tally licensed by the um Ll cenCI Board of Ontario Ihe members 500 atronl are now talking expansion No TE BARBIE MINER TUESDAY HEREBY 11 useus Barrie Curling Club Building Is One Of Finest In Province munity Iiislory records it ing at the present Fair Grounds going back at least years site the club had no artificial hamber Plays Important Role The Barrie Chamber at Com merce has played measure Ibio part almost unheralded loath development at the corn irom town to city Es sentially an organization oi rep resentatives of Industry busi ness and professions the cham ber ll quickly blamed tor its omissions and seldom praised tor its accomplishments Yet the eiiectiveneu at any chamber oi commerce is limit ed to the participation and sup port oi its members Although things may be little ditiercnt now the Barrie Chamber at Commerce has not always had the lull support ofevery sec tion at lts organisation Despite this it has accom plished much It has to be membered that belore the ap pointment of an lndusuial com mlsaiouer which came with city Status the chamber was rer ponsible lor wooing industry to this location Through almost sacrificial devotion on the part of some of Its members it was artremely successlul inthll field Ah iNDIJSIRlAl COMMISSION Indeed the ground work tor the early success oi the indus trial Commission was laid by members oi the chamber of conunercc The now provcn Winter Carn ival is another example of good promotion by the chamber ior thebencfit of the community it large The idea came from at End Thomas who was president of the chamber in 1959 While community promotion bad the selling at the city to rndustry are two facets of lts work although the latter is now department by itself ROBERT SARJEANT President but working in close coopera tion the Barrie Chamber oi Commerce atlords whereby industry business nd professional men may express their opinions on subjects at cl government with which they are closely concern ed Conversely the city council ilnds great benefit in turning to advice from the chamber oi commerce on matters which aiiect directly all forms oi bus tness in the city WATCH DOG The Chamber of Commerce can also play the role of wat chdog in the matter at fair practice in this respect the Barrle Chamber at Commerce has done much good work in bringing to the notice at the public the occasional invasion oi unscrupulous traders with which any town or city suitors Ditch the warnings are not heeded but this cannot be blamed on the local chamber of commerce The Barrie Chamber at Carn mcrce has also established builders exdtange within the office at the chamber which Is proving of beneï¬t to local build ers and contractors regular bulletin keeps all members In Ionnod oi the activities of the lverious committees the advent oi new members and essential monthly business ï¬gures which are some indication oi the pulse of the community rRAnn snows The local chamber has also sponsored trade shows in the Arena at the end at the hockey season In the part it was the motor show but last year this developed into recreation and garden show which iillcd the arena for three days This show has the advantage of appealing to maximum crosssection of the community and altering pro mntional scope to is wide range of businesses in the city The at unassuming iunc tinning of the Barrie Chamber at Commerce under the guid ance of manager Reg Velhnm and his small statt has brought Barrie thus far Ahead lic many problems and great future or the city the measure of our success in the coming years will be dependent largely on the eiiectlve leadership of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce The elfectlvenesa of this lead ership depends in turn on the interest and activity oi the members oi the Barrie Chamb er oi Commerce Faith in game that was once considered strictly ior ald man has resulted in the City era is one oi the the at Barrie having one of provinces linen curlins clubs Barrie Curling Club Lti situa ted al the Fair Grounds is valued at $250M erected in ion mostly through volunteer labor by the memlr conununlty main attractions Along with seven sheets artificial ice the club has two lounges one ior viewing the games and the other fully equipped for banqu dellnlte plans have been made but with waiting list at per sons wanting to into the mom oer ice there Is no other course Even the present memv berr who worked invariably to erect the building 10 years ago are little awed by its suc cess Curlan had part at its The ilrst rink was wooden trams structure on Mary Street The membership or the two sheet club was couple oi don In Just beiore Ihe turn oi the century the Mary Street build tag was demolished and new rink bunt onï¬lnpperton Street That housed the club until it was condemned in row ire Thus it had but approxim ately 20 days fit for activity Aliticiel ice was out in in the tell nl 1953 and the club has progressed iull steam ahead History also records that Barrie curlers have twice cop ped the provlnces lop competi tion for men the Silver Tank ard it came to Barrie player The large cement building ets This latter lounge is now lhumble beginning in this corn During the ï¬rst winters curi in 1907 and 1925 FOR THE PAST 4i YEARS IExcellent Service 0quin Chinese and Canadian Foods Plus The Lem family came to Barrie in l9l7 and in l92l opened the door of their restaurant ent location on Dunlop 5t usiness at the pres The City Cafe saw drastic changes in 1930 and in 1960 the elegan pleied secon floor Dining Lounge was com To cater to Barries heavy tourist traffic throughout the summer months 24 local people are employed to offer customers 24hour service Many Activities Backed By Local Womens Groups roundup of activities of the numerous womens organizations in Barrie during the past year proves conclusively that the lady citizens have not spent their time in idle eitort The highlights of their various achievements in 1961 are as follows KIWANIS AUXILIARY The auxiliary had very suc cessful year in 51 reports we Iident Mrsr Fred Smith Money raised during the year at the annual ten and bridge party was donated to the iollowing organizations assisting the Kiwanis Club in building an addition tothe cottage at the Blue Mountain Camp which has been