Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tetev hone PA 52414 The telephone number to call to the Busian or Editorial DepL to PA 56537 LOCAL WEATHER Cloud clearing today wlrcaat tomorrow with snow then rain Low tonight high tomorrow For summary see page 98th YearNo 47 WEEPING mother of 17year old Harry Kootnikoff holds wreath as her son is buried at Sons of Freedom Doukhobor Kootencty W0 Had Dynamite In Her Brassiere NELSON EC CWMany terrorists are inexperienced in the handling of dynamite and carry it around the British Col umbia Kootenay country as cos ually as housewife carries bag of groceries authorities said Thursday Thcy expressed surprise that only one Sons of Freedom Doukhobor has beenkilled in transportation of homemade bomb Harry Kootnikofl 17 was blown to bits last Friday when bomb exploded in car in which he was riding at the village of Kinnaird Four other young men in the car were in jured one severely Police said Freedomites have told them how they have made bombs and transported them MPs Hove Honor Its In The Rules By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA CPEvery mem her of Parliament is honorable The rules say so He is person of pristine pur ity loyalty and truthfulness According to the rules member must be taken at his word for the truth of what he says in the Commons He cant be interrupted with out his consent and if what he says is denied by another mem ber who claims to be in po sition to know the facts the de nial must he accepted Thats according to the rule book But the book doesnt say any thing about political partisan ship or the atmosphere which pervades House of Commons on the eve of general elec Lion The rule book has become pretty tattered lately In the Commons Thursday it was cited repeatedly by mem bers on one side in an attempt to squelch their opponents on the other side but to little avail Remarks like You turned your back on your own prime minister and You are not worthy of your family name were shouted without arousing any comment Sit down has become analmost routine inter Jectlon from one backbencher to another Both sides complain aboutthe interjections and running rum bio of discontent which speak ers must contend with But the Liberals have tactic for try ing to put stop to Conserva tiv interruptions inspccted some of the dynamite village of Krcstova near Nel son 30 Youth was killed Friday when bomb explod cd in car in which he was In many cases the bombs were prepared in the kitchens of their homes One woman is known to have carried dynamite in her brassiere Explosives experts who have used by terrorists said much of it was so old that just the slightest Contact with steel or light blow would set it off Yet police said terrorists have been known to carry it in cars over someof the most bumpy side roads in the prov ince officers said they were told how one terrorist new con victed handed stick of dyna mite tn another with orders to punch hole in it for insertion of detonator cap Yet the dynamite did not go off Government members cer tainly do not like to allow mem bers of the Opposition to speak said Pickersgill tL Bonavista lt Twillingate when he ran into such bar rage Thursday That is another promise made by the prime minister to restore the rights of Parliament that is cer tainly being kept in remark able fashion CHAMPION FIGURE SKATER PLANS BACKWARD FLIPS TORONTO CP Skating star Don Jackson of Oshawa 0nt will try the triple Lutz here Saturday nightmaybe The triple but in figure skating is something like the 312 minute mile or70 homel lllllS Jackson intends to try it in free skating competition of the Canadian senior mens figure skating championship when he puts his title on the line against four challengers He said Thursday spectators will know when he has done it because it will be the first jump he plans to do His description of it is in volved drastically simpli fied definition is three com plet turns in the air executed from backward takeoff with backward landing it has never been done he skating tough demanding riding Fresh violence is re ported outside the court in Nelson where Doukhobor trial is proceeding CP Photo Crowds Attack Press Police NELSON BC CPA news paper reporter and photog rapher and on RCMP constable were attacked by crowd Thursday outside the Nelson courthouse where special as size court is trying scores of Sons of Freedom Doukhobors on terrorist charges Nelson News reporter Ron Darling said the attack was led by Shirley Folstrom non Doukhohor girl who previously had testified against her fiance Mike Laren one of six Free domites now facing trinl Darling said when News pho tographer Bob Blackmore