Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1962, p. 10

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Nowfi Is The Time To Buy Or Sell Your Car See Classfiication No litTHE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19B ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS iNrnnlsr PAulLY ulsmn us Can be written with cilpplnxl Irom your only Newcomer of the Happy menueBlRTES LVGAGL alan and uLDDINGs Nauru for thou events are only use bring them to the Clhulded Coun ter or telephone the name runner PA will LNNAR At the Royal Vis torta Hospital Barrie on Satur day February We to Cpl and Slim Robert Brennan Curtis stnet Angus son Robert w1iilml conxlsllAt tom liospital Barrie on Sunday reamtry ii 196 to air and am Thoms Cornish 111 ms item name daughter Weooo bou in IIISCASIPDBL Al the Ho Victori Hosplln narrir nn um Fchmnry IN to Barb teemobeilzd Henry daughter Mendy the Royal Vic POBTEfiAl lhl DYII Victoria Hospital sen1e nn Petay rep ruary 962 to ur and bin acorn Porter ncouvcr SL Cecile ENGAGEMENTS liflLLtWAYPETERSEN Mr And sin George Holloway of an Barrie wish to Announce the amusement or their daughter llsrbsrs Anne to Mr John Erik Petersen oi Toronto The semire is to take placeon hiundsy April as 1962 at It oclock In Trinity ml church Barrie EATH CARTER AID Jlue Plucd away on Monday February is Im at tier home In Eccles street South Dorrie Agnes Itne Camp beit In tier and neloved the of the late 10 Norman Cart dear mother of Lois Mrs neili and Enid Carter both or Barrio sud mic or Sudhury dear sister of bull Mrs uenshawi et niontreal plans Mn riemingi er Toronto hr John It Campbnll of Barrie Ind Pater ll Cnmpbnll DI Toronto IIIJInl II the Jennett Funeral Home 151 Bradford SINEI IT rte Funeral service Thqu Mllch I962 It Prn Entomb ment nnrrle Union Cemetery Vault Interment Ilicl Wauhlush the Ccmctrry InwrN At New Toronto on Sunday Fcbrunry 25 im Martha Elliott hcluvnd wile or the late VIlllIm Irwin nI Angus our mother or neuinir Ills hesliet of Victnrlr nc Oscar of csli awn and wtiilnrn er Angus in her 79th year nesting at the Jennctt runerel llnme narrie Mineral scrvlco Wednesday Pen rIlury is at pnt Interrnent Angus Cemetery IN MEMORIAM scACKln loving memory or mien slack who Passed away February is not Just witen your tire war brightest Just when your yearn wens best You were cniied trons this world nr sorrow re name or eternal rest Evcr mmcmhemd by Iudy nrnene COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE and NEARLY NEW SALE YMYWCA Owen Si FRIDAY MARCH AM Tim PM For pickup telephone PA 60195 Sponsored by Lsdiu Auxiliary 0t MIXED DANCING Stroud Community Hall SATURDAY MARCH 830 till 12 Music by WESTERN AIRES Lunch counter Admission 75c Lose Life iii Weekend by run CANADIAN Pnnss traffic accidents accounted for 15 of the 26 occidental deaths in Canada during the weekend LQuehec had the highest toll with seven road deaths three by fire one drowning and one fizom exposure Newfoundland Prince Ed ward Island New Brunswick Manitoba and Alberta reported fatality free weekends in Ca nadian Press survey from local time Friday to midnight EST Sunday There were three road deaths in Ontario two persons died in fires and nine was killed appar ently in hunting accident in British Columbia boy choked to death on sawdust and four persons died on the roads Saskatchewan reported single traffic death as did Nova Sco tip which also reported one death from other causes The survey does not include Industrial accidentsknown sui cides or slayings Ontario dead Lynda Marie Claude in fire in her Toronto home Friday night Albert Poirier 50 and his wife Albertine 51 of Oshawa when their car collided with truck Saturday on Highway 401 nine miles east of Prescott Enrney Which St Thomas businessman found shot Satur day night in field few miles from St Thomas after days hunting Thomas Bailey 37 when his new frame home at Vernon 10 miles south of Ottawa was de stroyed by fire Saturday night Herbert Chlncourt 01 of Windsor when his car smashed Into hydro pole in Windsor Sunday BEARDED VULIURE It is believed there are no more than 40 anmcrgeyer birds of prey resembling vul CARSON son Real Estate PA 66481 or REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE 45A DUNLOP ST Next door In tho importl nsestlI REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Own your own home for the amazingly low price at $5000 with only $750 down Large in sul brick house