ANNOUNCEMENTS 101112 BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23 1082 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS BIRTHS HAPPY OCCASIONThe birth of your ehlldl To tell Ibe good area In lrienda and ilelgliban The Harrie Bramtner Ciassiued Start nur your 119 phone The day or birth iuu dial PA Mill The rate is only 150 DEATHS Edward Francis Ontario on Pri day rebrum 1962 Bdwlld Prsnei Bcnnctt beloved husband of cells 03 delr lather oi lonne Mrs Wrigin oiAi listen Donna illrs Clark of smurlillle and Itth at home Loved son of airs Millde Henneu dear brother or Addie Mrs Spear and llarlno Mllalns all oi Toonte and Mn Ilenba Stewart ot name In his 59in yrar RestlnI or me lcnnclt luncral Home 152 Bradford Street ilarrle luncral Icnlcc In Dunedin Presbylerian Church on Sandy Fcbruary at btprlan Cemetery laIer Casket vii be open In the church inn pm until time or service In lien or flowers donrtioni to tho Canadian Cancer society uilI lppmlalcd uANTz Beverly away at the Louise Man ital Mount Forest on Thundly Imd cbrunry 22 1962 Deverly FOR SALE SIXPLEX ouznu ln Muggin fllr rind Five twdbcdrnom apartments usband of one cl Silver or Ituth Mrs Drmp and one apartment with one aim at Ilurllnginn Elma thirs bedroom All have stuvcs and licynnld Pcilgrcgmum refrigerators Two apartments Kenneth at Toronto Mn Hill at Plymouth Michigan rarl oi Mount rarest Ester Strauchan ot Stoncy Creek llesllrll at the Gardiner Funeral chapel Mount forest until Sat nrday February 24 thcnco in Pauls Anglican church St Pau wheretriendr may view the re mains from pm until time or renlce at pan interment St Pauls Ccmulcr mantisup Margaret Sud In Toronto Mullorel inrlllcrly ol tlelle Ewart sister or Lillie Laura and Nclmn and door nunt oi Marlena pnd Elizabeth Lambdon nesilnc Inc home or her slrter Mrs Albert Lambden nelie Lwrl ior lunoral scrvlcb on Saturday Peb ruary 2t 1952 at 110 pan Sprinx lntcrmcnl Clements Cemetery In ni Ill iIOIEIIRIN Mcrrltl windes Paasbd away suddenly at his home In Letitia 51 Barrlc On1 hlcre rltt Windcs llotchkln beloved Iusband or Amiee Charlotte A1 derman and dear lather or George Roscoe Snrinplleld Missouri lira Isuhclin Kelly uarrlb grand iather or Marlon Mrs Bolc chowsky Barrie and Merritt gtRoscoc Springiield Mo and dreabcrandtather of Patricia and dear brother oi Harry Sui An tnnlo Texas and Helen Mrs Allcn Hay Means or Los Angclcs Cal Rustlnï¬ II It Itflntll REAL ESTATE ROKER cral Home 152 Oradlard St Iiarrlc Ont Funcrnl Irrange TFFIN STMLT MEWS mm CALL DAY evesNINC REYNoLDS Ethel CIIIISLEHI At Irinlswood Private llospltll PA 82379 Palnswlck on Thursday Fcbril 72 11152 Ethel chrislena Vonch beloved wire or the late Henry sylvutcr Rbynolds dear mother or ann of Mortal and Nancy Mrs George Stunden or stroud loved 51 or Edwin vonen or North Bay In her 7ath year litsting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Puntrel service Monday Febmuxy is at pm Temporary on binont St James Cemetery at interment sth Linc Came oily ater IN MEMORIAM ï¬eLELbANln loving memory we dear mother llnndo Momma who passed away February 1949 memory dally thought heart silent sorrow sadly missed by Eileen Bob and can CARDS OF THANKS LAlull Mrs Lamb and mlly wish to thank their many irlonds nclizhburs and relatives for the many acts or kindness mew ages at sympathy and the beauti rul iloral offcrlngs received dur ng the recent loss or our dear husband and other William Lamb also thanking Rev vanless and Itov lackson or their words or comforlThc Lamb anally NEWMANJED tamlly DI the late Mrs Margaret Newman wish to thnk their iriends and uelzhe bul Ior their kind expressions of sympathy and lovely floral tributca received durlng the recent loss or their mother Special thanks to the Rev Hell and Dr luaePhersou vhlrs Stcvcns and Iamlly and Mr Jack Ncwrnlrl COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Prince of Wales School SATURDAY FEBRUARY 24 930 AM Sponsored by Home andSchool Association DANCING REAL ESTATE BROKER EVERY 15 CLA EPAI 5259 PP 11 ON alian SATURDAY alooRE PA azaeo CABARET STYLE FRANK NELLES PA Sober COUPLES ONLY Pl NECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757133 RUMMAGE and NEARLY NEW SALE YMYWCA Owen St FRIDAY MARCH AM TILL PM EFor pickup telephone PA c0195 slsponsored by Ladies Auxiliary 91 MIXED DANCING Stroud Community Hall SATURDAY MARCH 830 till 12 Music by WESTERN AIRES Lunch counter Admission 