at tempted to take picture of Miss Folstrom she attacked him slapping and grappling with him Old women joined in and men threatened to smash the camera Darling said He said that Mrs Bill Laren mother of Mike kept grabbing at photographer Elackmores camera equipment and wres tled her away The melee broke up when Miss Folstrom ran up the street HERES ONE HAMILTON Bermuda CPlFinance Minister Do nald Fleming jokingly dis cussed Thursday whether the United States should be come Canadas 11th prov ince No decision has been made so far he told con ference of members of the Canadian and British parlia ments and the US con gress because they are really not quite ready yet fore in skating competition cant really tell whether 111 do it though said the 21 year 01d champ plan to buton the ice have to decide in split second Jackson said loose ice chip might make the differ ence between execution of the manoeuvre or quick impro vlsation along other lines Jackson has done the double Lutz itwo mld oir turns and so have others Skating buffs say such manoeuvres now source of thrills to spectators have done much to get boys interested in figure sport that has often been writ ten off as something for girls used to avoid taking my figure skates to school so wouldnt be teased soid Jackson was only loretaste of things Barrie Ontario Canada JFK Greets Glenn CANAVERAL Fin AP President Kennedy and astronaut John Glcnn Jr met here today and set off to gether on tour of the place where Glenns adventure into space began last Tuesday To greet hct president Glenn had driven it miles from Pot rick Air Force Base to this space centre post cheering applauding crowd cslimated by police at 100000 It was at Patrick that Glcnn was reunited with his family Glenn gave Mrs Glenn hug and kiss and threw his arms around his two children Then the marine lieutenant colonel who had flown around the world three times in four hours and 56 minutes tugged white handkerchief from his pocket and mode swift wipe at his eyes Glenn accompanied by Vice President Lyndon Johnson ar rived back in the United States at 040 pm EST from Grand Turk island in the Bahamas where he had been undergoing debriefing since he landed hack on earth at 243 pm Tuesday 0n the tour of the cape area the president and Glennwith Glenn standing by with folded armsfirst stopped at Project Mercury control centre KENNEDY SEES CENTRE This was the presidents first visit to the space and missile centre and lie appeared to ask number of questions about how this place dammed with electronic consoles worked For Glenn this huge reception by his admiring countrymen to come He is to be given mammoth welcome in Washing ton Monday followed by an other in New York Thursday Glenn arrived ot the Cape Canaveral air strip about 20 minutes ahead of the president There he was greeted by dig nitaries who had flown here from Washington including Marine Corps Commandant Gen David Shoup When the president and Glenn got together for the first time since their meeting in Washing ton in midJanuary crowd of excited newspaper men and Spaceport technicians in hard hats cheered and rushed to hear what the two had to say But the pandemonium was so great the two just grinned and es caped into waiting automobile The beaming Glenn came here to receive the nations thanks plus medal from the presi dent While standing with his family to pose for pictures Glenn stepped back to say few words to his parents His mother remarked Quite trip Glenn answered Some trip You cant just quite de scribe it Before entering the cars in the motorcade headed for the Cape Canaveral rocket base VicePresident Johnson stepped to microphone and bailed Glenn its great pleasure John son said to welcome home great pioneer of history RECALLS MESSAGE Johnson briefly reviewed Glenns fourhour sdnunute flight and noted that afterwards Russian Premier Khrushchev had congratulated the United States and suggested that the two countries pool their re sources for exploration of space Johnson turned to Glenn and commented So colonel you must feel you have done something that two presidentshave been no able to do ridly February 23 I962 Elli barrio Examiner Not More Than per Copyhli Page Ankara Mutiny Leaders Seized PRINCE CHARLES GOES HOME Prince Charles 13 heir ap parent to the Brith throne rides in auto from Great Or mond Street Childrens Hos pital where he underwent on appendix operation last week With him Is an unidentified nurse AP Wirephoto via radio from London Blueprint Is Sought On Poll Redistribution TORONTO CP Premier Robarts announced sdey he will ask the legislature to approve therappolntmcnt ofo tbrceman lndcpendent comm slon