Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1962, p. 10

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10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEB 24 1962 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS GOOD NEWS stunt When on Announce tbs birth of your can In Tb some admirer cbpplnrs of the aouro an available an babyr Bobs ramll lrco Records and to SIOUII mil haul fluid and lfitlllltcl 17 marginal AgenCles LI tarmo cu in PA mu CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST neurons DEATHS IO COLLIER STREET asxxnr Edward Francis PA 35901 9t hisi figure angst2m hnl WI rifnslfnrIToiu beloved husband NEED UTFLE EXTRA bells Rani dcll name Iaf INCOME Oll liItoofgnon Mrs clrk 10 30 Let us show you through this gracious older room home overlooking the bay Rooms Stouffvlllc sod nulh home Loved son or am lllllnd Benncirt to rent double garage All this on lovely corner lot dekr brother of Annie tun SDIer and Alulne Matl ll of Toronto and llrs berth rwsrt ot Barrie in hls 59m year nesting It the Jcnhtit rulgrllolr 1511 din per the 35 moon HOUSElN THE Cburcb on Sunday February 25 It COUNTRY On lot 150 200 Owner anx lous to sell this year old stuc co five room home Electric heating double garage Close to Hwy 11 near Itawkestonu Prich at only $970000 pm Interment Dunedin Pm bylrrlan Cemetrry lllcr Casket Member of Lbs Barrie and District Real Estate board will be open In the church frctn VBNINGs CALL pm until limo of service In lieu of flowers donations to the array GOULD and 151 GOULD 0RD zsto Canadian Cancer Society will be HARRY sLPssOlz PA com Ippreclated ORCA BROWN PA 57255 LLOYD llnCKLEY PA 5811 REYNOLDS Elbe ChrIlierll Innlswood Private Ilorpltll alnswlch OD Thufidly February Wmm LOUGIIED STAYNER 109W Keith Marshall beloved wife of the lots Ilenry Sylvester Reynolds dur mother of REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 John at llloffat sud Nsncv tblrx mom sruodenl of strand loved ls CLAPPEETON sr BARBIE 27 ACRES sister or Edwin Voncb of North pay In het 7oth yur nertlnr at tho Irnnett himml Home With year old room hrlck bungalow 10 acres real good garden soil balance bush with Barrie Funeral servleo Monday lovely creek that runs year rebrusry as It pm Tcmpornry entombmcnt st Jamel Cemetery around This may be pur chased VLA vsult Interment sth LilIa came DUNLOP ST tory later IN MEMORIAM Oldcr type home new duplexed rents $100 per month lot 133 ROBERTSONIn loving memory of our dear father Chsrles 110b erIsou who passed swsy rebruuy 260 This is commercial pro party asking $12600 Call this office for further information REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE EVENTNGS CALL RITA SCANDIIEII PA 84865 DOROTHY WILCOX PA 6850 PERCY FORD PA aIbio EMERSON SWAIN PA 56505 Member of Barrio and District and Ontario lloal Estate boards Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER A232 Tiffin St PA 60475 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA slam Ioe Palmer PA 50063 Emory lllbler PA aosss room bungalow 12 miles south of Barrie on paved road open year round Close to good beach store and school Price reasonable LEFROY VILLAGE Income property for sale Pres ent income $130 monthly Mth one apartment vacant Priced to sell Low down payment 85 ACRE FARM 0n paved road Good house l0 miles south of Barrie Priced at $15000 Also many summer cottages to choose from CONTACT Harry Baycroft BR Strand Alcona Beach Phone 81311 Stroud Represent ing GEORGE MCCAGIJE Real Estate MOVING Err complete moving scrvloe safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES iflAGm 1059 sud our brother George who passed away From nry 23 1950 Wu cannot Lord ltly purpose see But all Is well thats done by Thee evor remembered by Mnbel of our dear grandfather ehsrlr Robertson who passed away Feb rusry 959 also our our Uncle George who passed away rebru ory 25 1950 Those we love we never lose Fornlways they wlll bo Loved rcmcmbcrcd treasured Alwsys In our memory Ldvlnuly remembered by Pat Jean llosvsrd nor Dick nsvo LilIda nndNanCy VANCOUVER ST CARDS THANKS Lovely bedroom brick bunga mnaNour hesrttolt thanks low at sacrifice price of only ltd Ironylulu so Idfisc slaloooo with low down pay n5yn31sslsés 35 dipoles ment balance on my terms Sillissflvdlrilor Trialle man PA Mm non rutto Board COMING EVENTS HENDERSON SHAMRO TEA REALTOR and lo COLLIER STREET BAKE SALE Phone PA azs7o WEDNEspAY COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL