OUR TELEPHONES For Examine Wsnt Ads Tet hone PA 02414 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA can LOCAL WEATHER Sunny cold clouding with snow Saturday Low tonight be low lligh tomorrow 15 above For full Mimmary see page two 98m YearNo 53 French Burst Into Casbah After Snipers ALGlEES French troops fought wild hourlong battle with aloslcm riflemen in the an cicnt Casbah today Thousands of troops ringed the squalid native quarter after crack units stormed into its narrow byway to put down Mosiems who fired at them from rooftops The sniping was crushed with gunfire and gren mics There was no immediate ac counting of casualties Military officials said they be livcd the fight started after terrorist attack set off edgy tempers Police cars were withdrawn from tiie area at the height of the brief fight to lot troops take over the job of restoring order Green and white rchcl flags waved in some areas in defi ance of the French Barbed wire barriers sealed off the old quarter but after fighting had died down to ran dom shots unc exit into the Place du Gouvcrnoment was opened to let ltloslcms go to nearby mosque Moslems are in the closing days of the ohservV once of Ramadan holy month in their faith Although the Casbah outbreak was quellod troops in platoon strength filedthrough the Euro pean section of the city alert for signs of further disturbance Bitterness cc among both Europeans and North Airl cans as France and the Alger ian rcbel government in exile neared closing negotiations ex pected to end soon in the proc lamation of ceasefire In the l7fhyearold nationalist rebel ion Street shootings in scattered areas of Algiers were said to have killed about 10 persons mostly ltfoslems French lawyer described as liberal was found shot to death in his office llis prede ccssor was stabbed to death in the same office last year by agents of the European rightist Secret Army Organization which opposes Algerian inde pendence tr The Casbab action enipted so fiercely that Algiers police head quarters ordered all its cars and men out of the area About 80 000 liloslems live tightly packed in the ancient quarter in medie val squalor Leave it to the army was the broadcast order police radio call said ter rorist attack started the fight and the troops are firing on Anything that moves on people standing on rooftops and bal cnnles Thomlon Wilder Heads Into Desert FRANKFURT Germany AP lm heading out into that Ari zona desert to be bum for two years said Thornton Wilder As soon as got back to the States its going to be two years without neckties without culti vatcd conversation The 64yearold American au thor and playwright here from New York for the premiere of an operatic version of his play The Alcesttad said Thursday he has wanted to slip away to the wild beauty of that desert for the last 30 years but decided only recently to take the step After the twoyear sabbatical Wilder said he will return chock full of ideas for more work The Frankfurt audience gave 20minute ovation Thursday night to The Alcestiad for which Louisa Talma professor of composition at New Yorks Hunter College wrote the mu sic Wilder wrote the libretto from his rarely performed stage version of the Alccstis legend German soprano lnge Borkh sang the role of Alcestis Wilder whoin rccent years has made his home at Hamdcn Cobra is best known for lifs plays Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth and his novel The Bridge of San Luis Hey all three of which won Pulitzer Prizes Well What DlD YoiiuDo With Your Time Last Week OTTAWA CPLWhat did you do mostly last week That question is asked once month in about 35000 house holds across Canada in big cities small towns and in rural areas For every person 14 years and older in each of those house holds an answer is given to show Whether they worked looked for work had job but were not at work were pennaucntiy unable to work kept house went to school were retired or voluntarily idle or did some thing else gt The answers end up in Ottawa as cold but meaningful statis tics that help tell how employv meat and unemployment is go ing in Canada These questions and the an swers are in essence how the monthly labor force report is tabulated by the Dominion Bur eau of Statistics SAMPLES NATION Rather than ask the 12123000 or so people who are 14 years or older inCanada whether they worked or not the bureau sam ples the nation designing its survey to produce smallsscals replica of the entire population The survey is set up so that eyeryone in the adult population has specific known chance of being included in the sample Theaverage chance is about one in 100 The sample is miniature sta tistical model of all Canada covering big and small families poor and rich people