Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1962, p. 10

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10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP to HELP WANTED MALE HELP to HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE ATTRACTIVE JOB OPPORTUNITY STENO CASHIER for the local office of DELTA ACCEPTANCE APPLICANT MUST BE Single Approximately 2030 years of age Some business must Well groomed and of neat up pearnnce All usual employee benefits Five day week9 to FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 60285 PRACTICAL Nutter shift tun General ii In nan noth six days per week Art Eden Numnx Home telephone Stroud sent experience for nirnt uni Alan Cook Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 524 MALE HELP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Clerk An interesting position for the right man Previous account ing experience required Many benefits including fivedny week generous holiday and vacation pay APPLY IN WRITING TO DcVilhiss Canada Ltd Box 3000 Barrie Ontario LEARN ELECTRONICS NOW Resident or Home studv Schools Tomato and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Sand for rru nook Careers in Electronics to to Kinn SL Toronto Ontario nxPnnrnNcnn Upholstcrcr requir ed tor iocni firm Good wages Ap Elly in Writan to Box at nanin aminnr nouns aALcsum nry ciuninx xperienco preferred Salary and commission ror nPPointmnt ruin yhpna PA ami sznuENcnn Married Man Want ori roi asiry farm tenrate cotA use 12on statinl terms and wages expcctcd references iucirson SherbrookeFarm an Barrio Phone sound an Maanmc wanted Class Iis once Permanent position man out working conditions wm tie gnaent on cxpettcnce and ahllltv rite or phone sisters in Sinner Motoru Limited Chevrolet olds mobile Midland Ontario Plan for fine future in the CANADIAN GUARDS Be man with plant into the Canadian Guardsone of Canadas crack regimentsfor which enrolment applications are now being accepted again To play their vital role along side their sister regimenIs in the present troubled interna tional situation the Canadian Guards need adventurcloving young men ofeourago and character In return the regi ment offers many other advan tages permanent employment aheallhy outdoor life good rates of pay travel at home and abroad outstanding train ing and many openingsfnrad oncemont If you are 11 to 221 single and physically fit find out more about this exciting career op portunity NOW from yourlocal Army Recruiting Stationat gt CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 21 ST CLAIR AVE EAST 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA +7345 Please provide me detiiils on career opportunities in the Can adian Guards Name Address CityTown Province Last School Gradecompletcd Age £6148 SALES HELP 8r AGENTS sALnsniAN fnr Metropolitan To ronto toscu tooling and supplies to industry Salary pius commis stun An excellent opportun1ty tor worker desiring to better him self Write Box on nanla Enni incr EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY cAnn given to children in my own home Monday to Friday Wiii colt Tclcphono PA Maia nooKKnnPiNu Servico availabl full or part time Fully expcrienb cd Telephone PA 89635 DENTAL NURSE seeks positiondn Barrie Age at fuity experienced chair assistant rcecptieani basic bookkeeping ctr Dlrcct replies to Box 61 Burlo Examiner LOOKING FOR FUTURE Challenging positions are available if you as ready for respon sibility knowing it leads toprcmotional opportunities CAREER WITH lAC OFFERS YOU IA practical training program CA future depending upon your ability and how you use it Oltavvardiiig management opportunities with an expanding firm OSecuiity with Canadas largest Sales Finance Company Applicants should be 2230 enjoy meeting the public be alert aggressive and willing to travel or universiw backgrounds are as Call is Hales at PA pm for appointment Banking credit insurance sales sets 86945 before pm or PA 60767 after Industrial Acceptance Corp Ltd ll Collier Street Barrie Young man or lady wanted as PHOTO DARKROOM AND ENGRAVING CLERK By 1114 Barrio kaminer Pho tographic and darkroom exper ience usential This position in connection with TIA Exam iner Editorial Department off ers good future to person willing and able to efficiently organize his or her efforts Apply in writing in MR MCPHERSDN Managing Editor THE BARRIE EXAMINER PJJ Boxialfl Barrie Ontario announcement or coupla wuntrd or point mnuy in TomiItos noseooio district Live in Must be study and reliable Reference Telephone PA noses before 11 noon and Ifter pan TEACHERS WANTED BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD Invites applications from teach ers for all grades PSI and Salary Sched effea Minimum 53100 Maximum $7000 Please state qualifications ex perience name of present in spector and other pertinent de tails in your application to MCKAY BA BPaed Supt of Public Schools 15 Hayfield St BARBIE il LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF CHATTEIS BY AUCTION UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT WHEREAS Frank Diamond for mcrly of the City of Barr the County of Simcoe is debted i0 Bouchcr Motors Shan ty Bay Road Barrie in the sum of $250 for repairs and storage of 1954 Pontiac model 2569 WD Serial No 425650065 Licence NoH33i71 for the year 1960 registered in the name of Frank Diamond and three months have elapsed since the said sum ought to have been made in payment thereof NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Iiiesday the 6th day of March 1362 at the premises of Boucher Motors Shanty Bay Road Barrie thosaid Pontiac described above will be sold at 11 am by public auction Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer Terms cash Subject to reserve bid Dated this Ist day of March 1962 BOUCHER MOTORS FIND GIRLS BODY TONAWANDA NY AP Thc body of 15yeareold girl was Iound hanging from tree in this Buffalo suburh Thursday 16 days after her sister was found hanging from tree about 100 feet away Dead was Diane Szucs Her sister Mary Ann 23 was found dead Feb 14 Both girls bodies were discovered by their brother John who worked in nearby boathouse owned by their father ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ETHIEL MILAULEY late of the City nf Barrie to the County of Simeon Widow deceased All pelsonl having against the Btate of ETHPl McAULEYKdeceased who died on or about the 16th day of December AD loci are noti fied in send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March AD 1962 their names and addresses and Iull particu lars of their claims and the not ure of the securities it any held by them Immediately after the said 2011 any of Hard 1962 thenassets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claimsvofwhich the Executor shall thenhave not ice JOHN REID QC 61 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the NOTICETO CREDITGRS AND OTHERS 1n the Estate of MARY DIXON 1ote of the Town of Ponetaniz uishene in the County of Slm coo VidowyDeceasedf All persons having claims against the Estate of MARY DIXONdeceased whodied on or about the 2ndvday n1 Janu ary AD 1962 are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th dayjot ltfzirchy AD 1962 their names and ad dresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them Immodlatclynfterlhcsaid 20th day of hfnrdi 1962 the assets of the said deceased will be dis tributed among the parties en titled thcrelo having regard only to the claims of which the Ad mi stratrix shall then have no tice JOHNL REID QC 61 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Solicitor for the Administratiix 42 TENDERS WARBLE uranium TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL Sealedtenders clearly marked as such will be received by the undersigned until 500 pm claims Thursday March 1962 for the following Warble Fly Inspector for the area north of the centre line of the lots in Conc7 warble Fly Inspecturior the area south of the centre line afthn lots in Conn Man and tractor to transport sprayer and treat cattle in the Township Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted COCHEANE Reeve GROH Clerk CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lina PA 66555 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday April 12 Noon Sharp Auction sale of so head of Here higls class farm machinery hay straw grain and some household elf ford cattle Pigs ects for ELLIS HUTCHINSON at int Concession Ora Sii miles straight Township north of Guthrie off No Hlflrway Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 17 1230 Pii SHARP For the Estate of the late NORMAN PADDISON At Lot ZS Concession Notin wnsaga Township 14 mile north off Highway 25 nttha east ent Auction sale of farm farm stock hlgh class farm machinery hay straw grain and some household eff ects Terms cash No reserve rance of stayner the estrite must be settled JERRYCOUGHLIN Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 10 1130 PM SHARP Auciicnsale of farm form stock implements hay straw and grain poultry autonwhilc and household effectsincluding antiques forthe estate oIthe late HOWARD HONSBERGEE settled JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Harkness Knows Nothing About Plané Strips OTTAWA CPIDefence Min ister Harkness said Thursday he has no official informationahout press report that theUnited States has picked out 5l1 emer gencyianding strips in theACa military and nadinn Aictic for civilian use He was replying toa Com mons question by Lionel Chev rier LMontrenl Laurieri who referred to Canadian Press story to that effect we prompt always give courteous Ask your doctor about our he pharmacy next time tar writes presumption you Prescriptions pickedup and delivered rep or charge CUSDENS PHARMACY it nuniop PA85959 cniiier st PA cam At Lot 19 Concession Nottn wasaga Township on thocoun ty road miles straightysottth of Slayncr Terms cash N0 re serve as the estate must he