situated on small acreage This home has rooms aluminum storms heavy duty wiring space heat ed attached garage and small barn Call Ralph Baillie PA will or alter call PA 60833 $1700 DOWN $8500 full price will buy this modern frame duplex Bottom floor now rented at $65 month Tenant supplies own hest Move in and let your rent work or you Cull Russell Carson PA 56431 or alter call PA 56161 PROPERTY WANTED The chances of selling your home now are excellent We have several clians wishing to buy homes and take possession In the spring CLIENT with excellent down payment wishes to buy an older storey brick home Twin 10 000 In 314000 Call Cal niter call PA 66161 PA 66481 Member ot nan1c and District Real IZItItn board Slouli Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 55901 TOWN OF STAYNER llome broodcr house gnrsge and two acres of land Eight room brick home with modern kitchen and new gas furnace Brooder house for 9000 duck ens with all equipment Priced for quick sale VALUABLE COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE or feet on Collier Street oiiice for details Member of the name And District Real Estto nonrd EVENINGS CALL nil2w GOULD one 1515 EDE GOULD one 1516 HARRY sLESson PA 00673 oRGA snoWN PA Mus iLOYn HDCKLEY PA 683 nvnlwrr LDUGHEED STAYNEE 1mm Call HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors so BAYFIELD 51 PA was ANYTIME PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE We have new home on Coll ier Street ideally located for home and oiiice Includes many extrasa few hein firema ces zcar garage double sink in kitchen one extra large bed room and smaller Priced right at under 520000 why not call PA 66453 today and make your appointment with Doris Nuttycomhe Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR is COLLIER srnm PHONE PA 82078 EVENINGS CALL niiA scANunm PA 84865 buxom WiLcox PA 6550 PERCY FORD PA r7930 EMERSON SWAIN PA 55505 Member of Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estate Boards Keith Marshall nnAl PsTATl anom PA 82592 is CLAPPEnToN sr BARRIE MOORE PA 51360 FRANK NELLES PA 66598 Member Barrie and District Real Estate Board ROSD nm ESTATE nsoxnn 1s TIPFIN srnner pAnnIs CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrie lnflDIlTII Real Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 pvtmmcs CALL Krl giafshhllPPAAazSQI1 oe amer as Emory Miller PA use Member or the some sud platelet neel Estate Hoard DWNElts threo bedroom hungo loW 0113 your old Small dawn ptyincnt Telephone PA 50505 or lures IcIt in all of South Africa lurtllor Inlormltloii REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROCERS CONNELL REAL our DUNLOP TORS SIREEIEASI First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568ms5rRUNK LINES nvsmncs CALL Mas ll MOOREPA BSIW ROGERSPA Issn FOSTERPA um CORNELLPA nus muss GAluul It Dlsirilcr nzAl EsrArl boAliD Norman ShelsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89951 PA 68741 First Mortgage Funds Available interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged zveoinn can do Loni PA H7148 heroic so Its urn mp Jack Ivllison Nosnun shclrweli mu newrd Nerrsa PA CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA $0241 PA mu Members or the porn llul Atll Board Smith CImphIlIPA 01339 Pergu Haney tA 07952 loan Lsn PA ulll charlie lies PA sui1 cu full basement Central loca RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch tion $85 per month Telephnno PA 89238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown One and two bedrooms Inalconies OBamboo Draper ostoves and fridges ndlviduol thermostats Olncineratols 0Free washing and drying iaciliiies Cliany other fine appointments Children welcome Samplu suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 six n00 ilouso for rent with sunroom and gar1o on hutlnt Centrally located Avsuble now 1100 per month Telophcrn PA M96 or PA Dacia HIGHWAY BUSINESS Located No 11 Highway north of OriILIa PROPERTY bedroom oll hcated home with good basement Workshop 30 40 cement block plus aluminum storage shed 30 50 All buildings years old ideal location for manufacturing or any retail business Priced to sell at $19500 with $2000 down STOUTT AGENCIES LTD REALTORS BARRIE PA 8590 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 92419 93 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALLPA How COREYPA 55 MURIEL Jar norr11 Mas MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE E1 