mummmmsnsrmmrm It3 Barrie Park Acreage Increasin The Barrie Board Park Management developed two new park areas in the past year bringing the total ol parks acreage to 42 acres In addition to maintaining these 42 acres Jim Savage Parks superintendent and his stall looked after 12 diilereot Public Utility Commission pro perties They also took care at the grounds at the Public Works Department During 1961 the board planned and developed the new Grove Street East part which as yet has no name but which will compare with shear or Queens Park when completed Secretary of the Planning and Eardks Boards Ken Johns on up new playground for children at Elm and Queen Streets was developed as well This is Macro site encompassing rwings teeters and other recr eational equipment HELPS SOCIETY JIm Savage and staff helped the Barrie Horticultural Society to lay out and plan the new beds at Royal Victoria Hospital last year planted trees at the new Baytron Park site which were purchased by the Rotary Club of Barrie and made other improve ment in the local arks With budget of $2520380 re presenting one mill at the tax rate and an additional $7500 grant from the city tor the new Grove Street East property the Board felt that an excellent in had been done luring the year There are 12 parks in Barrie alx playgrounds and ten gor cs gore is small park bounded on all sides by streets usually triangular in Queens Park eight acres has two hall diamonds wading pool which is an ice rink in winter doublelit tennis courts basketball courts bandstAnds refreshment con ousian booth and in the summer recreation equipme nt and picnic facilities There are washrooms under one of tho bandstands Shear Pork acres also has wading pool hall dia monds washroom facilities ten his courts not lit basketball courts an ice rink in the win ter and recreation equipment in the summer Kinsmen Conservation largest at 12 acres sports naturally formed swimming pool or in the winter ice rink cr eated when small stream was dammed to form pool This pool was much improved in the last year by cleaning out the silt in the bottom and tilling with sand to make solid but tom In the park is the old CNR steam locomotive wash room faciiities and an office for summer supervisors last year the Barrie Recreation Com mittee PLANS FOR PARK Plans for this park include riprapping ol the creek lin ing the banks with stone or tile building at few decorar live small bridges across the stream and perhaps the addit lnn of wiidiiie zoo This is just an idea Mr Savage said and the area will be main reserved lor picnicing The iiisited Rogers Park an JIM SAVAGE eight acre piece located on the shore of the Bay still has tar to go before It will be ready tor lulltime use by the Public AfIcr trucking thousands of yards at till the Board foun that the park sat atop bag and that everything they had been trying to do had been sinking into this bag ball and is theonly facility in the park and at wet times of year it is reportedly unusable St Vincent Park acres ot towering pines cedars nnd map le is popular for the picnic facilities and recreation equip ment The park has washrooms and shelter Kcmpenlelt Park four acres ls spread along scenic drive and in the surruner the board provides barbecues picnic tabl es and recreation facilities The nor Bayview Park has small bandshell and is usually inhabited by children of shopping mothers in the sum mcr Recreation equipment is provided and there are rooms under the bandshcll This park is east at iiiulcaster on Dunlop and is close to down town shoppcrs in Barrie Noacre Nelson Square own ed by the Barrie Public School Boardls maintained by the Parks Board FLORAL DISPLAYS Memorial Park which holds the ccnotaph has excellent flor al displays in the summer and flagstone walk which was partially lnid last year water fountain is operated in summer and the decorative ï¬ghting re quested by the city last year can be seen any night in the year Two royal elms and two blue spruce trees make this parka relici fortired down town eye Grove Street West Park where the new Lions club swimming pool is located re mains mystery to the Parks Board All through 1951 the park was maintained at min imum by the Board but the pool was run by the Arena Commission Nothing has done to improve this park tour acres of sandy sparsely grass ed and treed lead The Parks Board paid for the Pool wash rooms so that the general pub lic might have use of these facilities and would not have to pay to get into the pool Steadilv The Parks Board LS oi the op lninn that belure this park II at all successful as park windbreak to preserve the soil and considerable landscaping must be done The biggest project last year was the development of the Grove Street East Park where there were installed under win ter works plan washroom or the public These were to be finished early in 1962 There is bail diamond at the park lenced childrens play area and parking facilities new Idea for Barrie parks Twohun dred Lombardi poplars and hedge oi multi flora roses were put in the park the whole ar ea was seeded and rolled and l962 will see this new park in hill swing portion at the new Bay fmnt Park was planted in 1961 Two acres were develop at the foot of Victoria stree and several types of trees mainly poplars and Chinese aims were planted The playgrounds with swings teeters and other recreational equipment are as follows Brock Street one and one half acres StrabonE one acre Bi air onehalf acre Lions onc third acre and Gunn about one acre The Vine Street play ground was sold to neighboring property owners who incorpora ted this small park into their back yards There are gorcs at Essa Rood Allandulc Bradford Street Sophia Street Dunlop Strcct KW 11 Shanty Bay Road Cod rington Street Duckworth Strcet and Eerczy Street The Allan dole Gore won Jlrn Savage sc cond prize in the 1961 Ontario Pest Control annual awards for horticultural displays Some future plans of the board include proposed Kem pcnfelt scenic drive horticul tural area along the lake from between St Vincent Street and Nelson Square 10 acre par cel jointly owned by the Parks Board and the Barrie Public School Board will be developed in the Gordhomc subdivision Another joint 10 acre site in the north East section of town will be developed possibly in or years or when sewage tncllilt ties permit the building ofn school on the property One acre south of Shirley Street is being kept or pos sible nature trail Six or seven acres in the Sunuidale area will be major park possibly begun in 1962 SllllYS SllLLlES Wheres the dttonf My husband says its the most before they used the washrooms WNW 11118 Ibo car KEMPENFE 15 GLAPPERTON 51 200 NEw MEMBERS IN I96 run 1901 $I6I 000 ASSETS FEB 1962 $225000 SHARE CAPITAL ran Toot $99000 1962 50000 KempanIeldt Credit Union has served residents or Barrie and district 101 over 20 years YOUR MONEY Is WORTiI TO us SEE us TODAY IDT CREDIT UNION PA 85191 PROGRESS and 5m CE GO HAND IN HAND FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SHIRT lliUNDRY INDIVIDUALLY POLY WRAPPED To make easier packing and to keep them spotless Dtl theyre ready to wear BARRIEB inosr rnoonnssrvz any momma SANITONE SERVICE Wewould like to lay word or two about our plant we have been in business for many years but our plant has the latest in equipment tor cleaning our dry donning machine when the clntbel are placed in it takes over the complete operation of cleaning it cleans the load controls the snnitone treated dry cleaning solvent the time distillation extraction temperature low and signals when ready to empty The drying or movery tumbler is also automatic turns the heat on and control it recovers the solvent out ol the clothes and signals when ï¬nished Alaorbeside these two machines In third machine which absorbs all the air around the two machines for dry cleaning solvent vapors and recover this and return it as fluid our spotting eqnipment and chemicals are the finest and llteatin the industry Before the ï¬nishing department receives the clothes they are put on term machlnee and ltonmed then air blown to allnalnata 90 or the pressing The preem are siroperated ileum heated and connected to vacuum or setting the press The alothee boned machine with polyethylene ban PHONE PA 8553I The longest Established Dry Cleaners in Barrie REERIOERATED VCOLD STORAGE TOR EURS AND CLOTH GARMENTS or run anemone FULLY mariner