Mrs Day of First Allandnle and her Tawny Owl Mrs Calder Brown Owl Chew of Third Allandnle Brown Owl Presser of Second Allandale and her Tawny Lee and Mrs Cain faithful helper in brownie work The food was prepared by the guide mothers and served by guides of First Allandale Com pany This procedure will reverse with the brownie mothers cater ing when the girl guides hold their banquet presentation ceremony was highlight of this event also as Mrs Carter presented Trudy Calder with thrift and collector badges Jane Bette with dancer and toymaker badges and Sharon Little with her golden hand and swimmer badge Mrs Dyer presented shield to the pixie six for having the highest allround proficiency in Match your Mood and Costume with the New Rings in 9113 The revolutionary new Chameleon 10K gold ring with its finest quality handcut stones lets you dramatically switch your ring to humanize with your every costume and flatter your every mood in seconds An easytooperate foolproof lock system allows the stones to be changed with snapoutsnapin action of the forefinger and thumb nail Chameleon rings are oilered in range of exquisite settings See the glamorous new Rings at SINCE I890 JEWELLERS Keg 7d DUNLOP ST Diamond Merchants again New Spring Fabrics Shown At Meeting Oi Kiwanis WA The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanis Club of Barrio was held at Community House The president Mrs Alice Allen chaired the meeting An interesting program was arranged by Mrs Irene Clarke and Mrs Bernice Thompson Mrs Art More and Mrs Boyd Robertson mowers of one of Barries newest stores The Fabric Shop gave an interest ing history of the development of textiles from the very be ginning lo the present use of synthetics lovely display of the new est lgbrics for the year was shown and the ladies were able to examine them at the close of the program DISLIKES FOAM NOTTINGHAM Eng CPI Novelist Hilda Lewis is appeal ing to housewives to buy only detergents with bubbles that pop not powders that keep on foaming She says These vii loinaus permanent bu bb block drains and poison fish and plant life in rivers ï¬rst Allandale Pack for the past year The shield was given by former leader for intersix com petition Trudy and Jill Calder were presented with awards as the best brownies of the year in First Allandale ALCONA MEETING meeting for all interested persons will be held March at Alconn Beach for the purpose of organizing brownie and guide groups Mrs Carter and Mrs Gracey met with small group on Feb 21 but would urge that everyone at tend tbe need meeting MR MRS GODIN Bride Wears Lace At Morning Rites Standards of gold and bronze mums adorned the altar of St Marys Roman Catholic Church for the wedding of Miss Pearl lynn Marie Robbins and Stan ley Ernest Godin Rev Father Law officiated at the mom ing ceremony Fch 17 The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert Rob bins RR Angus The bride groom is tllo son of Mr and Mrs Stanley Godin Amelia St Barrie BRIDAL GOIVN Entering the church on the arm of her father the bride wore gown of nylon lace over silk The fitted bodice of her gown was enhanced by par trait neckline trimmed with se quins and pearls and lily point sleeves The skirt of the gown was fashioned of pleated lace over silk headdress crown of pearls and sequins held her fingertip veil of silk illusion tulle The bride carried cas Native Customs Interrupt OTTAWA CPlWhen Anne Jones begins her classes in Greek philosophy at rural ladian school her attempts to explain Socrates are apt to be interrupted by the clatter of bullock carts or the bubbling of cowdung gas energy plant 12yearold philosophy grad uate from the University of To ronto she is one of 15 young Canadians sent out by the Ca nadian Overseas volunteers to teach in India Ceylon and San awak The Volunteers an organi zation founded to find ways to enable young Canadians to as sist underdevdoped countries plans this year to send 30 re cruits into the field Orientation classes are under way at the University of Toronto Miss Jones worked three summers as counsellor in oamps tor crippled children PRAYER PERIOD At five oclock all the stu dents join in communal non denominational prayers outside LTD PA 83745 so on met elt1 so acclaim menu Classes model of but which Gandhi used to occupy at his model co operative village at Sevagram Mrs Rollason Hosts St Annes Group St Annes group of Trinity Guild held business meeting at the home of Mrs Rollason Wellington Street East Mrs John Stevenson chaired the meeting The next group meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Allen Read Clapperton Street March is exposed to them reach of children eade bouquet of red Sweetheart 10505 The bride was attended by Miss Patricia Kenney of Borne as maid of honor Miss Sharon Erica Robbins of Angus sns ter of the bride was brides maid The brides niece Miss Judy Elizabeth Hilton of To ronto was the flower girl The attendants wore matching gowns ot moss green velvet wrth gold accessories Their bouquets were gold mums Malcolm Godin the bride grooms brother was best man Terrence Godin also brother of the bridegroom acted as usher The wedding music was pro vided by Miss Monica Murdock WEDDING RECEPTION The reception was held at the Amelia Street home of the hridegrooms parents Receiv ing the brides mother worea beige sheath gown with beige accessories Her eorsage was red roses Assisting the bridegrooms mother was attired in blue silk gown complemented with blue velvet hat and corsage of re droses For travelling the bride chose stilt of blue wool with white accessories On return from the wedding trip the couple will reside in Barrie ROCK STEAM VBATHS Open am to pm Phone PA 87III MARCH I962 CHILDREN MUST BE PROTECTED Too eaten medicines which are perfectly safe in proper dosage are left exposed where little children can play with them If large amount taken any medicine can be ï¬atal HOUSEHOLD CLEANEIOIhSe ARE DANGEROIig Ifnot used properly can cause gran rm and many children have been inaured by being POISON PREVENTION WEEK If you have childtkrï¬rn or any visit yoin home ease do these now glare all medicinesgasnd household products in place impossible for them to reach Tth away everything that has no label to positively identify the contests And after you have used any medicine or household product dont leave it around care lmsly but immediately store it properly out of ALWAYS READ THE LABEL Never give or take any product without being certain it the correct one When pharma cists compound prescription we check the label at least three times When we take it otf the shelf As we weigh or count out the number After compoimding we again check label be fore we replace bottle on shelf Follow our example and you will avoid trouble cutoweus DRUG STORE Geo Caldwell thB Doug Hare thB Cor Owen and Dunlap Sis PA 32903 RERER use