lo HElP WANTED FEMALEHELP AVON Walllt needed immedi Iu service established turrItDries in the North test and of Barrie Call 5551 giving phone number caratsut baby sitter required Monday inreixen Friday asst end hetereneer Telephone PA 44711 alter rm Winow on LADY required to can tor small child and do iignt housework Live in or out Mull reliable Apply in writing to Box 79 assrte Litminer MALE on sisMALE Young man or lady wantcdas PHOTO DARKROOM AND ENGRAVING CLERK By The Barrie Examiner Pho tographlc and darkroom exper tance essential This position in connection with Tl Exam iner Editorial Departmcnt olf ors good future to person willing and able to efficiently organize his or her efforts Apply in writing to MR liIcPHERSON Managing Editor THE BARRIE EXAMINER PO Box 870 Barrie Ontario MALE HELP LEARN ELECTRONICS New Resident or Home studv Schools Tomato and stontreni sumo COLLEGE OF CANADA send for Free Book csrem Ln Klactmnlcn to col King at Toronto Ontario uranmcen Married lilan want ad roi dairy farm separate cot use Reply stating tarsus and wages expected references miuon Sherbmoke Farm BR Barrio Phone atmua nu lciioos nun Drivers part4 to drive school hILl in either or on or both Time involved is about hours or less Must bl over at year of sun with Apply Gnier Importation Co Ltd 31 Pent tang street EMPLOYMENT WANTE DAILY CARE glven to swam in my own home liondsy to his day Will lle Telephone PA class 121mmI TAX returrul manna ersona Isa you one PTompt sorvlr Telephone PA 60565 for further dotalls PART mil or full time book keeping mechanical manual or other work by capable and adapt able young man 15 yem Tole pbone PA 51345 COW for Want Act Section accepted until pm Day before publication PHONE PA 82414 Ii LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Annual Meeting 1962 Royal Victoria Hospital Incorporated TUESDAY APRIL pm AT LAiDLAW NURSES RESIDENCE For the purpose of receiving the various reports the election of Directors amendment of Bylaws and such other business as may come before the meeting Bylaw states any person who pays to the Corporation 30 or more days before the annual meeting in any one year the sum of One Dollar shall be member of the Corporation for that year I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock sad implements Hay Straw Wood and some Household Effects The undersigned has received instructions from CECIL MAYNARD to sell by Public Auction at the premises LOT CON 12 TECUMSEIH NIVNSHIP miles north rniie west of Beclon SATURDAY ilARCH AT PM SHARP The following CATTLE Holstein Cow Hereford Heifer rising to freshen in April Holstein Cow years to freshen by data of sale Holstein Cows years to freshen by date of sale Holstein Cows years to fresh en lifordi lo Holstein Con years to freshen March 12 Holstein Cows years to is Holstein Cows years to freshen March 11 Brindle Cows years to freshen March 16 Jersey Cows years to freshen end of May in Dur ham Cows years fresh calf at foot Blue Roan Heifers years pasture bred Here ford Steers rising years old Hereford Baby Beeves Fat Hereford Heifer Heifer Calves Yearling Heifers open Registered Hereford Bull in months old Grade Hol stcin Bull 14 months old PIGS AND POULTRYYork shire Sow bred to furrow March 20 Yorkshire Saws carrying lst litter due March Chunks around 170 lbs each 200 New HampshireLeghoms year laying vcli HAY AND SHAW2000 square bales Clover Hay well saved 600 square bales of Hay well saved 300 square bales of Wheat Straw IMPLEMENTS AND MISCEL LANEOUSMH Combine 0ft cut power drivcn good repair Set Tractor Disc tilplate good condition Cockshutt furrow tractor plow Hay Rack Set section Drag Harrows drawbar complete Horsedrawn Sulky Rake Wheelbarrow Horse drawnlifower Steel Land Roll er drum MH Seed Drill ii disc good condition 24ft Grain Elevator good as new Potato Picker Rubbertired Wagon and Rack 2wheel Trail er Set 20001bs Scales weights Wild Oat Separator National Milking Machine Broader housc 810 Electric Viking Cream Separator good as new Woods Electric Chop per Ad with motor Sct Back band Harness Sct Driving Har rlus Cutter Pca Lifters Tur nip Seeder Bag Truck Well Curb Crosscut Saw Broader Persons desiring to vote at this meeting must therefore dollar to the secretary on or before March 5th BARRIE FEBRUARY 27 1962 CAMERON Secretary Board of Directors 12 TENDERS ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Project No saWza Contract TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM for the POLICE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN This may qualify as winter works project Tenders sealed in the envelopes provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Secretary Ontario Water Resources Commission oth Floor roi Bay Street Toronto Ontario until 12 noon EST on MONDAY MARCH is 1962 for the construction of municipal water system in the Police Village of Cooketown Ontario 0n the some day commencing at 230 pm EST the tenders will be opened and read publicly by the Commissions Tender Committee in the Conference Room 6th Floor at the above mentioned address The work consists generally of the supplying of all materials hour and equipment for and the contraction of approximately 14900 lin ft of and diameter water mains and approx imately 191 house service connections complete with necessary valves firehydrants and other appurtenances