this international Brenda Johnston Takes Notes On School Teaching St Joes Debating Team Places Fourth In International Test By MICHAEL COLLINS st Josephs Debating team returned battleworn but happy from the Annual Speech Festi val at St Michaels College Competing with is schools in meet they placed very strong fourth and were creditable represen tation of our school The five team members David Davies Michael Kelly Jan Covanaugh Michael Collins and Peter Mur dock enjoyed pitting knowledge and skill against the teams from Canada and the United States The Festival also gave our team chance to learn some thing about university life Dur ing tour of famous Hart House they met some of the students and discussed with them life on the campus It was an informative experience The Speech Festival culminat ed in banquet at Brennan Hall on Saturday evening Mem bers of the Senate Club ad dressed the contestants thank ing and congratulating them Then the orations were indeed over But whatever the memory of this event will remain with St Joes debating team for long time During the same weekend that the debaters were at the Speech Festival St Joes hoe key team was active The team rnet Phelpston at the Elrnvale arena in rousing exciting game The sustained efforts of Joe Ryther and Mike Tbomas who each scored for St Joes helped our boys to 44 win Strong on defense and giving the goalie great protection were Bob Ryan and Jim Ccrrigal On Monday the school elimi nations for the Knights of Col umbus oratoricals made break in the school routine The varied speeches were most int eresting The final contest will be held in March and the many participants from the school will be Jan Cavaoaugb Mike Colv lins Sheila MeKlnnon Joe Saso Mary Ann Stone Peter Mur dock Mary Shaughnessy Bon nie de Silva Sharon Ln Joie Rail Scbnurr Elizabeth Grey Joa Cavanaugh Tom Collins Joanne Coughlin Gary Fulker son Mike Harris l00F BINGO Proceeds to CPI Fund Every Monday pm 50000 IACKPOT If Jackpot does not go game will play out for $2500 Loos HALL COLLIER sr An exhibition basketball game with Elmvale High is scheduled for St Josephs senior basket ball team The game is set for this coming Thursday We hope our boys win Speaking of bucketball contests St Josephs intermural basketball champion ship is to be determined this coming Friday Teams two and three will play off the winner being rewarded with spank ing new trophy Within the next two weeks five of St Josephs students including Make Garvey and Suz anne Watson of the Student Council will write an interna tional Math Exam This paper is set by the American Society of Actuaries and is said to be NORTH STRANGE HEADGEAB Twist Top Hat Stroll Sends Feet Dancing By ELIZABETH TRAINOB Central Collegiate The best things in lifo are so cents Thats new twlst isnt it The Top In Talent night is tonight in Centrall and itorium at this In the evening It is sponsored by the Students Council and promises to have numbers on the pmgram to please everyone All of the school clubs are expected to do their share lnmaking this ov en success and the other Centrahtes should plan to attend to give their support We cant give away any sce rcts but where else could you see the mean and assorted skits as well as listening to kookic rendition of the Guild Dancer to mention it few and all for only 50 cents Sound interestingf See you there Last Salurdoy the girls of Centrals Home Economics Club journeyed to Tomato to attend the Open House at Ryerson Institute The girls report that the most Inlcresting and noteworthy point about It Is the fact that there are 5800 boys to 400 girls The courses offered werent bad either the girls decided The students viewed several different exhibits including the Medical Technology course when some girls had their blood tested They were shown germs person can contract from another by such bad hab its as coughing without cover Iig your mouth and kissing The girls even saw themselves on television as there was Tv camera on hand Most interesting to the Home Economics students was the fashion show Including dis play of full length evening tree 505 After the girls looked on the merchandising course they broke up into groups and went on shopping spree Did you see that thing tw Istlng around next to some ob ject that closely resembled an ostrich Were you startled to see two psns containing leafy vegetables doing the waltz Ii North Combines Career Day With Annual Open House By LESLIE COXALI North Collegiate Wednesday was Norths open house or parentteacher cone sultation and display of work evening Of course the main purpose of the evening was to give the parents chance to talk to the teachers concerning