MARCH 14th 1963 Modern brick bungalow on land 500 PM acaped lot in Barries newest 23 suburb plus 40 25 new office Fellowship Hall and If you need Collier St United Church Esmesldlmteon and hm Aueplces arcl Barrie Scout be can Emerson Group Ladies Auxiliary Childhood Tales lire Humbugglng Care Of Wildlife PIAMILTON CPThose cute animal stories learned at moth ers knee are getting in the way of wildlife management lag of deer herds by its empha 815 on emotionalism and Little Red Riding Hood causes emo ghonaiauconfllicts by the stories wo ves are bad The problem of were Member or the some and District these conflicts was describeg mm Bum Friday by Dr Solmbn of the Canadian Wildlife Service to the advisory committee on fisheries and wildlife research of Ontario Researdl Founda pg gemm ppoxm tlonM ch 7s rlrrlnl smear BAREII uc we earn by re search goes counter to the fairy CALL DAY EVENING tales of our childhood or the be PA 82379 leis of our forefathers said Dr Snlmau Little Red Riding litembsr the asrrlo and District Hood has made it almost impos 3° 33 out an emotional conflict with tbelchildhood ideals of lay audience One dilemma said Dr Sol man is the visitor to the na tional parks who wants to catch trout which feed on the larvae of the black fly but does not like being bitten by the black flies Its difficult to convince the mass of the public that there is any good wolf except dead one he said in Publisher Given Untverstty Post MONTREAL or News paper publisher Max Ball of Calgary has been named to Mt Gill Universitys board of gov FP Publications Limited grad uated in commerca from Mc Gill in 1932 navanors pier BUFFALO NY APBell Aercsystems Company said Fri day it has developed device 12 which man cancarrxlcsds 30 pounds over long 48 Essa Rd Barrie Elstinces gum as the Hip PArlfway 85575 ac the evice consists of fix rigid roam padded Fibreglass lam filidfdtihuhfif frame contoured to the upper Plymcnt Telephone PA 60535 for trunk of the body with shoulder WWI straps and waist belt to keep noon nanax It secured to the monomers bathrooms tor sole DIIlehbltbzl carried are attached tram post office No rcsltdrs the unit Mary and ltIyrllc nonenrsonln loving memory rnANKNrLLrs PAMIE 333 7m Member asrrls and District The story of Bambi the deer has prevented the harvest sible to discuss the from of world ecology as weknowthem with arnors it was announced Fri day Mr Bell president of please Tole hone PA some lurtaer Inroriustlon or FOR SALE0R RENT REAL ESTATE ROGERS bias as MOOREPA um ROGERSPA um Norman DUNLOP ST 516500 FULL PRICE Beautiful new forced air oil furnace Call Ioo Longtin PA Mme Enron Sholswrll are 29 Smith CllnpballPA wast Porsns Garvey tA Wu CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Pbona 82419 90 Dunlop St Mann MARSHALLPA mo COREYPA sitar MURIEL mYPA M383 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 83186 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good rflsidentlal area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVI NG Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61301 on PA 51302 113 Dnnlop st THILBE alslmotm ranch oton bunnlow Largo landscaped lot Close to schools Large rec room 15853th garage Telephone PA $1000 DOWN full price $13500 Good terms for balance Spacious three bedroom bungalow your old Transferred requires muttdi atccale Telephone PA M565 NEW TImEE usbliooM ravine house tllccl powder and bathroom large cumblnntlon living room lovely view of the Bay rtAI Zonc slumsaw below cost Very low down Pwmerlt accepted Tele phone PA 51515 mar BEDROOM House Three and onehalf years old NBA mort gage In Oakley Park it Priced or quick sale Fully landscaped Telephone PA 87754 Avnoltn Threa bedroom split lrvbl home two years old Large landscaped lot Prefer 31500 down to or mortgage but wlu nonalch 2nd mortgage Carries $97 month Aurora Parkviow 75635 PROPERTY WTD TO BUY This office requires HOMES for sale in rallrpartsrofBaIrier also well located HOMES AND HOMES WITH ACREAGE in the outlying districts If you are listing your home for sale now with irnmediate or 30 days possession or are listing for sale and giving possession in the spring or early summer CALL THIS OFFICE for Val nation without obligation or cost to you This office SPECIALIZES in the sale of RESIDENTIAL PROP ERTIES and is member or the Barrie District Real Estate Board and can list your prop erty on exclusive or coop list ing The office has clients waiting to