TILE HARRIS EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 36 1954 INNISF IL NOTES Not Dogs Dead Dogs By 55 From the Sunn South we must tell you about the wonder ful weather uhich has been coming our way day after day The temperature reaches into the 80s and rarely does it cloud up for morethan an hour The sun breaks through the windows about am and as much as one feels they would like to stay andrsleep longer the song birds and an occasional rooster hail the daylight and it just is impossible to sleep in We spent day at Daytona Beach yesterday and saw many Ontario cars parked on the Hands while thcir ouners basked in the sun and wavzs This is beach where motor traffic at ten miles per hour is permitted on the miles and miles of sand which end on the south atthc inlet where the Halifax river enters the sea some 25 miles down We drove down to this basin and found it was one of the popular fishing pl here one could enjoy surfvca hire boat for deepsen fishing The sands there extend at least two miles out into the ocean Mien the tide is low One could hardly believe that nothing but few miles of sand separated them from the crowds at Day tonn where hot dog stands and rental of scooters and other equipment kept the crowds en joylng themselves wlule down at the inlet feWiishermen and families gathered on the wide sands People like to be among people to have better time DOG CATCIIER HIRED We learn that Mr Ford was engaged as dog catdier for the township His duties were outlined in motion passed by Council at special meeting and covered in bylaw as Money collected is to be turned over to the township treasurer He must maintain the pound and destroy dogs alter impound ing them lorthe required time He will sell dog tagssuppiy his own transportation main tnin telephone keep records of all money collected and oi dogs destroyed Salary is to be $800 per your plus com mission of 15 per cent on the sale of dog tags The Councils motion does not give any definite instructions as to what method will be used to destroy dogs Weliope that it will be expected to meet with the approval of the Humane So ciety but this was not men tioned in the motion At the same special meeting council was concerned by tho lack of method of making coffee and the fact that it was some distance to restaurant Deputy Reeve Campbell was given instructions to obtain coffee percolator and used refrigerator so that coffee could be prepared in the new office building What we wonder is why refrigerator In some one going to stay there all the time The motion was presv ented by Councillors Todd and Sawyer Perhaps they feel they may have to staymyernight if the storms keep pilingln the roads We can understand Councillor Sawyers ranxiety living where he does and know ing the lane that leads to his home NO FILL NOW Cliff Carscadden park super intendent again for the 1962 Peru Flood Laps Around Philips car CUZGO ufleuters Prince Llip raeddfl back to Cuzco Sunday to avert betng strandedat the LostvCitymf the Incas by rising floodiwaters The princes rail car in one narrow valley was forced to crawl through waterwhich was lapping up over the tracks Prince Philip had been Ex ploring the deserted Inca city of Maebu Picchu set on top of sheer cliff 2000 feet above the Urubamba River Earlier the entire 80000 popu lation oi this twomile high city turned out to greet Prince Philip with flowers and confetti Machu Picchu is believed to have been the last hideout of the Inca rulers when they fled from the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century It lay hidden among Andean peaks for nearly 400 years until it was discovered by American engineenHiram Biogharo in 1911 Guaranteedflo Accentuate Your Sentiments Whatever The Occasion FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 nnaxasr FA osm season came to Council with proposal to do some fill at the park Council turned this down at this time Cliff was said to have his arm in sling and no one offered any explannA lion Did he fall or was he pushed Regarding the parts it IS noted that William Gibbins and William Richardson were added to committee to act as advisory consultants to the Countii Park Committee and make recommendations to the council Apparently they had not been consulted as to doing fill job at this time THORNTON ASK AREA DEFINED Thornton which wisha to take over an area to handle fire fighting for that portion of the township were back to council Tito area is now being handled by the brigades from Cooksiown and lnnisfil No mention is made of the equip ment Thornton are to use for this fire protection and we are unable to state that it is ac ceptable to the Underwriters Association Perhaps they are intending to purchase new fire truck as up to last year the oldtrudt used for years in Cookstowo was doing duty in Thornton SNOW STILL PROBLEM The Roads Department does not have much time to sit back and rest these days as accord ing to our information it blows and snows ngainas soon as out has been made through the drifts and the problem now is what to do with the snow It has been worse this last month than any on record and win tcr has become firing oven to those who have always said they enjdy it We are sorry for John Cow an and his crews who hardly ever get real nights sleep as someone is always getting stuck somewhere and wanting help to get home or