their childrens marks and oth er things By strange coin cidcnce the intentcrm re ports were mailed to the par ents last week The open house started at 730 and continued until 10 oclock During thls time there were many activities going on in the school In the Art Room 108 Morrison there was display of drawings done by the students of the art classes There were still life paintings displays of modern art in the true sense and geometrical deA signs contrasting sharply to the previous paintings The manual training teachers arranged display of their work and also live demonstra tions in their shops Morri son is the welding and sheet metal instructor Mr Martin the electricity and motor me hanics instructor and Mr Vatson the woodworking shop teacher The articles display ed in the woodworking shop varied from modular units to silhouettes which are really pictures of fish parachute jumpers and other things made of wood Each of the handl cralts were expert in their fin ish and showed what fine work can be taught in these ï¬elds Miss MacDonald led the or chestra in few selections to show its progress since it first started at the beginning of the year At eight oclock in the gym the Grade 100 girls showed their skills at dancing NOTES It seems that the question of school uniforms has come up again or maybe it never died down There is now choice of blazers One is $17 The other is around $10 The blazers are both lined The skirts are pleated kills with material straps which may be chaogeu to leather One of the arguments put forward in favor of the outfits is that it will help school spirit and do away with types of class distinction in the school But if some students only buy ten dollar blazers and others buy seventeen dollar blazers and others dont buy blazer which may not be compulsory surely there will be more class dis tinction than ever The parents have not openly expressed their ideas on the un iforms and would be very interested to hear the views of the parents concerning this de batable matter Today at noon another dance was held Admission was in cents card and swinging time was had by all The ISCF is sponsoring sleigh ride next Friday night Consult posters for details Tickets for basketball tourna ment can be obtained from GAA members The ISCF speaker was Mrs Lindsay is former doctor in Africa who decided to help the Africans rather than set up in plush quarters in London Yearbook payments may be made at noon in the main hall The History Club will be sel ling fudge at the tournament tomorrow to raise money to send student to the UN Seminar at Western Univer ty Drama Club is having party for members and cast of plays It is also starting lessons in spe ech and other dramatic helps The trial test for the math contestants was held Monday The actual test will be held March The contestants are David Bobier Brian Cook My ron Sponagle Vicloe Smith Sus an Sellers Anne Patterson An nette Raikes Jane Huyer Judy Lemmon Barb Varcoe Les Jol ilffe Earl Morris Tina Camer on Tony Geuzebroek Gerry aayiock Robert MncMartin Col in Wortley Elaine Sponagle and Richard Green They illustrated the steps taught to them in PT classes From 810 to 830 the playoffs for the intramural girls bas ketball were held The com peting teams were 11A and 12A who had won in their previous games in the two grad £5 The time from 830 to was filled by gymnastic display by the boys The gymnastitu is under the guidance and dir ection of Mr Palmateer an ex pert gymnast in his own right From to 930 there was display of home economics work There were blouses skirts jumpers wool skirts and weskik party dresses and wool skirts all made by the students strated sewing as they worked on their outfits At nine oclock the Glee Club sang various numbers The public speaking contestants sold their speeches At the end the trophies were awarded to the winners by the Lions Club During the evening there were demonstrations of speed typing and operation of busi ness machines In all the science laborator ies students were demonstrat ing their knowledge in their subjects as they conducted ex periments pertaining to their courses BOYS BASKETBALL It was an exciting game play ed at Central last Friday but alas we lost Even though number of Northerners mode it down to Central for the last few minutes of play we couldnt seem to boost the score The game was the second in total point series The score was 874 The loss of this series declares Central the winner of the Centre Division League of Georgian Bay Even though we lost our senior boys team will still go to Thornhill on Satur day to play off against the win ner of the southern league Cen tral will play the secondplace team