By STEVE JONESCU Sports Editor HOCKEY AND RETARDED KIDS Nla ara Falls Fiyers defeated Barrie Bay City Falcons ast night at Barrie Arena Stamford budgets defeated Barrie Midgets the same evening But the point of the evening was not to win gam es it was to win friends for Barrie and District As sociationior Retarded Children And has been the case over the last four years and four games it really didnt matter who had the most goals What mattered was that the association for whom the game was being played made money Though all returns of ticket sales are not in would estimate that close to $1500 was won by the association its dip from previous games but still sum that wouldnt have been realized without it Especially from this night learned that it didnt take hockey game to bring out supporters of the association As ticketseller half of the duckets that sold were to persons that had no intention of going to the hockey matches or for that matter had too much interest in the games On rare occasions did Ihave to mention that the tickets were for the contests at the arena told most of my prospective buyers that the dollars they don ated were for the Association for Retarded Children That was enough To those mentioned retarded childrens associa tion the dollars came swift It took little longer to sell those to whom mentioned hockey game As we expected the association was not the only party to win Bay City Falcons by their fine showing gained some fans Im sure The small Fiyers gained some supporters too In all it was winning night Flyers and Falcons won The Association for Retarded Children won The Rotary Club of Barrie which works so hard in running theevening won as well This was just one of the many splendid things it does for the community hope that am not being out of line in thank ing all parties connected with the WIN on behalf of the association Special thanks go to Hap Emins bossman of the visiting Flyers Most people dont know what it costs to transport two hockey ubs for such distance JUST NOTES The Week Long Bonspiel resumes at Barrie Curling Club tomorrow Sixteen rinks will battle for six positions in three events The minor hockey games that were supposed to be played at Barrie Arena last night will go Thursday starting at six oclock LegionChurch playoffs start this Saturday Mr and Mrs Craig with Mr and Mrs Walls played in the annual mixed bonspiel at the Pet erboro Golf and Curling Club on the weekend They win with highest aggregate ding the committee which arranged the event were Mr and Mrs Morton Knox formerly of Barrie New Brunswicks Young Curlers Have Chance To Take The Lead By KEITH KTNCAID HALIFAX CP An under rated rink from New Brunswick has an opportunity today to move into undisputed posses sion of first place in the Cana dian schoolboy curling champ ionship Ron Sansoms foursome from Edmundston held the spotlight with mighty rink from Saskat chewan in Mondays opening two rounds New Brunswick gets its opportunity in this af ternoons third round meeting defending champion British Colt lumbia while Saskatchewan sits out bye Saskatchewan and New Brun swick both won twice but it was much easier going for Emile Lukowichs rink from Spears Sask They trimmed BC 125 and then downed Prince Edward Is land 12s New Brunswick mean while edged Northern Ontario 65 and then needed five in the ninth end to overtake Quebec for an 117 victory In other first round games Ontario edged Manitoba 65 Nova Scotia downed Newfound land 133 and Quebec trimmed Alberta 103 in the second round Manitoba downed New foundiand 134 British Columbia beat Alberta 75 and Northern Ontario downed Ontario 87 CHAMPS BEATEN Key match of the first day was the Saskatchewan British Columbia contest The Prairie rink had been rated the best chance of imocking off the champions and the game was expected to be close However Saskatchewan play ing straight knockout game had 51 lead after three ends and won going away It looked just as easy in the PET con test as Saskatchewan up an so lead after three ends and coasted The turning point in New Brunswicks victory over Que bec was the five ender in the ninth At the end of eight Andy Hryckos Arvida rink held 74 margin but in the ninth Sansom turned one count into five with clean takeout of Quebecs inside rock The third round starting at 130 pm EST has Alberta playing Prince Edward Island Ontario meeting Quebec New foundland against