away from home We have not heard that John has been host at the town ship shed to groups that could not get down the nth line as happened last winter We had hoped for visit from John and his wife down here if the snows did not get too bad but holi days now are out so long as the winter weather continues Towing services appear to be reaping harvest tbiswinter but apparently they also are wishing for good nights sleep We wonder how they get through when others fall In the Lakelands News Let tor sent out by the pupils of Alcona Beach School we read very descriptive poem written by the principal on the life of the late William Lamb The school which is located just across the road from the farm whereer Lamb spent most of his life is now catering to nearly hundredzpupils The poem describes the ehan ges that William Lamb watch edin the district grown from few farmers whooneo had suf ficient men to makea football team which played against the mill hands at the lumber centre at the original Lakelands now known as Alcona Beach The lumbering centre disappeared and years afterwards when ears became popular turned into summer resort which has now grownioto yearround area with people living there and working in Toronto Barri Camp Borden and other adja cent places No one knows just how many families are residing the year round in the area lt TheNews Letter also extends thanks to Bud Martin who has used his equipment more titan once this winter to open up the entrance to the school and clear ed wide area for parking cars SHOP EARLY AND SAVE at CHRISTIES IGA l3 ESSA RD MARKET SQUARE lGA IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE YONGES IGA lN 5TROUDONTARO Frosh CIIiéken LEGS or BREASIS 43c Avallahlntoduy and tomorrow at Illon Itnru Fires Kill Four bmwa CPIThree fires to the0ttawa area left four dead use the weekend and razed the 911 Hunt and Golf Club one capitals society gather ing places Must serious of the blazes oc curred Saturday at Gatineau Que 10 miles us ol here Three children ranging in age from one to eight died when fire lavelled their three family wooden dwelling Another Saturday fire at Ver non Out 18 miles south of hcie ed Thomas Baillie 37year old Bell Telephone Company employee The fire occurred in Mr Bail liésnew frame home shortly be fore midnight while his wife and daughter were visiting relatives in Ottawa CHILDREN DIE The three children killed in the Gatincau fire were Rolande Gir ird It and her llvmnnthold sister Micheline children of Mr and Mrs Robert Girnrd and Richard Barbier son of Mrs Aurore Barbier Eighteen persons escaped the building in subzero tempera titres Firemen said early reports at the scene indicated that all oc cupants had escaped They did not find out until later that the three children were still inside Mr and Mrs Girnrd were visiting friends and had left the children in charge of babysit tet when the fire broke out at 1030 prn An oil stove explosion in one of the other apartments is be lieved to have triggered the fire Gatineau Fire Chief James Olorrell said walls of the 324 yenrold building were insulated with sawdust The fire was out ofcontrol for two hours The golf club fire broke out Sunday afternoon in the vicinity of the kitchen The club on Ottawa land mark was built in 1901 and has been the scene of many national golfing events VicePresident Tom Bryson es timated it would cost about 50000 to replace the club house Another $7000 in trophies wgblost MILLION DOLLARS of WV EXPORTS T0 Canadian exports to Cuba in the first to months of 1961 totalled $24749000 more than double the pace in 1960 Ship merits in October were valued at $3256000 highest since April with $3401000 and sharp increase over Septem By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA tCP1he opposi tion gets its first chance to hit the government with specific grievance motion in the Com mons today The mystery topic will be un veiled when the government moves to get Commons study of its spending estimates on the first supply motion of the cur rent session The supply motion allows the opposition to raise motion on any topic of urgency or griev ance that it chooses Generally the opportunity is played to the hilt with that lead off opposition spokesman starting out in scattergun fa shion on range of topics then comes the debate coon DOUBLE bcrs $1060000 The October figure compares with $1571 000 in the same month of 1960 Graph shows trend In exports from January 1960 to Octo her 1961 United States emhargo of almost all sales to Cuba went into effect Oct 20 1960 CP Newsmnp What Grievance Has Opposition ment foreign affairs economic trends farm problems or al most anything STARTS DEBATE The grievance motion then be pivot of twoday Liberal Pickersgill MP for BonavistoTwillingate made an attempt just before the Com mons eloscd Friday to find out ovemment plans for this week will give the program for the entire week if he will an nounce the subject of the sup ply motioii which will be do bnted on Monday and Tuesday freplicd gove rn nt House beadcr Gordon Churchill vet ierons affairs minister ment benches start to lidget WGSTON NY AP skiodivers swrm rning in ednrir waters of an aban donql quarry were trapped by mud slide Sunday and asphyx ioterl as their air supply ran out fourth man tried desper ater to save the others and was taken from the underground quarry to