Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES Fot mmme Want Ads lei bone PA Hut The telephone number to call for the Eustacss or Editorial Dept PA 56531 98th YearNo 50 Mike Devlin t7 learns too late the hazards of pedes hlon in the slushy aftermath HEY WAT of sixinch snow which blan ketcd the city Raising his hands like referee trying to Fast Delivery System May Solve Dil amtrid Ii call time Devlin was unable to halt the slopproduclng mot orist and tumbled back into pile of melting snow On Atom Warheads MTAWA CPlTbe govern ment may have found tenta tive if awkward way out of the nuclear weapons fast delivery system for nuclear warheads from the United States to Canada in event of war Prime Minister Dielenbaker seemingly indicated such solution for the problem when he said in the Commons that Canadian forces should have nuclear weapons in any nuclear war but that under present circumstances Canada could not accept American nu clear weapons in peacetime Mr Diefenbaker said in reply to Opposition Leader Pearson that if war came should nuclear weapons be used against us Canadian troops par ticpating should not be denied the right to use nuclear weap Ins Later he said nuclear weapons should in the event nuclear war was launched be placed in the possession of Ca nadians NEEDS JOINT CONTROL The prime minister reiterated that acquisition ofnuclear weapv one in peacetime would depend on joint control by Canada and the US over such weapons stored on Canadian territory He said the US has not ac cepted the Canadian meaning of joint control and that so long as the law of the Us is as it is at present joint con trol is impossible We have stated that until the 75 makes joint control avail able we do not intend to go fur ther than we have unless war breaks out at which time we impasse hope to havsavailable to Ca nadians the necessary nuclear weapons Mr Pearson asked How then is the prime minister go ing to ensure that nuclear weap ons are in the hands of Cann dion forces war breaks out TULES OUT ANSWER Speaker Roland Michener at this point ruled out any contin uatio of the exchange Earlier Mr Diefenbaker had said the nuclear family should not be increased so long as there is any possibility of dis armament among the nations of the world He added that the matter of yomt control is hypothetical and will continue to be so long as disarmament is to the fore Responsible authorities inter preted die prime ministers statements to mean The Bomarc anti aircraft missiles and jet interceptors in Canada wont be fitted with nu clear warheads in peacetime Some kind of rapid deliv ery system has been or will be established to transfer nuclear warheads from the US to the Bomarc bases at North Bay Ont and La Macaza Que in event of attack on North America The interceptors could pick up the warheads at Ameri can bases WOULD BE SLOW Officials said such delivery system would be impractic takes some Bomarc and ly because it to marry nuclear warhead However it has always been considered likely that Russia could not mount sudden sur US Is Disappointed With Stand Taken By PM On IiIirmaments WASHINGTON CWUnited states military and diplomatic sources expressed disappoint ment today with the latest posi tion of Prime Minister Diefen baker on nuclear warheads Theysaid that if the prime minister maintains his present stand no American warheads will be available for Canadas Bomarc missiles in time of peace Diefenbaker said in the House of Commons Monday that the Canadian government hopes to have nuclear weapons for Cana dian troops if nuclear war breaks out He also said joint Canada United States control over the warheads is essential and that as long as present mains unchanged trol is impossible American authorities said the pint con lavrc Kennedy administration has no plans for asking Congress to re vise the law which requires the US to retain custody and con trol over all her nuclear war heads The president is opposed toihe spread of nuclear wea pons control key Western proposal in the is country dis armament negotiations opening at Geneva March 14 will be ban on the spread of nuclear weapons among non nuclear powers US WANTS STORED The US has been urging Canada for some time to allow American warheads to be stored on Canadian soil particularly for use in the Bomarc missiles and by fighter and interceptor squadrons But Canadian su thorities have remained cool to Amiderican overtures informants sa slow if not prise attacl on North America without Western in lgcncc sources being able to supply ad vance warning Such strategic warning as op posed to tactical warning which would be supplied by radar prcsumably would provide suf ficient time for delivery of nu clear warheads to Canadian bases This is no longer considered problem for Canadian forces stationed in Europe Nuclear storage dumps are lo cated as the bases of the Canadian Infantry Brigade and BCAF Air Division in Europe and competent sources said last week that in event of nuclear war NATO could supply these bases with nuclear warheads in little ora than an hour UNITED NATIONS Russias chief United Nations delegate Valerian Zorin ex pressed hope Monday that