could cure TB mm EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH III New York Had Many Crashes Including The Worlds Worst NEW YORK CFAP New York City has had many air disasters through the years in cluding the worlds Worst The most tragic of all occur red little more than year ago on Dec 16 1960 when United Air Lines D08 jet collided with Trans World SuperConstella lion The dead totalled 134 includ ing silt persons on the ground Before that the heaviest toll in civilian air crash occurred onJune 10 1956 Again it was collision of two planes over Grand Canyon and also in valved Trans world and United AlrLlnes craft killing 128 Another of New Yorks worst previous crashes was on Feb 1959 Sixtylive persons were killed when an American Air lines Lockheed Electra tiirhoAjet plunged into the East River while attempting landing at La Guardia airport Thcrecord toilcf lite for single plane was In the crash of US Air Force Cm near Tokyo killing 129 servicemen on June 10 1953 73 DIE The worst previous disaster for single commercial plane amna Chiroprador VIs Charged LOS ANGELES tAPlIA chl vroproctor is under indictment for murder in thedeith of cancerstricken child grand jury Indicted Dr Marvin Phillips 15ziftcr wit nesses testified that Dr Phillips toldlir and Mrs Herman Eppings last July he their daughter Linda without surgery The parentsremoved her from hospitaltlic day she was to have her cancerinfected left eye removed Dr Phillips treated the girl with iodine drops vitamins and mineral pills She died Doc to Medical men said the eye operation would have saved her In the US was last Sept All 73 aboard fourengine TWA Constellation were killed when It fell to the earth about 10 miles west of Chicagos Midway air port after taking off for los Angeles Some other major air disal ters Nov 196177 of 79 persons perished in the crash of an In pedal rlin Constellation near Richmond Va Sept 12 1961 TI killed in crash of twinJet Air France Caravelle near Rabat Morocco Sept 10 196183 died when chartered American plane plunged Into the Shannon Ire land estuary Aug 14 1950 99 lost when KLhI Super Consteuation fell into Atlantic 130 miles off Ire lands west coast Aug ii 195779 killed when chartered hlarltlme Central Air ways DCt crashed and hurried near Issoudun Quebec March 12 195080 llvas taken In crash of chartered plans near Cardiff Wales APPLY FOR VISAS MOSCOW AP Vasily Nalt pasnikov president of the So viet Hockey League and Ernest Adminsky also with the league have applied for visas to attend meeting of the International Hockey Association In Colorado Springs Colo next Tuesday the American consulate said Thursday The Russian hockoy team is boycotting the world tournament there because the East German team was refused travel permit It Is expected the visas will be granted the of Iicials FDR EXPERT REPAIR WORK FRENCH MOTORS voua CmeSIm DODGE SIMCA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Bradford st PPDNE PA 55971 CONTROL DEfIVERlES assure unfailing oil supply Ne calculate your rate of use and carefully think It against daytoduy temperatures We know when you need all and make deliveries aulomntleally You never have to worry about your fuel oil The Silttllttflgt aw HIAIINO supply SARJEANT CO LTD Mary street PA 82461 Land Pact Signed TORONTO CP loyal agreement has been signed tween the federal and Ontario governments aimed at expand ing the use of renewable natu rat resources of all kinds in ro moto arena of Northern 0n tarlo Lands and Forests Illin ister Spooner announced Thurs day Mr Spooner told the legisla ture the agreementwiii affect the lives of 14000 Indians In well as other inhabitants of one north He described it as similar to 1oyear fur resources pro gram between the two gnvemv meals but ex andcd to cover such renewabe resources as fish wild crops and timber Among items Included in the agreement Sustained yield production and quality control In commer cial fishing Fishing and hunting for domestic use and for sports in cluding instruction and assist ance to guides and outfitters andpubllc hunting on fee basis in Indian reserves Such wild crops rice and blueberries Production of pulp and pa per forest fire protection and training of fire fighters Processing and marketing of rcsource products fivemember advisory com mitteetwo from Ottawa and three from Ontariohas been set up to advise the two gov ernments on the program ALLANDALE DRUGS ITD Prescriptions FREE DELIVERY Store Hours more was room FRI Mo arn to 930 pm WED mm Ii pan pan 830 pm SAT run aso pm SUN 12 noon mm pin 830 p111 PHONE PA 82828 The new labels knockoutl Now when you say OK you see OK right on this bright new label Its the same pure ale wlth the natural flavour But because more and more OKeefe Ale fans order their favourite by saying 0K we decided to put OK big and bold right where you can see it It tells you at glance youre getting OKeefe and no mistake

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