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT is Essu Rd Barrio PArkway oss75 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 on PA 61802 its Dunlap SL NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointmenu Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 34156 New three bedroom home Largo living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures vall ity divided basement Largo lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 THREE BEDROOM House Three and onehllf years old NBA mon slgc in Oakley Purl ores Priced for quick sale Polly landscaped Telephone PA 87754 NINE noolu purncx with two bathrooms for sale one block from post oflicll Nn rcaltors please Telephone PA some for further inlorinntion THREE nnDiioolti rnneh bungalow Large landscaped lot Close to schools Largo rec rob Attached range 503 $1000 DOWN oil price £13500 Good terms ior bnlnnee Spacious three bedroom bungalow year old Transferred requires immedi ate snle Telephone PA 60585 AlmonA Three bedroom split level home two years old Largo landscaped lotPrerer 52500 down to 57 mortgage but wiu consider 2nd mortgage Curries $57 month Aurora Pitrkvlew 756 LOTS FOR SALE Is You WANT lot in hollltliul Barrie pick up your phone and ask or Jury PA 65385 MORTGAGES lMMEDIAlE lst or 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORD TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY olo consolidate debts sy or existing martsnges mortgages coming due nme lmpcnvement uy worthwhilu cuuu PA 50981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonsSears IZI DUNLOP ST momentouslet and 2nd boutht sold and arranged commercial and residential mane lonncd on existing mortgages urrll Mort lure brokers P9 assoc TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE FATE241 Telephone PA MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments Insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOIgt ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 RENTALS LOW can snap for ran Clean modem bulldlngs Soluble for commerclsl or light Industrial relspaons PA 06515 NURSING HOMES AllK EDEN Nunsmu imam built for this work Semi Ind prlvata roomi kind nursing care good and TV rooms station wa gon for outings Tellpllanl mu Stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT mom on second floor sellcontain Two Dnnnoonl mobile home or rent lolly equipped Louth at nurton Avenue Telephone PA $5008 or PA reins or lull tutor mtlon PunNisnxn three mm IPIrt metIt or not Lorre living room bedroom and kitchenette oil heat ed Moderate rent Pnrkirll isclll ties Telephone PA 05240 DOWNTDWN Apsrtment our rooms lturn living room and kit chenoinln room two bedrooms bathroom Newly decorted Hut ed Telephone PA 250 mun R00 Apsriinent for rent uniumlshed hosted Ground lloor Private entrance Sellcontlned Available now Telephone PA 0001 for lurther intormltion uNrunNisilsD selt enntalned Ieur reorn apartment Private bani Central lieted oleII park ing ground floor printed walls tile floors Avelianie rebrusry 2e Telephone PA was THREE noml turnisised reli contslnen Imcnt Heat hydro supplied so to downtown Voc snt March Rclsomhla rent Telephone evenings PA 05791 days PA 8457A Two BEDROOM iurnlshod spari ed Parking space Centrally loca ied Hut Ind water supplied Availole limit 15 Telephone PA H741 alter Times BEDROOM modelII housc large living room dining room kitchen turnnco Near nlvbwsy between Camp burden and Barrie Reasonable Apply McClnn Utapi Telephone IRZI lvy rovn noon Apartment tile balls unrurnlshoo stove and re lrlgcnioc su piled Centrally lo cated No clsldren Availbio lin medlntely For iurther Lniorms uon telephone PA soul FOUR itooiii Apsrtment or rent Private hath unrumished and bent ed private entrance Close to schools und bus childron welcome Box 49 Barrio Examiner Trina nnDnoDM apartment or ient In new building washer dryer and janitor sorvlco supplied Avutlnhlc immediately Telephon PA 82551 for lurtlser information saver noolii House with both lorced air on heating laundry tubs extru shower in basement East end oi stcel Strcct s75 man thly Telephone PA Hm sliiALL FIVE Room House on No 11 Highway in Pnlnswick close In store All conveniences oil lsesb ed Rent reasonable Limited to two children Telephone PA 6131B THREE noon uulurnisbed hut ed IPnltmorlt for rent Soilcon tolncd separato entrance $55 per month Available immcdhtcly lelepbono PA 91770 or PA 97 BluGlri four room modern lplflr