coming UN meeting on space would lay the groundwork for Soviet United States coopera tion in that field press conference Zorin cited Khrushchevs cable to President Kennedy last Wednesday hailing LtCol John Glenn Jrs space flight and suggesting that the two big pow ers pool their efforts to explore space Zorin deputy foreign min ister said the Soviet Union in tends to cocperate with the US andoll other members of the Zianation UN committee on the peaceful uses of outer space He said he believes that when the committee convenes March 19 We shall be able to work out program of work for this committee which will make pos sible mutually beneficial and ad vantageous cooperation in this field of endeavor We hope he added that there will be proposals from both sides of course which would lead to fruitful covoper atlon in the field of outer space He declined to sayjust what the Soviet proposals would be On another question Zorin said that in South Viet Nam the Americans aregetting bogged HERES ONE AP UIIAWA CPlThe feeding of space travellers on voyages lasting for years is one element of space exploration occupying the minds of Canadian scien tlsts Fm was no problem for astronauts John Glenn oi the United States or Gehrmann Titov of Russia Thcy merely squeezed liquid diet from tubes But to carry enough food for long space voyages appears im possible Literally tons would be required One solution is Take your own garden with you Oxygen can be regenerated from carbon dioxide through use of algae which would live on soil fort ilied by the body waste of the spaco voyager in this way Fledgling MP Wants FullTime Schools Minister TORONTO CPLA fledgling member of the Ontario legisla ture pressed Monday night dot the immediate appointment of fulltimc minister of education and more consultation with edu cationists before changes are made in the caching program Liberal member for Brant said Premier Roberts cannot effec tivcly head both the govern ment and the education depart ment He said in CBC broadcast in the series Provincial Affairs that the education department needs someone who can devote real effort to the development of policies that have been al lowed to slip back into limbo of bureaucratic direction Text of his speech was re leased to the press before de livery Mr Nixon said the recently announccd division of the high school curriculum demic commercial and techni cal courses was hastily glued together without reference to school principals teachers pro fessional organizations trustees or citizens groups Liberal government he said would establish council of practising teachers to advise pects of policy Russias Zorin Hopes Space Meet Will Lead To Cooperation down in very disadvantageous and politically unjustified war which will entail very unpleas ant consequences for them He spoke of what he called US threats to North Viet Nam and Communist China He said think that in this matter the United States should be very careful Rohert Nix 011 in former teacher elected last month as Canadians lire Studying Food For Exploration In Outer Space oxygen could be maintained in the space capsule and the ex cess algae harvested for food So far however soups and solid foods made from algae have been found pretty unpalatable though nourishing Dr Whiilons assistant chief scientist and director of bloscicnccs research in the De fence Rescarch Board has con ducted home experiment which showed that root and stem growth patterns of plants can be seriously disorganized if there is no consistent gravita tional force acting on them Dr Whillans planted some bean and sunflower seeds in container which he hung in dark corner of his basement lierooted the container 90 de greesaevery eight hours The US Air Force heard of the experiment and asked for Mmplcte account aiOther suggestions for solution of the feeding problem include change in body metabolism so that much less food would be required and the hibernation of the space crew Dr Whillans remarks in paper on space problems that it might be possible to put an astronaut in deep freeze and thaw him out in time for the observation or leading on some distant planet Ballerindsfire In Moscows Game Of Chess MOSCOW AP Shaper ballerinas served as human pawns in giant chess game between two Soviet grand masters at the sports palace Monday night The match between Mikhail Botvinnik the present world champion and Vasily Smys lov former world titleholder ended in drawwith three blondes and three brunettes left on the floor The unique match drew into aca the department on practical as crowd of 15000 to Moscows huge indoor arena the Rus sian equivalent of New Yorks MadisonSquare Garden big chess board was laid out on the floor usually given over to basketball hockey and speeches by Premier Khrush chev instead of cold lifeless pieces of carved wood or ivory trim ballet dancers were used as pawns Half were dressed in white andhalf in black and all wore bright red stockings As Botvinnik or Smyslov made move ballerina danced gracefully into position on the selected square BECOMES GALA AFFAIR The two grimfaced masters attempted to make serious match of it but the crowd be came restive