purchase homes who have not found the home they are looking for maybe yours will be the one For sincere personal and con fidential service call day or evening PA 8237 ROSE Real Estate Broker 778 Tiffiil stnerrin Wani Ads SELL ONE DUNIOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENthns CALL Mutants aAlum DISTRICT IIEAL LslAn bOAlID REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged CLIFF BROWN REALTOR PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL rosTmPA bait CONNELLPA mos SheIswéII PA $9961 PA 68742 room home with every modern med Ne ch convenience and featuring attached garage with brcclelvay and Fdml mi WWI patio finished recreation room with bar builtin dishwasher and many more extras Coll Norman shclswcll now 515000 FULL PRICE Largerthnnaveragc room brick home with every modern appointment and featuring tinlshed recreation room plus fourth bedroom and office in the basement also heated sun porch For inspection call Norman Shelswcll $10500 FULL PRICE Large brick home close to downtown Ideal for the large family or would lend itself to duplexing No baths Norman Shclswell for inspection RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT Tunas norms and bath kittens lard lllbu walrr uld parking supplied monthly Tclcpbono PA um ruRleIIzD tatco meal for uni Largo living room bedroom and kllrhehrttz on heat ed Moderrte root Panto lulu ties Telephone PA no DOWNTOWN rooms Hnu living room and kit chendining room two bedrooms bathroom Newly decorted Hut rd Telephone PA 37250 prlvnu coirom first room spud Apartment ionr IIATBD Inroo mm modern fur nlshrd Aphrtmrot central location Television parking space lawn garden ulcnkllr dishes Ilorn sup plied No oblectlon to tomref PA 119 after pm Ian n00 bath unfurnished stov EXECUTIVE HOME Apartment Ills on re nrentor Iufipllrd Cent tip to dron Avnillblu Im ion leispbonl PA soul LARGE seven room house for nut lhm bedrooms two bath room hot water butting Central Available now to McDonald st Apply at 71 Dundonlld street rlmals nzbnoml apartment for rent In new bulldlnl dryer and ilnilor service NPPLIId Available llnmcdlltoly Tclcphnno PA mm or further Information PuansmsD three room ment with bath Club quiet oen zvebiun washer spitt n1 rhinl Largo bedroom kit cben and living um glam Modern furniture Avonbio Peb ruary 15 PA WI LARGE liedsitting Room kitchr enatie February selfcontained apartment avalllbla now Tolephonb PA HIM or fun 82 HIGH STREET BARRIE thor details and bathroom available Also three room PHONES PA 80741 PA 80241 Members ot the unir1 Real Limo board Joan LangPA um Charlie ReadPA 54811 PROPERTY WTD TO BUY 45A DUNLOP ST Nuxt door to the lmpbrtll Hum Properly Wanted We have several clients wishing to buy homes new and take possession in the spring chanees of selling your home now are EXCELLENT The following are just few of the many clients wishing to buy NOW and take possession in the late spring CLIENT with $2500 requires bungalow under $14000 Pay ments not to exceed $100 per month CLIENT vlth $3500 I0 $4000 wanting to buy storey and half bedrooms and bath up stairs CLIENT with excellent down payment wishes to buy an older storey brick home from 000 to $15300 SMALL Bungalow wanted on to acres just outside city limits $15500 Down payment $2250 WHY wait for spring do it now Sell your home now and obtain top price Call Carson Real Estate PA 65431 or after call PA 66161 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished low er duplex Largo llvlnl room with inplace hm kitchen with ample cupboards new thrro pleeo bath and newly deeornird Telephone PA was alx IIOOM Hausa halted Itllc completely finished in bid for slreplns qnnten WallrtoWlll broadle on living room and stain Availbio March Tele Phone PA 84451 for Information WARM unfurnished three room hosted apartment selfcontInrd with private bath East end closo to stores school and bus stop agggabla March Telophonb PA gfi UNFURNISHED upstairs apart ment three rooms sellcontained all hosted new stove and rum orator Central location small baby welcome Available now Telephone PA $9157 IIIODPnN one and two bedroom apartments cut end Barrie Bam boo drapes VenotIn blinds Auto matle laund llcllillcs Parklnl Tolnphona sztzo or timber Information POUR llaDIIOOM House for rent Insulated New oil furnace cen tral location Available March 15 References required Telephone PA 85860 for further Information TWO BEDROOM unfurnished self contained duplex Living room kitchen