The removal and reconstruction of approximately 000 lin ft of concrete sidewalk is also included Complete tender documents may be obtained from Anderson and Associates Limited Consulting Engineers 194 Wilson Avenuo Toronto 12 Ontario on payment of deposit of 05000 per set Endi deposit shall be in the form of two certi lied cheques payable to the Ontario Water Resources Commission in the amoUnts of $3000 and $2000 Upon return to the consult ing engineers within three weeks after the closing date for tenders of complete sets of tender documents in good condition cheques will be returned as follows fa Both cheques will be returned in respect of one set of documents only to each general contractor who has sub mitted bona this tender but the cheque in the amount of $3000 only will be returned on the receipt of each other set of documents Each tendermust be accompanied by tender deposit in the form of certified cheque in the amount of $800000 payable to the Ontario Water Resources Commission Tenders are subject to formal contract being prepared and executed The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all tendersand the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Dr Berry General Manager MacDonnell Commission Secretary CONSULTING ENGINEERS Anderson and Associates Ltd 104 Wilson Avenue Toronto 12 Ontario pay one years to freshcn date of sale freshen March 15 llolsteinl Cows years to freshen March Maltese spinsters wearing the Foldetta Maltas national headdress parade during na tional pilgrimage of prayer Stove etc Forks Grains Shovels many other articles HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Victrola Records China Cabi net pairs of Skis Side boards Pullout Couch Rack ing Chat Arm Chairs Wick er Set Hand Cultivator Steel Bed with mattress and springs complete Set Aluminum Pots Hand Sleigh Odd Chairs Iin thue Churn Coal Oil Lamps Cow Bells Master Power Lawn Mower Brass Poles Rolls Building Paper other An tiques Quantity of effects too numerous to list TERMS CASH Definitely no reserve as farm is sold Noth ing to be removed until settled for Owner will not be respon sible for any accidents day of sale Buyers from distance must prove their identification with the clerk Frank Webb Clerk Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer Barrie PA 86449 ITS SPRiNG HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful items stored in your attic garage and closets if you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 phone Commissioner Denies Excesssve Rent Tale TORONTO CP Allanl Grossman Ontarios chief liq uor commissioner denied Mon day the province is paying exlt cessive rents for liquor stores rented from private owners in Sudbury and Capreoi ln fact he maintained citing the report of trust company expert rents paid by the gov ernment are lower than would be indicated by general market conditions ltlr Glussmtltl took the floor in the legislature to reply to ac cusations by Elmer Sopha Sudhuryl At one stage in the noisy sitting he accused the Suds bury member of making base less charges through sheer pct ulance and vindictiveness at having lost the case for client The upronrlous afternoon wound up the throne speech de bate after which Liberal and New Democratic motions of non confidence were defeated along party lines PRESENTS REPORT The legislature continues this afternoon when Economics and Development Minister Macaulay presents report on the econolt mic condition of the province Premier Roberts described it as prelude to the budget which is to be brought down Thursday by Provincial Treas urer Allan Anather of the final throne speech debaters Monday took up the liquor question Maurice Be langer WindsorSandwich accused the government of try ing to hoodwink the public in dropping the $1 liquor permit at the end of March The permits brought in revenue of $1300 000 annually At the same time however liquor prices will go up slightly to eliminate the odd cents caused by the retail sales tax and Mr Belanger complained Do they the government believe the public doesnt see what they have in mind They know perfectly well that the ex tra few cents on each bottle will bring in more money than the permits REPLIEST0 SPEECH Mr Grossman replied to speech by Mr Sopha Doc 14 in which he declared political pa tronage and high rents were in volved in leasing of stores to the Liquor Control Board at Sudbury and Capreol Mr Grossman said be bad ar ranged for Garth Webb of the Toronto office of the Montreal Trust Company to examine the properties leasing agreements and comparabk properties for defeat of the Socialist Pain ty in Maltas forthcoming elec tions The Socialists have named the spinstcrs The Whistling Brigade because Dave Oancla of the Lon don llureau at The Cann dian Press went to Algeria to report on the explosive situation there In this story he describes the fortress likc aspects of the adminis trative capital By DAVE OANCIA ROCHER NOIR Algcriu CP This territorys Black Rock may be in for some bad days collection of madernistic build ings set incongruously by an old fishing village will become the Washington DC of the now Algerian stntc It was established as the ter ritorys administration contra little more than year ago in bid to relieve Frances top administrators from the pros sures of the passionate crowds of Algiers Ernblttered leaders of