IN CENTENNIAL YEAH Simcoe May Host 67 Plow Match Simcoe County stands very good chance of hosting the 1967 International Plowing Match Canada observes her Centennial at that time Lloyd Pridllam of New Low ell one of 40 delegates who went to Toronto to ask for the contest said there is very good dianco of the county he Ing made hosts Warden John McDonald spoke on behalf of the delegation which included representatives tram Blue Mountain Plowmens Association and Centre East and South Simcoe Plowmens OBITU RAY EENINER Ray Rentner beloved and only child of Cecil and Luella Sanders Rentner passed away suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Feb 15 in his 19th year He was born in Toronto on Sept 22 1943 and came to Bar rie with his parents at an early age He attended King Edward Public School and at the time of his passing was student of Barrie Central Collegiate and also member of Barrie Colle giate Band He was member of Burton Avenue United Church and for some time attended the KYEC group of young people He was also former member of First Allandaie Cubs and Scouts As soclation Bay was young man full of life andliumor and his sudden passing was great shock to his many friends and relatives The body rested at the Jea nett Funeral Home until Sun day Feb 1a when it was re moved to Burton Avenue United Church for service at oclock The Rev David Reeve offi ciated Interment was in St Pauls Cemetery Innisfil Members of Barrie Collegiate Band act ing as pallbearers were Carl Hamilton Jon Hennebry Bob Bogardis Ken Brock Paul Kel cey and Bruce Henry Relatives and friend attend ing the funeral were from Wind sor St Thomas Toronto Coll iagwood Brampton Clarks burg Thornbury New Toronto and Mimico DR HOWARD ROSS Dr William Howard Ross died suddenly in Ottawa Febru ary 23 in his 55th year Born in Barrie the youngest son of the late Dr and Mrs Ross he received his educa tion in the old Central School the Barrie Collegiate institute Oakwood Collegiate in Toronto and the University of Toronto from which he graduated in medicine in loan Following 2er Associations The mayors of Penetang and Alliston and Ar thur Evans MPP were also delegation members They had very good receplt lion said county clerk Fred Hunter We will get an an swer next year site is required for the match it must have 400 acres of good land with hydro and water available Locating it will be Lloyd Prichiams problem Simcoe County was host for the match in 1937 and 1950 Contestants come from the United States and Europe ARIES duation he practised for some years in Hamilton wtih Dr Vic tor Ross one of three uncles also in the medical profession Later he was on the staff of the Woodstock Sanitarium the Ontario Hospital at Orillia the Gravenhurst Sanitarium The Royal Ottawa Sanitarium and finally the Department of Net ional Health and Welfare He was student of literature history and the drama and was in addition competent ems teur actor An enthusiastic musician also Dr Ross had bass voice which he used in church choir work and in occasional concert appearances He was well known in Barrie and the surrounding areas where he has been often heard as chorister and soloist lie is survived by his wife the former Hope Gillies of Toronto his daughter Kelly Ola tawa and twobrothers Angus Ross of Barne and James Ross Toronto The funeral service which was largely at tended took place on Monday Feb 26 in St Giles Presbyter ian Church Ottawa Floral tri butes were sent by the church choir the Ottawa Little Thea tre and many other organizat ions and friends Rev Dr LoganVcncta minister of St Giles Church conducted the ser vice and officiated at the burial in Pinecrest Cemetery Taylor Too Busy For Council OTTAWA CF Industrialist Taylor of Toronto is too busy to continue serving on the National Productivity Council Edmund Morris parliamentary secretary to Trade Minister Hens said Thursday Mr Taylor accepted one year appointment on the under standing the term would be lim ited Mr Morris told Waiter Pit man NDP Petalborough in the Commons ONE IN FIVE 0R UNDER One in every five of Bar ries citizens is three year old or under his was revealed in the citys 1951 assessment re port just released which gives breakdown of Bar ries population by age groups Total city ventilation last year was 21660 Smallest age group was the 15year bills with total of 319 Bulk of the dtyl citizens 10676 in all were between the ages of 20 and 59 The report also showed the steady growth of Bar ries population from 6460 in 1911 to its present total of more than 21000 FIND SCULPTURE ROME AlliOfficials oi the governments fine arts depart bey have uncovered rtant collection of Etru scan sculpture at luscania 50 miles north at Rome The find consists of la massive stone lids for coffins each with life size bust carved on the by an artist in up TORONTO CPI Saskat chewan doctors opposing the provincial governments health plan have the support of the On tario Medical Association it was announced Thursday This association believes con trols that are or could be im posed under the Saskatchewan Medical Care Insurance Act would make the government vir tually the sole purchaser of medical services in the prov ince the board of directors said in letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Sas katchewan The OMA warned that the pro vmcial government could con trol the private practice of medi