70 atria Ex emitter Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager FRIDAY MARCH 18 Ftn Memories Of Iron Horses Remain In New Diesel Erci The last of the old steam locomotives hundreds of them which sat on sidings in the yards of the Canadian National Railways at Allandale for several years has been pulled away to the scrap founo dry Children born since steam was re laced by diesel can still see what one lboks like as city council wisely for pos terlty and for nominal fee purchased one from the CNR and it reposes in Kinsmen Park for inspection at any time There is big one in Exhibition Park at Toronto also one at Gravenhurst pur chased by the publisher of the local news paper The end of the iron horses came with stunning swiftness the National Geogra phic Society says decade ago 21200 steam locomotives were still thundering along the nations major railroads Now the big lines own fewer than 80 Some retired engines were sold to for eign countries Most have gone to the scrap plle About 450 have been put on disp like mounted mastodons in mus eums and public parks Economy has forced the railroad com panies to turn from the steam engines flercethroated beauty to the sullen secrecles of dleselelectric power Not single steam locomotive has been built for American railroads since 1053 the Association of American Rail roads reports The 400 or so new locomo tives ordered each year are diesels ex cept for some turbineelectric units But memories of the huge rugged powerful aggressively noisy lron horses do not dim Railroad buffs who are ex ceeded by no group in the expenditure of nostalgia found their poet laureate in Thomas Wolfe The late writer described an experience common to all who have stood waiting on the depot platform Then the locomotive drew in upon them loomed enormously above them and slowly swept by them with ter rific drive of eightlocked piston wheels all higher than their heads savage fur naceflare of heat hard hosethick hiss of steam moments vision of lean old head an old glovedhand of cunning on the throttle glint of demon hawkeyes forever fixed on the rails huge tangle of gauges levers valves and throttles and the goggled blackened face of the fireman lit by an intermittent hell of flame as be bent and swayed with the rhythmic swing of laden shovel at his furnace doors Rabbit Hunting Dangerous In the 122 hunting accidents 22 of them fatal in Ontario last year 20 of the victims were mistaken for game 14 were shot by hunter swinging his gun on game and 13 were injured when they stumbled or tripped Shotguns were blamed for 59 of the accidents 22 rifles for 41 high power rifles for 22 No ac cidents were attributed to pistols or bows and arrows The report was com piled by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests The 1981 hunting accident record ln eluded other interesting statistics Rabbit hunting seemed to he more dangerous than hunting for big game and most hunting accident victims were 11 to 50 yards from the shooter Distance of victim from shooter up to 10 yards 10 11 to 50 yards 45 51 to 100 yards 10 100 yards and more un known Ages of shooters involved in hunting accidents under legal age eight 15 to 19 years 20 to 29 years 39 80 to 39 years 17 40 to 49 years 50 and over unknown Game being hunted when accidents oc curred deer l7 moose 10 rabbit 32 squirrel groundbog pheasant grougse 27 duck 14 fax wolf all oth ers 0f the 122 shooters involved in accid ents 17 were hunting without licences eight were juveniles Thirtysix of the years hunting accid ents or 30 per cent were selfinflicted and most of the hunting accidents occur red between noon and pm Only one nonresident was involved in hunting accident in Ontario in 1981 And no female shot anyone Success of the Hunter Safety Training course which all new hunters must take was in sharp contrast to the alltime high set in 1960 when there were 153 accid ents 36 of them fatal Among the years gun eccldent victims 11 were out of sight of the hunter 10 moved into the line of fire and eight were hurt either removing weapon from or placing it in vehicle Carrying loaded guns in car or boat of course is illegal Other Editors Views START IN RETRAINING Christian Science Monitor Large movements usually have to start from small beginnings Often the more modest the beginning the more soundly and successfully program is built One of the projects approved by the Area Redevelopment Administration last year contemplated vocational retrain Ing program in Huntington West Virgin ia citenter of region of heavy unemploy men few commentators quoting unidenti fied sources of information reported that only about 750 persons or one in 10 of the jobless in twocounty area had shown any interest in the program and that only 200 of an intended 325 had been certified to begin classwork The report seems at least to have been somewhat premature According to David Francis former Mayor of Huntington and presrdent of large coal company some 2000 inquiries were received by the state employment office 750 persons were given aptitude