the ille gal Secret Army Organization vbich commands the support 01 most of the European popu lalion scornfully refer to it as the fortress established by President do Gaulle to protect the traitors who are selling out in Algeria it likely will become one of the secret armys primary tar ln all cases he said reading from Mr Webbs report the LCD pays less rental than would be indicated by thexgen eral market conditions SAYS LESS LIBERAL As to the charges of patron age one of the lessors was Dr Michael Keenan of Sud bury whom Mr Grossmaniden tified as president of Sudbury and District Liberal Association Speaker William Murdoch had to stand repeatedly and ham mer hisgavel to hush the shouts from Liberal and government members At one point he threatened to stand on his feet indefinitely to restore order Mr Sopha had said that he people who had been given he right to rent liquor stores to the government would on the strength of rent being paid by the liquor board he in clover after about 10 years and would have their property paid for Mr Grossman said Mr Sopha had been playing with the figures omitting to mention such expenses as maintenance deprecia ti Insurance and taxes At the Caprenl store the board was paying some $1250 less year than would he fair rental Mr Grossman said The Sudbury store mentioned by Mr Sopha was also being obtained at reasonable rental figure These facts speak for them selves Mr Grosaman added The Liquor Control Board of Ontario has in every particular been meticulously careful in its dealings with these lessors QUOTES STATEMENT Mr Grossman quoted from Hansard Mr Sophas statement last December that be had been approached by group of con stituents seeking to rent the liquor board store at pro posed Sudbury shopping centre Mr Sopha had said he merely arranged for them to meet the late William Collings then chief liquor commissioner Mr Grossman tabled six let ters from Mr Sophas legal firm two signed by Mr So pha and four by his partner Conroy to Mr Collinga concerning the Imposed liquor shore Four of letters re ferred to the group as clients To repeated shouts from the Liberals and repeated warnings from Speaker Murdoch Mr Grossman accused the Liberal member of attempting to miss lead the legislature Mr Sopha stood on apoint of order and shouted his denial that the group were clients in the House and in later state members Algerias Foriress For Traitors May Be In For Some Bad Times French authorities say this NEW DELHI Prime Minister Nehrua ruling Congress Party piled up solid lead today as the tabulation continued of returns from In dtas IOday national and state electlons that ended Sunday 0n the national level the Congress Partyheld 25 of the first to results declared in the 494 seat Lok Ssbha flower houset Congress candidates also were loading in many election dis tricts including the key one of North Bombay where Defence Minister Krishna Ifenon held big 30000 vote margin over his main opponent Kripalani With nearly half the results declared overall party stand iugs for the 2930 assembly seats at stake in is state legis latures were Congress 904 Communists right wing Swatnntra Party 49 rightwing Jan Sangh Party 41 Praja So ciaiists 37 the Socialist Party 10 lndepcndcnts and others 156 Prior to the election the Con gress Party hold 875 of the 494 seats in the lower house of par liament and also hold control of gilt contested state assem res SEE CONGRESS WIN Willi the second day of re turns nll indications were that the Congress Party would again maintain the over all national Bill of their society caused Socialist public meet ing to disperse by blowing whistles and generally cans ing din AP Wirephoto gets it lilosicm dominated transitional executive sets up shop here to load the land to independence and state supremacy it has Rochcr Nair French tar black Summonded since India gained rock is military sgmnghold independence from Britain 14 35 miles east of Algiers Yï¬ï¬‚lï¬gï¬B om ny ma re lng gzmglgaf b312 suit was not expected until Wod ping centre hotel and school may mm but Weapon huddle behind three hfenon appeared Virtually ccr barbed wire barriers clecuon he Nehru staked his prestige on mm Menons victory but the former amisioi°isrrrs at we miic square site to protect the me Nam faced homos dd tion of coalition of parties 100 backing 74yearoid Kripaloni thn the last construction disciple or Gandhi Jobs are IInISth the fortress The prims minister himself will ho entirely self sufficient was assured of certain eke About 250 persons now live at tion with 25000 vote lead over Rocher Noir Included are most Socialist Lcadcr Ram Manohar of the top government officials Lohia his nearest rival in the number of secretaries and Phulpur election district other public servants The mnr jority commute each day from Hams Muomrms Algicrs Svtho results continued to Despite extraordinary watch 991393 the hi8 100000000 fulness killer commandos wcar ing stolen army uniforms occalt sionnlly lie in wall near the rail line to shoot up the train Anyone going to the provi sionalrcapitul must have poiice spaced authorization from the Algiers headquarters ment to the press lie contended he had never received red cent from the group and knew only one of its members When Arthur Reaume LEs sex North kept shouting Mr Grossman retorted Ah shut up The minister said he was be