cineas completely and as effec tively as under dictatorship The association said that in TIME 830 pm JACK POLLOCK AND BILL SCOTT Young Artists Not Inhibited Inhibition is not apparent in Jack Pollocks junior art class Mr Pollock nationallyvknown artist has begun three tenweek classes for adult and children in the Barrie area He doc crlbes their success as mar vellous My olmdn these classes is to make the students interested and guide them in their own special field ho explained want them to formulate their own ideas and to make them think he said am not the type of instructor who wants th studcnis to paint like he does he stated The children are much eas iér to reach since they have no adult inhibitions be said Even those who have never painted before begin with large brush and oil paint Mr Pollock explained that if introduced to the smaller bru ses chdrcn are inclined to Oils keep them in The junior class has no prob lem with color he said Even adults are stoning to hrenk loose Mr Pollock instructs 45 pup ils divided into three cidsscs Mr Pollock said there are plans for showing class work would like it to be anoutsidc showing sometime during May This would give us chance to show the people of Barrie What we are doing he said ParentTeachers Association Arranges Courses For Members The Regional ParentTeachers Association Council has an nounced plans for several train ing seminars at Barrio for pre sent and future executive mem bers Courses will be conduct ed by representatives of the unity Program Brandi Ontario Department of Educa tion in cooperation with the Simcoe County Community and Recreation Service seminar for the northern region will be held at St Mon icas Separate School March 12 10 and lo Participants are expected from Alliston Angus Bradford Collingwood New morket Oriiiia and Penctang The first session will take look at how to have effective meetings it will cover such aspects as the formation of an agenda handling motions how to set up discussion groups and the use of brainstorming in pro hlem solving The second meeting will deal with the principles of program planning the role of members and the duties of program committee The third session will study the roles of members and lead ers how to set goals and how to achieve objectives at an or ganization The final evening will explain the 1st century BC the organization of the Parent Ontano Doctors Are Against Plan the fieldsof public health has pitais rehabilitation in health medical education re search and related fields gov ernments traditionally enact leg islation provide funds and then entnist the medical profession with responsibilities This lem hasibuiit up spirit of co operation and mutuaijrust We cannot condone situa tion such as the Saskatchewan Medical Care Insurance Act im poses in which government moves from its traditional role into the position of complete control through the cabinet of Eersonsl health services We be eve such control not only abuses the lights of both patient and physician but would lead in evitably to lowering of the standard of medical care the OMA letter said SIMCOE CENTRE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING DATE Tuesday March I962 PLACE Barrie Community Hades 45 Toronto 59 Barrie You Are invited To Attend 539 Teacher Association from the local unit to the Provincial Fed eration It will also cover the responsibilities and authorities of the officials in each level of organization The session will also study how to use the PTA handbook It is the hope the course will give those who participate better understanding of their role as community leaders both at home and at work The course is open to all parents of children attending Separate schools whether the school is member of PTA or not Reg istrations will be accepted by Mrs Murdock 58 Street Barrie telephone PA 85393 The seminar committee he ciudes Mrs Art Glassford Mrs Murdoch and Mrs Eileen Colleaux Neurosurgeon lies Back From Moscow MONTREAL CHDr Wilder Penficld world famous neuro surgeon returned by air Thurs day nigbt from Moscow and de scribed the condition of Russian scientist Lev Davidovich Land au as slightly improved but the prognosis grav The 54yearold Soviet physi cist candidate for the 1962 Lenin Prize suffered severe head injuries in an automobile accident month ago and still is in coma Dr Peuiield retired two years ago made hurried flight to Moscow Sunday at the request of the Russian government to join in consultation with group of specialists seeking to save Landaus life dont know that contrib uted very much said Dr Pen field after his arrival Thursday night They already had two oustinning specialists from Prague and Paris Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA arm Assessment Up Almost 4Fold Barrie is officially one of Ca nadas fastestgrowiog cities nearlyfourfold increase in assessment in the period 1950 61 announcedin the report from the Assessman Commissioners office yesterday puts the city In this exalted class Comparative figures show that in 1950 city assessment stood at $7616572 As of the end or 1961 misossessmentils listed as $15536000 This rcp rrsents remarkable growth by any standard The assessment jump is not confined to any one type It carries across the board llesl dential commercial industrial and other assessment has con tributed to this tremendous city growth HUGE INCREASE Largest jump in