citydwel lers farmers and so on To achieve this the inhabited area of Canada is divided into divisions which are divided into smaller sections which ars di vided into even smaller seg ments In city an average segment is about block in size By process of impartial selection segments across Canada are designated for sampling This process is designed to include segments with widely varying characteris tics approximately typical of the wholelpopulation It is based on scientific principles of random selection PICK DWELLINGS Certain dwellings in the var ions segments are picked for in clusion in the monthly survey again by process of impartial selection The selected householdsone could be next door in youare sent an introductory letter ox laining the purpose of the latlLor ower calls gives further lanatioris about the survey and btains basic information on go sex and marital status for ach household member For the next six months the particular household is one of the 35000 checked monthly in any month about 5800 new households are added to replace those dropped after being in the survey for six months The information collected on confidential basis is tabulated and projected to apply to the whole population About 30 days or so after the questions were asked the information is com plete and is made public in 0t tawa in the monthly labor force report ITER hols6000 TORONTO CF Provincial Treasurer Allan presented recordbreaking budget to the Ontario legislature Thursday declaring it broke new ground with fiveyear plan of eco nomic development The oppositioas reaction Old hat Liberals and New Democrats showed no enthusiasm for Mr Allans forecast of an economic upswing coupled with billion dollar spending program includ ing big new outlays for educa tion health and welfare The budget called for no new taxes or tax increases It pro vided for slight broadening of exemptions in the threepercent retail sales tamand made some concessions in the Succession Duty Act Liberal Leader Wintermeycr called the budget unimagina tive and said it made no fun damental rearrangement of the provincial municipal tax rela NEW YORK AmRecovery crews worked through bitterly coldinlght recovcring bodies from an American Airlines as frojet that plunged with power dive fury into the shallow wa ters of Jamaica BayThursday The Boeing 7mjotadspted for speedier iakeoffs from air pnrts surrounded by residential areas carried 95 persons to death less than two minutes after it had taken off from Idle wild Airport at 1007 am Thursday It was bound for Los Angeles It was the worst US air dis aster involving single aircraft topping the toll of the crash of Trans World Airlines Constel lation in Chicago last Sept in which 78 lost their lives The 257000pound vastro jet nearly half as long as foot comm non nix tssowm ion mentors cross browser psi5w 000 THIS IS HOW THE lNCOME ANDEX tionship to relieve the burden on municipalities it is clear the government has built up overihe years staggering tax edifice with no apparent plan he said Liberal financial criticRoss Whicher is expected to gointo HERES ONE RISING SUN Md fAP Clark Cochran has decided that the businessrof owning general store is notfor him Three hours after hepur chased the store Wednesday man came in shoved pistol in his ribs and took $125 Once is enough Cochran decided He resold the store to its original owner Thurs day morning Barrie Ontario Canada Friday March I962 ball field plunged straight down suddenly and with such sicken lng furythatthspilot never had chance to radio that he was in trouble N0 INDICATION 0F CAUSE There was no flame no smoke no trailing exhaust or outward indication of damage Mohawk Air Lines plane bound for northern New York state followed the doomed jet from the runway and its pas sengers got ghastly birdseye view of the tragedy Here is how one of them Joseph Farano of New York described it The jet mode beautiful takeoff and then it happened It was as if something reached up from the earth grabbed its nose and pulled it down The Irresrsrv 6822433700 EXPENDITURE The Titanic fix amincr THE WRECKAGE IN THE BAY plane crashed perfectly perpen dicularly gt making terrific splash as it plowed into the muddy swamp The terrific splasha 200 ioot geyserwas the result of the 650degreehot engines Jit ting the icy water at 100 mph SCATTERS REMAINS The plane disintegrated tn stautly scattering its twisted re mains over milewide area The plane carried 07 passen gers and crew of eight Among th passengers was Alton Jones executive com mittee chairman of the Cities ServiceCompany who was on his way to California for fish ing trip with an old friendfor mer president Eisenhower Eisenhower ri at Palm Desert Calif was de monovs Jigsaw WWI11m bemoan