tests and all the scheduled courses are in progresswith the prospect that 325 newly trained wor kers Will he graduated by June 30 and will be readily employed If job retraining is to succeed it is al together probable that great deal of ap athy and Inertia will have to be overcome Some of the idle will wait for old jobs fthat never return Some will be plain skeptical But some old and young will The Barrie Examiner Authorized Post om htlflnffsoellfl andfor nnynaent of postage in cash mu sundsy and Statutory Holidays mums KENNETH WALLI Pnblishu BRIAN ELAIGHT General Mull MWHERSDN Munglng Edith CHARLES WADGE Business Muir my mean advertising Mama JOHN HOLDER Ghoul6n Muller Subscription rate duty by carrier weekly BIBJD ylnr II CODY Ic By mail In onflflfl 11m ym no months 5250 thr ud flanh outIs Ontario $1700 year grillIndigen gm mm mi Ofuces as comm Aye Toronto Calhoun est demi Slredt Vancou ltrent ldontreal rm vcn Membcr of in email Dally Newspaper Pub Ushers Association The Cnnndlnn Pro and the Audit aumu of Clroulltlons flto tanodlln are exclusively untitled the un for Ilrluhllcntlon of Ill any linked In thll ï¬iper credited to it or The Ann Med Pull or nun and also the lone news published therein ueive from wrth improve the opportunity offered It is wrth them program has to start In the early years of agricultural ex tensron work county agents encountered skepticism apathy and scoffing But as pilot projects took hold the word spread and more farmers were willing to try new crops or new methods Vocational trainv mg for reemployment or new employ ment may follow the same road RETRAINlNG WORKERS St Catharines Standard The first action on the part of manufacturer of automatic machinery to do something about the workers displac ed by its products has been takenin New York There John Snyder Jr chair man of US Industries Inc one of the leading manufacturers of automation equipment announced that each robot sold or rented by his firm would pay duesf to new foundation set up to ease automations effects on workers The foundation will study practical as pects of automation including retraining of workers rather than handle theoret ical aspects It will not consider monetary grants to persons left unemployed by automation According to Snyder automation is in evitable Its use is rapidly increasing and makers of automation machines must take positive affirmative steps now to preserve the human values bound up in todays changing times The action is in the direction of help ing workers displaced by automation to help themselvesto better jobs Neither the workers nor the union will be asked to contribute to the fund which will come from the sales of machines Ex pectations are that the foundation will re $50000 to $250000 this year sharp increases in the future as more automation equipment is sold This is positive move for the benefit of those workers whose jobs are taken over by machines The Canadian gov ernment has similar ptograinin oper ation andsome industries are assisting in retraining workers who otherwise would be left jobless through automat ion There 15 work to do the retraining of workers to meet the challenge of the day Isapproved action in increasing the productive capacity of the nation ON BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Emotional Depression Yields To Medication By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Reading Alton Blakcslees excellent column in Tod Health was lntrigucd report of how our emotions help or hinder our recovery rrom influenza It seems that some psychia trists at Johns Hopkins Univer sity gnve psychological tests to group of 600 people Soon afterward flu epidemic occur red Those who in the psychologi cal tests had shown themselves to be emotionally depressed complained of being tired and week three weeks after the flu Those of averagely cheerful disposltions recovered in an av erage of eight days dont care to hazard any guesses as to precisely why our emotions play such part but doctors see it happen every day and others see it happen occasionally Emotional depres siun DOES something to us Now of course we cant just say to depressed person Cheer up and expect him or her to do so by sheer will pow Il We can however do quite few things we couldnt do short time ago For instance getting sluggish thyroid perk ed up Sometimes other chronic deficiencies can be readily treat ed nagging anemia to cite only one And sometimes there is In varying degree what we know as depression in the purc ly emotional sense This too now yields to medication in great many cases These depressions at their most severe can turn an aver ager happy person into glum recluse They can and do lead in severe cases to suicide Its that sort of thing the whole world looks dark purple There have been and still are extreme cases in which electroshock treatment is urgent to snap terribly depressed patient out of these dangerous doldrums But short of that we are finding that drugs called psyc hic energizers can effectively Jrs sssr 70 Know ALCOHOL AND ATHLETES ISMOHOL MORE