to inquire intoredistribu lion ofOntario electoral dis tricts and recommend to the assembly such changes and ad ditions as they deem appropri ate He said he would recommend that the commission consider Ontarios mushrooming popula tioii varying conditions between rural and urban areas tradi tional boundaricsand means of communications Mr Robarts said later in an swer to questions from NDP Leader Donald MacDonald that the commission will be set up before the end of the present session aroundEaster but it is unlikely its report will be ready before fall He said Trade Minister George Hers had told the Com Employee Killed 15 Injured In Montreal Propane Blast MONTREAL CP Policu continued mopping up opera tions today following an explw sion in an eastend propane gas plant which killed one man and sent at least 15 persons to hos pital The blast hich ripped through the onestorey premises of the Pyrotax Gas Service Lim ited Thursday killing ernployeo Edward Marcotte 55 shattered windowsin sixblock radius and by early today at least 100 separate damage reports had been filed The cause of the blast was not immediately known Among the iniured were two employees of the plantseveral passersby and number of peo ple in nearby stores The body of Marcotte was dis covered under the debris six hours after the explosion Windows were shattered in school three blocks away but children ing in the yard were not injured illoslemj Soldiers lire Bitter 140000 Ordered Demobilized CP from APReuters ALGIERS Both French and Moslem officers reacted bitterly today to government plan to demobilize 140000 Algerian Mos lems wearing the French uni form The government move was an obvious sign of its confidence that an Algerian cease fire is imminent But it posed possi ble internal crisis in the French Army in Algeria at time when it faces test by the right wing European Secret Army 0r ganization pledged to keep Al gerta French The Algerian rebel National Council meanwhile met in se cret session in Tripoli Libya for the second day to consider Applications llood Migration Office NEW YORK CP Cana dian immigration offices here have received flood of appli cations to enter Canada follow ing the easing of restrictions with regard to race and nation ality Thomson officer in charge of the immigration of fice here said Thursday The new liberalized4policy1 went into effect Feb Since then weve had applications from citizens of India Pakis tan Cuba Venezuela and Clif nese people The new immigration policy permits immigration of skilled workers professional per sons and small business investors the tentative with France for ceasefire clearing the way for Algerian independ ence France endorsed the ac cord Wednesdayynight President Charles de Gaulies government hu an nounced plans for progressive demobilization of Moslems serv ing in the French Army and said they will be given bonuses and pensions and offered the op portunity to reenlist orresettle in France WILL GUARANTEE GenaChnrlesAillerctr the su preme commander in Algeria vowed that the legitimate in terestsof Moslems who served France will be guaran teednf But the announcement was seen as personal tragedy for many Moslem soldiers Theyre paying us off we are no longer needed bitterly commented onelMoslem officer Some Moslem units will be in corporated in security forces which would police Algeria dur ing the transitional period to independence Most army Moslems how ever will have to make bitter choiceremain in an Algeria which will be Vfllled by their enemies or choose emigration or serve as mercenaries in the French Army away from their homeland INA Teachers Told To mons recently that the census figures Would probably be avail able it strikes me it would be im possible to get the report back to the present sessionlhcre just isnt sufficient information available from the census at this time to commence an intel ligentstudy POPULATION JUMPS The last redistribution of seats took place in 1954 and was han dled by select committee of the legislature Since the lost redistribution ML Robert said the Ontario population has jumped 20 per cent to about 6300000 from about 5200000 The premier said the popula tion increase has not been spread evenly over Ontario Metropolitan Toronto has jumped by at least 25 per cent with even greater increases at its borders Canada 05 Integration called Logical PLAINFIELD Vt CF Washington specialist in inter national economics called Thurs day for economic and political integration of Canada and the United States as the most log ical thing in the world for both countries Dr Howard Piquet se nior specialist with the US Lib rary of Congress told an Amer