and the winners will play off for the GBSSA Good luck to all the team rrilembers and heres hoping we fly The girls senior basketball team is in similar position excepting they won in their totalpoint series game against Collingwood The score of the last game was 4513 for us The tournament for the girls will be held at North on Saturday to play off for the GBSSA cham pionship Be sure to attend and support our team IIIY The lIiY will be selling hot dogs Pop and potato diips at the game Saturday They are also sponsorinng drive for silk stockings postage stamps and cards for the Retarded Childrens Workshop CAREER DAY Wednesday afternoon the last two periods in the day were taken up by Careers Day plan This is first for With and is sponsored by the Kiwan is Club of Barrie There were 26 speakers on different occu wiry SATURDAY 830 pm GUIHRIE DANCE HALL MILES NORTH OF BARRIE HWY NO II SPONSORED BY IMPALA CAR CLUB few girls deman potions and professions given by specialists in their fields Each student attended two lec tures which he had previously chosen The speakers were in troduced and thanked by the students This was an Interest ing and successful plan and we hope It will be tried agahi some time Thacarcers day speakers ln cluded Hoy Macklem elemen tary school teaching III Mac Laren accounting FL Forbes Air Force Lt Evans army Hap Lowe interior decorating Miss Longhurst secretarysten ographer Inck Livingston law ycr Ron Pile executive Chief Ed Tschidhart policeman Dr Crossland surgeon Miss Smith occupational therapist Mr Halpenny forestry Mr Davis architect Mrs Mapes nursing William Paulln engineering Parry electric Ian Little banking Mrs McBride receptionist Dr Colpilts lab technician Victor Knox secondary school teach ing Dr Thompson veterinar lan Mr Tarnhlyn surveyor Mr Anderson geologist Dr William Evans dentist Bobier optometrlst Mrs Woods air line stewardess Post Time Table Students Study By MIKE KILKENNY and FRANK MENEB Bradford High Everyone has buckled down to work now that the Easter examination timetable has been posted The examinations start March Is for all grades Many of the students minds were set at ease owing to the results of the tuberculin tests which were read on Friday In the inferhouse basketball league this week the boys standings are as follows Juniors Green Blue 13 White Red Seniors Blue White is Red Green The girls standings are not yet complete They have one game left to play Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE 2A $2414 DANCING5 aarrle you were not at all Iurpriled at these unusual rights you were probably anterior your self at the Top Hat Stroll last Friday night complete with your own monstrouslike head gear If you were surprised to see such strange obiects you have taken one step beyond ond there Is no hope for you The Overtoncl Stall with Chlsholm adviser from the faculty and Carol McKeeu the editor worked hard to make thls dance the event It was The planning thought and effort put Into the Top Hat Stroll combined with the orig Ioallw of It made It on occu lon to remember Winning prizes for the best bats were Linda llodgsoo Har old Dorch and Ross Speern Chisholm and Mr and haperoalng were Mr and Mrs Chisholm and Mr and Mrs Sennott Thanks to the Overtan Staff for another great school event An attentive Junior Assembly lost mesday featured the sen ior girls oratory winner Peg Wardle In preparation for the Lions Club competition on March the assemblies have provrded CRAZY HATS CAVORT AT CENTRAL practice ground for the various winners representing Central Peg spoke on the topic Elec tricityYours to Command She combined humorous historical and biblical references with good taste In composition writ lag and good delivery to come up with winning speech At the conclusion of Pegr speech Mr It Bowman gave special thanks to Mr Central Captures By WAYNE RICHARDSON Central Collegiate On Friday afternoon Ccntrnla halls were filled with rejoicing when the senior boys team defeated their city rivals North Collegiate by an M72 score Havlng been defeated at North Collegiate the previous Wednes day North startcd with point margin The seniors fought hard for the first three quarters to over come tbls lead The score remained at standstill throughout first one team tok log the lead then the other neither gaining large mnior lty of points over the other Guards Dennis Vein Robert Scruton Peter McClosky and Colin Sutherland checked North OTWBIdS 011 numerous OCCEIS sions Close checking by both teams prevailed as forwards had little opportunity of shot Inside the key Ray Thompson Don Arnold and Ken Cucullek checked their opponents closely and outiumped the North guards for