merit in private home all conveni ences separate entrance Nenr bus and schools In north end Tole phone PA was UNFUILNTSIIED heated modem lpartmant to rcpt Available March $75 per month Tele phone PA 650 for iurther inten mntion AVAILABLE Now Two bedroom uniurnished npartmcnt Heat and Water supplied Sellcontained East end location on bus routh $15 per month Telephone PA osass NEW THREE IiBDItOOM ruvina house tiled Wwdcr and bathroom large combination living room lovely view of buy 11 zone $1011 per month Telephone PA mm THREE noolu unfurnished ground floor apartment or rent Near factories Heat hydro nnd water supplied Parking space Telephone PA 82323 or PA 60430 or details SillILL attractive one bcdroom apartment for rent Heated self contnined Available Misrcb Lo cated Ponetang and st Vincent streets $50 monthly Telephonp PA 83513 PuIlleHED HEATED selfcontain cd three room lpnltlncnt Ontt block from Post Dulce Pllvuta entrance Available March isi Telephone PA 66715 ior iurtber Information comosmium large tbre room apartment Moderate rent warm separate entrnnce storage park Ing Central at bus laundromat Allowance for servtee 15 Pene tanr St PA £4543 Two BEDROOM selfcontained up per duplex withstove heat and tmtcr supplied Campbell Avenue Available Immediately Telephone PA 57945 after pm or Euflhtr details UNruansunn Aprtment wiui bedroom living Nam kitchen and bath Privqu entrance Heated Central location immediate poss ession Telephone PA 52480 or after pan PA oases Two summon unrurnlshed low er duplex Large living room with fireplace large kitchen with nin plo cupbosrds new three piece bath and newly decorated Tele phone PA was SELFCONTAINED two room lur lilsncd lseuted apartment with three piece bath Front and back entrance Suitable for bachelor or couple Apply 311 Onyficld street or telephono PA H710 MODERN two bedroom apart ment centrally located novel and refrigerator Free laundry and parking facilities uocornted in icnnnts elsolco of colors Available March Telephone PA osilsz sPicious FIVE noolvi unmry nlshcd apartment stove and re frigeriitor ti automatic laundry und parking helium Telephone PA MIME or PA H554 for timber details New AND Modern one and two bedroom snumuenid everlaoklns reenln Kempenlelt Buy nest we tor IpctIslet uniI Janitor letvlco lnelu ed Automoue washing rs oluilec PA 32901 llionniiN riowa decorated one and two bedroom npnrtmcnts for rcnt Centrally located with water and but supplied Telephone PA 92155 orPA ems for mum in formation plloIl Sellcontained Bedroom kit LARGB rinAlnD Apartment bedrooms large living room with iireplnce dining room and kitch en sellcontained Plenty of stor age space Very central mon thly Telephone PA Men FURNISHED nested selfcontain ed three room npsrtmcnt One block from Post Office Private entrance Avnllnhle March Tele phone PA 55713 for lurtlser In formation FURNISHED ibrce room spart ment with bath Clean quiet cen tral pnrltlng Luge bedroom kit clsen and living room storage Modern iurnlture Available Feb ruary 21 PA 1151 LARGE nodsitting Room kitch enette and hnthmm svstlsbls February id Also thrce room selfcontained apartment available now Telephone PA Miss for ur tlser details WARM unfurnished threo Irooin heated iipuriment sellcontained with private bath East end close to stores school and bus stop Availabla March Telephone PA um uNrunNIsnpn upstairs apart ment three rooms selfcontained nil nested new stove and rerrlr crutor Control ioestton Smnli baby welcome Antibio now relcpbene PA osvsv 0min and and bedroom nputtlnerltl east end Barilo nam boo drapes Venetian blinds Auto matic laundry utilities Parking Telephone PA 02929 ior rurtber intormstlon Two Bennoolli unfurnished soli contnined duplex Livlrlg room kitchen dining area basement front and back entrances Renting for $90 monthly Apply iii Napier or telephone PA 371 THREE noon Basement Apart ment lsented peltcontained pri vate bath ncrrlgecstor and stove Psrtlully furnished Telephone PA 55325 or PA 82083 or further in omation NEW LARGE Apartments for rent in new apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and re trigerator laundry lacilities rup Egg Queen street ares PA IDIJIL ROOM uniumished self cnnlnlned apartment on ground floor with use of basement Queens Park urea 75 monthly Everything Included Apply to Thompson street NICE TWO Bedroom Bungalow uli bntls One ncrIs wooded lot sure trout stream only seven miles from nnrrle community swimming