Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1962, p. 12

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ed the ShelteredWork Shop on missionary Convener and she srunu1 rciinuittn zt and other ceversgesi most of AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ANTEN MILLS By 11115 scon Mr and Mrs Dunbar and children and Sharon Ellis Caledon East visited over the weekend at Mr and Mrs Lorilee Howdens The weekly card party held Tuesday night had eight tahlcs playing Prizes went to ladies Muriel Adams and Coldie Eas ton men Jim Pain and Dave Madill VISITED WORK SH Three earloadsmi adies visiti Thursday aiternpon and were amazed at the woodcrtul work being done there On leaving the Home and School Associa tion presented them with cheque for $10 UC The iirst meeting oi the new United Church Women was held Wednesday attcrnoon in the ehureh witII lo present Mrs Reta Patterson vicespresident conducted the business Lesson thoughts were read by Mrs lmil Knapp The program was in cllllrgc oi Mrs Luella Scott TELEVISION uasassisted by Mrs Doris Knapp in most interesting program Members are looking iont rd to the new lorm of pro being most helpiul Congratuiaitlons to lion Simp son on being chosen the best actor in the Georgian Bay Dra ma Festival held in Midland elust ueek Wedding hells are ringing again till this vicinity ANGUS Gongratulations to Mr and lrsrF Dunn and Lt and Mrs lllirtg who celebrated their loth wedding anniversary on Friday Feb=16 They went to Torontmiur dinner and tot the OKec Centre to see No Strings John Allason Aurora spoof the weekend at his home Mrs Carr returned nit irom thcRnynl Victoria Iltpitr nl Harrie much improve in health Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinv soil andGary spont the wee end with Mr and Mrs Clii iordRoUinson at rirnstein PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE llowllne Tnls Lhan World Lountryttmc News Weather llm Coleman oonnls the Monaco flohln ilooo Have Gun will Travel Peter Cuntl Nill iloelroy Juliette Kim Whyte cnc TV News Weather News Movie lMan oi Cnnouosn suNnal runnuAnY 25 Test Pattern Poptyo run his News and Wenther sneaking French Good Life Theslro country calendar can Figure Skatlnz Champ Movie Shock Wave Davey Goliath iicntalro Discovery and Nows Movie tnond To Morocco Vcekcnd News Movlc contd Hazel Parade Ed sulllvnn Judy Garland Speclni nachsround Quest cnc TV News Weather New snorts Movie 50 Proudly We Hall nioNDiu FEBRUARY as 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper noon 1200 1230 Sports Sports ga awe =52 gaggeds at Popeye and Pals Noondnv no on News cat or Coming Events Farm neoort ltinyie Singapore nichle Henderson show Verdlct Is Yours sports 100 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO SATURDAY rcanunny 400 Wrestling 5nolAiriinn Pntroi 530 HI rm 000 Tombstone Te ory 530 soorts lysnther News 545 Funch and Johnny 700Thc Flintstones Farmers have to ignite some risks iou have to take home on theyrcather iorbne thing dutiyou can reduce some oi the other risks IWithCiiis Fartn roofing Protection Plan you can help protoot yoursell against costiinr accidents to you or sickness accidents In others for which you or your tarlily are re Spnnsihlc damage done T0or BY you tractor which are optional For lull details just call WILBUR WALTON 52 Newton st 34 3499 TIMCRAWFORD 155 Ponctang 5t RA 51175 CLARENCE BROWN PA 85689 Iooperators Insurance Association CARRIER 49 cto 355 Now Womens Show Jrlcndl Giant Sink th Around Illllic Dalila P61 Ns TV Party he Headlines llcpvyes TV Party rnrru Mnrkel Report Nunr oon Jhmleson Weather 5P1th Zane Grey Theatre Don Messrrs Jubilee Danny Thomas lIto norroued ltie lloo nunlngs Show IesIh II cnciv News The Weatherman Tndzy in Sports community New Crossroads TuEsltti FEBRUARY 11 1045 Test Pattern 1100 nomner noonl Poneoo and Pnis Nnondny Repnrt News Weather Swirls Farm Report Comlne Events Movie lThe mg Guy Open iiouso School Telecast Verdict is Yours News Womens Show Adventures ot iiilnky Flottertmt Mon Rnuie unleo Mike Mercury News lendlines tintlo lliusoum rurm Mitrkcl Report News Dim Jnmlcson Weather Sports ilen Casey Gary Moore Show nod Skeltnn Front Page challenge lo00 inquiry loan King or Otomonos 1100 cnc Tv News 1115 The Weatherman Today in Sports community News Charllo than 832 322232273 1110 730 000 ltiilcman ieaturo Theatre tlite Down oelowt From it Plant or the Week 1045 Johnny llsaw Show 11on cross Canada