DANGEROUS pick people up out of these de Prosslons Im not saying of course that if you have day of de pression you should rush off and expect doctor to give you drug to fix We all have these sour days do emphasize however that if you slide off into continuing doldrums are obsessed with tears of imaginary illnesses have faint interest in the ordlne ory affairs of life habitually wake up excessively early in the morning and then dont like the world get sloppy in dress and in general change personality in time to have the doctor take look It may be depression and the recent years have given us some med ical tools to deal with it Dear Dr Molnar have been taking sleeping pills now for over year Would it be imposslble to break the habit or is it just matter of will power MRS Sleeping pills may become habit just as anything can be come habit And yes it is possible to break the habit If for one good reason or another your doctor has prescribed these pills then suggest dismissing the matter with birn first Hell doubtless be glad you want to shed the habit but he may have some good reason for wanting you to do so gradually or he may be able to substi tute some milder medication NOTE TO Brnln dam age embraces such lot of possibilities stroke which may or may not leave appar ent paralysis or other damage infection and tumors are among the causes Consequences may be partial or complete paraly sis personality changes head aches dizziness etc Therefore cannot offer any useful ans wer to question about brain damage without knowing what type is involved OPEN SPACES An estimated 20000000 acres of virgin agricultural land still awaits development in Northern Ontario TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Much 1926 Twentyeight persons died when on $800000 fire de stroyed the Queen Hotel in Halifax 23 years ago today ln 1969 Seventyveight guests were in the hotel when the earlymomlug fire broke out 1843 Payhsyougo in come tax collections went into effect in Canada 1939 Eugenio Cardinal Pacelll was elected Pope Pius XII OliiinI REPORT Recalls Prediction Oi Argues Detection By PATRICK NICEOISON OTTAWA Even the longest memory here cannot recall parallel to Hasen Argues slow moLlon defection from the New Democratic Party There was no brisk one two threelump about political Iboutfnco which was discuued by its planner as long ago as last spring This column re ported lnst lllny 15 that Argue then was considering moving into the Liberal fold He has even made inquiries in top Lib eral circles to ascertain whether the red carpet or the slammed door would greet him wmte He may well have wondered having recently offended all Liberals by describing their leader Lester Pearson as the Emotes mistake in Liberal history But this columns correct statement was denied thrice by Mr Argue and by CCRNDP officials in letters to newspa pers Mr George Bothwcll of Regina for example wrote to suggest that should be given fiction award To which of course my retort today could be Hey Zen made HAZE ARGUE After that overture Argue not only tended the primrose path which he hoped was redcarv peted but also flow around Canada addressing meetings called to stimulate enthusiasm for the ND and its forthcom ing founding convention So did his energetic and ambitious wife Jean Officials of the ND say the bill for Hazens hcgiro won over $5000mostly paid by unions but that he plugged his own candidacy for the leadership of the NDP more than its actual founding More they were nstonlshed that he was candidate at all since he was understood to have told convention ycarenrlier that if Tommy Douglas could be persuodcd to accept the lender shlp he Hazen would not can test it against his friend Yet Argue who won the pur llementary leadership by sin sin votebis ownfought for the national leadership sought support even among the unions he now criticizes was decl sively beaten and made his REPORT FROM 11x Will Give Lilt To Homeseekers By McINTYRE HOOD Special London England Correspondent for The Barrio Examiner LONDON British homeseek ers who are unable to secure council house and cannot af ford to buy home with mortgage attached to it are going to be given helping hand by the govemmeut scheme whereby some $75 mil lion will be made available by the government to bring new housestolet back on to the property markets has been an nounced by Dr Charles Hill minister of housing and local government This money will be available to stimulate the build ing through nonprofit housing associations of houses maison ettes flats and flatlets to be rented to people who are to need of housing and cannot se cure it through any other means There are in Britain at the present time 650 housing assoc iations owning 104000 rented houses The view of the minister of housing is that In this field midway between cou ncil housing and private enter prise housing there is great deal of scope for expansion The ministry is of the opinion that new family houses and flats can be built to full mod iFOR YOUNG PEOPLE Income wanna pm cm II THE BODIES OF cmuznsu ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS quotation OF ODURSB use awn Mum OP Account as mean not Ms MEGS Boom one not sun seems an new use measures Cosme um me use as ALCOHOL lama DI ml In Item mammals DRINK Ill om aoclirYMaBr more Tam DRINK MINIY AT mmmmsc DID WINK I402 THAN Is Man For THEM nus PLUS Mac ilIEPM massiv BMOKING is IlKELY TD 6E HARMFUL rum Is no lvloaucu THAT WY nun nï¬llauiur USE OF nuance WHEN Au Am II HGT MPITIIION HAS mm ern standards with no subsidy and could be let at economic rents of from $1050 to $14 week One hundred per cent loans are being offered under the scheme for terms which could extend as long as 60 years Interest rates will be the same as those charged by the Public Works Loan Board which at present is per cent The ministero planfas announced provides that these loans are obtainable only through memb ership in housing association SIMPLE PROCEDURE This is not expected to prove any barrier to acceptance of the scheme It would be poss ibla for suitable tenants in al most any part of the country either to join existing associa tions or to form new ones for themselves Since the minimum membership required to form an association is only eight this means that four families in each of which the husband and wife would both be mem bers would be sufficient to form an association and qualify for loans to build houses The cost of the homes would not normally exceed $9000 ex cluding the cost of the land While it is made clear that loans for terms up to 60 years can be 100 per cent it is ex our famous Deduction of loyalty to his conqueror No matter what my role In in the years ahead shall speak for you shall work for you shall never let you down But one may wonder whether stick and carrot did not conspire shortly after that to tendpt Argue along the primrose pa First in byclection the NDP lost Tommy Douglass old foot the traditionally marginal Weyhurn This result questioned the electoral security of Argue in the same area formerly held by Liberal Jimmy Gardiner Then that some Jimmy the longtime Liberal agricultural minister died ending specula tion that he would try politi cnl comeback Now there was not merely even single outstanding Liberal Prairie orator exMP in beckoninz V01 Could those primroscs be blooming along that path winter Early January brought to Ottawa confident assurance that in exactly six weeks Argue would give up hls job as parlia menlnry lender for which the NDP paid him an extra $3000 year mostly from union funds This was to be his first step to Joining the Liberals Little birds also whispered that Saskatchewan Liberal Lender Ross Thatcher had offered Argue the job of agriculture minister in the next provincial government if Thatcher can oust tho CCF thoro Argues denials continued to everyone indeed as recently as Feb 17 he attended NDP council in Regina spent two hours discusslng election strat egy with his lender Tommy Douglas set between Tommy and ND Premier Lloyd as misting friends and colleagues at dinner But the very out day be fulfilled to the day the first step of that slxweekold prediction Everyone will agree wlth Argues former chleftoln and longtime political wetnurse and mentor the respected and able Coldwell that any man may swallow his words and change his beliefs What has sorely hurt many NDP col leagues is not the suspicion ex pressed one official Who provided the 80 pieces of sil verl so much as the accumu lated evidence that their perllalt mentary leader had long been planning to break his Declara tion of Loyalty whilst denying such intended pected that some associations will be able to reduce the loan percentage by meeting some part of the cost from their own financial resources While it is not intended that these homes shall be subsidized from public funds the minister indicated that there will be pro vision for an exception to this rule In the case of homes built specially for the accommodation of old people subsidy amou nting to $72 year for each home for 60 years may be paid subject to the ministers appro val To ensure that start is make as quickly as possible on the building of homes for rental under the scheme preference will be given in its early stag es to projects of existing holis ing associations or new bodies sponsored by them Meanwhile detailed information is being sent out to all councils and sociations in England and Wales urging the preparation of new schemes for building houses on nonprofit basis and without subsidy for people unable to buy their own homes or secure council house BIBLE THOUGHT Where envylng and strife is there is confusionJames 419 Most of our neuroses can be traced to egotism mass HES IRE REPflDDfICED HERE AS Skita THEY All FROM maul unur mgr PUHUNED If IND MUG ADDICT0N males FDMMW GP WARD ALCOHOL AND SAFETY MCIDENIB owns nuns ups IlcRE DEATHS nun DISABILITIES Wu AW OLE WAGE ï¬uFFIe ACCIDENTS nus on when on an sccsnsirrs or THESE New 970 POIICE sumav COVERING savanna MONTHS 25 PERCENT VOLVED fucks or amines Uncommon oeuawoue Because G3 mKlCATION lS THE MAJOR WARD FOR ME FEOFLE