assessment was from 1950 to 1951 with an increase of almost live million dollars registered in that per lod The citys assessment has in creased by sums in the region MOM SAYS BOY 55 MISSING Barrie mother phoned police last night to report that her son was missing lie had come home from choir practice borrowedss and gone out again Her son she said did not drink and always told her where he was going and when he would be home The son is in his fifties The mother is in her eight cs Struck By Car Boy Is Injured An cightycarold Barrio boy was hit by car yesterday afternoon on Eccics Street North and received possible head in juries Frank James Mctgan of 101 Donald Street ran into the path ol car driven by Murray John Ellis 58 of 52 Ferris Lane The boy was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital for trealment of cut on his head Damage to the hood of the car was estimated at $50 Railways Accused Of Misleading Statements MONTREAL CF Frank ifall chief negotiator for the 110000 non operating railway employees charged Canadas railways Thursday with making misleading and untenable statements in connection with the current nonopa contract dispute Wilson CNR vicepresL dent of personnel denied Mr Halls charge and accused the nonops of refusing to bargain with the railways Mr Hall said he was relating specifically to statement ls sued by the railways last Fri day saying no tribunal had ever given support to the recalled durable goods standard run ME waurgbfagusswitcl um um nEALINa an In In use so no wanna ALIGNMth II RICHARDSON senmcsrnvm Pi68971160VESPRA ll 14 PIECES OF CHICKEN UENOUGH FOR $375 To one in roan Imagoin to People in MILII BAIT million and half dollars each year since then with the report drawing jump of 81 615000 111 1961 breakdown of total taxable assessment for 1961 showed the following residential 3163113 035 6264 per cent cemmer Clal $5215995 2517 per cent industrial 33654380 1362 per cent farm 862505 23 percent utilities 391035 34 per cent The report also gives the foil owing numerical picture of Bar Square Dancers rles commercial industrial recreation and other facilities Eight banks 23 churches 29 factories six hotels five mov leis 20 office buildings 191 ofï¬ce suites six oil depots 181 retail stores 31 restaurants 18 schools 88 service shops 69 ser vice stations and garages thrm theatres nine used car lots as warehouses and workshops three dairies three bowling el leys two billiard halls and three tourist cabin biEIflESSe Consider Rules For organization Organising square dance club can be lot of fun but there are many things to be con sldcred in starting club ac cording to Louise Colley direct or of the Simcoe County Cam munity and Recreation Service workshop held in paqu Park School Thursday evening opened withs teaching demon stration of basic square dance movements by gy Murray sion groups Coiley has to Charlie and Peg of Tomato Discus organized by Miss took look at what one think about when organiz ing square dance club such things as interested members fees place caller music and refreshments The discussion brought out the difference be tween basement club and community club The discussions indicated there is place for boih these types of clubs Both should aim at providing enjoyment exer cise and fellowship it was agreed and in addition club flagrant should be progressive their teaching and develop ment of new dances it was considered 1m rtant by the group that eac club should be community asset and dcvclo conununity spirit This brought out lengthy dio HAVE YOU HE Yer flu onlightmmnt of tho afflicted with hum prob in we offer absolutely um copy of the book YOUR BEARING PROBLEM by Mildock Alter ruth flail All milllax book you will any at last loomed man about Mm problem than Ive or 111mm bump In your cussion on whether single per sons should be asked to join club The general dccision was that balance of sexes was im portant and each executive would have to decide how to sch love this balance The view was expresscd that this should be done without leaving single peo ple out The evening cloSed with half hour on some of the newer mov es which are now becoming square danco basics Evaluation reports strongly urged that another workshop be held in March The committee has started plans for March 22 to include both the Murrays and the members of the Simcoo County Square Dance Calling Class in another leadership development session RUN FOR LIVES KINGSTON CPI Twelve teenage members of an inter mediate choir fled for their lives Thursday night as flame destroyed the citys third larg est United Church spotlight which burst into flames in the basement is believed responsible for the fire which destroyed the $120000 St Margarets church shortly after pm RING PROBLEM hearing learn how you may ment booming victim cl dams how to oehlove hub in rehabilitation Cam In ions of domes and their oomlion Whether helm dd blunflt or him the hell lagfl You my nu banana doll Writ Cod for mm Mango book to BUIIE WI 200 GAGE AVE SOUTH HAMILTON ONT any evening after9 pm hetIIIcen points in Ontario and Quebec call station tostation Thats Bells NIGHTECONOMY Plan Lets you talkvup to 10 minutes for the price of Eafter that every two minutes for the pp not just one This bargain to cation calls yours on station between points criteria and Quebec any ayen after nine Isnt them artisans who like to hear your vet