pool nearby Mail mills and school bus service sou mantis Telephone PA so CENTRAL close to downtown Heated furnished cottoge stove rerrlgerator washing in hints sup cheu livingmnd dining room place both Adults only Hot water and hydro supplied Tellphonn PA 37150 After pnt SUNNIDALE AREA Bright upse lousptwo bedroom apartment with balcony ln quiet residentch areo Features spruce laundry lint wa ter bentlng nnd an individual thcmiostnt stove and mirlgerna tor optional Adults PA M530 utter 12111 rwb uppnooM Apartment with living room and good also kitchen private bath unfurnished hunted Prlvlle entrnncn Central location Parking provided Hunt $10 per month Immedllic possession Talo lionPA 52450 or after pint 33695 RENTALS Ans HOUSES TO RENT mull noon Apartment or rent unfurnished belied sellcontained Available now Tcllpiwnc PA 50570 or PA 30621 utter pm LNrunhislisn Apartment on Collier Street Taro bedrooms ll room kitchen Columnbio and well hulM Rent is per month immediate possession Tele pgggsn PA null or after PA ROOMS TO LET BOOM FOR RENT centre loes tion Board optional Tolephonl PA Lbs or runner internsu nnlatrr cczAN bedroom or rent In quiet time ror renuemsn downtown ares Telephone PA 87315 after pm naunooii Ior rent Central in downlownmn For business on iiernn For iurther inrormstlon telep no PA BJMI FURNISHED bedroom for rent Laundry Incllliles Dreskiut and lunch sucked it desired Telephone days 50011 or evenings PA 51021 or iurther lnInrinltan INTERNst Room with sink Middleaged business lady Abstalm en Extra room also at later due 20 monthly per room Apply its Daytield stuet ROOM 8c BOARD non AvAiLAnu or one or two business persons with board 01gt tional Par iurtlier Information telephone PA Moss n00 AvAiLAnLi ior either two ladies or two Kenllomcll with board optional Close to bus stop Ind business section Telephone PA M747 after pm non AND quliD svilsble llensonnble rstes Avllllbll now Home privileges Young ldy pio lerred Near now Cotiys Clcl era Telephone PA pain for fur ther inioroisiion MAM smzsr Vicini Close to downtown area Room and board Gcnllcmln prererreti Will park lunches iiome privileges Tele phone PA 60685 for further inter motion ARTICLES For SALE EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x Ideal Ior lining hcn houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jan 15th and Feb 28th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg $691 FORCED AIR 01L OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud 41R5 WOODWARD SONS Heating contractors RR Strand Low Ovcrhcsd FOLEY llAND sA filing equip ment like now automatic oler automntie set Also precision cir culsr grinder precision set Phone Low Cost soilwr Coilingwnnd REFRIGERATOR for sale General Electric 795 cu ft in good mech anicnl condition Selling reason ably Must sell owner moving Telephone PA 87125 ELEcrniC RANGE lIIofft 30 inch 305 Westinghouse Electric Rnnge 14inch sssr CIInch Wesl ingbouse Range $4 Coll and Wood Range 555 Oil Space Hesi er sis Coleman on Heater al most new 550 Washing Machines 15 to 45 Mchary Gas Range $05 Robinson Hardware PA Mal By ALICE BROOKS SPRING OUTING Dress Baby up for sunny day outings in this cozy set with pretty pastel border trim Easycrochet just straight pieces for jacket and cap in single crochet Thrifty baby shower gift Pattern 7494 dir ections infants and one year SIZES Send Thirtylive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of the Barrio Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needle craft Catalog rcndy now See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion sectoin plus bedspreads toys Afghans slipcovers plus free patterns Send cents llcwi ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner lfyou would like to have re print of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please caI at our Busi nose Olticc We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Printé $IOO 8x I0 $I25 plus tr SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Mofiat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 Singer Used Machines Singer Portable $3950 Vickers Portable $2950 Singer Featherweight Portable $7450 Deluxe Singer Polisher $3450 Singer Treadla Machines $795 SINGER SEWING CENTRE is DUNLOP ST WEST PA 87960 CAB LOANS 00 II 11 month Tunisia PA saint crescent Finance is ww union st Ehucrno HYGIENE vacuum cleaner for sale complete with polisber 1950 NM elephants PA MILLING lilAciiiNis for sale