dining emu baremcnt front and back entrances Renting for $90 monthly Allle 134 Napier or tclephbno PAW701 FOUR Iioolll unfurnished apart mcnt on second floor Comslbtcly suitContained and newly econ tcd Ample parking space avall able Telephone PA Issues for fur ther details THREE 1100M Ensemth Apart ment heated nilcontained Drl vltc bath Refrigerator and stove Partially furnished Telephone PA osszs or PA 15203 for further In formntlon NEW LARGE Apartment for rent In now apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and re lrl orator laundry ACIIIIIBS sup plalag Queen Street area PA NBW THREE nannoalvi ravine house ttlrd powder and bathroom large combination llvlnli rooml lovely view of boy In soar 81110 per month Telephone PA 61675 Two BEDROOM unfnmnhed apartment Heated selfcontained PA G648 asZiiilll$llslilz member of norm and District Eu more Board MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITHLOW mommy PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR aunclrr IF YOU NEED MONEY MODERN mth centrally loclted stove refrigerator Free parking llellltles tenants choice of colon Availbio March Telephone PA 86092 SPACIOUS FIVE ROOM unfun nlshed apartment stove and ro laundry Talcpbona PA 114860 or PA Haas phone PA oasis for further In urination two bedroom In laundry mi Decorated In rIgelntol automatic and parking facilities on consolidate debts 1° further details OPay of exlstlul mortxlzu or mortgages coming due 111mm Improvement Any worthwhlle Clllsa PA 60981 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking conic Kumpenfelt my Hort wa OCI brkln and All service ioelurlI ed Automatic washing fa Moptgage Funding cliluca PA c2901 DVCI MIJDIERNMrénwly dreamed till an wn room lpllr 2115 or SimpsonsSears I29 DUNLOP an MONEY AVAILABLE WISE Ielt contained N0 BONUS eat Centrally located with water fiiuhetliipgliiii Film MORTGAGE urination our room apartment Privatc hath Central Heltad clean purit Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 00206 MORTGAGESls and and bought 1d and arranged and lesldentlnl mono iiiflmllfifil RENTALS Low can once for rent Clean modern buildingl Suitable for commercial or light Industrlu Telephone PA H575 NURSING HOMES HOME Saint and lurid Durslnl urn load food TV mam atltlbn wu Kfln for antinu stroud APTS HOUSES TO RENT FOUR 1100M Apartment for rent Private bath unfurnished and hub entrance and bus Children welcome Box as Banlo Examiner LARGE Modern unfurnished one and two Ladlqu apartments for Prtvntli bath but water beat ialfrlrlry room with dryer Teluphona PA pom or PA 05815 Home with bath hcltlnl Commch loaned VII srrt blurb ENG BILtlt for IL or Pk Private rooms DhOnI ed Close to lChDO SEVEN ROOM forced air oil tubs extra shower In human East and of steel Street 375 mon titty Telephone PA mm GROUND FLOOR Apartment two badmornas llvlnl room and kitchen also use of full basement so laundry Most Anything contained Apply to Thompson Ins ground floor painted Walls tile floors Avallabla February 26 Telephone PA Halli THREE ROOM furnished self Contained apartment Heat hydra supplied Close to downtown Visc Int March Reasonable rent Telephone evenings PA 55791 days PA 84574 New rlmaa noon selfcontain ed apartment for rent unturn Islsed Equipped with your own thermostat Central ado per month Telephone PA 87209 lol further Information UNFUIINIEHED Apartment on Collier Street Two bedroom live lug room kitchen comfortable and well hailed Rent $55 per month Immedlnt sscmton Tele Phona PA arena after PA Moss MonalLli sir room burrslow lar aor Lovely runslu basement Laundry tubs Near Illllerest School Rent per month Avail ablo March Toltpbono PA salad or PA easel warmmaaan Apartment WWI bedroom llle room kitchen snd bath Prlvste ehtnuro Heated Centrsl loestlon Immediate poss esllon Telephone rn 82400 or after pm PA oases rwo uaonoolvi Apartment with llvinll room sod lion niza kitchen private hIh unmmlshod hunted private antrancc Central location Pnrkinl provided Rant 70 per month Immediate possession role ohono PA Milo or uttero pm PA eases CENTRAth located new modern apartments now renting Lshnpeu living and dining area two bed rooms sonohot water heating stovo ud realizesstor supplied also wn her and dryer ono bed room opsrtment slro sllablr st Available March Immrdlcto possession PA Mills or PA sIoll RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT APTS HOUSES T0 RENT goons To LET mu soon unfurnished nub The Garden Terrace