sinkNo mam opme ms axiomsy msï¬wrur $Vi0050340001 more detail when budgetdebato starts For the New Democratic Party Ken Bryden Toronto Woodbine declared the five year plan is no different in sig nificant respects from the last 15 years of plsnlessness Mr Allan in his libhour address said the plan aims at maintaining fan adequate rate of economic growth consistent with the financial capacity of the province llecalled for combined not ordinary and capital expendi tures in the fiscal year starting next month of $1lzs000000 up $123000000 from 190162 Almost half the increase will be in the educational field ESTIMATES SURPLUS The budget estimated sur plus of $432000 on ordinary ac count for the year just ending and predicted $374000 surplus PENDITURE ARESPLIT UP Ontario Gets FiverYear Plan Of the general economic pic ture Mr Allan said retail sales had shown modest increase in the last year while the gross provincial product sum of all goods and services produced In seven per cent ahead of last year The prospects are bright for continuing growth and for in creases in personal incomes corporation profits and sav ings It was the fourth annual bud get delivered by Mr Man prosperous dairy owner from the Lake Erie district Among other major features of the budget were proposals to finance two projects recently announced by the government 12 point housing program construction and use and an economic council to help plot next year growth Ontario was between six and to boost low rental housing thefuturs of Ontarios economic It Was Like Something Reached Up And Grabbed scribed as shocked and sad dened lat thctragndy Also aboard was young Cs rzadiau engineer 29 year old Stuart Ellam of Ridgelield Park NJ and formerly from the Toronto suburb of Leaside He was sales manager for Marconi instruments Company of Eaglcwood NJ and was going to Los Angeles on busi ness trip BOX MAY TELL Federal investigators hoped to retrieve the jcts flight control box from the murky water of Jamaica Bay This device small yellow metal globe about the size of basketball carries recording of the plane height speed and other iat which the invez ors hope will give them clue to the cause of the tragedy The pilot Capt James Heist 56 was veteran of ls 300 hours in the air Also among the passengers were retired Admiral Richard Lansing Conolly so and his wife of Westbury NY Cou olly former deputy chief of naval operations had been pres ident of Long island University since 1953 Others killed Irving Rubine 51 vicepresl dent of Higiiroad Productions the independent film company that had turned out The Guns of Navarone was on his way to Hollywood to discuss Acad emy Award campaigning for the film ON WORLD TOUR Dr and Mrs Laurence Lange of Eronxvillc NY were on the first leg of world tour Dr Lange 52 who was con sultant to the theological sem inary of th board of the na tional missions of the United Presbyterian Church was to have preached atthe Easter sunrise service in Jerusalem John Dieckman 35 of Costa Mesa Calm was the world fly casting champion Arnold Kirkeby 60 of New York City was prominent financier renltor developer noted art collector and also president of the KirkebyNatus Corporation which makes short term loans to industries and businesses Leonard Dickson 70 of New York travelling with his wife was wellknown investment banker as was Brewster Righter 53 of Jericho NY also with his wife ernn nasmnncas MONTREAL or African and Asian students attending unicersity in Montreal run full tilt intent colorbar an official of the Royal Commonwealth So ciety said Thursday night Buchanan told the annual dinner of thepresidcnts of MoGillUni versit clubs and societiesvtho so to the problem is more fundeagraduste residences at uni varsities Not More Than par Copyl4 Page Army Tcikes Nu In 2AM Raiding RANGOONBurmss dclencs chief Gen Ne Win seized power today and arrested Prime Minister Nu exvpresidnnt Sao Shwo Thnik and other members of tbs government Ono casualty was reported in the army seizure of powerthe son of former president Thaik was fatally wounded by stray bullet when Thaiks guards and troops exchanged fire Thaik was Burmas first president He retired from the office in 1952 Military informaan said Nu was arrested at his subur ban rcsidence at am and taken away by soldiers Thai lived few hundred yards away Military personnel in quick succession also arrested Thalun Tin finance minister and pres ident of Burmas ruling party llousing Minister Znhre Lu iian Trade Minister Thwin industries Minister Rashid and the minister for Karen state affairs San lila Tun The army suspended parlia ment and seized strategic com munications transportation and security points throughout the country Win who announced the take over on