75c PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY REALTORS 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME LITTLE DAB WILL DO paiutused to sparkle now it needs someone to care for Less than 51000 down will buy this large older home Extra lot Could be sold for more than your down paye Telcphone PA 66453 It merit before its too late Member or Barrie and District interment Dunedin Prea Hos Also many summer collages to ch CONTACT Harry Baycrott RR Stroud Alcnna Beach Phone 811111 Stroud Represent ing GEORGE MCCAGUE Real Estate Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER schlrr PHONE PA 82673 have dining rooms Hot water gas heating Location central to downtown Rovonuc will be about $600 monthly Call Percy Ford EVENINGS CALL RITA scANDRrrl PA was DOROTHY vltcox Pi but PERcl will PA omit EMERSON SWAIN PA 58605 Member or narrle and District and Ontario Real Estate loarda Emorv MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Kari Marshall PA b9911 Ine Palmer PA anlis Emory Miller PA 5055 Member of the uarrio and District Real Estate Board ROSE BEDROOMS $1500 down payment Full price only $13200 for this our bedroom brick bungalow cluding living room dining room kitchen and tiled both full basement having ideal rcc reation room area forced air ail heating double windows in cluded This home is only be twecn three and four years old and well located in the North Collegiate school area Immedi ate possession can be given on this one 3BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL $12900 Yes that is right bedroom split level brick home complete with recreation room with plastered walls sep arate laundry room plus ample storage space living room and kitchen piece tiled hath equipped with aluminum storms and screens Carries for $95 monthly including interest prin cipal and taxes Down payment only about $2300 ant the bal ance is on one mortgage 1m mediate possession as owner is moved out or town Call now for an appointment to inspect FOR RENT Homes and Apartments Call for full information Member or tneaarrie and Distrch Real Estate Board Keith Marshall Member Barrie and District Real Estate Board FOR SALE OR RENT room bungalow 12 miles south of Barrie on paved rbad open year round Close to good beach store and school Price reasonable LEFROY VILLAGE Income property for sale Pres olll income $130 monthly vflth one apartment vacant Priced to sEll Low down payment 85 ACRE FARM 0n paved road Good house 10 miles south of Barrie Priced at $15000 nose from SLEIGH RIDING DARTEs rurtber tnrormatlon For reservations can NINE ROOM DuPLEx with two 303 SMITH TIEDIlItrDolml Rial Non lTIM 17 ran WASAGA BEACH please Telephone PA oa015 PHONE 247 further intormatlnn INTERNATIONAL MEET First iiiternational conference of womens institutes was at OWNERS three bedroom bunga Iow one year old Small down in payment Telephone PA oasis for MRS at MOOREPA H131 ROGERSPA so Smitb CampbellPA Ham Fergus Garvey4A 071 DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Fonda 60 of Value lbs Length PA W48 Everalt Sbalawu Orn 2919 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82419 93 Dunlop St HAREL MARSHALLPA diisu COREYPA 55453 lllUltIEL JEFFERYJFA Mid CQQTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie DOWN PAYMENT $1500 Full price $13500 5rnnm bun galow storms and screens built three years ago Has many fca turcs such as divided hascmcnt Int 51 157 195 Wellington SL within reasonable distance of schools and shopping Finc scl cction of comparable homes may be seen at your convenie once Call Walter Coulis ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP SIREEI EAST First in Barrie Home SanForemost LB Quality at Scnico PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENmGs CALL MEMBERS NAnIuE DISTRICT REAL LSTAIE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALNR HIGH STREET BAERE PHONES PA 60211 PA com Iiunbua or Inn Bani Heel latta Board Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89961 PA 53742 Howard Norria PA POSTERPA now CONNELLAPA om Joan hillPA 551 Charlie ReadPA Han Shelswell Available interest No Fees Charged Evenings Cali tack willaoa PA 34611 Norman sbelrweii PA own to THREE BBDRD House Thrcn old NHA malt and onehalf yea tinge In Oakley ark area Priccd Telephone PA 57754 AURORA Thm bedroom landscaped lot Prefer 32500 down 1nd monon Carries 397 month Aurora Parkview 75615 PROPERTY er room 45A