icanCanadian seminar on trade relations here that neither coun try had anything to fear from the emergency of trading blocs such as the European Common Market But in these days of shifting trade winds it made good eco nomic sense for the two coun tries to remove tariff barriers NUTSHELL Stop Life RICHMOND HILL Ont CF Richmond llills public school teachers have been told to stop giving their students rides to and from chool The town public school board in making the rulin aid it had been unable to find satisfactory method of insuring against claims of students injured while riding in the teachers cars Report Is Cool On Chapel LONDON OP British construction firm today sub mitted mildly negative report on the feasibility of trans fering the John Graves Simcoe chapel from Britain to Can ada letter accompanying the report suggested theta bet er proposal might be to build model of the chapel in On CP Salary increases for 7000 federal civil servants in theprofessional and related classes were announc ed Thursday by th vil ScryiceCommission The majority of the increases are lathe $1003500ltayear bracket although several are higher Foreign service officers of the eye ternal affairs department will get $1000 increase to $9000 Leaders Stand Firm ANKARA APlA mutiny by disgruntled young army officers that brought Turkey to the brink of civil war was declared smashed today The armed forces chiefs stood firmly by Premier lsmct lnonu The 7oyearvold premier sig nailed that tile bloodless revolt had been ended when he went on the air with brief pre dnwn announcement um his government was incommond Reliable nrmy sources said authorities has seized ring lead ers of the brief revolt touched off by discontent over slow pro gress by the threemonthold government in carrying out re forms in land allocation taxes education and agriculture government spokesman said later that all dissident officers are being reassigned to new posts The mutiny apparently was confined to the signal corps the War Academy an armored school and an officers gender merie school But for time it had appeared that other army elements might back the mu tlneers 75 ARRESTED Reuters News Agency said some 8000 cadets and 500 offi cers were involved in the revolt and 75 officers including at least one general had been arrested lnuuu made his announcement few hours after rebellious troops had ze strategic buildings in Ankara The revolt failed when chiefs of the air force army and navy led by Gen Cevdet Sunay lied behind the premier The rebels led by group of young colonels and supportedby Gen Muhittln Dnur chief of ground apparently caught the government by Eur prise as they took over strtegic centres during the night lnonu was cut off the air when he tried to speak over Radio Ankara defending his coalition government Tanks and troops surrounded the building PARTIES UNITE The crisis forced leaders of all four political parties includ ing loonu to sign joint dec laration pledging themselves to work to salvagedemocracy in Turkey They appealed to the armed forces to avoid provoca tions The turning point came when the three big armies which gar rison the country from the Greek border to the Soviet fronv tier announced they would take orders only from Gen Sunay No casualties were reported The abortive uprising united leaders of the countrys four major political parties for the first time since civilian govern ment was restored in Turkey in October Legislative progress in parlia ment where no party holds clear majority had been ren dered impossible by intervparty strife CONVENTION CENTRE NORTH BAY Ont GP Tbirteen conventions with probable total attendance of 2200 delegates are slated foi North Bay during 1962 the North Bayand district Chamber of Commerce was told by Gary Shaw director of the convention committee Nikita Grieved if LONDON Reuters sovict Premier Khrushchev has told President Kennedy and Prime Minister Macmillan that he is grieved by their refusal to take part in submit confer ence on disarmament in Geneva next month The Russian leader said in letterspublished by the Soviet news agency Tess that he hoped they have not yet said their fin word about their partici Pation in the conference Khrushchev hassproposed that the illnation conference due to begin March 14 should start at summit level The West has proposed that it begin at foreign ministers level and both Ken nedy and Macmillan said they are willing to take part later if the groundwork is laid for Bsreement am grieved by your nega tive attitude tothis request Khrushchev said in his letters handed over in Washington and London Thursday

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