the state radio was head of nonclected govern ment for lamonths before being succeeded by Nu in 1960 Eyewitnesses said army units with tanks and guns rolled into Rangoon from the city outskirts and took over the homes of cab inet ministers immediate cause of the army move was believed to be do maud by some leaders of the Shan state for Burma to have federal instead of unitary gov ernment with the area inhab ited by the Burmese people rs duccd to federal administra tive unit Shnn attending meeting here were believed to have threatened rebellion and did not accept their demands Win in his broadcast said the army made its move because the situation in the country was causing alarm and anxiety to the people He appealed to the pcopic to keep calm and asked officials to carry out their normal duties Foreign Minister Sun Hkun flkio who is also minister for Shun state and other Shari lead ers who advocated federalism were believed to be in the cus tody of the army Rangoon airport was closed this morning and people went about their business without ex citement us if nothing bad haplt pcned Nu become the first prime minister of an independent Burma in 1940 He led the coun try until 1955 when he resigned to devote himself to the rear ganization of the anti Fascist Peoples Freedom lasagna the government party The following year he was again elected premier by the Burmese Chamber of Deputies in succession to Ba SW8 the Burmese Socialist leader in 1950 he invited Win chief of the Burmese general staff to form new government when his own party split The general was continued as premier by parliament and hold office for 10 months in 1960 Nu won landslide victory in national elections and again became premier Nu 56 is one of Asias lead ing neutralist figures He has al wnys been close in his thinking and personal relationship to in dian Primo Minister Nehru 16 Scramble From Beds Cop Collapses Building Bums BROCKVILLE CMFirs in downtown businesssapartment block burned out of control for more than two hours today be fore firemen brought it under control Sixteen living in three thirdfloor apartments scrambled to safety in below zero weather after patrolling police constable Paul Marshall who first noticed smoke dashed into the burning building and awakened them then collapsed Coast Marshall takento hos pital after he was overcome by smoke turned in the fire alarm He was credited with saving the lives of the apartment occu pants While firemen poured water into the heavily damaged build ing on Brockvilies main street across from city hall an unoffi cial estimate of fire damage was set at about $100000 The fire believed to have started from faulty wiring in the thirdfloor apartment of Mr and Mrs Donald Fowler is thu third major blaze in this town in less than two months Fire raged through the Grand Central Hotel Jan 10 causing loss of $500000 The same day an automobile garage was razed causing damage of about $125000 Earlier today the Brockvills fire department fought resi dential blaze which razed two storey home leaving four per sons homeless Firemen contained flames in the 75yearold downtown build ing to the centre and managed to save parts of two apartments and most of three stores The Fowler apartment was burned out and the other two suffered extensive water and smoke damage IN NUTSHELL1 Kennedy To Tell Plans Go liTests WASHINGTON CP President Kennedy is expected to in form tho US public tonight that the United States Will resume testing in the atmosphere unless Russia signs treaty banning all tests under international inspection and control East Germans Bar BERLIN Renters US Commandant The East German Communists today barred United States Commandant Majch AlbertWatsnn from East Berlin on instmctionerom Russias Berlin Com mandant Col Andrei Soloviev Macmillan Invites Glenn To UK LONDON AP Prime Minister Macmillan announced in the House of Commons Thursday the government has iuViteil LLCol John Glenn to visit Bntain When Soviet astronaut quri Gagaria visited London July 11 named by wildly enthusiastic crowds year he was welv Three Parties Discuss DivorCe Plan OliAWA cPl New negotiations are under way between gt the three parties in the Commons to alter the procedure under which Parliamentgrants divorces to residents of Quebec and Newfoundland The Commons was given an indication of the action Thursday whenknbertMcCleave PC Halifax chairman of the Commons private bills committee won approval for proposal to delay Commons study of 36 divorce bills 37 Bodieslotind in Collapsed note CAIRO AP Thirtyseven bodies from the debris of hotel in Assiul been recovered southern Egypt which col lapsed early Thursday All thevictimswereEgyptiansThoL llapse the tbrcestorey hotel was blamed onwealr found