DUNLOP ST Nest door to tho imperial Theatre to buy homes now and take possession in the spring The now are EXCELLENT Ihc following arc just few of the many clients wishing to buy NOW and take possession in the late spring CLIENT with $2500 requires bungalow under $14000 Pay EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 Modern equipped hun galow six spaciolB bright rooms Finished recreation room attached garage alumi num storms and screens Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Vzlltcr Coutts BUY 01 THE WEEK Secluded area short circular street tree from traffic Six room bungalow with attached garage in immaculate condition Close to schools and transporta tion Low down payment to first mortgage Monthly uaymcnts interest principal and taxes $10005 Call Walter Cnutts BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Oroom bungalow located on the corner of Vcspra and Bradford Streets This is an ideal loca tion for business or somcone wanting central location For Iull details call Waller Coults EXCHANGE 0R SELL Service Station and Lunch Counter with living quarters Highways 26 and 27 doing good yearround husinus For pro greï¬ive person there is room for improvement and expansion Present owners retiring as fam ily have left h0meCalI Coulis THREE LOTS PUGET ST Collective frontage of 150 feet by depth of 150 feet All municipal services available Call Gordan Coutts Member of Barrie or District Real Estate Board PHONES Oiilee PA Miss Evenings GORDON COUTiSPA lims WALTIm ComcsPA 32311 SANDY courtsPA 0423 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price 5155110 Down payment 32250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 049186 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVI NG Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61302 113 Dunlap St NEW THREE BEDROOM ravine house tiled powder and bathroom large combination living room lovely view or the BIyIll Zone sumowhoa below cost Very nnAurlrUl alx large room home wimlles south of barrio oil High vuy11 to Coxmill to Kempcnlclt Buy large bedrooms living room 24 14 stone tlrcplace mod ern kitchen and bathroom lull basement with square hot water oil rurnace Landscaped lot 240 in reet surrounded by 6fnat cedar llcdgn and trees Close to Boat Antwerp Belgium in 1930 low down paymcnt accepted lclo phone PA 04675 Marina Principals only srobon Terms PA Milli ox 77 Barrie Examiner month gt $I 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly mcnts not to exceed $100 per CLIENT with $3500 to $4000 wanting to buy stnrcy and hnII bedrooms and halibut stairs CLIENT with cxcellcnt down payment wishes to buy an older sloroy brick home from $10 000 to $15000 SMALL Bungalow wanted on to acres just outside city limits WHY wait for spring do it now Sell your home now and obtain top price Call Carson Real Estate PA 6481 or after call PA 66161 PA 66481 Member or Barrie and District Real Estate Board FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 476 FOR WEEKS NEEDA MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 MONEY To LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em off with lowvcost lifeinaured SCOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAlLole To YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY oTo cansolldata debts Pay on existing mortgages Our marrgases condnc due Homc improvement Any worthwhue cause PA Spool MODERN two bedroom apart Mortgage Fumimg ment centrally located stove and oval rerrlgerator Free laundry and parking racllliles Decorated in SimpsonsSears 129lt DUNLOP ST MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation or Bills Home repairs etc cure of The Barrie Examiner NE am NO BONUS begin pmgm°3m Needlecraft Dept so Front St LOW RATES gigolo Klemenï¬lit pfxyflugeastéwvfcné West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN LIFE INSURED lilitigidpamiiiiir NUMBER Up to 55000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4I Dunlap St tor quick sale Fully Illidiclpcd aput level home two years old Luge to 67 mortgage but will consider Properly Wanted We have several clients wislling chances of selling your home MORTGAGES sloamaomut and and boom sold Ind Tuned Commercial Bud rcaidrlslill money loaned DD exlsrlna murmurs Earrll llore XIII Broken RENTALS Low cosT IPACE ior rcaL Clean modem buudlnu Suitabl or commercial or light IDduItflu Telepbom PA C6575 OFFICES STORES RENT