hospital Daad were Jack Lepinskl 27 agsoldler attending courses at tbe International filfaqhinen plant here David saber 32 and William Mills 45 both of Kingston Lepioski Lasher Mills and Gerry Klemm 27 entered marrow tunnel and went to the zeroing in just as the govern The topic could be unemploy Skindivers Die in Quarry Mud quarry shaft and 200th deep pool Klemro found his oxygen regr ulntor was not operating prop erly He stayed on the underg ground shore holding the ropes tied to each of the divers In the absence of signal from the three Klemm pulled on the rope He got no response put on his defective apparatus and dived into the pool He found Lasher and Lepinski buried in the mud and dragged their bodies to the surface Mills body was not recovered Sunday night Klemm was taken to hospital where his condition was listed as fair The seductive invitation of the hon gentleman is of course entirely subversive to all the rights of an opposition said Mr Pickersgill Mr Churchill said that the Commons will likely deal with the estimates of government spending on Thursday and Fri day with Wednesday devoted to supplementary ndlng esti atcs unfinished last week LEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY FEB 28 I962 745 pm JACKPOT sisono LEGION HALL 7l COLLIER ST NEW YOR KIAP 36 year old widow and her 19 year old boy friend stood si lentiy together in Queens court Sunday and were ar raigned for the hammer and knife slaying of her husband doctor Magistrate hlilton Solomon would allow no bail for Mrs Jean Difede and Armando Cos scntino hearing was set for March The pyjama clad Dr Joseph Mode 39 was battered and slashed to death in the bedroom of his Queens apartment last Dec Police brought the charges on the story of young man whom Dcpty Chief inspector James Knott said witnessed the slaying and had heard the couple talk ing about it beforehand Knott did not idealin the wit ness but District Attorney Frank OConnor said he was LONDON Reuters Prin ccss Margarets husband Lord Snowdon has joined lBritains union for journalists it was teamed Sunday night No member of the British Royal Family has been known previously to be card carry ing member of union Some Royal Family members have been honorary union members Snowdon is artistic director of the Sunday Times owned by Ca nadian Roy Thomson lie took up the post this year as his first paid job since his 1960 marriage to liiargnret Snowdon former society pho togrnpher Antony Armstrong Jones applied to join the mace member National Union of Jour nalists last week The Mid national executive approved the application during the weekend but Snowdon ltill am mm atom Dwell FAMOUS PLAYERS maan 700 1015 THEATRE Anastasia Prestigiacomo 21 Sicilian who overstayed his US visa and is being held in lieu of $100000 bail as material witness Prestigincomo had been friend of Cossentino Knott said Cossentino had key to the Difrde residence given to him while the physi cian was visiting his mother in Italy Difede was slain eight days after he returned from abroad SAW STABBING Ilie eyewitness said he saw Cossentino stab the doctor and laid he helped the pair clean up the bloody apartment after thewslaylng because he feared for his own life Knott sold Tito witness statement said Cossentino attacked the sleep log doctor first with the barn mcr then with carving knife while the doctors nightgown clad wife waited in the kitchen Police said Prestigiacomo Lord Tony joins The Union Royalty Could Go On Strike name was not immediately put on any union branchs roll The NUJ is member of Brit ains giant Trade Unions Con gress It is bound by TUC de cisions including those on strikes Snowdon will be required to pay his 12 shillings $168 monthly dues Appointment of the 31year oid peer to the Sunday Times post evoked rash of criticism from other British papers Thomson maintained Snowdon was hired for his talent with camera and not for publicity MOSS WINS AGAIN LONDON CF The Mike Hawthorn Memorial awarded to the highestplaced Commonwealth motor racing driver has been awarded to St log Mos NOW SHOWING DRUMS 835 Hinllaril WINEileum HIMIIIIIN tuna PAIIENIllliiur llllilNNEIl Starts Wednesday Audrey Hepburn in BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS Die Die Die He cried As The Knife Sank In told them the doctor cried out forgive you everythingl Dont kill me Please dont kill me But Cossentino replied Die die die and repeatedly plunged the knife into Difedel chest police quoted the witness as saying MilMillion Heroin Haul Made In NY NEW YORK AP Police and federal agents arrested longshoreman with almost 90 pounds of pure heroin valued at about $20000000 Saturday night Officers described it as the largest single narcotics seiz ure ever made by municipal police in the United States The longshoreman Anthony Iuca 31 had been under stir veillnnce since his release on S2150 bail on previous nar cotics charge His brother the brothers wife and his father are still in jail on charges from the Jan in raids in which officers found about 24 pounds of heroin in Brooklyn apartment Deputy Chief Inspector Ed ward Carey of the city po lice nnrcotics squad said the heroin came into the US in concealed compartments of Frenchmade auto shipped on French vessel IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING Second Big Feature 21mm ammoyo where anrrtho the way it HAPPENED