lament for rent Solitair Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil beat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 586 month PHONE PA 02740 QUIET LIVING That is what you will have whenyou move into this com pletely modern four rcomgas heated apartment All conveni ences Separate entrance Hy dro Ample storage space in DaLston Highway 93 Available March Phone DaysPA 66443 NightsPA 68413 BLAKE ST AT SHOPPING PLAZA Ground floor Very warm Uns furnished one bedroom modern apartment Separate entrance Vacant $75 monthly Bus at door Telephone PA 37475 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca tion 05 per month Telephone PA 88738 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown IOno and two bedrooms nlconios IBamboo Drapes IStnvcs and fridges Olndividual thermostats Ilncinerators OFree washing and drying facilities OMany other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PASSI 86 55 MONTHLY New two bedroom bungalow nt strand Lam ilvlnlr room and kitchen with three piece bath Telephone 34ml strond Two BEDROOM House to rent at Alliston Furnished or unfurnish ed on heating Telephone Alliston HE 57023 for further information us To 90 Modern zhedroom bungalows with garage available 1st March Apply nogolsas Cone ncll Realtors Phone PA Haw FOUR ItoOM Apartment for rent unfurnished heated selfcontained Available now Telephone PA 60515 or PA soon after pm Six 100 Hausa for rent with sunroom and garage Dll heating Centrally located Available now $100 per month Telephone PA one or PA Main FOUR IIOOIII Apartment for rcnt unfurnished heated Ground floor Private entrance Sellcontained Available now Tclcphollu PA 60301 for further information SMALL attractive one bedroom apartment for rent Heated self eoutatned Available llinreh Lo catcd Pnnetang and st Vincent Streets $60 monthly lclcpbonc PA 83513 suNNlDALI Anna Bright spre luus two bedroom apartment with balcony in quiet residential area Features garage laundry hot wa ter heating and an Individual thermostat Stove and retrlgrn tor optional Adults PA 33530 after ALICE lagoons Sports Champion Delight boy or girl with this Deer Sweater so hand some warm for school or out doors Champion sweater for sports championgirl and boy Knitted to two colors in knitting worsted Pattern 7493 charts directional sizes 46 810 1214 included Send Thirtyfive cents coins for this pattern tstampa cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs toknlt crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needlecraft Cata lag ready nowt See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys afghnns slipcovers plus free patterns Send 25 howl soprats entrance 71 month Antibin unwellfilly Talepbofu PA N710 or PA bun TWO In It no as unfurnished sportmeut to rent In brsod new triplex rulerstie dryer Tole phono PA nose for further Infor motion BILIGHT our room moonn aplrlv men In private homr all vent encrr repmo ratrsors Near bus and schools In north rod Tole pbotil ra um UNPUIINIinzb bulcd modem must to not Arallablc Arch $75 prr monlb Tale phone PA on for further baton motion IIRATZD srlbeontlnrd apartment ground floor Thch Islgo rooms Nrsr school Parking Prlvrto rat flfl $63 monthly Telephone PA AVAILABLE Now Two bedroom unfurnished apartment lien and water supplied Selfcontalrud end location on bus route per month Telephone PA noes APARTMENT modern unfurlth ed two bodrooms private bn mm Slum nested Stnvu and refrigerator Downtown loetlon Availbl March loo per month flepbono PA as mu BOOM unfurnished round floor apartment for rent Near snotlei llelt hydro and wafer unlizd Pattis space Tiiéyilunu PA com or PA boas for dctllls PUnNIanEn HEATED sellcontain ed three room Abutment 0a bloek from Post Office Private entrance Avrilbin March 1st Telephone PA M1141 or further Informntlon coMronrADll lust three room apartment Moderate rent puma srpbrato ontnaer storage park Ing Central at bu Illndromat Allowance for srrv 155 Penn tons St PA HMS FOUR ROOM unfurnished histed apartment for rant Near Oakley Park School Private entrance Laundry facilities od putron space Availbin March Tele phone PA 37350 OVGDIBHL Naw MODERN two bedroom un unlished apartment hundry and parking facilities Individual titer mostt slmeou Csblo installLinn No children AvPly Rose Street telephone PA Mm LARGE two room furnished spsrlment for not Heavy duty stove and retrlrontor oil hrotlor IIet light and watersupplied Suitable for business couple reis