OFFICE aPAcis ior N111 two rooms Ideal or Insurance beauty parlor etc Parking Privale eat nnre monthly Apply in Bay rield st Telephone PA 56153 ior details NURSING HOMES Au EDEN NURSING Hum Built or 1111 work semi and privatn rooms Rind nilnlnl care Rood iood TV room atatiau we on in Outinu Tllephflflc 59m Stroud APT5 HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Luke One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Rcdccoratcd annually PA 64068 mun ROOM Apartment ior ran Private bath unfurnished and hu ed private entrance close to achooir and bus Children wclcomo lax all Darrin Lumluer LARGE Modern unlumlshcd one and two bedroom apartments or rent Private both hot water heat ed laundry room with dryer Telephone PA Soul or PA osnzs SEVEN ROOM House with bath loreod air all hcntlng laundry tubs extra shower 1n basement East end or steel Strcct 75 mon Ihly Telephone PA Hm uNFURNTSIIED Iva bedroom apartment tlcaicd Centrally locne tcd Parklni provided Itent 37o monthly Telephone PA oztan or Iflc to PA 24595 Loan Apartment two bedrooms living room and kllchen also use of tall bbscrnont sell conIaIncu Apply to 11 Thompson 351 Available March HEATED Ihreo roommodern lurv nished apartment Central location Television parking space lawn garden utensils dlshcs linen sup piled No oblccllon Io teenager PA 557111 after pm lroun nun Apartment the bath unrurnlshed Slow and lrrlgerator supplied Centrally lo Eilch ND children Available Im mcdlutcly For runner Informa tion lclcphono PA soul LARGE seven room house ior rent three bedrooms two bath rooms hot water hcntlng central Available now to McDonald St Apply at 73 Dundonalu Street THREE BEDROOM apartment for mm In new building washer dryer and Janitor service supplied Available lmmcdlntcly Telephone PA 52152 ior rurthcr lniormatlon PunlellEDilirce roam Iplllk ment with bath Cldan nulet cen ma parking Largo bedroom kit chen and living morn Storage Mode fumlturc Available Fcblt ruary 23 PA airol LARGE HodSitting nonm klICII castle and bathroom available February 24 Also three room sclfconiulncd apartment available now Tclcphone PA 60154 for ur thcr details Two BEDROOM uniurnlsbed low er duplex Large living room with fireplace large kitchen with ample cupboards now three piece bath and newly decorated Telephone PA 65353 Phone PA mm or information WARM unfnmlshcd three room hcutnd apartment sellcontained with private bath East and close to stores school and bus stop EAvallahle March Telephone PA UNIUltleHBD upstaln apa meat three rooms selfcontained all hoatcd new stove and reirlg erator Central location Small baby welcome Available now Telephone PA 99757 apartments east end Barrie Balm boo drapes Venetian blinds Auto matic laundry raelliiles Parking Telephone PA 32929 for rurthcr tniormatiou FOUR BEDROOM House for rent insulated New on turnace Cen tral location Available March 15 Rererencea required Telephone PA 55800 tor turtber Information Two BEDROOM unrurnlshed actr eontairled duplex Living room kitchen dining area basement front and back entrances Renting or 59o monthly APPIy 134 Napier or telephone PA EIloz Pom ROOM unturnlsbed apart meat on second floor Completely selfcontained and newly dccora ted Ample parking space avail able Tclcphnlin PA arm for run thbr details THREE RooM Basement Apart ment heated sellcontained Pri vate bath Reirlgcrator and stove Partially nimlshcd Telephone PA osazo or PA 82983 or iurttler ia urination NEW THREE BEDROOM ravine hausa tiled powder and bathroom large combination living room lovely vlcw or bay 11 zone lno per month Telephone PA 61675 Two BEDROOM aelbcontalaed unfurnished apartment Heated ga rage $75 per month children wcle come Avauable March 15 Telce phone PA 119943 rorjurther la formltlnn tenants choice of colors Available March Telephone PA 641092 SPACIOUS FIVE Hoonl unfurl rllshed apartment stove and re frlgcratol pl automatic laundry and parking raeillties Telephone PA 134533 or PA 1121114 Ior further details sPAclouS FIVE ROOM unfur nished apartment stove and re lrigerator optional automatic laundry and parking racllltles Telephone PA Hood or PA of or further dctnlls MODERN newly dccornlcd one and two bedroom apartments ior rent Centrally located with water and bent supplied Telephone PA Self contained two bedroom 60575 or PA 33521 aiter pm Eoun noDil Apartment ior rent 641101 ior urther tnrormatlon six 110011 llou heated atu contained