Northern On tario and Manitoba against Nova Scotia in II fourth round at pm British Columbia meets Ontario Prince Edward island plays New Brunswick Northern Ontario tackles Nova Scotia Alberta meets Saskatch ewan and Newfoundland goes against Quebec Manitoba has the bye HALIFAX CP Results in the Canadian schoolboy curling championship Monday First round gaékatchewan 104 001 230 112 010 110 002 Ontario 010 110 030 Manitoba 101 001 101 100 201 010 011 010 101 102 201105 113 010 001 010 New Eninswiek Northern Ont Nova Scotia Newfoundland Quebec Alberta Manitoba Nfld Quebec NB BC Alberta Sask RE 101 320 021 010 010 003 200 324 011 101 018 mo mo 010 211 010 110 000 301 005 211 001 102 020 210 020 000 314 101 020 012 000 010 102 0n io 020 101 1002 Ontario 203 010 011 Bye Nova Scotia By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian schoolboy curling championship standing after two rounds Saskatchewan New Brunswick Nova Scotia Ontario Quebec British Columbia Northern Ontario Manitoba Prince Edward Island Newfoundland Alberta gunmanassumes uoaquaHHHuM NHHHinnooe Bombers Announce Exhibition Dates WINNIPEG CPiJim Aus leil general manager of the Canadian champion Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Western Football Conference today an nounced exhibition dates for the team prior to opening of regu lation play Ansley said the Bombers will play two games in Eastern Can ada and one at home against Ottawa Rough Riders July 23 The eastern dates are July so against Montreal Alouettcs and Aug against Toronto 111111 15 SECOND Plante Has Vezina MONTREAL CP Andy Baihgatc of New York Rangers scored two goals and drew two assists last week but still lost ground to runnerup Gordie Howe of Detroit Red Wings in the race for the National Hockey League individual scor Ing title While Butbgnte needed four games to run his points total to 72 official league alaustics re leased today show the Indcfatig able liowa also scored twice and collected three assists in inst two outings for 66 points And Howe now has two games in hand Bathgateo assists were his l8th and 49th and tied the league record for most assists in 196061 liowes goals were his 27th and 213th of the season and 496th and 497 of his brilliant NHL ca rccr Only retired Maurice Rocket Richard of Montreal Cnnndiens has more goals 544 in league history HULL KEEPS PACE Bobby Hull of Chicago Black Hawks matched Howes eifort in three gamesand remained in third place with 63 points Hull leads the league in goals with 35 Stan llikita of the Black Hawks hung on to fourth spot scoring his 19th and zoo goals and drawing an assist for 59 points Frank Mabovlich of Toronto Maple Leafs picked up three points including his 23th goal and remained fifthwith 57 points Claude Provost oi Canadians among the leaders since the be ginning of the season got only two point and rapped into tie for sixth position with Norm Illi man and Alex Delvacchlc of De troit at 55 points Goalie Jacques Plants of Ca nadians allowed ooh seven goals in three games and just about wrapped up sixth Vo zino Trophy in seven years The Vezina goes to the goalie who plays the most games for the team that allows the fewest goals Flanle has goals against average of 23 Glcnn Hall of Almost On Mantl Chicago is second with 260 average while Johnny Bower of Toronto ranks third with 1457 mark Hall recorded his aevonth shutout of the seasontops in the league gt in the penalty department Chicago continues as the most penalized club with as minutes while doienccman Lou Fon tlnato of Montreal is the most penalized player with 61 min utes The leaders gt sssassnnaanaess Estimate NY Howe Detroit Hull Chicago Mikita Chi Mahovlidl Provost Mil UllmAn Detroit 21 Deiveccblo Backstrom Prentice NY Hay Chlwgo Bucyk Boston Kenn Tomato Ingarfleld NY McKenney 883283 553 no casessszgnoasae 16 10 Announce Early Start For Fishing Muskies TORONTO CWOntario go ing along with Quebec practice has announced an earlier open season for muskics in the St Lawrence Rivers Lake St Francis and the Ottawa River The 1962 season for the St Lawrence cast of the Robert Saunders ting station dam in Stormont County and the Ottawa will open May 12 in stead of the weekend nearest to July as in previous years It runs to Nov 30 Dr Douglas Clarke chief of the fish and wildlifo branch of the Ontario department of lands and forests said the early sea son was adopted as part of