phona PA 32157 Two nannoonl modern spart ment unfurnished Includes stove refrigrntor automatic washer and dryltr Separate entrance Off street plrkilll Central Available March Tolrphono PA Molo Baiaur CLEAN bedroom for rent to quiet home or gentleman downtown area Telephone PA Isms nftrr pm YURNISIIED Bedroom for rent Laundry facilities uresklrst and lunch parked It drslrrd Telrpnonu days PA ooou or rvralngs PA mm for funbrr Iniormstloo WE ruIINIerD Housekeeping Room stovr refrigerator and sink Suit able for one or two girls or bust llcss couple Linen suppbed II de sired At bus stop PA 81060 TWDPUTINISIIZD room for rent Kitchen and bedroom Parking Isrllllirs Apply on hlsple Avr or telephone PA Mart for Iurtbrr intermotion Nicnnlf FURNISHED beddlttlnl room for rent with kltrhru pnvll egos for lady Located very clo to downtown Itrssomble Tc phone PA 69912 for Inrthrr prr licularl nva Rooltnn furnished moat for single woman to ro with same srpnnte bedrooms and prlvlfo entrance Reasonable rent relepbOnc PA 32324 or psrtlcu In ROOM 8r BOARD BOOM AND BOARD nvuble In private home Lunches packed If sired Telephone PA 515 for further Information 1100M AVAILABLE for one or two banners Denim wub board op tional For further Informstlon telephone PA saoos Main STREET vicinity close to downtown area Room and board Gentleman preferred vlll puck lunches llome pnvilrgu lrlo phono PA mos for further In armlion ARTICLES For SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32113 Ideal tol ualng hen houses attics garages etc Perfect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario 50 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA 82414 Any one of the three classified ad takers will be glad to assist you with your cow aPnCIOus thrca room lplrtmcnt heavy wiring private four piece both Possession March Down town on main floor Sorry no children lelrphono PA was after 530 pm ROOMS TO LET WARM lumlsrled bedroom In hm lly home two blocks from down town Home prlvtlcln $50 per week Telephona PA 95713 UNFUBNISIIED Room with sink Middlenod business lady Absthll Extra room also at later $20 monthly per mm Apply lIs myhrld Street oNa Lanes bright bedroom with twin beds for two persons to share Aim one sanle room pm ably gentlemen Putting available Central one block from downtown Also garage Telephono PA HIII BUSINESS FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace aow between Jan 15th and Feb 28th and got your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg 869 FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW 3110 Finance Rate Phone collect Strand 41115 WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand Low Overhead Low Cost SITch 1100 on FURNACE for sale In Al condition Telephone RE WW for Author Information SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Tolepborle PA 82414 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRHV KING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE P0 BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 60706 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS FEDERS GENERAL REPAIRS ELECTRICAL TUNEUPS CARBUREIION 400 TEXACO SERVICE STATION Dnnlop at Anne St BARRIE PA 83142 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get the business while you get the profit ALL BUSINESS sermons PA 82414 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porottol recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PAT6071 EXCAVATI NG Fm GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA Barrie PLASTERING STUCCO STON QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARClTWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE C011ch FLOOR GOVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales SLService 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal lLlnoleum and Vinyl tila OSheet goods oCeramic tile ardwood flooring Pets oComplete line of samples FREE ESTlMATES DAY 0R EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA 05862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 81 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH arm sort Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1020 RR Barrie PA sense WELLDIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY JCENSED DRI ans FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling 1112 BARRIE PA 87646 lry An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA82414

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