Available luarch Lo completely ï¬nishcd suitable ior cated Pcnctanl and st Vincent slccplng quarters Walttowull streets $60 monthly Telephone broadloom on living room and PA 81513 stairs Available March Tele aloDEnN one and two bedroom at sion of that favorite of tradi tional quills the Fan yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needlecraft Cata log ready nawl See Beautiful Bulkics in complete section plus bedspreads linens toys alghuus Slipcovers plus fro patterns Solid 25 nts Modeln home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all heat will air conditioning full basemcnt serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 886 month PHONE PA 82710 QUIET LIVING That Is what you will have when you move into this corri plctcly modern Iohr room gas heated apartment All conveni ences Separate entrance Eye dro Ample storage space In Dalston Highway 93 Available March Phone DaysPA 66443 NightsPA 68113 BLAKE ST AT SHOPPING PLAZA Ground floor Very warm Un Iurnishcd one bedroom modern apartment Separate entrance Vacant $75 monthly Bus at door Telephone PA E7175 BRENIWOOD TERRACE apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca tion $35 per month Telephone FAA9230 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance at downtown lOne and two bedrooms OBalconics OBbmeo Drapes OStoves und fridges Iindividuul thermoslats ncincraiors Flcc washing and drying facilities Olllany other fine nppolntmenls Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 831 86 CHOICE APARTMENT Modern bedroom unfurnished selfcontained heated laundry and parking facilities Near bus stop Available March PHONE PA 3546 555 MONTHLY New two bedroom bungalow at stroud Largc living room and kitchen with three piece bath Telephone mill stroud Two BEDROOM House to rem at Altman Furnished or unturnlsh ed on heating Telephone Allistou HE 57028 or further lniormailon as To sso bloom bungalows with garage available lst March Apply Rogers Con nell Realtors Phone PA asses roun ROOTI Apartment for reE unrnrnlshed hcatcd sellreontalnea Available now Telephone PA SIX non House tor rent wlih sunroom rind garage on heating Centrally located Avnllnhlu now $100 per month Telephone PA ozsaa or PA dsozo uniurnlshcd heated Ground llaor Private Available entrance now ScliContalncd Telephone PA SMALL attractive one bedroom apartment ior rent Heated sell ALICE BROOKS NEW FAN QUILT joy to piece simple ver New grand Scrapquilt the popular fan It is made of pattern pieces Pattern 7431 charts pattern pieces di rections single double yardag es Send Thirtyfive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be acceptedt to Alice Brooks NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 fashion PA 66477 32255 or PA 113733 ior iurther In formation howl nation RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT APTS HOUSES To RENT APTS HOUSES To RENT The Garden Terrace $31527 353111331113 zikflflanzzlLigfluflhrgélfÂ¥d Corner Queen and Duckworth Sig PIA 55 To 333 lraantti milIlleapizmlilmedslsnreplty Tclephopl PA mm or PA Ecru HEATH ltIlconlllned apartment ground floor Three large rooms Near Khool Parallax Private enl raace $65 monthly ha PA lu be AVAILABLE Now No bedroom unturniabed apartment not and water rupplied Seliltontlinld mt end location on our route 15 per month Teleybnnl PA $9635 ENJOY YOUR last month nut iree One and two bedroom Iplrtmuau lanltar service Rent from to per month Telephone PA 5610 for iurtber tuiormatioa APARTMM modern unfurnth ed two bedrooms private bath room steam healed Stove and reirigeraior Downtown location Avaublo Mnmh sin permonth Telephone PA was THREE BOOM unfurnished rrouad iloor nplrtmznt or not Near tartarlei at hydro and water mpplled Pa lung space Telephon PA 31110 or PA from or detalla PURNIRHED HEATED cellcontain Telephone PA ml or iurthcr information GROUND rLooR Two bedroom Aplnment in modern building mt end Laundry Iacllltiu irixerator stove heat and water iuppllcd Not aultlblc tor chlld ram Telcphorlo PA 51115 COMFORTABLE largo three room apartment Moderate rent we separate entrance storage lrlK Central at bus laundromat Allownee for service 135 Pene tang st PA 13454 NEW LARGE Aparimtnta or rent in new apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and le Tigertor laundry Iacllltlea lune pllbd Queen Street area PA M574 SUNNIDALB AREA Bright apno lous two bedroom apartment with balcony In quiet