and noisy They turned it into gala uffair reminiscent of the days on years ago when Mogul Em peror Akbar the great used Indiandanccrs for chess LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy milder Snow or freez ing rain tonight Low tonight High tomorrow 20 For full lummary turn to page two Quebec Seeks Lottery QUEBEC CPiThc Quebec government is preparing to es tnblish provincial lottery and has been negotiating with Ot tawa to obtain the necessary an mind amendmems the Criminal which left one Wing of the in ccde dependence palace in smolder ing ruinsthe sryearold presi dent broadcast over Radio Soi gon that Thanks to divine pros tcction myself and my close SAIGON South Viet AP Two South Vietnamese Air Force fighter bombers bombed rocketed and strafed Saigons presidential palace to day in an unsuccessful attempt to kill President Ngo Dinh Diem or members of his family who exert influence on his govern ment This wusdisclosed by he micr Lesoge Monday when the Qucbec Federation of Labor proposed in its annual brief to the government that provin ciol lottery he set up to help fie nonce social security measures Mr Lesagc said he wrote Jus ficc Minister Fulton Jan 24 asking him to give serious and official consideration to our re quest He had first raised the ques tion with Mr Fulton at the No vember 1960 federal provincial fiscal conference Quebec Youth Minister Paul GerlnLaioio pur sued it further in talks with Mr Fulton at subsequent federal provincial constitutional confer ence and in followup letter However almost year had elapsed since then and there had been no further word Nor had Mr Fulton replied to the Jan 24 letter gen Saigon airfield and the govern ment radio station but appar ently did little damage there By his close collaborators Diem meant his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu and Nhus wife who acts as first lady for the bache lor president Critics accuse all three of running the government as family dictatorship The Nhus lived in the wing of the palace which was bombed out and palace source re ported that Mrs Nhu was in jured slightly on one arm Also in the palace at the time the source said was another brother of Diem Roman Catho lic Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc who had come to Saigon from Hue for medical treatment It was notknown in which wing of the palace President Diem had been living Diem was the target of short lived uprising by five Human Perms games in the palace court yard at Fatehpur Sikri But where Akbar enlivened his chess battles with elephant fights Monday nights match was interspersed with juggle ers singers and jokesters The songsters almost roke up the show when thw sang song about government dis tribution of newlybuilt apart ments Kings get fiveroom apart ments they sang Knights get single rooms and pawns get nothing at all The crowd many of whom doubtlessly have been hunting for apartments for years ap plauded for several minutes But the song was not repeated and the chess match was allowed to go on to its conclu sion Weather Extends Winter Work OTTAWA CPlThe federal governments assistance to mu nicipal winter works will run to the end of May this year in view of recent bad weather La bor Minister Starr announced in the Commons Monday The fed eral aid program was to have ended April 30 Under the program the fed eral treasury pays half the pay roll costsof street sewer light ing and other municipal work undertaken to create winter em ployment ago but todays air attack ad pearcd to be an isolated assault by few anfiDiem pilots rather than largescale plot against his regime There was no move to follow up the air attack on the ground and no reports of rebellion by government forces elsewhere in the country UNDER CONTROL Diem said loyal armed forces under control throughout the na tional territory BELGRADE APJAt least 28 miners were killed today in gas explosion at the Tito coal mine in Banovic in the republic BosniaHercegovina the Yugos lav news agency Tanjug relt ported About 130 miners were feared trapped underground following the explosion according to Tap iug Rescue workers managed to Accidents Cost TORONTO CPJ 11 ring presidentof the Ontario TORONTO CP The com mittee for justice and liberty Monday proposed an amend tion to prevent discrimination to join or pay dues to unions The suggested amendment Race Laws Ruled Out WASHINGTON AP The United States Supreme Court ruled Monday that state laws requiring racial segregation in any kind of public transporta tion facilities are unconstitu tional The unanimous decision strikes down efforts in some authern statesefforts involved OGDEN Utah AP long controversy over son was born to Mr and Freedom Ridersto maintain Mrs Bay Hill the day astronaut John Glenn cir cled the globe in space His name Orbit racial segregation in withinthe state travel despite federal ac tion against segregation on in terstate faoilities ment to Ontarios labor legisla against employees who refuse Justioe Group Seeks End To Compulsory Unionisrni addressed to the premier cabi net and members of the Ontario legislature called for objecting employees to contribute the equivalent of