built for the Crippled ch ildren United Appeal Canadi an Red Cross Society Sheltered Workshop Canadian Cancer So ciety Salvation Army and Christmas Welfare One of the clubs main projects is assist gg the Kiwanis Club with the ester Seal Campaign IOROPTIMIST CLUB Thel main interest and sup rt has gone towards sponsor the Senior Citizens Club of Barrie They also support child through the Barrie branch of the Canadian Save the Child ren Fund the Barrie YMYWCA and The Canadian institute for the Blind One of the Clubs projects is supporting tworooms in the Royalvictoria Hospital Barrie Each year the club presents scholarship to the top iemale student in commer cial at Barrie Central Collegiate LIONS AUXILIARY The outstanding achievements tor the year are contained in donation of $793 to aidthe completion of the swimming pool Donations were also made to support two ro at the Royal Victoria Hospital the Canadian Save the Children Fund Canadian National Instit ute for the Blind Canadian Cancer Society and $50 dona tion to the Lions Club to pack Christmas hampers for Inmilies in the area 0th club projects include sponsoring French boy through the Ear rie branch at the Canadian Save the Children Fund prov iding two scholarships for top students at the North Collegiate and the Barrie Central Collegi ate and providing clothing for needy iamilies TRINITY CHURCH GUILD satisfying year was exem plified in the Christian fellow ship and cooperation amongst the ï¬ve guild groups of the church The Guild had very successful and active year They sponsored two nearly new sales Valentine bridge spring tea and bake sale and mammoth food sale and tea The main achievement of the year was donation of $1000 tor the pur chase of new gowns for the choir They also doubled cont rihutiuns to the Chancel Guild uud thevaftemoon and evening WA and donated to the Syod House in Toronto other pro jects which the guild supports Include providing furnishings tor room in the new wing of the hospital $200 donation to guild memberMrs Lillian Ellis who is teaching at th Anglican school at Carsrnss in the Yukon donations to the Sunday School and to aid the publication of the Newsletter packing cartons of clothing for the Indian reserve at Moosonee and supporting refugee child EASTERN STAR Have carried on their usual benevolent work throughout the year They also assisted young Barrio man who is study ing theology CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE Members assisted in present ing Maple LeaiPins and wel coming new Canadians on re ceipt of their citizenship papers at the Court House Any new citizens in the area were later visited by an appointed com mitteo In the past year some 574 patients were visited at the Rim The OWL have represent ation on the Mental Health As sociation in the person of Mrs James Clyne who was instru mental in having gifts collected from the CWL and distributed at the Penetang Hospital The members donated $3000 to Right Rev James Clair to be used or parish work other projects included donation of 130 Christmas stockings tor the CSCF made and filled by the CWL and 100 pounds of used clothing was sent to the Indian Reserve on Christian island iood shower was held for th Redemptoiistiue Sisters collected 400 pounds of food VENTURE CLUB The past year members mark ed the tenth anniversary of the Venture Club in Barrie The clubs motto nothing ventured nothing gained depicts the ambitions of its young members Projects for 61 included prod uction and sale of bath salts bake sale and covering and selling colored dripdry hangers Proceeds from the projects were used to sponsor Korean orph an scholarship ior general pro iiciency in commercial course at the Barrie Central Collegiate donation made towards send ing crippled child from the Barrie area to Blue Mountain Camp for week white gifts for the Salvation Army mitts HISTORICAL PLAQUES COLDWATER MILL IBM Built in 1330 to serve the In dians the old mill is still in operation At Goldwater MILITARY ESTABLEH MENT 18291956 British or ces withdrew from Drummond Island in 1828 to this military base Garrison Reserve Pene tang THE NAVAL =ESTABLISH MENT British naval base built ioliowing the War of 1812 Garrison Reserve enaiang NINE MILE PORTAGE Commernorates the early line of communication between Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay run ning from Barrie in the Notta wasaga River Erected near the railway station in Barrie ADMIRAL BAYFIELD 17951333 Marks the headquar ters 181973 oi the inrnous ad miralty surveyor of the at Lakes Near Penetanguishcne FORT STE MARIE The famous Jesuit outpost among the Huron Indians and headquart ers in Huronia from 16394649 Situated near Midland to the hospital at Pcnetang for mental patients Club members made Christmas tray decora tlans for patients in the Ontario Hospital Ortilla collected us ed stamps and nylons and old Christmas cards or the Barrie and District Retarded Childrens Association made and delivered scrapbooks to the Hospital for Incursble Children in Toronto and knit socks and mittens and sewed ilnnnelette nighties tor the Canadian Save the Children Fund KINETTE CLUB One of the highlights of the year was the annual convention which was held at the Royal York Hotel Toronto This was first time some of the memb ers have had an opportunity to attend since it was held closer to home Kinettes sponsored booth at the Barrie Exhibition which is an annual iund rais ing project For Famous High Quality FIRESTONE TIRES Experienced Trained Class High Quality Guaranteed BRAKE AND FRONT END SERVICE IE division of mm TIRE RUBBER Compaq oranadqumired as DUNLOP s1 the lender eveTy time Dependable Fast Efficient Tire Service and Repairs Attention Truck Owners and Fleet Operators 14HOUR EXPERT ROAD SERVICE Mechanics for The City Cafe is proud to have been part of Borrles dynamic development cm CREE DEPENDABILTTT SERVICE CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE and QUALITY its Our Basie Principle act Business Is 29 DUNLOP ST PA 60263 BARRIE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PA 3553 McCLARYEASY APPLIANCES SPARTON TV and HlFl STEREO OENERAL ELECTRIC SMALL APPLIANCES AND RADIOS BLACK DECKER rowed Toots use ouR NEW CON VENIENT PAY DAY PAYMENT GET TERMS