BarnDfiltro SUNDAY FEBRUARY 25 1000 Youth and Religion 1030 Around The World 1110 it lsVrltton 1200 Italian Theatre 1rlalhlngr We See Movie restore tMr illiot lilnn And The Challenge Jr Hoeltoy Hart or the Mattu crest Hymns Telenoll Kin To two Adaaemy Ferrarolunar tTho Violent noon Intermission Academy Periormarlco Part 11 Andy Grlrilths show Loretta You vThe Law all Mr Jones 11 News Weather Sports 1000 115 Focus tr MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 1000 Meta Presents NeWs Freesaud Easy Nin To win Channel Nin Theatre Jackpot 355Neiva 400 Protessors Hideaway 500 ManF1om Cochise 530 Sports 540 Weather 615 Pierre Berton 650 News 700 rsthor Knowsuflest 700 vTon Cat dflttWhlplash 030 inspeetor ltlsrgrst 930 Take Chance 1000 Twenty Questions anlghenny cwsWeatherA arts 25 Better Lute l2lD Focus Tuosuny FEBRUAnYiH 101 Nch 1035 Free and Easy 150 Kin To Win 20ocironnola Theatle lrho erngert 55 News Premarr Hideaway Mun From Cochise Sports Weather Pierre oerton News Bachelor Father Route 66 Naked City Checkmatu showdown News weather sports Better Late Focus 1030 1035 130 200 500 600 045 650 700 730 030 930 1030 100 gt 1115 1210 Aotirt Copy wui rationalist no MTHERE Is NO CHARGEi=ORTHls SERVICE VALLEY TAXI 714 DRIVEYOURSELF cARs AND TRUCKS nonlnSts msrrruri 0R0 STATION Mr and Mrs Graham Miss EllaDay aod Bill Gra tian Called on Mrs Fletcher Orillia Sunday Miss Audry Burton Barrie spenmhe Gckcnd with her par ents Mr and Mrs Burton Mr and Mrs Burton and army Visited his mother Mrs Burtonat Sehright Jhltss Harriet Shelsvtcll Orillia spent the weekend with Mr and MrsMurray Moore and land Mr and Mrs Karl Gilchrist and family Mrs Gilchrist and Mrs inclair spent Sunday iin Hanover with relatives TheCGlT and Valentinesjen joyod skating party atme rink gtpaneingand lunch re enjoyed at the home oi eh lis Johnston The leader Mrs Bcdiord andCGIT are holding fashion show and other cntertninljient in thérllnited Church Iarchl at 800 pmJ lull house is crown iiiLL DUNSStoni The Wl met at the home of Roy Partridge on drc day ntte noon Feb the preSl entltlrs yiula Acon Iey nre iding Citizenship was the thonilcpt he meeting and roll call was what makes good citizen Mrs Clarence Smitllcomm mod on Jim mat to you cantmakcia better world hy hotter hi hotter men and wome were read regardingniticers cnnierencc at thelphott May and 10 and the Simcoc County Quilt and RtlgFnir to he held at Beeton this summer Mrs Cecil Dllnsmore and Mrs Roy Partridge gave hriéi talks on the Prniecl 141 pnunllsoi Meat and also contliictcdra questionnaire on meals Ltirleh was served by lths Qttlnflin and Mrs Smith Sympathy oi the comliiuliity Is extended to CItarlcsLuck 0n the death at his sister it Luella che oi Dalston who passed away at Ponctnng last week also to the relatives 0i Herhort Caldwelluwho pas or By JAY North denier NorthSouth vulnerable mourn as vnsz 951094 msr 4106432 on one 410853 SOUTH ¢AQ7 912100 662872 snot in bidding North East 161 Pass 1m ST 905 9742 0K53 976 South West 2NT Pass in nutrump contracts thereiis frequently race between the dcclaiér and the delenders Idl the establishment of tricks The time factor is an important element in the race as iS shown by this hand lwhcre Southbceame declarer atlthree notrump Vest led heart and 50th won tiejack with the queen Deelarer tenteied dummy withl spade and led the jack ot diamonds hoping to loséJhe then he fable to continue safely with heBYISu gt at went up with the this planand in eight 0ilrearts iVeststh rt suit thusgheeame establishe beiore SQII kould set up this diamonds and the oéiooss LVordis 10100111 Ethiopian 61113 princess lightly Delaying 11 Amigo excuse more slang 121nsiliu snowitch 13Amhlsn statue girl nntelope Positive 14 Solemn pole 15GoodI Uninvited 161ulls 9Ailound M17 figrated 10Goesnstmy 21 To pino 13 on of 24 Speck rosepetals M21 Pet term 10 Incline soon 20 Assists 28Sanskrit 21pronoun school 29 Samuels teacher Bib 30 Goddess of harvests Attached 33 Pat serotonin 37 Twoyoked horse 41 dimpleton 48 Lost to view 44 Piece of furnitura 45 shield 40 Odor hoped ior tf Opelting leadtour oi hearts trick to Wcstwhouwmild not sed away recently at Midland Mrs Elmer Johns of Windsor and Mrs Edgar at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil Dunsmom They also attended the iuueral at their aunt Mrs Lennnx oi Barrie on Saturday after noon Tucselay Feb iii was euehrc night at the school Mrs Joe Quinlan won tirst prize and