residential area Peatures rule laundry hot wa ter halting and an individual thermostat stove and reirlima tor optional Adults PA H530 after pm CENTRALLY located new modern apartment now rentlnr Lrshlvcd living and dlnlalr area two bed rooms rone hot water heating stove and rctrlxerator nippllcd also washer and dryer Ono bed room apartment also available Immediate possession Telephone PA ones or PA 02311 BUSINESS DIREC Ask About LOW Rates TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 6ll42 ADVERTISING RELAX your ULCER and let us get the business while you get the profit CALL BUSINESS SERVICES PA 82414 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shtngling porches NUSERVICE CLEANERS Clapperton St CLEANERS AND SHIRT EEVICE WE ALSO CLEAN Ladies furtiks coats DYNEL OLLEGRO Two Danooll uniumlshed apartment In rent in brand new triplex automatic dryer Tele phone PA owns or runner Inlor bastion THREE noohl sell contained apartment ior 11 Located at 93 Baydeld street over Harold Yon rter and Co Real Estate Tel pboba PA 6N5 anytime BRIGlrr iour room modern Ipnrtv ment in privalc home all convent eoeer separate entrance Near bus and uhonla In north end Tele pbnao PA 735 roUR ROOM uniumlshcd heated apartment for rent Near Oakley Park School Private entrance Laundry iacilities and parking space Available March Telb pboae PA 373511 evenlnrs Nzlv MODERN two bedroom un iurnlrhcc apartment Laundry and Parking facilities individual lher mortal Slmcoe Cable installation No childnn Apply Ross street telephone PA M731 LARGE lwo room lumlshcd ï¬wgrrfremwgggmgmmmg panntnt for not Heavy duty Gnunu Avflhbla uch atova and refrigerator 01 healing Heat light and water supplied Suitable for buslneu couple Til Phone PA 52257 Two nDDltoml modern apart meat unturnlshed Include slave rclllgbralui automatic washer and dryer Separate entrance ltreet parking Centrar Available March Telephone PA 35010 EPAcloUs three room apartment heavy wiring private four piece bath Possession March Down town on main iloor Sorry no children Telephone PA Sous aftcr mo pan WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY WANTED One large clean Bedroom 1n nulct hcmc or business man Must be in nod district and have parklnll gpacc Telephone PA dam alter pm ROOMS TO LET WARM nirrltshed bedroom In iam 11y home two blocks irotn down town Home privileges $650 pcr week Telephone PA osm ONE LARGE brim bedroom with twin beda or two persons to Share Also one single room prer any gentlemen Parking available Central one block from downtown Also garage Tclcphorlo PA 51675 SERVICE TORY By Month or You Tlephone PA 32414 APPLIANCE FLOOR COVERINGS SERVICES BARRIE FLOOR WALI TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLiuoleum and Vinyl tile Sheet goods ICcramic tile oHardwaud flooring OCBrpots OComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY 0R EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK lNG PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 84952 Charles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE recreation rooms pA 60491 Cgmplelo trimming to ouses and garages INSULATION BRUCE CAMERON FA 55011 INSULATION With No Rockwool CLEANERS DYERS THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR AirTile Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates guaranteed work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Amie Street PA 2Wl FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Lille Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or buckï¬lling Dozcr work and trucking phone Stewart Con struction PA 87321 PLASTERIN STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING cmmcs ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M Barrio PHONE COLLECT 80 EDWARD SMITH AND SON FOR FREE PICKUP Painting and Paper Hanging PA ow Spray SPaiatilagg20 DRIVING SCHOOL 11315531 PA scene LEARNHiG HOW TO RAD AND DESIf TELEVISION SERVICE JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL 24 HOUR SERVICE Pic1277 For Rates and Information BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS EXCAVATING 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA 84562 WELL DIGGING WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 133 BRADFORD sr PA 60702 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALI ED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling RR BARBIE PA 87646 Try Ari Examiner Wont Ad PHONE PA 82414 fl