continuing consultation with Quebec authorities toward common season in boundary waters West of the Saunders Dam the season will remain at June ooNov 30 It was in this sec tion of the river that the worlds record muskic an ounce short of 70 pounds was taken three years ago DIFFERS BY AREA North of the French and Met tawa Rivers and Lake Nipis sing inclusive it will be June Browns Trouble ls Coach Brown Says Mr Plum CLEVELAND AP Quar terback Milt Plum says Cleve land Browns are in rut and he blames the situation on the fact that coach Paul Brown runs the club from the bench in an unusually frank inter view Monday the 27 year old former Penn State star said he feels the complete mastermind ing of the team from the bench deadens the enthusiasm of the Browns it hurts spirit and morale said Plum compare us to an auto with top speed of 70 miles an hour We cant go any faster no matter what the situ ation The team is in run We dont get up for the big games most of the time and olten have struggle with the not so strong teams The Browns were in conten tion for the National Football Leagues eastern division title most of the way last season but ended up trailing New York Gi ants and Philadelphia Eagles with eight victories five de feats and one tie Plum one of the top quarter backs in the NFL statistical rat ings the last two seasons says he has heard reports that he might be traded but hopes to stay here Coach Brown reached in Fort Myers Fla where he is va cationing said Plums name never was projected in any trades cht 15 South of there it will be iunc 800cc 15 except for June zitDec 15 in the St Clair River Detroit River and Lake St Clair and June some 15 in Lake Erie and the Niagara River downstream to the falls The muskie remains the only fish protected in Ontario by minimum size limit 28 inches Dally creel limits remain at two muskies six bass pike or plckcrel walleye five lake trout except three to Minnesota Ontario boundary waters Luke Timagami and Southern Ontario waters and two in Lake Sim coe one Atlantic salmon or Ouananiche five rainbow brown or Aurora trout one speckled trout plus an additional is weighing not more than total of 10 pounds in Eigin Middiesex nnd Norfolk Counties the speckled trout limit is one plus an additional nine weigh ing not more than five pounds WEEN TO FIST BASS other seasons black basHune aoOct 15 except St Clair River Lake St Clair and Detroit River June zitDec 31 Lake Erie and Nia gara River downstream to the falls June 30Nov 30 St Law rence River west of Saunders Dam June 15Nov 30 Canadian boundary waters except Lake Superior between Thunder Bay dDistrict and Minnesota May 12 cc 15 Speckled brown and Aurora troutApril Mept 15 Rainbow troutApril 28Sept 15 except Lakes Huron Erie and Ontario and designated tri butaries April 28 Nov 30 Lake Simcoe April 28 Oct and Nov 3Nov so Atlantic salmon and Ouannnl cheApril 28Oct 15 DATES FOR PICIEREL Yellow pickerel walleye and pikeno closed season in Great Lakes except Bay of Quinte April tieMarch 31 North and west of but excluding French and Mattawn Rivers May 12 April 14 for pickerel no closed season on pike south of and in cluding French and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nlpissing May 12March 31 for pickerel and TV Lark Scratched ARCADIA Calif APPres ton Maddens Lark will not be able to run in Saturdays Santa Anita Handicap because of an infection in his left fore leg bis owner said Monday Lark was to have raced Saturday or in the Washingtons Birthday handicap day Madden said We still hope to have him fit before the Santa Anita season closes the owner laid Terriers Soaked For Second Time MOOSE JAW Sask CF Galt Terriers took their second straight game on the chin Mon day night losing 43 exhibition hockey match to Moose Jaw PlaMors of the Saskatchewan Senior Hockey League Canadas world hockey tour nament representatives lost their third game in fivs of sched uled 14game warm up tour They took 10 first period lead upped the count to 24 in the second period and held 21 lead going into the final pe riod before Moose JW three straight goals Netminder Harold Hurley was iackinthebox for the last so seconds of the game as Terrier coach Lloyd Roubellrepeatedly pulled him in favor of sixth attacker The move almost backï¬red 30 seconds alter Hurleys first trip to the benchwhen Don Smiths shot hit the crossbar and George Senick shot the rebound over the