union dues to some charitable institution brief containing the pro posal said an unwelcome gap exists in antidiscrimination leg islation which allows persons to be deprived of their jobs be cause of socalled union se curity clauses in collective agreements forcing workers to join or financially support un ion against their will Our committee was organ ized as result of our concern about the plight of these parti cular workers with the aim to focus attention on the injustice of compulsory unionism the brief said it added the merger of the New Democratic Party and la bor unions was proof that un ions are committed to par ticular political and philosophi cal belief The labor movement it said often use ffens ve and sometimeidliegal tactic such and repressing minority rights Good Roads Association said today the average motorist pays 20 cents in accident costs for every gallon of gas he buys Mr Irving was addressing the associations annual conven tion at the Royal York Hotel Delegates have come from all over the province to the three day meeting which opened Mon day He said these accidents pay ments in Ontario annually ex ceed $240000000 and could be reduced by observance of com mon rules of safe driving and as fostering class hatred be tween employers and empluylt ees using coercionto force ae ceptaace of union organization upon employers and employees IN NUTSHELL Tony illeheurses lorlords Ceremony LONDON AP The Earl of Snowdon formerly Antony ArmstrongJones rehearsed behind closed doorsof the House ofuLords today the ceremony in which he will take his seat among the peers Word leaked out that he went through the ancient rites three times before he was satisfied that be was letter perfect Cross lliiuntio To let lrxes LONDON GP The Evening Standard says druggists in Londons West End report an increase customers from Canada where laws againstydrug addiction arestrlcter The story quotes Toronto olice as saying more than 200 Can Nam collaborators were not in don The two pilots also strafed the pnratroop battalions 15 months had the situation completely Iittackers Try To Force Move By The President government radio newscast said one of the attacking planes ldentificd as ADE Skyraidcr supplied to South Viet Nams air force by the United StatesWas down near the coast and its of ficer pilot was captured alivc Military sources in Saigon said two LSTS of the Viet Nam Navy shot the piano down Civic Action Minister Ngo Trong Nieu told press confer ence the attack was an iso lated action staged by two rebel officers stationed at the big military airfield at Bien Hon 20 miles northeast of Sai son He said the captured pilot was Licut Phom Phu Quoc and the other plane was piloted by Sub Lt Nguyen Van Cu but that as yet nothing was known about the pair or their motives The whereabouts of Cu and his plane was not known PRESIDENT MOVES Diem left the palace for scheduled field trip outside the city 45 minutes after the attack He returned later in the day and moved from his damaged pal ace to nearby Gia LongPalace used normally as government guest house Military and police guards cordoned off the new presidential headquarters The planes circled low ovcr Saigon then made bombing nins on the palace at treetop level and scored direct hits with mapalm fire bombs First reports said about four bombs were dropped then the planes switched to rockets and machinegun fire Eyewitnesses said each plane made about dozen passes during the 50min ute action As the first bombs dropped machineguns opened fire on the planes Light anti aircraft guns joined in later Diem has been widely criti cized for failing to carry out democratic reforms but in re centmonths his US backed fight against the estimated 20 000 insurgents who have infil trated from the Communist north was described as making progress iiiLeast 29 Miners lire Dead In Yugoslavian Gas Blast isave about so miners Officials tear the number of dead may still increase Tanjug said Medical personnel fromtbe mine and from the nearby town of luzla have been rushed to the scene The luzla hospital has appealed for blood dona tions An investigation has been started to establish the cause of the explosion Tanjug said lln Average 0f 20 Cents For Every Gallon elimination of fraudulent accl dentclaims Accident in ace policy holders are the ones who are de frauded on such claims he said since insurance companies sim ply increase theirrates to cover their costs Mr Airving said accidents have been reduced 50 per cent with construction of fourlane divided highways of limited ac cess Dr ENG Pleva professor of geography at theiiniversity of Western Ontario told delegates highway planning programs musitry to bring functional balance to the countrys living space and steer ulation growth along desirable lines Hepatitis Increasrng TORONTO CF Dr Mo deputy medicalv officerof healt said Monday infectious hepatrhs is increasing inlloronto It continues to increase un abated1t is serious situa tion Latest statistics how Tomato had 137 cases ofinfeetious hepa titlslasi month LDecember Therew cases re orted during 1961 on pared £11 124 lnleO

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