ing charitable in thinking that Mr Sopha was motivated by his anger at not being able to get the store leased for his client Noting that Mr Sopha had made other charges at the time against John Fullerton PCAL goma Manitoulin Mr Gross man said If there is anything de pise it is smug self righteous ness think the honorable member for Sudbury should look into his own mirror to find out if he really wears halo Perhaps he may decide he is not in position to pass judg ment on his peers ill1 Has Suit Against NFL BALTIMORE APleA play byplay account of the formation of the American Football League was to continue in United States district court to day as the AFLa $10000000 antitrust suit against the Na tional Football League resumed Lamar Hunt founder of the AFL and owner of the leagues Dallas Texans tesLlIied more than four hours on the first day of the trial Monday He gave detailed account of the steps he took to organize the league after failing to obtain an NFL fran chise The AFL was formally organ ized Aug 22 1959 Hunt said week before George Hales of the NFLs expansion committee said the NFL would move into the Texas cities of Dallas and Houston in 1931 Houston never joined the NFL but Dallas Cowboys were added in 1560 the same year the AFL came into being Both Dallas teams have operated at deficit during the two yearatbey have been in existence The antitrust suit accuses the NFL of monopolizlng profes slanal football and contends the move to Dallas was made to help undermine the AFL Gerhard Gesell counsel for the NFL said the NFL expan sion was not sudden Ho saidac tion toward possible expansion into Dallas Houston and Min neapolis was taken before the below ROOM NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS cinr American Football League was even dream Reuters vole poll the Congress Party aam Kashmir and Andhra Pra dcsh Two of lndiaa 15 states were not involved in the election at state level because of midterm DAKAR AP French aid helps the Republic of Senegal along but ts peanuts that pro vide the main support The all bearing nut in pro duct here for hundred years accounts for 00 per cent of Senegals exports An export tax on peanuts yields about half the national revenue Senegal has population of 3260000 About 48000 of these are French and French the common language Pris in flucncc dates from the nth century This influence still dominates living although the country is today politicall in dependent Dakar westernmost point of the African continent has broad Df vards paved sidc walks with Iorfr cafes Shops feature French courc calf fure books newspapers and magazines You can buy French bread by the yard French per fumes cigarettes automobiles bicycles MEN GO DERN While Senegalese mostly prefer gay African cosA tumes thc welldrossed man likes short jackets narrow trousers and pointed shoes Senegalese say continued French influence in their counr try is logical because France has bcen truly loving par ent in i960 French assistance to Senegal was estimated at $45000000 including $20000000 in subsidies to maintain peanut and peanut oil prices above world levels The French ernment and individuals have several hundred million dollars invested in Senegal Like othcr recently inde pendent African countries Senc COPIES NAME held absolute majorities in five of the i3 contested state legis latures Punjab Madras As gt Nehrus Ruling Party Piles Up Solid Lead jln Indian Elections polls They were Kerala and Orissa states In Kerala the Congress Party shares power with the Praja socialists to How ing elections uhich ousted the Communists in t960 and in Orissa the Congress Party took last year Péanut TaxIIs No Peanuts To The Republic Of Senegal power after election gals pressing problem is raise the low standard of ii ALIGNED WITII IEST Complete nonalignment is the oliicial basis Senogals fore eign policy But apart mm an Yugoslav charge daffaires there is no Eastern bloc rrirc scntative Senegal Nonalign ment in Senegal means no aligrn ments with the Corpunist loc the govemnlen is solidly wi the West as result of its French orientation President Leopold Sedarj Senghor 55 often is described as man who reasons as Frenchman but leads his na tion as an African He is Sorbonne educated poet and philosopher and Hoian Catholic in predominantly Iiioslcm land His wife is French The 50 year old premier lifamadou Dia is Itlosiem Ho controls internal administration and security and is the most practical member of the ruling team Montreal Ballet Leaves On Tour7 MONTREAL CP Montj rcals Les Grands Ballets Conn dlens left Monday on their firs western tour 75000 mile swing that will take them eight Canadian and to Unite States cities The Canadian section of the tour will open tonight in Fort William Try An Examiner Want an PHONE PA 824 An Important Eyent COMING SOON THE BARRIE EXAMINERS GREAT I962 PROGRESS REVIEW The Barrie Story TO BE PUBLISHED TUESDAY FEBRUARY 27th USE THESE COUPONS FOR MAILAWAY We have arranged special order plan for your convenience All orders will be carefully wrap ped addressed and postage paid See coupons FILL THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PERSONS TO WHOM YOU WANT TO SEND COPIES ON COUPONS BELOW BRING OR MAIL TO THE BARRIE EXAMINER WITH IS FOR EACH ONE TO BE MAILED AWAY WE WILL MAIL THESE FOR YOU FROM OUR OWN MAILING MAIL AWAY TO FRIENDS EVERYWHERE