top of the empty net Hurley returned twice for face oifs in the Gait end Senick Glen Smith Bob Ser viss and Ken Jestin scored for Moose Jaw Bobby Nader Joe Hogan and Jaclde McLeod scored for Gait Both goaltendcrs came up with brilliant plays Hurley blocked 24 shots and Hugh Huck of Moose Jaw handled 23 11in the final period in which his lung collapsed and pike except Ottawa river which has no closed season on pike St Lawrence River April as March 31 except for Lake St Francis which has May 12 March at season on pickerel and no closed season on pike Lake trout and spinke 5pc driedlake trout hybridlGreat Lakes intervening international connectingwuters and St Law rence River no dosed season dishicts of Algoma Cochrane Manitoulin Nlpissing north of and including French and Met tawa Riv rs and Luke Nipis sing Sudbury and Tlmiska ming Jan Oct 15 Ontari0lt Minnesota boundary waters ex cindlngLako Superior Jan Sept 24 south of and exclud ing French and Mattawn Rivers and Lake Niplssing Nov SOct except for Frontenac Hast ings and Lennox and Addington counties March lOct and Lake Simcoe Dec zoom JACQUES PLANTE Tess lind Tom Stay On Top OTTAWA CPIOrval Tessie and linemnte Tom McCarthy of Kingston Frontenacs continued last week to have scoring lead ership in the Enstcm Profes slonal Hockey League all to themselves With 85 and 81 points respec tively the two sharpshooters are far ahead of their nearest rival Fred Hilts of Hull Otlt town Canndlens with of league statistics released to day show Tessier added two as sists in tho weei to bring his total to 41 goals and 44 assists while McCarthy notched one goal to make his tally 47 goals and 34 assists Hilts hopped to third from fifth place on four goals and two assists He has 29 goals and 32 assists so for this season Milan Marcetta of Sault Ste Marie Thunderbirds and Bob Attcrsley of Kingston share fourth place WI 60 points and Len Ronsoo of KitchenerWat erioo Beavers is sixth with 55 Cesare Maniago of Hull Ot tawa is the only netrninder in the league with an average be low thrce goals game Last week he allowed 11 goals in four games to make his count 25a Jack McCartan of Kitchener leads in the shutout department with five Reds Can Enter World Tourney Says Bob LeBel MONTREAL CP Bob Lelt Bel of Montreal president of HARMON HEBREW Twins Sign Killebrew NEW YORK AP Boston Red Sox have signed outfielder Gary Geiger who will be try ing to storm up baseballs come back trail after 1960 season 1961 campaign in which his batting average did the same Geiger agreed to 1962 terms with the Red Sox Monday along with pitchers Gene Con ley and Billy Mufett Minnesota Twins got home run slugger Harmon Killebrew on the dotted line and Chicago White Sox landed three key playerssecond baseman Nellie Fox outfielder Floyd Robinson andtbird baseriinn Al Smith Pitcher Stan Williams signed with Los Angeles Dodgers and outfielder Felipe Alon with San Francisco Giants The Twins said Kiliebrew who hit 233 and smacked 46 homers last season received substantial increaseflover his 1951 salary Fox took slight cut from his salary of abopt $50000 after hitting only 251 the International Ice Hockey Federation said Monday night the federation always has room for repentnnt pcople and Rus sia and other Iron Curtain na tions can still enter the world hockey tournament in Colorado Springs Colo set for March 010 Asked to predict the ultimate winner of the meet LeBel re plied cant dont even know who is going to be there The federation president an nounced earlier that new schedule for the hockey cham pionships is expected to be ready in about three days The revised schedule was needed because of the withdra wal of Russia Czechoslovakia Romania and Yugoslavia from the tournament after the East German entry could not get tra vel permits The new schedule would put competing teams into two groupseight in first and six in the secondon the basis of their international rankin In London John Bunny Aheame president of the Eu ropean association said under the new schedule the champion ship field will include Canada Sweden the United States Fin land West Germany Norway Great Britain and Austria or Switzerland The latter two will meet in playoff to determine the eighth berth The Class group would in clude Austria or SWitzerland and France Holland Denmark Japan and Australia BUILDING II REG ROOM MAKE TOIIII IIOIlIE GOMILETE WITII BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION narrmno sonarr PA 86568 Flyers Win 75 In Benefit Game Niagara Falls Flyers aim Place club in the DEA Junior series defeated Bay City Falcons 75 last night in an ex hibition contest at Barrie Arena practice with purpose for both clubs the Juniors and inter mediate put on great show thrilling better than 1000 spec tators and raising close to $1500 for Barrie and District Association for Retarded Child rec It was for the association that the game was played oooo wonxoor needed workout Fiycrs need few wins in succession to make the junior playoffs Falcons start their GEOrgInn Bay play downs Friday Last nights game was terriï¬c conditioner Falcons lumped to the fore early in the initial stanza with AI Smith who saw limited scr VICE with Flyers few seasons back scoring the first of two goals Bob Garner made it 24 for Barrie midway through the sec ond session However young ambitious legs eventually won out Wayne hiaxner Ron Her gott and Gary Phillips tallied for Niagara Falls before the period was out Hergott again Jack Naim Bill Gleshan and Ron Shock scored for Flyers in the finale Smith Garner and Earl flic Crone tallied thirdperiod mark ers for Barrie MIDGETS Prior to the big game Stom ford Midgets clobbcrcd pick up tcam from Barrio House League 1oz Fred Bossi scored three times for Stamford Laird McConvcy and Brian Cornell had two each and Hank Mitish Allen Parks and John Arbour had singles Bariic goals were by Wayne Dixon and Doug Smith Sweeney Keeps AHI Margin NEW YORK AmBill Swee ney of Springfield Indians con tinues to lead the American Hockey League scoring derby but his margin has dwindled to three points over Barry Cullen of Buffalo Bisons League statistics released to day show Sweeney with 00 points on 27 goals and 53 as sists He was held to two as sists inst week Cullen picked up four points during the week including threegoal effort Sunday His 37 goals make him the leader in that department He has 40 as sists for total 77 points Brian Kilrea of Springfield Is third with 71 points He is No in assists with 56 Marcel Paille currently with New York Rangers of the Na tional League is the lending goaltender with an average of itsï¬j in as ganles with Spring 18 Paul Mrger But for both clubs it was NIAGARA FALLS goal Ent ledge Couch defence Awrey Morin Pctrie Hcrgott Teacher forwards Phillips Harmer Glcshnn Knibbs Dietrich Shock Demnoeffer Crisp Nalrn hiaxner BARRIE goal Rich Reid dcfcncc Sanderson Robertson Gariepy Graves Cairns for wards Forbes Garner ward McCrone McBride Ma loney Smith Stoddart Cm emu Officials Red Favero and First Period FalconsSmith Stoddnrt 556 Penalty Sanderson interfer ence 531 Second Period FalconsGamer Forbes FiyersMaxner FlyersHergolt FlyersPhiiiips Crisp Penalty Gari 1718 Third Period FlycrsHer it lNalrn Shoo FalconsSmith Sandcrson Cameron 556 FlycrsShock iiicrgott FlyersNairn Phillips ID FlycrsGloshan 11 328 711 1429 tDletrlch IIcrgolt 1628 FalconsGamer Robertson 12 FalconsMcCrono 1945 Penalties Forbes pplng 20 Knibbs hooking 413 McCrono interference 1452 Rodgers Makes Some $14000 DUNEDIN Fin AP Phil Rodgers stood second among professional golfs top money Winners Monday as result of his weekend victory in the nic son Open Rodgers third last week picked up $2a00 for the three stroke victory at Tucson It gave him total for 1962 of $13683 Gene Littler continued to lead the pack Littler won $1175 third money in Tucson for to tal of 515861 Arnold Palmer who failed to increase his winnings dropped to third place with $12425 1859 HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 Amerocii Install VENTIrAIING HOOD FAN This ductfree range hood adds modern sheerline styling to your kitclieo and is available in Copper Baked Enamel Anodized Aluminum in attractive pebble Copper Finish and luxurious Stainless Steel Combination charcoal and micro filter toaps greases odours and sooty smoke Quickly and easily installed at low cost New Sparkle For Your Kitchen CABINET HARDWARE Choou 2min Guidode Contemporary In mo crn calm Amcrock Door and Cabinet am warn is deslxped 11 has maniac nnd call ev cry tnterlor decor Chro mium Satin COFFEE and Ebony aunties inexpen rive easytome rui lasting loveliness on your buiiotns cabinets rumituiei See our complete also in protective cicanvuo packages Many More Styles to Choose From AtlANDAlE IUMBER and FUELCOMPANY 49 Essa Rd PA 85581 and SERVICE