lion Rona ntfiriber Durke in very poo can on scllin ro oncb Telephone PA MERLE llan VACUUM cleaners oil makes irom sit up Idko your pick Telephone Filter Queen Sales s7 Mlple Ave PA Hm for full partloulsrs ARTICLES WANTED nAuv STROLLBII wanted Must have springs Telephnno PA was CLASSIFIED WANT ADS PA 82414 film DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91l30 NO CHARGEI at noun day7 days Is wall NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fainbead Ontario Licence 172062 Nick Montague Pro LIVESTOCK WEANED PIGS for sole 11 weeks old Apply Mrs Haldle 11R Dre stntlon Phone Oro BUSINESS Ask About Low Rates TIBDITIODB ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKDIG PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PD BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 50106 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47gtDUNLOP ST PA 61142 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get the business while you get tho profit CALL BUSINESS SERVICES PA 82414 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS FEDERS GENERAL REPAIRS ELECTRICAL TUNEUPS CARBURETION 400 TEXACO SERVICE STATION Dunlap at Anne St BARRIE PA 33142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling parched recreatlon rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 660 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK YORK AND LAmSown for HIE due IO Ilflvl In MINI TGIF phone are am nzclslenkn Yorkshire llog or snir also one York and bounce So one In one month 10 Pin eating well six head at young esitle Telephone Dro mi AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IN LOVE WITH CERTAIN NEW CAR Buy it now with lowcost liloinsured SCOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA isu cilizvliOLET our door sedan hdluialzngortnce Talus aver nymente per mon elo hon PA was alter pm ml coNsus our door sedan for the economyminded customer us down and take over payments of sz Telephone PA won 1356 PLYMOUTH custom Subur ban station Wuon our door in Ad condition Apply houchcr Mot on or telephone PA 39711 1955 Martian two door conch custom radio two tone paint corn pietely reconditioned Ttro over plymculs of 313 per month Tole phon PA Moss iAInLANr in llumlnl blue matching interior custom radio and new snow llrea Tsko over psyruonts us per month phone PA 37083 Isis Mnnctntr for sale door sedan sutnmaue power steering va motor Rent buy hillo an oIIer Can be nuanced re phone PA passe 1951 nlzncunv four door sedan new custom radio white wall tires two tone pnlnt $100 down and take over one Payment iii per month Telephono PA 8700 I960 OLDSAIDBILEV model Convertible Fully equipped Also FEM cluitohm radflo Prbvltcly owned 01 Il or norm on tale hon PA alzot uftcr pm use MONAncli for sole null suiomstie sedan with red Interior hires owner csr Telephone III on 1919 Li SALLE compian unit or as ports Good condition throughout lor iurther Inland lion telephone PA 358 between 10 mm and pm and PA 721 nltor pm MOBILE HOMES isss GREAT LAKES Mobile Home 41 10 two bedrooms Very res Ionbie leleplsono PA sec or turtlser information Dual wlsits One Allixton PERSONALS TonIthP 11 Pimp of stsyner will not be responsible tor any debt Inclined In my train alter this into February 24 1952 llAnlik ii PECKITI of nn Angus Ontario will not he respon sible or any debts incurred in my name from this day Pebmsry 27 l962 without my written consent WOMENS COLUMN sonrims TELLING Do you want your Iortune told by cards lcle niaone PA 50490 anytime for ap pointment npAurr suoP Coidwaves etc by eertloed hairdresser to your own home Phone llernIe It PA was or PA 84587 LOST 8e FOUND Lossaerate Pup mnie tsn and wltlte with red eoiier Telephone PA pecan Reward SERVICE DIRECTORY By Month or Year PA 32414 EXCAVATING FILL lt GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for bill DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal innleum and Vinyl tile Sheet goods ICeramic tile OHardwood flooring OChrpeIS Complete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OB EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP SEGARANTEED FREE PARK PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr PAINTING RIF PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 56955 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRAII STREET PHONE PA 61678 SNOW REMOVAL SNOW REMOVED FROM HOOPS COTTAGES ETC Barrio

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