Isabel Dumont second prize or the ladies or the men Nor man Hiekling won lirst priz and Quinlan second prize There will be another cuthre party next week The Evening Circle entertain cd their iamilics to skating party nt Guthrie arena on Sat urday evening Mr and Mrs William Clark were husls to the group at their home where luneh was served MIDHURST STN By E1515 MONTEITH Mrs it Peacock spent lues day In Toronto with her daught er Mfs Robson Mary who undement an operation we are ploasie to report she is improv ing nicely hirnndltirs Charles Day rspelltJllc weekend with Ileil 14 tithlson hind da hterinlaw undsitlrs Wil nm Day Weekendvyisiturs at binand hlrs Drtngios were Mrs MMfirris Susan and Debbie andtiiss Gibson and Dan Var eoc4ol Toronto and Mrs Fajrinx oi Totienham Mr and Mrs Bidwell and iantily oi Edgar spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sam lliltz Mr and Mrs Lackie and IWaync 0i Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Stewart HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Vespra llorticullurnl Society held their meeting Tuesday evening in the Reforestry hall in and she had John son tillarric show color slides ot llis iinwer bed Each season was pictured and he gave an lnstlttctive talk0i his experience in keeping color in garden irom spring to autumn Next meeting will be March 20 CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER end result was that South went down one The defense had won the race against time However South should have made the contract He should have realized that the chief danger of losing the contract eonsistcdoi Wests having five hearts and an entry in dia monds that would make it pos sible for him to cash his long hearts Havin made this determina4 tion on the first trick he should have ducked the jack oihcarts when East played it This would not in anyway stop himirom ltially since he would 1still have the 910 leit to deal with Wests king But the duck wquldhave had an allimportant bearing on the hand South would have made our nutrump instead of going down oneThe host that East can do alter winning the heart is return heart Deolarer wins the return in his own handgor dummys de pending on what West plays and Hien attacks diamonds It East wins the tirst diamond he does not have aheart to return thanks to thejholdup play makes ten tricks li West wins ther dia mond does not have an entry leit to cash them Eitherrway South wins the race against time On Monday Another Famous lrinnd is pres ted by MLBec er 220mm on one font 23 En xmve n33 mhlelb 25 Ancient 25 It is oontr 326mm regard 34001111 island 35Abyssea 36Enrly gardener 38 Hence 12 U1 in Humor vror mrrto chinv Yowish Among 39 Mine entrance Ponder 42 AViV 43 Dunes stop ll IIZ ulna nullz III Mr JULIET JONES It was Mls ll Foystons meel winning two heart triclseven an 50th eventually the result ISLllE same He can setuphis heartsbut LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE As zmnutes KIMM51 W70 WM 507WWIL IN WNWIE W557 Ianrants FROM YEACNINS we was ones or SLNODL mums TIME OF YEAR IM EETTllté ITS ISOMlLES TDGETNERSME wk TO TAKE ii To MY CLAIM msu JEANNIE WERE HAVING CHINOOK WEATHEKsITLL BE CLEAR FOR wEaKJLL es UP AND BACK lN Two was NE DECIDED TO WOW LMRNlD IMPROVE MY MIND TODAY IS PRAGMATIC ANDLEARNANEW WHAT Dos PRAEMATIC MEAN ns HARD ENCUSH JUST LFARNINSA wcao WITHOUT FINDING our wruxr my ITNANE NUT EXACTLM AND ALL DUNDEES HAD ENOUGH TIME BESTMAN ME wetL COURSEJFIHATSTHEIVAYYDU WANT ir DUNDEE ID ea HONORED amtmun no use Wm not more dusw ARRIVED ETTA KETI BUDDIE IS ACUTE DATE HES GETTING HIS FAMILIS CAR WOW CHAUFFEUR its DADJ IM Too YOUNG TO Dizlvsil iiiiiiiiilm DONALD DUCK 57055 YOU KNOW5 IEIEEIHR HOSE AT TWENTV azure realm ciiéfiirgtsiown awaits mm cam F091 PT dflnnan iii WT 5L6 GRANDMA BAKE GOODIES THIS MORNIN sANI HAD LICK AUTH sue HAD JUST BURNED HER ile FANS ANSPOONS lflNGLIE ON HOT SOUP ouz SAWYER IN CDNCLUSIONMENTLEMEN ITIS SMALL WONDERMAT THEJAPANESE POIJaE HAVE REQLIESIED STILLGREATERIIELP OMNAVAL lNlELLléENCE TO COPE WITH THIS ILLICIT pcPE TRAFFIC FROM RED CHINA IVE FREMISED OUR Flth COOPERATION EANithtEAUG AlRfiRAFTCflRRIEK IS ENROIITE FROM HONG KONG Atltltr suspicious SUITCAS ABOARD suz YOUD BETTER lNVESllG ATE SENPA DISPATCH REQUESTING NAVAL INTELLIGENCETD FLEET US ON ARRIVALAT IWOSUGI FISHING FOR COINS FEEWEE ii Yfidilm SMALL MIGHTAS WELL ONLYA THROW lT BACK PENNY EANT EVEN

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