their needed points NORTH MISS The fact that North guards were missing on many set shots and forwards being outlumped or reboundsunder our basket accounted for their loss At North the large gym had caus ed our boys to lose control of the ball on intercepted passes but at Central our boys passed hard and with accuracy At the startof the last quar ter Central led by points and were pursued closely but never overtaken by their rivals Cenlt trnl spirit had never before been as high as It was this day and countdown of the last minute to play showed their enthusiasm With this win our Senlcrs captured the Cent ral District Championship and an opportunity to play in Thornhill for the Georgian Bay Championship Our congratula tions go to Mr Mossop his team and all those in any way connected with their fine sea son Junior boys should not be ig nored as they were finalists in the district in two game tot al point series against Midland The Juniors had met and de4 tested Midland in the first game of the season schedule EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment Hall 386 BLAKE ST Beside Kempvlcw Bowl PA $3987 TEEN TOWN NIGHT 75c Per Person Spot Prim Ample Parking EVERY SATURDAY amounts memes PARTIES coanNriqws wnnomos ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT il ITS GOOD ENTERTAINMENT The LrIHe Devils grin LILan LOAng FEATURE II II mun MAI6 MW CECIL PARKER GEORGE COLE JOYCE GRENFELL am an COLOR if CAROL lElll mom came mommamarkets tutu accretion Joules Adult Entertainment CONTINUOUS SAT Fn but an Improved Midland team were met In the play downs first few minutes of the game In the away game Midland captured sight load In the first few minutes of the game but Barrie fought back and tied the score lads by the end of the first half Central boys un able to control the backboard In both offensive and deienslvc play made few shots coupled wlth luck of possession of the ball on jumps gave Midland EMS win and point lead In the series to be resumed at Control the following Thursday Betuming to their own gym and crowd our boys played an excellent game showing ability to pass and outshoot their op ponents but the point lead held by Midland seemed impos sible to overcome completely Forwards Bruce Henry Gary Maw and Mike Lumsdcn had tough time inserting the hall in the newly stationed baskets in the first half of the game but in the later stage their shots found their mark With less than minutes remaining and down points our boys switched their offensive type of play to gain of the needed points but unfortunately they were not able to sink the need ed or more points Thus Midland captured the series and the championship wlth four point victory against the Con tral lads Our thanks to Mr Sloane and players for their con tribution to fine season Al though defeated the boys being the second place team are en titled to take part in the play offs at Thornhill At this time our Juvenile teamis to be mentioned also for achieving second place standing in the league Mr OGrady has done fine job Teoll who has been staff advic ar for public speaking While passing an open club room door some members at grade thirteen class were seen studying with all the comforts of home Doing homework or usual with the radio on Instead of attending scheduled basket ball game Tha favorite prog ram seemed to be Jazz Unlim Ited but only because Moscow wouldnt come in clearly Series of coaching these boys and is to be congratulated realize that our girls learns have lacked representation In this column throughout the sea son and Ior this reason must apologize and congratulate each team member for fine Job My special thanks goes to our Junior girls who captured another championshlp for Cent ral Amongst their home crowd they gained sh point lead in the two game total point series Dale Babette Porn Bird Sheryl Holt Pat Hay and Hel en Griff played outstanding games At Midland the forwards played their finest game with an excellent display of passing and shooting to capture the Central Dlstrlct Championship with serles win of 53 to 37 Tomorrow our Senior and Job for Boys travel to Thornhill Note that next weeks article will Include an article on Cam pus Clothes be watchingl New and Rebuilt from SIMCOE BUSINESS MACHINES 69 Dnnlop St PA 84824 Sat Morning Show at 12 Noon ALL IN COLOR Bob Hope Rhonda Fleming ALIAS JESSE JAMES coma PLUS THESE CARTOONS Iancarom Firework norm Wlldllfe Floofll Plants ydo And Go Sydney oniunnomtood Giant PLUS BONUS FEATURE ACADEMY AWARD BEST ACTRESS NOMINEE AUDREY HEPBURN IN THE ROLE WHICH WON THE ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION II ruinous PLAYERS mun NOW SHOWING CAT AI 130 445 705 935